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3431191 No.3431191[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what do you all think about the cop hating culture among liberals? do you hate cops? do you at least distrust them? are you "liberal?" does not hating cops make one more conservative? why?

>> No.3431197

I don't think they hate cops as much as the ideology which cops are an extension of

>> No.3431206
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Christians, if they were being consistent, wouldn't support cops. If you're supposed to turn the other cheek, how can you hire someone to seek seek an eye for an eye and resist evil with force?

>> No.3431236

What do you all think about the black hating culture around conservatives? Do you hate blacks? Do you at least distrust them? are you "conservative"? Does not hating blacks make one more liberal? Why?

>> No.3431240

I lolled

>> No.3431246

I respect the rule of law. Laws and ideas are the fabric of this society,

There are dirty cops, and dirty politicians, and dirty attorneys. But I do not distrust the average cop for being a cop on an interpersonal level. This is because prejudice is illogical. guilt by association fallacy or something.

It is the exact same argument white supremacists use to defend racism. muh stats etc.

>> No.3431253

I'm liberal and got nothing against cops.

I think there's issue with corruption but that's a separate issue.

>> No.3431263

Rather than blaming cops, the legislature is really at fault for anything the cops do, short of corrupt or wrongful arrests. I think the occupation itself encourages corruption and turns a blind eye to unlawful actions within his ranks. Also I don't know about other countries, but the amount of overweight cops in America is ridiculous. I think it should be harder to become a cop, both physically and mentally.

>> No.3431299

ITT: people who don't know any cops and have never had dealings with them.

I suppose in an ideal world, even with the laws we have currently if cops did the job they are supposed to do in the way they are supposed to do it, they would be fine. Cops are all shitty, shitty people. Think about the kind of person who would go into law enforcement for a career. It's sort of the same reason people in the military are shitty. (not talking pilots/other high level shit which requires intense education and w/e) They're all fucking idiot loser dropouts who can't get a real fucking job. It's either go to jail or become a cop or a soldier for these fucking idiots. Becoming a cop gives you power to fuck with people, which they fucking love and abuse.

>> No.3431306

ding ding ding. the concept of law enforcement isn't offensive in a republic but the people who go into it are called pigs for a reason

>> No.3431317

I judge individual cops based on my interactions with them. I judge the police force as organised violence. The two are separate.

>> No.3431355

Liberals don't hate cops, criminals do. I have hated cops all my life because for nearly all of my life I have been committing crimes. Some crimes are more repugnant than others, but all in all I haven't done anything that would make you really think of me as a villain. Or maybe so, depending on your outlook. At any rate, the reason people who really hate the cops, hate them, is because they break the law and don't want to have negative consequences for doing so.

>> No.3431367

Some shit shouldn't be against the law like vagrancy and shit like that.

>> No.3431369

There are idiots in all professions.
What are 'proper jobs' according to you?

>> No.3431370

English professors

>> No.3431374

I concur

>> No.3431380

Personally I don't care if something should or should not be against the law I just do what I must or want to do. Not to say I'm a libertine, but where I disagree with most people of the left is that I don't believe in a society that will somehow uphold and nurture me, in a way I prefer a lot of what I do to remain criminal, it gives me a heady satisfaction and to live in a utopia is inconceivable but I can only imagine that it would bore us all to death. At any rate, the cops are cunning and so are we and we would probably get along but we are on different teams.

>> No.3431383

literally murder all cops

>> No.3431403

It's funny if liberals hate cops, because if they get rid of guns, who the fuck is going to protect them?

>> No.3431423

I've thought about becoming a cop just to spread a positive influence, write a book, and at least give the new cops a model to aspire to rather than just conforming to the groupthink and possibly becoming a racist, power-hungry piece of shit.

>> No.3431419

>what do you all think about the cop hating culture among liberals?
None such thing exists.

The crazy-ass rightist conservatives are the ones hating cops, arming themselves, competing witht he military in ammunition etc.

Now sane liberal hates the police in general, because it's a great thing, and msot of police officers are ok.

>> No.3431426

I respect the cops in my country. Mostly because I have worked with them closely and know that are good guys.

I used to be leftie but I can't stand their fucking hippie culture anymore. Kill the cops, they are partypoopers.

No fuck, you moron. You deal drugs and wreak havoc during your "demonstration". It's the system.
But you're unemployed and live off government benefits.
Just wait until my band gets famous...

What I'm trying to say is that people that hate on cops, they are extremely privileged.

>> No.3431433

Just write law theory.

>> No.3431434

Owning gun =/= Cop Hating

Are you a daft or something?

>> No.3431435

You'll get bored with it in a week.

Being a cop is just a job. This is why people hate cops. Everyone expects our cops to be at least active, of high-morals, and willing to do their job to the best of their ability.

Reality is that they don't care, and they shouldn't care because they have systems where they have to get a certain amount of tickets out a week or they are fired.

Everyone's trying to get guns out of this country, but I'd rather be able to defend myself with a gun in a locked box that takes 5 minutes to get out than be dead calling the police and waiting for them to arrive in 20 minutes.

>> No.3431445

Anyone who doesn't think the police- not the abstracted ideal of the police- are a destructive institution:

- Is white, and probably male, cis, etc.
- Has not studied the history of policing, or is rich
- Has never had a negative encounter with the police
- Is a cop themselves, or someone close to them is

I used to think "most cops are okay, there's some bad corrupt ones, some racist ones, but they're mostly basically good people, they joined out of a pro-social impulse..."

No. Hell to the no. Doesn't matter if most of that is true. They play a destructive role and will ultimately visit violence on you if you wind up at the wrong angle of view.

>> No.3431448

it's really, really easy to become a cop. You don't need a degree or anything, you basically just sign up and do the training. It's a job that people can get if they want it, you don't need any special skills or education. Of course there are idiots in all professions, but most professions don't give you the power to completely fuck people's lives up on a whim.

>> No.3431457

Sounds like you've met a lot of cops. Fucking kids these days. You deserve a good beating.

>> No.3431459

>they have systems where they have to get a certain amount of tickets out a week or they are fired.

What are the grounds for these quota systems? I don't understand them.

>> No.3431462

Tickets make the police force money, and also it helps make sure there aren't any 'lazy' cops who aren't doing their jobs.

Instead, it promotes cops ticketing people for petty bullshit.

>> No.3431464

I respect small town cops because it's a way for them to have a steady job and support their family. They also protect the citizens of their town from crimes like theft and murder. They do kind of piss me off when they pull me over for speeding tickets, but whatever.

Regular cops, atleast in the south, don't really serve much of a purpose in large towns though. When they could be arresting crack whores and thuggish niggers, they choose to crowd around traffic accidents and bust high school kids for drugs, alcohol, and harmless vandalism (like spraying graffiti in a drainage pipe). They take literally 25 minutes to arrive at the scene of a crime and are mainly just a legal cleanup crew. I fear that if the government takes away gun rights, respectable people will be practically defenseless, because cops are worthless.

I hate the idea of cops more than the people personally. They are a waste of taxpayer money, they arrest people for the wrong reasons, and they are generally power hungry douche bags.

In conclusion, fuck the police.

>> No.3431467

There are set up internally because politicians have set up populistic system that are supposed to measure effectivity.

So they have quotas to meet the standards.

>> No.3431470

have you seen 'the wire'? That's dealing with drug busts and shit, but it's the same thing. To get funding and everything, they need to show results and prove that they're doing their jobs and that they are necessary, so they have to do shit to show that they are giving tickets, arresting people and stuff like that

>> No.3431473

I agree, he/she sounds like an "occupy wall street" cunt

>> No.3431475

>When they could be arresting crack whores and thuggish niggers
This has been proven to be counterproductive, because it only ensures that their kids will become criminals as well, and that the people who get arrested will continue to be criminals after they get out of prison since they can no longer get a job. Read law theory by David Kennedy to learn more.

>> No.3431479

Herpa derpa, you know what will ensure you kids becoming a criminal? You being a criminal. Not a cop doing their job.

>That selective logic.

>> No.3431487

Where did I say the blame was laid on the cops? And how would doing something that has been proven to exacerbate the problem be justified by, "Oh whatever they shouldn't have been criminals in the first place"?

>> No.3431489

That's why people don't like cops. They can do shit without thinking about the realistic or long term consequences and justify it by, "Oh I'm just doing my job".

>> No.3431493

Totally. We should just let them go so they can commit more crimes in peace.

>> No.3431498

How about you read the book instead of drawing false conclusions?

>> No.3431502

Happens if you get involved in any kind of halfway serious political activism.

>> No.3431506

So what you're saying is that cops shouldn't arrest the niggers who tote guns around, deal hard destructive drugs to minors, break into my neighbors' houses and cars, and promote violent racism on a daily basis... because that will make their children criminals as well? So instead, we should arrest white kids who literally do nothing wrong but drive fast and smoke weed?

>> No.3431509


>> No.3431513

Oh dear. I hope that you will have the opportunity to live in a ghetto at some point in your life. Since you likely are studying english majors, i might just happen.

>> No.3431519

What point are you trying to make?

>> No.3431531

I'm not going to read your stupid book, asshole. How about you summarize the points made?

>> No.3431533

gangs of niggaz who've been paid as security against other nignogz

>> No.3431545
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It's been said in the thread before, but liberalism actually loves the police. I think you're conflating liberalism with Leftism. Socialism is totally cool with giving a monopoly on violence to the state as it is basically an extension of the "give us your rights and we'll protect you" mentality.

Obviously, in a socialist state, the police would function very differently, and would most likely be less alienated from public culture than the modern American cop.

Most anti-statists, or people who are anti- the way the state is currently, naturally dislike an army that is forced upon the public body.

>> No.3431548


>Reducing socialism to subcategory of social.
> Implying most police forces aren't empowered by the State.

>> No.3431549


1. David Kennedy writes theory:

Drug dealers/prostitutes get one warning after getting caught.
>Police offer opportunities for better life.
>If nig continues to nig, they get sentenced, if not, no mark on their record.

2. Puts it into use in bad neighborhoods

>Citizens start reporting crimes.
>Drug houses shut down. >
>Prostitution/drug dealing moves inside at first, rather than being outside available to everyone.
>Less profits from less active prostitution/drug dealing leads to ceasing of prostitution/drug activity.
>Violent crime rate falls drastically.

3. It works perfectly.

>Some states consider
>Money issue evens out. More cops but fewer arrests
>Opposition comes from lazy cops who would rather throw someone in jail and call it a day

>> No.3431554

>"give us your rights and we'll protect you"

This isn't socialism. Exploiting others, no matter what capitalists try to pretend, is not a right. Food is a right. Justice is a right. Forcing vulnerable people into poverty and early graves through over-work and under-pay is not.

>> No.3431556

In what dream land is this put to use you said?

>> No.3431562

South-Central LA.


>inb4 >npr

>> No.3431583

Also he expounds on some ideas and answers questions in the comments section.

>> No.3431625

So it is. Extortion rather than incrimination. Gather evidence and tell them. Do shit again. And you're going to get it?

>> No.3431636

Basically. Just waiting and giving them a last chance before pulling the trigger on the penitentiary system.

>> No.3431798

>real fucking job

which I guarantee you dont have. No one with a "real fucking job" is mentally deluded enough to think that being a cop or being in the military is the lowest common denominator of professions.

They are grueling, stress filled jobs where dying is an actual fear. You can hate them for being power trip assholes all you want, but you are uniquely idiotic if you think that police jobs or military jobs are somehow easy.

hahaha. Policing is not a "real fucking job" but English professorships somehow are. are you intentionally playing a parody of a typical, anti conformist pretentious english undergraduate, or are you actually that naive?

also, english professorships are incredibly hard to come by. even ivy league English PhD's end up in local colleges located in Bum Fuck Alabama. and with your brand of naivete and belligerence, youll be lucky to teach high school.

>> No.3431824

illogical, because you have not met all cops. your prejudice is interpersonal, not institutional as much as you probably like to think otherwise.

>> No.3431859

No shit they're grueling and stress filled. I didn't say they were easy, I said they were easy to get. Any fuckhead can get a job as a cop or enlist in the military unless they're disabled or something. I realize they wrk shitty long hours doing a shitty job. (my step brother in law is a cop and he's a sub-human roid-head)

You know what else is a shitty, stressful grueling job that no one wants to do unless they have to: working at McDonalds

and your assumptions about my employment status are not appreciated. I have a highly skilled job that required a lot of very specialized education

>> No.3431875

>my step brother in law is a cop and he's a sub-human roid-head

And now we know why you hate cops.

>> No.3431904

no. I know that was a silly relation to cite, but I was just illustrating the fact that I understand what their job entails. I only know this guy as a an acquaintance, I live on the other side of the country from him, but he's a racist, half-conscious motherfucker, like most cops. I hate cops because of the reasons I, and others, have posted in this thread many times already.

I don't know any cops besides this guy because no decent, intelligent people associate with police officers because they are white trash scum. The 'lowest common denominator' (as you put it) of american society

>> No.3431908
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Most sensible liberals are pro-gun.
The liberals who are against guns are rolling stone reading poseurs from privelaged middle class families who dont understand logic.
If we hate cops, the government, and the military then obviously we need a way to defend ourselves from them.

Some cops are simply misguided, but most are scum fucking pigs.

>> No.3431914

>Violent crime rate falls drastically.
Sure is working great in 'Murrica.

>> No.3431917

did you not understand that he said they didn't put it into practice on a wide scale due to opposition from pigs who wanted to keep their useless jobs? learn to read you limey fuck

>> No.3431923
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As a liberal, I say you are a strawmanning faggot.
Do even Punk Rock? Take your false dichotomy to tumblr.
Every liberal in America should be forming a militia right now to combat
a. the military/cops
b. those retarded right-wing militias

>> No.3431928

Once I got into a fight with a cop and won

sorry I lied it was 7 guys vs. one cop

he spent three days in icu

I wish I slit his throat

>> No.3432352

What'd he do? Stumble on your 7-some man-banging orgy? Had to get rid of the witnesses?

>> No.3432420

I feel like this problematic relationship between the populous and police is more or less limited to americans and the way they perceive governmental power use as inherently negative.

Of course since were talking about 300 million people living in 50 different states it probably varies a lot. Places like Vermont are probably pretty rational when it comes to law enforement.

>> No.3432429

>Not post-hardcore

>> No.3432464

I think Vermont doesn't even have a police force.

>> No.3434352

You don't know what the definition of the word right is.