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/lit/ - Literature

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3418400 No.3418400 [Reply] [Original]

Hi there /lit/. /co/ here, do you guys ever do Idea Threads? Y'know, taking ideas and rating 'em out of 10.

If not, I can just leave...

>> No.3418410

they're called plagiarism threads

>> No.3418413
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AA man dreams of his ideal world. The story is him living his life, observing and pressing his ideal world on others. Interesting ideological story. End story.

Next story, A man lives in the previous narrators ideal world, and dream of living in HIS ideal world. He addresses the shortcomings of the current world, and presses his ideas. End story.

Next story. This person lives in the PREVIOUS narrators ideal world. Addresses the shortcomings and dreams of THEIR ideal world.

this goes on until i make too much money.

>> No.3418451

guess my idea was too good for everyone else.

>> No.3418452

Oh, okay then...

I'll just post my idea here, in case anyone else wants to use it.

The year's 2149. Downtown Chicago, or what's left of it, is a veritable prison. No guards, save for the mutated creatures that prowl the streets. Food is extremely hard to come by. Once a month, the doors on all the buildings unlock, and a countdown clock begins to tick down. This is "raid day", where citizens are encouraged to pillage any remaining edible food the city has left. Raids are a concept that most American cities have adopted, albeit in extremely varying ways.
The story follows a group of four people attempting to make it out of the city, and escape up north.

Shitty, I know, but the thought of a post-apoc road trip fascinates me.

>> No.3418454


Kinda gimmicky, but if it's written well, I'd consider buying.

>> No.3418469


>> No.3418474

Damn, and it was just starting to get good.

>> No.3418482
File: 20 KB, 440x355, 1359225091362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A book...

Are you ready?

...About nothing.

>> No.3418506


>> No.3418514

What is Kerouac's On The Road?

>> No.3418565

Go to bed, Tao.

>> No.3418578
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A coffee-table book...

about coffee tables!

>> No.3418592

Eric is a young man who leaves town after watching his abusive father Red murder his sister. He plans on leaving his past behind and doing whatever he can to 'make it'. But Eric's about to find out, the past isn't so easy to escape...

>> No.3418645

A story about white privilege. A young white man is overwhelmed by his choices and doesn't know what to do with his life. Then the global white conspiracy gives him a check for $50k and tells him to go to Hollywood. He asks for a job to have something to do and the oppressed jews are pushed aside to grant him his privilege. He works his way up the ladder under the tutelage of the powerful Hollywood bosses Hans Hansen Hansensson and Erik Whiteyman. Eventually the jews organize and demand equality and he has to question his privilege. Will he stand by his white supremacist Hollywood elites or will he join the oppressed in their call for fairness?

>> No.3418701

Dick Lundquist here. I'd like to buy the film rights if the ending involves the young man defeating the ravenous oppressed jew hordes with a chainsaw and kung fu.

>> No.3419377

a dark angsty novel full of my genius poems of progress for change
feel free to steal my idea. it's transformative and transgressive.

>> No.3419386

a young man comes to realise that something which happened in his past is of significance to him, after something in the present reminds him of the thing in the past. a girl is involved in the process

>> No.3419392

>ideas thread
>people just explaining plots

>> No.3419405
File: 352 KB, 900x600, becoming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a timid man realises he is in an ancestor-simulation and figures out a way to commandeer the mind of a capybara diplomat in the real universe. he negotiates a delicate treaty between capybara factions and eventually after many trials learns to become a capybara himself but it turns out this was all a dream in the fake universe but the fake universe isn't really fake at all... or is it?