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3420895 No.3420895[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

In this thread, we post our awkward moments.

Bonus points for posting drawings, however shitty.

>> No.3420953
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a straight white male signed up for my class, clearly just trying to enforce privilege and the systemic patriarchal dominance upon the womyn and pyple of color. pic related it's an illustration of the hate incident from my report card

>> No.3421433
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>> No.3421541

Accidentally made new thread instead of replying once

>> No.3421543 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 453x500, 1340216447466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>alpha as fuck

>> No.3421577

Work on a bar. Girl asks for a vodka and coke. I start to make it. She leans over the bar and says with a smile, "Single?" I am abit taken aback, I say "excuse me?" She says it alot more frankly this time, like a statement. I feel bad for her as she isn't the best looking girl but I admire her confidence. "I'm so sorry" I start, "but I actually have a girlfriend."
"No, a single. I want a single measure."
At this point I realise I had picked up the double measure. I tried to laugh but she was not amused. It was awkward, to say the least.

>> No.3421585
File: 11 KB, 501x429, my-special-picture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you wanna watch a movie?

>> No.3421622

ur taste in moveis suk

>> No.3421657 [DELETED] 

>be dating a virgin
>be in NYC on vacation
>earlier that month we started having sex
>we have a nice dinner at a michelin-starred joint
>later than night we have sex
>keep wrestling all night, lickaroo, etc.
>she goes on this tirade about how she was raised Catholic
>explains the minutiae of holy maries, asking for the sign of patron saint each year, and sho on
>eventually I just raise my hand and give the classic Larry Davidian "ehh."
>she goes bonkers, hitting me with pillows and screaming about how I don't care about her religion
>remember what my mother always told me
>"i warned you about discussing religion bro"
>"i told you"
>panic, bite my tongue so hard it bleeds like her
>rest of the trip is the most awkward thing ever
>and not a single fuck was given that day

>> No.3421681 [DELETED] 
File: 19 KB, 506x316, eternity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3421696

Due to your meme-infused greentext story, I think that you just might lack the emotional and intellectual maturity to interact with people.

>> No.3421726

link for deleting faggot's greater embarrassment

>> No.3421748

Started talking to a punk rock girl I met in a park. (She commented on my Dropkick Murphys t-shirt) We chat a bit. I Spy a Starbucks and ask her if she would like to get a cup of coffee with me. She says, oh god yuppie hell starbucks makes me want to puke.
Spaghetti, spaghetti everywhere.

>> No.3422134

At crowded beach yesterday. Girl lying on her stomach in a bikini stared at me sitting on a park bench. After a while she picks up an ice cream stick and starts poking it in and out in the sand, like a penis slamming into a vagina. She looked at me the whole time, but I'd been called a 'nigger' by a former romance a few minutes before so my head wasn't in the right place for trying to make something happen.

>> No.3422142

why would that bother you

>> No.3422175

Because I should have tried to nail her, not getting any currently. Also, I don't like seeming like I'm not picking up on when a girl wants it, everyone feels bad. She may never do something like that again. Also, did she want it? Girls are never clear.

>> No.3422205

Doesn't awkwardness usually stem from uncomfortable social situations between more than one person. It sounds like it was only you that was uncomfortable, and you certainly sound like you're over thinking things and unnervingly dependent on sexual intercourse.

>> No.3422233

i was smoking weed in webster hall with some of the people i went to a concert with, we get it around a couple times and i'm taking my last hit about to pass it when there's flashlights and a security guard walks up behind me and pulls the joint out of my hand... had to exhale right in his face.

>> No.3422243

Run into former classmate with girl on the street.
Idiot me asks 'Is this your girlfriend?'
Former classmate replies 'NO!! We're just friends... just friends...'
Idiot me instinctively replies 'For now.'
Awkward laughs ensue as I just realise what I said.

Sorry girl.

>> No.3422248

dude that was a playa move. you can totally hit that now since you've planted the idea of her being your girlfriend in the future in her mind. now her subconscious will see it as a natural future event, meaning she'll get wet next time you talk

source: I am a scientist

>> No.3422273

I think you misread his story.

Nice bro move, though, Anon. You basically got the former classmate laid.

>> No.3422278


got the wrong board bud

>> No.3422310

>go to austin to watch some live bands
>buddies and I find acid first bar we go into
>I took about 6 hits
>we're all chillin, trippin balls, enjoying the music
>8/10 cutie pie comes up to me and trys to start a conversation
>my inherent social awkwardness+ music completely taking over my thoughts+ my mind racing a mile a minute from the acid
>try really hard, but fail to focus on a single thought, unable to form a coherent sentence
>stop trying to speak and just smile stupidly
>girl looks at me for like 15 good long seconds
>says "whats wrong with you?"
>give her the ole freeshrugs.jpg with my stupid smile on my face
>she walks out of my life forever.

fuck that bitch yo, made my trip start to spiral downward, luckily as soon as we walked into a different bar, it was like walking into a different universe so I forgot about it and was good.

if you're going to trip, you're gonna have to accept that you won't be picking up any females that night.