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3420343 No.3420343 [Reply] [Original]

I know this is probably dangerously off-topic, but this is my first time posting on /lit/, and I'm not really familiar with the limits of what can be discussed.

However, given the off chance that some of you might have played this VN, I am legitimately interested:

What does /lit/ think of the writing in Katawa Shoujo?
I know people will send me to KSG, but I feel this is the place for legitimate, professional critique.

>> No.3420368

I think it's interesting from a stylistic point of view, because I got the impression, at least in the demo, that the writers were emulating the way English works when it's translated from Japanese. The idea being that you get a product that feels like it was originally written in Japanese and then translated into English.

>> No.3420398

I find this style prevalent on 4chan. It is kinda interesting.

I've also only played the demo. The writing wasn't that great, just cliches and appeal for lonely dudes.

>> No.3420405

It was a good game. The 3rd act twists were on average pretty creative and the characters were likable. It was no Ulysses, but it certainly was good.

>> No.3420419

I have it installed but it makes me feel autistic as fuck just opening it.

Are there sex scenes and all that like a regular VN?

>> No.3420429

You can count the total number of sex scenes on one hand, and most of them are softcore. You can even have them disabled.

>> No.3420448

writing was fucking shit tier, obvious, characters were stereotypes, lessons couldn't have been less blatant and the prose was masturbatory whenever these blatant lessons were being spelled out. cheap easy feels from shit writers.

>> No.3420485

I'm not sure why everyone is talking about cliches, I thought it was pretty nice how KS avoided the usual traps of its genre - that of the poor, broken girl and the man who heals her with her love.

>> No.3420495

Have you actually read any other visual novels?

>> No.3420505

i love visual novels and was wondering if /lit/ could suggest some feel worthy stuff like them? (KS, A Drug That Makes You Dream, Narissu)

>> No.3420506

Yes, and the attitude that sex is the final stage of a relationship, after which you have "beaten the final boss" or "won the game", is pervasive in all of them.

>> No.3420510

i wanna clear up that i don't necessarily care for the sex scenes, just the emotional depth of the stories that some of them have.

>> No.3420514

It was a nice read and the characters were either a twist on cliche or nicely written characters with enough depth to them to make them more unique than being crippled.
No masterpiece by any stretch but still a good read.
Other than the Shizune route, I enjoyed all the routes.

They probably haven't read it.

>> No.3420539

>Yes, and the attitude that sex is the final stage of a relationship, after which you have "beaten the final boss" or "won the game", is pervasive

hahhaha, nope

but OP we've been through this many times and most VNs are shit - does the medium have potential? yes - is it literature? nope.

is it interesting? potentially very much so, but at the moment it is too regulated by the japanese neckbeard market (to which it panders - even the 'genre breaking' stuff only sticks to doing that - breaking the genre - and rarely goes beyond that) to achieve any 'literary' merit

>> No.3420541

I don't think it was like that in KS. But I played it a long time ago, might be mistaken.

>> No.3420566


I'm not asking about the VN medium as a whole.

I'm asking about the literary merit of the writing in KS by itself. Just the writing, in isolation from all its other elements. And specifically in this VN.

>> No.3420573

ks devs get out

>> No.3420575

I liked it quite a bit. It has some interesting ideas with subverting the form of the 'dating sim', the most interesting being the fact that in a few cases your presence in the lives of these girls makes them decidedly worse off.

>> No.3420642

It was okay, but Hisao was often too much of a "master of romance". Conflict via default stupid actions of my protagonist make for a bad time.

>> No.3420685


Heard that term a lot before.

What does "master of romance" actually mean in this context?

>> No.3420712

what the fuck is this weeaboo shit? there are literally many other boards for this, get the fuck off /lit/

>> No.3420735

"master of romance" is to master of romance as DEEP is to deep. It means that the guy is a fool. It's a joke.

KS was alright. The problem with english VNs is the quality of writing is shit, so KS looks like a masterpiece in comparison, but it's just alright.