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File: 77 KB, 640x379, ovc movie poster book 932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3413561 No.3413561 [Reply] [Original]

Hey, /lit/, do you hate it when publishers stick a movie poster on a book and call it a cover?

Not to be a wannabe poser like this guy, but I hate how a book jacket design gets tossed out and replaced with a movie poster. If I like the damn movie.. and lord knows that is usually not the case.. I will buy the DVD. If I like the poster, that doesn't mean it makes for a good book cover design and I'd just as well put it on my wall.

Anyone else hate this trend?

>> No.3413564
File: 12 KB, 128x192, I Am Legend Woll Smith book cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic very very very related

>> No.3413568

No, I love it. I only buy those.

>> No.3413572

I know, rite?! I only buy books after I see the movie and then put the books on a shelf to look smart too.

>> No.3413577

Wow, you are pretentious fuck. I read the book, I just like the movie covers better.

>> No.3413580

I don't mind. The publishers do it because they have discovered repeatedly that they can sell more books by having the movie on the front. I'm not going to expect them to change their business strategy and lose money just because I'd prefer the original cover.

I'm not staring at the cover when I'm reading anyway, and when I've finished it goes on the shelf and all I can see is the spine. If I was really bothered I'd just by it on Amazon, you can pretty much pick which edition/cover you want.

>> No.3413595

[straightens fedora]
You just cannot appreciate good design.
Dammit, 4chan! Why can I not type in Helvetica?!

>> No.3413597
File: 39 KB, 393x600, cosmopolisbook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unfortunately, I own this cover. I also didn't really like the book or the film.

>> No.3413603
File: 171 KB, 800x567, dantes_inferno_book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to wait for the Videogame version to come out

>> No.3413608
File: 21 KB, 309x500, constantine novelization n131987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>3413580 > I'm not staring at the cover when I'm reading anyway, and when I've finished it goes on the shelf and all I can see is the spine. If I was really bothered I'd just by it on Amazon, you can pretty much pick which edition/cover you want.
Yeah. That is pretty awesome. I think this pet peeve got me interested in looking at older editions of books.

Also, in general, I think I just can't stand Will Smith and shitty movie adaptations. So I can't stand when the movie completely changes the original book. And even more hilarious when they list the screenwriters on the damn cover.

>> No.3413609

>>3413603 > I like to wait for the Videogame version to come out
Why should I read the book Dante's Inferno?
Devil May Cry was such a better version!

>> No.3413613

Only if the movie was far shittier/had little to do with the book
>I Am Legend
jesus christ why has no one made a proper adaptation. there have been at least three tries at it

>> No.3413619

best one.

>> No.3413621

If it didn't have the 'NOW A MAJOR MOTION PICTURE' that would be a pretty decent cover. I haven't seen the film, but R-Patz seems to fit the role at least for the purpose of that picture.

And I didn't like the book that much either. It wasn't bad, it was just sort of... okay.

>> No.3413625
File: 46 KB, 293x475, v for vendetta novelization 5812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is annoying on many levels.
One, it takes away from the original graphic novel. Yet.. It turns out Alan Moore negotiated that an author friend of his named Steve Moore (no relation) to write the novelization. When the time came to do the same for Watchmen, Warners said they would.. then changed their mind and they fired Steve Moore and canceled it... just as Steve Moore was suffering from cancer and had bills to pay. Classy, Warners. Classy.

>> No.3413631

are you jewish and do you have a big great beard

>> No.3413791
File: 1.14 MB, 1024x1328, Richard Matheson I Am Legend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kinda dig the top right. I ended up getting the one to the left of the Woll Smith cover.