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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 33 KB, 480x467, saint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3429667 No.3429667 [Reply] [Original]

what does /lit/ think of literary tattoos?

yay or ney?

I was thinking of getting a line from paradise lost tattooed

>> No.3429668 [DELETED] 

Text is a really bad choice for a tattoo, in my opinion. It never looks good.

>> No.3429672
File: 64 KB, 500x519, books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

great idea just make sure everyone knows what book it is and get it somewhere you can show it off without looking too weird/slutty

>> No.3429678

This. It always looks like shit in a few years.

>> No.3429680

Tattoos in general are a bad idea. Not because I think it's aesthetically unappealing or some notion that it disfigures the body, but because it's like making a commitment to not change. It you put meaning and value into a tattoo, you won't want to feel like an idiot so you take whatever it holds as true and live that way, since doing otherwise would risk changing as a person and thus disagreeing with whatever meaning you've branded yourself with that you used to agree with.

>> No.3429686

i feel like tribal tattoos would not limit someone in the way you're describing. neither would some sweet barbed wire around my biceps

>> No.3429688

but what if whatever you're going to tattoo on yourself is a something you could and should always live by, like a reminder of strength or love?

>> No.3429691

that's the faggiest thing I've ever read

>> No.3429694

but if you never get tatoos isn't that just as much of a commitment to not change?

>> No.3429698
File: 1.21 MB, 3456x2304, calle borjesson headshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tattoos, the mark of the pleb. The most shortsighted of all decisions. The trashiest way to dispose of your income. The foulest bauble of man's vanity.

You might as well just get a video game tattoo. It's just as classy.

>> No.3429700

>wake up weak and loveless
>gaze at naked self in full sized mirror
>catch a glimpse of tattoo
>popeye mode activated, muscles double in size
>filled with the love of a thousand beta virgins
>later that day
>you get the feeling you've forgotten something
>muscles deflate
>love fades

>> No.3429710

I see deliberately abstaining from them as a commitment to accept that you will always change

>> No.3429714

I have tattoos and I agree with this post. Don't bother, they're stupid.

>> No.3429717

My tattoos have gotten me laid several times.

Weigh your priorities, gentlemen.

>> No.3429719

OP I've found that /lit/ and perhaps 4chan in general is opposed to tattooing. I'm not certain, but I sometimes catch a faint wiff of envy at people who aren't afraid to get tattoos. I got a tattoo when I was younger and it's not as serious of an endeavor as somepeople make it out to be - it's just manly decoration. That being said text tattoos are the most regretted after "loved" one's names. IDK.

>> No.3429720
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are they tribal or barbed wire?

>> No.3429737

>I sometimes catch a faint wiff of envy at people who aren't afraid to get tattoos.

That's just your narcissism constructing a defense against criticism.

I don't give a shit if anybody has a tattoo. /lit/ is mostly just mad because the world IS superficial enough that people with tattoos are often compared by lowly thinkers to the default mediated image of a badboy. Same reason my leather jacket gets me into conversations with dumb chicks.

>> No.3429741
File: 81 KB, 640x494, xoil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3429745

i have a bird with a word bubble that says "poo-tee-weet" in it on the back of my left arm and "all thy passions in the end became virtues and all thy devils angels" tattooed to my foot.

>> No.3429753


i have 12 tattoos and only ever paid $120 total for them (my longterm s/o is a tattoo artist now) some of them were impulsive sure, but eh i had fun and they're great memories.

i enjoy getting wasted, and fucking and doing stupid shit...so why not get tattoos?

>> No.3429759


depends on how it's done, all tattoos need to be touched up over time. you don't just put them there and they stay perfect forever, that's why a good tattoo artist will keep that in mind when tattooing you and give you a design that will hold up well.

>> No.3429765

>i enjoy getting wasted, and fucking and doing stupid shit.

How boring.

>> No.3429767

>Same reason my leather jacket gets me into conversations with dumb chicks.
In this day and age, really? It's not the eighties anymore it's just a jacket.

>> No.3429771


eh i enjoy it, isn't that what matters? you think it's boring, don't do it.

>> No.3429773

Yeah, but dumb girls watch shit like the Vampire Diaries and True Blood and all of the vampires are wearing leather, so the signifier has been recharged.

I've been told I look like one of the people on one of those dumb shows, so that probably doesn't help.

>> No.3429776

People like you are a dime a dozen. The grounds for population control.

>> No.3429777

willing suspension of disbelief is important when you're reading fiction

>he said while tapping out his pipe or something else people who secretly wish they could get wasted or at least fucked once in a while do

>> No.3429779


you mad bro?

>> No.3429784

emo hitler?

i also want to genocide anyone that's happier than me

>> No.3429786

>why not get tattoos?

Perhaps you have respect for yourself, even if only a tiny amount. Or perhaps you enjoy being employed.

>> No.3429789

Anger betrays renewal upon repetition. At this point I'm pretty tranquil about my desire to flush out the wasteoids of the world.

>> No.3429794

>willing suspension of disbelief

Can you give me an example of unwilling suspension of disbelief?

>> No.3429796


i actually really hate working, and i do have respect for myself, i happen to enjoy body mods.


lol sounds like you need to smoke some weed and get laid.

>> No.3429801

when they told me there were wmd's in iraq i was not willing to suspend my disbelief but then we invaded so it was suspended for me

>> No.3429802
File: 44 KB, 251x231, 1359505642771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3429805

All intellectual discussion goes out the window when the pro-tattoo mongrels come out of the woodwork.

>hehehehe ur just jealous!

>> No.3429806


a tattoo is a symbol

like all signifiers, they are subject to re-interpretation every time they are looked at. If your views as a person change, the signified of the symbol changes. What the tattoo means to you changes. Even if it's something like, you got some hot ass chick with her tits popping out on your bicep, and then two years later you come out of the closet - the tattoo becomes a symbol of how normative pressures can force a person to do things and a friendly reminder to always be yourself.

>> No.3429809

But you clearly are. Otherwise why the fuck would you care this strongly about something that doesn't effect you in any way whatsoever? How about people with piercings?

>> No.3429812
File: 1.95 MB, 320x240, 1358721885297.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>call a group of people mongrels
>complain that you can't have an intellectual discussion with said people

>> No.3429813

I'm sorry, but that is not an unwilling suspension of disbelief.

>> No.3429816

So what you're saying is that the only people who should be able to have a discussion about tattoos are the people who have them? Seems kind of one sided to me.

>> No.3429817

>care this strongly

This strongly? How strongly? Which posts in this thread are mine?

>you clearly are

As evidenced by what?

>> No.3429821
File: 18 KB, 310x229, 10292008_videodrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the tattoo becomes a symbol of how normative pressures can force a person to do things and a friendly reminder to always be yourself.

This is how humanities majors actually engage with the world...

>> No.3429828


>> No.3429836
File: 64 KB, 402x604, 1348178641958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm generally against tattoos. Especially on women. Guys I could give a shit what they do.

1. They look incredibly trashy and it's hard to take any woman who has 'em seriously.

2. They're permanent. That means they're forever. That means you're going to have them all your life. That means you'll be old and wrinkly and still have tattoos from when you were young and an idiot. And even if it means something the memory will fade but the ink wont and so you'll be stuck with an ugly blotch of ink you can never wash off.

>> No.3429837

im not afraid to get them, i just know it would probably be a retarded waste of money

>> No.3429842


when people are old and wrinkly they look like shit anyway so who gives a fuck?

>> No.3429849


I have never met anybody that I have liked that hasn't had some kind of permanent defacement of their body.

I can't imagine somebody living to their 90's with flawless, albeit wrinkly, skin. Even if it's "from when they were young and an idiot", I would rather see that somebody has done a thing or two in their life, taken a risk or two.

>> No.3429850

Most people with tattoos regret them at least a little bit and you can usually tell, especially in threads like this where they get super defensive and concoct a whole new way of life where they "just like to get fucked up" and "who cares". Because if they could care, they'd have to come to terms with the fact that they made a horrible decision.

>> No.3429855

You really conflate getting tattoos as having "done a thing or two in their life"? Haha and "taken a risk or two"? You've truly mistaken the map for the territory, friend. Tattoos signify nothing in the present age. There is no risk and no corresponding necessity to have "done a thing or two".

>> No.3429857


> Most people with tattoos regret them at least a little bit and you can usually tell

something tells me you have neither the personal experience nor any statistical data to back this up with.

>> No.3429858

>You've truly mistaken the map for the territory, friend.
Did DFW actually coin this?

>> No.3429859
File: 24 KB, 392x591, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My body is a temple

>> No.3429861


So what is life about? Staying safe and keeping your skin immaculate? Do you exfoliate, friend?

>> No.3429863


10/10 end thread

>> No.3429866

I think Borges did. Feuerbach has that quote about people preferring the sign to the thing signified, too. The idea has been around for a while.

>> No.3429868

That looks like the print off some edgy Pacsun shirt you wore for too long seeped into your skin. and it wasn't the tattoo that got you laid, it was dem pecs

>> No.3429870

It's not that life is "about" staying safe...it's that the notion of tattoos NOT being safe is hilarious in this day and age.

>> No.3429871

Could you ever figure out the significance in IJ? Was the use of "map" in that significant?

>> No.3429873


a whole new way of life? just because it's not the kind of life you choose to live doesn't mean it isn't someone else's way of life.

i don't regret any of my tattoos, i like them they're part of me.

is it a bad decision? maybe you think so, but i'm cool with the decisions i've made in my life. you don't have to be and that's fine.

i'm not sure why you care what other people do with their lives, cuz i really don't care about what anyone else does with theirs.

>> No.3429874


>> No.3429875

That is some of the most middlebrow shit I've ever seen.

>arbitrary latin
>roman numerals

>> No.3429877

Man all you needed to do was end it with #yolo and your post would have been perfect

>> No.3429879


too many zeros in there brah

>> No.3429881

Fuck it I'm high as shit

>> No.3429883

the nurse wiping your flappy tattoo'd ass will give a fuck

>> No.3429885


I was more speaking about a general defacement of the body. including scars/ wounds. Also somebody getting a tattoo still tends to lump them into a category of people and many are still looked down upon (aka you are still taking a risk when you get a tattoo. You are sacrificing your ability to blend in with an unambiguous sense of identity). We see this kind of discrimination even on this thread.

>> No.3429888


if i ever hit 50 i'm planning on doing a fuckton of heroin, and if i don't die before i get to that point (the point where i need my ass wiped) i'm just gonna off myself so i'm not too worried. i don't plan on getting that old, i've seen just how bad old age can be firsthand, i'll pass.

>> No.3429889

Do you know what he meant by mistaking the map for the territory?

>> No.3429890


as someone married to a nurse - he/she will likely appreciate it as he/she will have to look at a million poop smeared asses everyday and if one of them happens to have a tattoo of Tom Brady on it, it's going to make the experience a little bit more bearable/interesting

>> No.3429891

yeah man cool tats are cool
parents suck
almost every person with tattoos i know is a spoiled vapid little edgy jerk off

>> No.3429895

holy god lol

>> No.3429896

I don't have any tattoos- mostly because I could never think of an image I liked enough to have inked on my body. Also, I used to be a cutter so most of the good real estate is taken up by pretty ugly scars... oh well.

>> No.3429899


yes I do, and considering his/her application - probably better than he/she does.

I think my point stands perfectly well.

>> No.3429901


>> No.3429902

I have Alan Lee's sketch of Anglachel on my ankle
it's only small
I am trashy?

>> No.3429904

Sounds like it, yes.

>> No.3429906

>Also somebody getting a tattoo still tends to lump them into a category of people and many are still looked down upon (aka you are still taking a risk when you get a tattoo. You are sacrificing your ability to blend in with an unambiguous sense of identity). We see this kind of discrimination even on this thread.

discriminating against somebody because of the mental qualities you presume them to have (rather than on account of race or sex) is probably okay. because you know what ? everyone judges everyone. and tattooed people probably judge non-tattooed people as being "normies" who dont have very much individuality

>> No.3429907

I had to look that up. In all honesty if I was with a girl and she showed me her Lord of the Rings sword ankle tattoo, I'd be out of there in seconds.

>> No.3429909


Who cares what some sexist fuck thinks?

>> No.3429910

It's the unfortunate reality of this discussion. I'm repulsed by piercings though, I find them absolutely disgusting.
You and I both know that this is not true.

>> No.3429912

No, can you explain it?

>> No.3429913

same here. a definite NO to old age. HST had the right idea

>> No.3429914

That's the thing, though. Unless you've got a face tat, nobody is lumping you into any category. Tattoos are dead. They mean nothing. 13 year olds are walking around with full sleeves.

>> No.3429915

a real man here...

>> No.3429920
File: 39 KB, 480x360, image001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does /lit/ like my tattoo?

>> No.3429923

>You and I both know that this is not true.

You can't even fathom somebody doing what I described, because you wouldn't do it in a million years and that's a horribly narcissistic approach to thought.

>> No.3429924

Idk it's hard to tell without seeing it. But I mostly meant girls who thought it would be a good idea to have them displayed on the more visible parts of their real estate, wrists, thighs, neck, etc. If it's small and unobtrusive then it's probably not too trashy.

>> No.3429926

>walking out on a girl because she has a tiny tattoo of a thing from a book she likes which is quite a good book

>> No.3429927

>meagerly trying to insult the idea of masculinity by ironically calling somebody a "real man"

I don't know if you read the rules, but betas aren't allowed on this board.

>> No.3429928

>Be in bed
>See little ankle tat of a sword


>> No.3429929


yeah i've seen two of my grandparents have to be taken care of, it's not something i would ever want for myself. my s/o and i promised each other that if it ever came down to it and one of us was unable to take care of ourselves or commit suicide we'd help each other out.

>> No.3429932

Actually, I'm willing to bet she's right.

>> No.3429933
File: 2.92 MB, 2304x3072, j006.JPG-Twilight_Series_ta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3429937


I'm shallow as fuck, I'll admit it. I wouldn't ever be able to get past the fact that this person decided to permanently put a dorky little fucking elf sword on her leg.

>> No.3429939


i like tattoos (and have them), and i'm totally cool with tattoos on a chick but i personally wouldn't want to read a robert frost poem about the end of the world while i was fucking a girl from behind just saying.

>> No.3429941

>dorky little fucking elf sword
that's not nice

>> No.3429944

>that gross skinny fat body

>> No.3429945
File: 2.71 MB, 320x272, 1358126384788.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3429947


eh this chick i'm sortof involved with/fucking has inuyasha tattooed to her arm... it's a stupid fucking tattoo, but i don't really give a shit that it's there.

>> No.3429948

I'm currently going through that process, of watching my grandparents deteriorate. Just looking at them you can tell they're in fucking hell, just absolute low-key horror, endless misery. I want my death to be quick (even if it means violent).

>> No.3429949


Lol I hope you didn't depend on yourself to get that. Parasite.

>> No.3429951
File: 61 KB, 602x602, fuckyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well that's cool but I doubt I'd fuck you anyway so no harm done

>> No.3429952

I've never seen a tattoo that I didn't secretly think wasn't stupid. The best would have to be the arm-tat of some comet or meteor or fireball idfk from FF7 as a forearm tat.

>> No.3429953


yeah it's pretty brutal to see, i think people who haven't had to see that kind of shit up close are probably the ones who want to live 'til they're old.

>> No.3429956

Oh shit man I actually used to know someone with that tattoo it's terrible

>> No.3429963

I think skinny fat is pretty hawt tbh.

Those tats are just awkward though.

>> No.3429968

Of course you do. You learned that you had to settle a long time ago.

>> No.3429971


Ugh this is anti design

>> No.3429970


makes sense tattoos are personal (even dorky ones like that) it's rare to look at someone else's tattoos and say to yourself "oh yeah i'd get THAT on my body"

>> No.3429975

you're mean ;_;

>> No.3429985


I hope that whatever afflicts you goes away.

>> No.3429986
File: 10 KB, 259x194, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you find something attractive that I don't then you must be settling

>> No.3430006

I believe it creates substance, a great story. Everyone has done stupid shit, who are you to judge anyway? I'm pretty sure with the attitude that you have against tattoos, people tend to avoid that kinda mentality anyway. Cheers.

>> No.3430023

>Everyone has done stupid shit, who are you to judge anyway?
Judging is practically involuntary

>> No.3430044

What story?

"Oh anon, how'd you get that tattoo?"

"Shit man, sit down, this is gonna knock the standing out of you. We got so hot and hammered yesterday that we just had to do something wild and cray, you know? like something to celebrate life with and create substance in us. So I got a tattoo of that bald guy from The Shield."

>> No.3430077

Sometimes the temple needs a fresh coat of paint.

>> No.3430082

What part of the body is that?

>> No.3430085

Doing a thing or two in your life and getting tattoos are opposites.

>> No.3430099

Say no to tattoos, folks.

>> No.3430121

Why? They are an amazing indicator of stupidity. People mark themselves as idiots/sluts/addicts for free without the need for any compulsion.

Tattoos are a briliant self-controlling device of our civilization and it should stay.

>> No.3430135 [DELETED] 
File: 102 KB, 388x220, 2013-02-03 03-25-48.761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking a literary tattoo has to be a bunch of text nobody cares about

You're just closed-minded and probably have a bad body.

>> No.3430139

> I have a good body, so I want to permanently mark it with ugly shit that under normal circumstances I wouldn't even hang up as a picture in my living room.

>> No.3430142 [DELETED] 

Why should a tattoo be anything at all like what one would hang in their living room?

The medium is the message. Or haven't you heard?

>> No.3430145

That's not a bad tattoo... but what do you tell girls who know shit about Lot 49 or lit in general? I can't imagine it'd be horribly interesting to them

>> No.3430153 [DELETED] 

>what do you tell girls who know shit about Lot 49 or lit in general?

I don't tell them anything. I talk with them, you know, a conversation.

>> No.3430157
File: 487 KB, 485x539, LOL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3430160

I was in a queue yesterday behind someone who had a tattoo across the top of their back. It read:

>Yesterday was the past
>Tomorrow is the future
>But today is the present
>The gift we are given

>> No.3430166
File: 30 KB, 298x403, n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3430190

I like tattoos. On others. Especially on women. Hot women.

But tattooing myself? I'm not that weak

>> No.3430231


eh my kurt vonnegut tattoo, the bird that says poo-tee-weet...yeah part of the story is about being wasted, but for me it comes with memories of the few months i spent living with his bro and sis in his dead grandma's apartment by prospect park. and all the other shit that went with it... and even if no one else gives a shit about those stories, they're important to me cuz i lived them.

and even if it's stupid to other people it isn't to me, and that's the thing about life bro it's all subjective. your opinions are meaningless...and really regardless of what you think of me we're gonna end up the same in the long run anyway regardless of how we get there. so think what you'd like i'm cool with myself and that's all i give a fuck about.

and you can say that i'm telling you that cuz i'm being defensive and try to flip it into something deeper than what it is, but really i'm just stoned off my ass and rambling on the internet cuz i've got shit else to do cuz my bf is passed out and i can't get in the right mindset to write.

>> No.3430233


living with my bf* my bad and nah i'm not a tattooed chick.

>> No.3430237

thats just like you're opinion man

>> No.3430240


and it's like your business if you want to be a dick

>> No.3430245

that's cool and all, but I just don't see how I can for to be knowing it when you said that of what it is.

>> No.3430275

this photo.

>> No.3430304
File: 91 KB, 930x818, 1355667009448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>betas aren't allowed on this board
> no betas

>> No.3430309 [DELETED] 
File: 75 KB, 480x720, 34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Check out my tattoo, now everyone can see I read literature!

>> No.3430318
File: 17 KB, 190x273, averagelitizen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That definitely beats my method of letting the world know

>> No.3430323
File: 95 KB, 720x547, 31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a guy in philosophy class who used to walk around with Lord Of The Flies under his arm all the time, if anyone asked why he was doing that he would fire off his rant cannon about Twilight and 50 Shades Of Grey and this would go on untill they came up with a bullshit excuse to walk on.

>> No.3430352

I just realized you said "I have a guy in..." and then I realized that there's nothing uncommon or unusual at all about this. It's an odd turn of phrase, I guess.

>> No.3430363
File: 57 KB, 750x600, defiant motivation poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd probably get some major or minor Foundation quote.

A blaster is a good weapon, but it can point both ways.

Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent.

Why the need for privacy? Is someone going to serve sea and bring out the dancing girls?

Although this one's also good...

Remember, the gate is down.

>> No.3430366

Yeah sorry about that, I'm from a country that barely speaks english.

>> No.3430372

I'd get a tattoo if I wanted to remember something, or acknowledge an event. In that case, though, I'd just get like a short black line on my chest or something, and a new line for each event.

>> No.3430379


i have to lit. tattoos, and both of them are in places that can be easily covered so unless i'm barefoot and wearing short sleeves no one is going to see them. they're both just tattoos i wanted, has nothing to do with showing them to anyone else.

>> No.3430392


more like "two tattoos" forgot the w