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3428103 No.3428103 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /lit/ could you suggest a good resource that breaks down Wittgenstein for the layman?

>> No.3428118


>> No.3428123

philosophical investigations

>> No.3428124

your not going to get better than this for the same length

>> No.3428196


Looks like a good resource. Thanks!

>> No.3428212


>> No.3428232

A very short introduction

>> No.3428245
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sorry brah, you cant break it, gotta dive into it to get a full grasp.

>> No.3428259

You may find this useful, OP.


>> No.3428266


>> No.3428272


>> No.3428318
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Understanding the man will provide the key for his philosophy.

>> No.3428335

Is this a recommendation for the Ray Monk biography or Wittgenstein's Poker?

>> No.3428352

i'd say rather to his (secret) notebooks and less known texts.

>> No.3428355

Wittgenstein's Poker isn't a comprehensive breakdown of him; it's just a really drawn out story about he and Popper's argument.

>> No.3428362
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Man up and study the Tractatus until you understand it. The Tractatus Logico-philosophicus is the only Wittgenstein work worth studying anyway.

>> No.3428365

>the Tractatus Logico-philosophicus is the only Wittgenstein work worth studying anyway.

>talking out of your ass

>> No.3428369

you dont need to participate in every thread son. if you have no clue, just keep scrolling.

>> No.3428370
File: 141 KB, 563x528, full plebeian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tractatus rigorously analytic
>His other work is basically continental
>Being a continental plebe

>> No.3428382

>limiting yourself to either analytic and continental and not studying both
you are the truest of all "plebes"

>> No.3428389 [DELETED] 

>still using a dated random dichotomy

go get murdered by a student in a university corridor.

>> No.3428392 [DELETED] 

>>still using a dated random dichotomy
>go get murdered by a student in a university corridor.

>> No.3428399

But continental philosophy killed philosophy as a whole.

>> No.3428419


>> No.3428458

My sides.
thank you forevermore.

>> No.3428466

>thinking that you can dismiss the later work of a man you claim to respect simply because his writing style doesn't suit you.
>thinking that the entire purpose of the Investigations isn't to comment on, modify, debunk, and overall respond, to the position advocated in the Tractatus.
>giving a damn about that fucking line that's been dead for decades in the minds of anyone but the less competent among the "analytics" and "continentals".
>not giving a logician of towering significance time to tease out difficult ideas before screaming "tl;dr"

You sir, are everything wrong with modern philosophy. all of it. You're worse than the Derridians.

>> No.3428484

>1 The world is everything that is the case.
>1.1 The world is the totality of farts, not of things.
>1.11 The world is determined by the farts, and by these being all the farts.
>1.12 For the totality of farts determines both what is the case, and also all that is not the case.
>1.13 The farts in logical space are the world.
>1.2 The world divides into farts.
>1.21 Any one can either be the case or not be the case, and everything else remain the same.
>2 What is the case, the fart, is the existence of atomic farts.
>2.01 An atomic fart is a combination of objects (entities, things).
>2.011 It is essential to a thing that it can be a constituent part of an atomic fart.
>2.012 In logic nothing is accidental: if a thing can occur in an atomic fart the possibility of that atomic fart must already be prejudged in the thing.
>2.0121 It would, so to speak, appear as an accident, when to a thing that could exist alone on its own account, subsequently a state of affairs could be made to fit. If things can occur in atomic farts, this possibility must already lie in them.

>> No.3428487

Combine this with the latter half of chapter six, and chapter seven. and the earlier pages of the investigations (which are not hard to grasp, folks, come on.) and you're on your way to knowing him.

>> No.3428522
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having spoken to professors and graduate students of philosophy, /lit/ severely overdraws the line between analytic and continental. in the words of one grad student, "everyone in the discipline does philosophy, they just work on different problems"

plus, it always tickled me to see the criticism of "continental" philosophy as dense, impenetrable language expounding on topics no one cares about. have you guys actually read any of the so-called analytical philosophy you put on a pedestal? it's just as "impenetrable". pic related, it's russell's principia mathematica. also, instead of, say, power, analytics explore questions that could easily be written off as the senseless pondering of stoned campers staring at a campfire.

"Hey, hey bro... Dude. What if, like, there were these things that looked human and you could like, interact with them and you thought they were human, but they were actually zombies or robots! Would they still be human?"

this is basically the concept of p-zombies

dividing the discipline of philosophy into analytic/continental and then claiming that continentals are a stain on the humanities is shallow, politically motivated and does nothing except reward the claimant. it's a great big patting of one's own back.

>> No.3428527

You know Derrida is a big reason why continental philosophy is so shit and why analytic philosophy is better, right?

Wittgenstein is respected among analytic philosophers because he advocated creating a language soley for analyzing philosophy, among a few other things (formalism into logical positivism, etc). He didn't know some years letter a French asshole with ridiculous hair was going to co-opt his philosophy and completely cheapen and shit all over it in the process.

>> No.3428530



>> No.3428533
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I find PM to be much more readable than any of Derrida's sophistry, especially pic related.

>> No.3428540

>he advocated creating a language soley for analyzing philosophy

the man had explictly stated that this interpretation is wrong. the logical positivists were autists who didn't understand his book.

when he lectured them he initially didn't even bother talking about logic. once he even decided to recite poems with his back turned to the group.

>> No.3428546
File: 15 KB, 300x458, 8-Putin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not much into philosophy, what the fuck Russel.

>> No.3428549

Wittgenstein got buttfrustrated as fuck when people didn't understand his nonsense and you call his deriders autistic? Too funny.

>> No.3428553

i'll concede derrida. he purposefully wrote obtusely

>> No.3428556

not the guy you're replying to, but "logical positivists" would imply that they are wittgenstein fanboys, not deriders

>> No.3428561

The real criticism about the denseness in continental philosophy is that no philosopher or student of it can adequately elucidate upon that denseness to outsiders in a language that is clear and easily definable. When asked to explain their philosophy in monosyllables, continentals often take up a "NO U" attitude and start casting denunciations and aspersions.

There are plenty of lucid works out there that easily describe the work of Russel in laymen terms. There are none that describe the work of Derrida in laymen terms. Why? Because the work of all postmodern hacks amounts to nothing but sophistry.

>> No.3428566

> his deriders

You mean his loyal followers. The Vienna Circle worshiped him as god. They even put up with his lectures on poetry and whatever other flavor of the week topics he wanted to talk about until he regained an interest in logic.

>> No.3428570

Evidently not real fanboys, since they apparently misunderstood his book due to autism, or some other 4chan mental disorder buzzword.

>> No.3428578

Just read derrida and heidegger for yourself.

>> No.3428581

>implying for something to be true it needs to be dumbed down to pleb levels

You sound American.

>> No.3428583

Why read poor footnotes to Nietzsche when you can just read Nietzsche.

Besides, Derrida is utterly unreadable. It's not a matter of "2deep4u" either. His "prose" is total dildos.

>> No.3428596


Heidegger does the same work was wittgenstein but from a theoretical point of view. They both (even in LW's earlier work) are calling for a return to life in order to do philosophy.

>> No.3428601

That wasn't the implication. And using someone's supposed place of birth (pro-tip: it's not America) as an excuse to cast an ad hominem is just about the height of stupidity.

If you have a point or a truism to make, then make it. Don't bury it underneath layer upon layer of obscurantism.

>> No.3428624


it's poetry. anyone who has seriously studied wittgenstein must understand that his style hides as much as it reveals. the style is as important to his work as the content.

the same is said for heidegger, and russell, and derrida. that you think the principia can be truly understood in laymen's terms is alarming.

>> No.3428630

i actually found these articles to be good explanations. as you say, "lucid." however, i read a lot of philosophy and other stuff from the humanities in my free time, so i may be taking some vocabulary for granted.


as a note, i've found that whenever some does give a "one-sentence summary a layman can understand" of any philosopher, the reaction is always something like, "well, that's not original" or "that's not saying anything new", "that's just obvious common sense", etc.

the trouble is you lose detail for the sake of efficiency. this would involve reducing even the most canonical philosophers to "footnotes of plato" as it is usually said. so in this sense, it is not a mark on continentals in particular.

>> No.3428637

Nice autism you got there. Not all ad hominems are fallacious you philosophy-pleb.

Americans are known for their egalitarian nonsense, that if the average idiot can't understand something, it should be rejected. It's no coincidence that the only philosophy to come out of america is pragmatism.

inb4 youre canadian or from some other shitty anglo country.

>> No.3428632 [DELETED] 

yes it can, it has been done. It's been done so many times even here on /lit/

Don't lie anon.

>> No.3428640

>calling for a return to life in order to do philosophy

i've actually found this to be a striking feature of almost most philosophers i read secondary sources about. ie: "so and so's last lectures called for..."

has anyone picked up on this theme and developed it more fully?

>> No.3428645

Calling Derrida & Heidegger "poets" is a direct insult Dante, Yeats, Blake & Whitman.

Derrida in particular is no where near worthy enough to be listed among those names. Just stop it already.

>> No.3428651

But I've read Nietzsche.

>> No.3428654

>Not all ad hominems are fallacious
In this case it clearly was. I'm not American.

>The only philosophy to come out of america is pragmatism
Well, now that I know you're another Europoor troll I can proceed with ignoring you. Good day.

>> No.3428657

Heidegger isn't a poet in the aesthetic sense. He is poetic in that his style is organic, not rigid and systematic like Russell.

>> No.3428662

I never seen one poststructuralism thread on /lit/ that wasn't one giant Continental circlejerk of obscurantism and sophistry. Sorry.

>> No.3428665

>In this case it clearly was.

No it wasn't. It was relevant. Americans being dumb egalitarians is directly related to their need for things to be dumbed down for them.

>> No.3428675

Stop co-opting flowery language to make your shit philosophy seem more interesting than it actually is.

At the end of the day, Derrida's philosophy is somewhere between boring-as-fuck and common sense. Hence why he had to dress it up in ostentatiousness and obscurantism.

>> No.3428685


No, I mean he is a poet in the sense that the meaning of his text is heavily reliant on the way he expresses his ideas. Heidegger cannot be translated into non-philosophical language or even symbolic logic without losing the meaning of his text. In the same way Russel's major work can't be made into ordinary language without losing the kernel of the text.

>> No.3428693

It was completely irrelevant to the discussion at hand. No one said anything about America or Americans until you did. You saw a dim opportunity to inject your crass views on America and its citizens and took advantage of it. At the end of the day, no one around here cares if you think "Americans are dumb." It's a hackneyed position to hold, particularly on this website.

Take it to /int/ if you feel so strongly about just how much better the place you didn't at all choose to be born in is than America or any other country. The rest of us will remain here discussing issues of pertinence.

>> No.3428697 [DELETED] 

As they say, the style is part of the matter. Even wittgenstein says that the most important part of the tractatus is the unwritten one.

Second every clarification is a simplification. Generally the reason that analytics complain about continentals is because they use the language of german idealism and phenomenology. It's not a question of clarity, it's a question of not using those languages that they have a pavlovian association with the "bad guys" for carnap and russell. But if you take that away you miss the whole discussion they are having on those concepts. And no layman would understand problems in phenomenology,

Third layman's term get confusing. Excessive simplification becomes obscurity in its own way because leads to equivocation. When the analytics for example ask "why do we have empath for fictional character that do not exists?" continentals are very clear because they always refer, even through the use of certain keywords, to a certain psychology or ontology. But the analytics, wanting to commit themselves only to the problem at hand, muddle themselves in a word prison because they only think inside the box and refuse to go outside.What does empathy mean? And what is the ontological status of fictional beings? These are not clear questions and different people might have different intuitions. In a way this is the dishonest philosophy that demands us to shed our philosophical armor for the quest of clarity and then plays our simple intuitions against each other to concoct paradoxes that are not even there.

>> No.3428701

You are autism incarnate.

>> No.3428712


Yet another hackneyed response, especially around here.

Do you ever get tired of being a victim of banality?

>> No.3428741 [DELETED] 

One anon some time ago had a good thread "ask me about lacan" and he explained everything pretty well.

Anyway you can ask me a question about derrida if you want and I;ll answer in simple terms.

I hear that a lot but it's not true. It's pretty sophisticated. The whole problem comes from the fact that people like you ask for "babbys first derrida" and then they answer "see nothing of interest". Forgetting that:

1) It was a simplified version.
2) When Derrida was saying that stuff analytic philosophy was all over Carnap and Behaviorism. Do you remember when everyone was being a behaviorist and people were "yo dude chill, I'm not sure it's such a good idea" and the analytics were "durrr, we are being rational and manly"? Do you remember that time. That's what's gonna happen 50 years from now down the road.

>> No.3428744

Do you ever get tired of sperging out whenever some one commits the 'sin' of a logical fallacy or in some way doesn't conform to your rigid and limited view of life? I mean, I guess it’s fun making fun of people because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerking off to pictures on facebook.

Don’t be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I’m pretty much perfect. I was captain of the football team, and starter on my basketball team. What sports do you play, other than “jack off to naked drawn Japanese people”? I also get straight A’s, and have a banging hot girlfriend (She just blew me; Shit was SO cash). You are all faggots who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.

>> No.3428765

I really think the kind of philosophy you like is determined by your personality. Analytic philosophy appeals to the kind of person who like order, straightness, logic and rigidity. Whereas continental appeals to people who see things as organic, wholistic, poetic.

So, it is the personality type labelled 'autistic' or sperglord that analytic appeals to.

>> No.3428771
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>> No.3428774


>> No.3428788

You'll never convince me anything Derrida espoused was anything other than sophistry. Sorry.

Case in point, listen to him spaghetti all over the place about how its "violent" to call animals "animals."

>> No.3428793

Forgot link:

>> No.3428801



>> No.3428800
File: 22 KB, 300x300, 51hYF2p-v2L._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA300_SH20_OU01_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A reference for the rest of us

>> No.3428810


>> No.3428829 [DELETED] 

Doesn't sound very rational to say that nothing can convince you. See you are just prejudiced, your attitude is not due to some reasoning.

I don't see how is that so surprisingly wrong.
He is doing a very fair observation that animals are very different and that by defining them just as animals is our first gesture to say they are not human. He is calling for a little more attention when we deal with them.

And yes it is violent: we eat and kill animals.

Of course I can agree that's not deep, but the whole documentary is not that deep. It's more about his person than his thought.And I believe it's a bad documentary.

>> No.3428857

Ray Monk's got two good books on him: one's biography and the other is called How to Read Wittgenstein (or something like that).
A. C. Grayling also wrote the Very Short Introduction to Wittgenstein.

In addition, you may consider the relevant episode(s) of The Partially Examined Life as a useful secondary source when trying to get into Wittgenstein's works.

>> No.3428860 [DELETED] 

In a certain way it's true. In another it's not. I think that analytic philosophy today has a big problem and a lot of people are steering away from it because of it (unfortunately they stare away in other fields, not only academic, living analytic phil. ever more powerful in the departments):

1) The University system pushes people to publish at high speeds and to do this they are pressured to follow what's fashionable at the moment on journals. It's the journals that dictate the agenda today.

2) Their stylistic preferences not only makes it so that no grand vision can emerge (thus today we should speak of analytic philosophies since they are hardly unified) but also that their production veers towards the conservative and the pseudoscientific. As Rorty said, analytic philosophy today is a system that rewards not the imaginative thinker but the hack.

I think that by the hack he meant something like what you mean by "autistic"

>> No.3428877

Not saying it's good or bad. I'm saying Derrida was the Andy Kaufman of philosophy and it's bad to call a performance artist a philosopher, let alone one worthy of any sort of merit.

>> No.3428909 [DELETED] 

With all your talking of "honesty" and "rigor" whenever people like you start talking about continentals you suddenly become frauds.

Because the whole point of attacking them is not that you disagree with them, it's that you don't want to read them because you are lazy and think that you are doing the most important work now.

>> No.3428929

And yet every attack on the deriders of continental philosophy comes in the form of personal attacks and denunciations. It must be because the whole point of attacking them is not that you disagree with them either, yes?

>> No.3428948

well, the "problem" is that addition has not been defined...
He just tells us what we would be able to conclude if it were, namely 1+1=2

>> No.3428953

>implying philosophy is can dtermine truth
>implying its not all just opinion

>> No.3428979

>having spoken to professors and graduate students of philosophy, /lit/ severely overdraws the line between analytic and continental. in the words of one grad student, "everyone in the discipline does philosophy, they just work on different problems"
Well, first of all you need to get around more. There are plenty of prominent analytic philosophers, for example, that describe the continental "tradition" as being closer to history of philosophy than to philosophy. And in some cases they're kinda right I guess. And if you go to where continental philosophy is allegedly practised (continental Europe in case you're not keeping up), most people don't know what you're talking about: there is no analytic/continental distinction. It's very much an Anglo idea, it's often a chimera, and even where it's used nobody actually follows it anyway unless they've got some weird agenda or are organising a course syllabus.

>> No.3428981

>>implying its not all just opinion
Is that the truth you've determined, or an opinion?

>> No.3428991

I think people should more often remind themselves that philosophy is just a means to an end.

>> No.3428994

>is just a means to an end
That's a funny way of writing "is valuable in itself".

>> No.3429000

It's true.

in my opinion

>> No.3429005

From where does its inherent value come?

>> No.3429013

God. You knew this was going to be the answer so why did you even look?

>> No.3429014

Shhhh... You mustn't ask these questions. Philosophy itself is intrinsic value. Just like being conscious and rational is intrinsic value.

>> No.3429027

>From where does its inherent value come?
The thing itself. INHERENT. Look it up.

>> No.3429032

But... I like sleeping.

>> No.3429037


>from where
>from where
>from where

god save me from this era of descriptivist degenerates and take me back to that forgotten time in which the civilized man said "whence"

>> No.3429039

Says who? Why is it inherently valuable?

>> No.3429045

Then I guess it becomes morally allowed to kill you while you sleep.

>> No.3429048 [DELETED] 

Then I guess it becomes morally allowed to kill you while you sleep since while sleeping you lose inherent value.

>> No.3429052

Who says it isn't?

>> No.3429058

Okay... I guess that's a pretty rational approach to killing someone as well...

>> No.3429060

>god exists! you can't prove he doesn't!

>> No.3429063


>> No.3429065

This is why I like living in northern Europe. Nobody sees any point in bringing up atheism, because nobody believes in divine power.

>> No.3429069

I do. Philosophy is not inherently valuable.

>> No.3429077

Are you retarded? My point was, your comment was like those people who that.
"Philosophy is inherently valuable! You can't prove its not"

Are you the same autistic faggot who's been posting the whole time?

>> No.3429078

Yeah, it's a lot like that. You've just got to get used to looking at things from different perspectives and there not being any definite true/false or right/wrong answer. Maybe it's a means to an end, maybe it's an end in itself, maybe it's something else entirely like the Nietzschean bridge, and maybe it can be all these things or none of these things all at the same time.

>> No.3429081

*who say that

>> No.3429088

Oh boy, this guy. I can smell the teenage hormones boiling over.

>> No.3429093
File: 38 KB, 460x276, 50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Philosophy is not inherently valuable

>> No.3429095

No, I am the guy who posted >>3428991
I merely commented on the fact that some people seemingly can't resist the urge to make it about gods and religion the first opportunity they get, and how I, raised in an environment where nobody feel a need to ever bring that up, feel fortunate to be able to have discussions with people, face to face, without having to address it. Is this somehow problematic?

>> No.3429098

Kill yourself.

>> No.3429100 [DELETED] 

Try again.

>> No.3429102

Apparently it makes you a "retarded" "autistic faggot" in some eyes, I'm not sure why though.

>> No.3429109


>> No.3429112

Not picking up on a simple analogy and going off on a rant about the enlightened atheism of northern european countries... Sounds autistic.

>> No.3429117

Honestly, you just sound like somebody who is only familiar with the names you mention through browsing threads on this board. Nothing you said in this post is significant or worth mentioning, it's just a rephrasing of things that people absent-mindedly post here.

>> No.3429120

Derail achieved.

Philosophy is the consequence of the existence of systems, and the presence of desire... and the relationshps between the two.

"Inherent value" only has significance with regard to the will imposed.

"Philosophy has no inherent value" is a meaningless, or (to more accurately Wittgen-ize it) a phrase with no clearly defined use in any language game beyond to divert the language game away from certain concept-word relationships.... phrase.

Get out.

>> No.3429124

Wittgenstein threads never fare well. You new around here?

>> No.3429126

I did pick up on that simple analogy. It was the analogy I ranted against for two whole sentences.

>> No.3429130

This is absolute bullshit. I constantly ask for examples of texts or concepts that people need explained, but nobody responds because they haven't actually read the books.

>> No.3429132


he's also wrong about wittgenstein, showing that he's never actually studied him

>> No.3429133

I would guess it's tied to modernism and the whole "Art is the saviour of humanity" mindset. Maybe try Terry Eagleton?

>> No.3429135

Yeah actually.
recently immigrated somewhat from /mlp/
I suppose I can see why though. The areas that discourse about something as broadly defined as "Wittgenstein's work" and the places it touch on... allow for all manner of tangents I almost said pointless ones, but wouldn't that be funny.

>> No.3429137

You mean no one is clamoring to ask some anonymous fuckhead on an awful website for scholarly clarification of obscure philosophical concepts? Well color me surprised. You're right, it must be bullshit.

>> No.3429142

More denunciations with zero clarification or corrections offered. You're still only proving my point here, bud.

>> No.3429145

Fuck you you anonymous fuckhead.

>> No.3429149

>with zero clarification or corrections offered
The post above is total dildos, it'd be like asking for clarification and corrections on an essay from one of those essay generator things.

>> No.3429152

zomg you're so cynical and detached will u marry me?

>> No.3429154

Prove it's total dildos, please.

Why so angry?

>> No.3429161

Please clarify and correct:
From C1, it follows that this analysis of a formative as a pair of sets of features is not subject to an important distinction in language use. I suggested that these results would follow from the assumption that a descriptively adequate grammar appears to correlate rather closely with a stipulation to place the constructions into these various categories. With this clarification, a subset of English sentences interesting on quite independent grounds is, apparently, determined by the levels of acceptability from fairly high (eg (99a)) to virtual gibberish (eg (98d)). Furthermore, the fundamental error of regarding functional notions as categorial is not quite equivalent to the extended c-command discussed in connection with (34). It must be emphasized, once again, that this selectionally introduced contextual feature is to be regarded as the requirement that branching is not tolerated within the dominance scope of a complex symbol.

>> No.3429164

You haven't made any points.

>> No.3429167


>> No.3429170

>on /lit/

>> No.3429172


Here's a good introduction to Wittgenstein. It covers his life, Tractatus, and Investigations -- through illustrated means; but, that doesn't detract from it.

>> No.3429173

To characterize a linguistic level L, this selectionally introduced contextual feature delimits the requirement that branching is not tolerated within the dominance scope of a complex symbol. Notice, incidentally, that the notion of level of grammaticalness does not affect the structure of the levels of acceptability from fairly high (e.g. (99a)) to virtual gibberish (e.g.(98d)). Suppose, for instance, that a subset of English sentences interesting on quite independent grounds appears to correlate rather closely with an important distinction in language use. Presumably, this analysis of a formative as a pair of sets of features is not quite equivalent to the system of base rules exclusive of the lexicon. We have already seen that the appearance of parasitic gaps in domains relatively inaccessible to ordinary extraction does not readily tolerate the strong generative capacity of the theory.

>> No.3429178

Again, more denunciations with zero proofs provided.

>> No.3429179

It must be emphasized, once again, that the notion of level of grammaticalness does not affect the structure of nondistinctness in the sense of distinctive feature theory. Presumably, any associated supporting element is not quite equivalent to a general convention regarding the forms of the grammar. To characterize a linguistic level L, the appearance of parasitic gaps in domains relatively inaccessible to ordinary extraction delimits a descriptive fact. If the position of the trace in (99c) were only relatively inaccessible to movement, a descriptively adequate grammar is necessary to impose an interpretation on an abstract underlying order. On the other hand, the speaker-hearer's linguistic intuition cannot be arbitrary in a parasitic gap construction.

>> No.3429181

Proof of what? You're arguing rather cryptically at the moment.

>> No.3429187

There is no real argument going on. You said I sound like someone who doesn't know what I'm talking about. I asked you clarify why. You responded in typical Continental fashion with "no u lel" and other crass denunciations. This is what happens when you learn forms of argumentation (or lack there of) from a clown like Derrida.

>> No.3429206

>I asked you clarify why

Where did you ask that?

>> No.3429210

>You responded in typical Continental fashion
That got a chuckle. Is this like your version of "He smiled most jewishly"?

>> No.3429220

I pointed out that you didn't clarify why you came to the conclusion that you did in this post :>>3429117

Me pointing out your baseless denunciation was an invitation for you to clarify it and prove me wrong. Instead you just slung more denunciations, because that's all you Derrida fanboys can do.

>> No.3429223

I'm not sure, how would one smile "jewishly"?

>> No.3429224

by lurking more

>> No.3429229

Oh, so you mean smiling like the super epic funney "happy merchant" meme lel

Sorry, I don't lurk /pol/. I can think of plenty other more fun ways to annihilate my brain cells.

>> No.3429240

It's from an ironic copypasta that's posted all over the place.

>> No.3429292
File: 29 KB, 428x500, jew-bwa-ha-ha.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your autism is insufferable.

>> No.3429297


>> No.3429294


>> No.3429300

That's the point. Google Chomsky bot pls.

>> No.3430831
File: 13 KB, 291x380, 46787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wittgenstein thread derails into derrida


>> No.3430862


late witty and derrida have much in common

>> No.3432060

Sure you're not confusing having common ground for outright theft & misappropriation of ideas?

>> No.3432073

Only a superficial plebe reading

Don't taint Wittgenstein with your french filth

>> No.3432081

He's got more in common with Foucault: his weakness for young men.