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3412522 No.3412522 [Reply] [Original]

I have recently read about a philosophy called Objectivism. It's based on three axiomatic principals, claims that reality exists independent of consciousness, and following reason is the best way to live your life. I think it's trying to say faith and emotion are bad because they lead to incorrect biased decisions and we have an obligation to follow our reason to the best of our ability. I'm a little bit concerned about the capitalistic decadence though.

As objective morality doesn't exist, is objectivism a good way to cure nihilism, or is philosophy just linguistic games that render metaphysical questions irrelevant?

>> No.3412524

this was literally made yesterday
at least wait for a little bit before you use it as a copy pasta

>> No.3412832

So you've got nihilism or something?

>> No.3412838

Nihilism isn't a disease, you don't "have" it.

>> No.3412840

the only way to achieve enlightenment is to be totally immoral

>> No.3412843

It's also funny how posters in this thread (myself included) probably think they are being somehow witty and ironic.

>> No.3412849
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Keep fighting the good fight /lit/.

>> No.3412850

Objectivism is an excellent way to give your every petty selfish act a veneer of moral integrity.

It's a way to convince yourself that you're the only moral human being, while at the same time acting like a horrible person.

>> No.3412869

I think you guys should shit up one of the science forums with philosophy and a complete rejection of science.

>> No.3412875

>As objective morality doesn't exist, is objectivism a good way to cure nihilism, or is philosophy just linguistic games that render metaphysical questions irrelevant?


>> No.3412890

>As objective morality doesn't exist,
It's irrelevant
>is objectivism a good way to cure nihilism,
It's irrelevant
or is philosophy just linguistic games that render metaphysical questions irrelevant?

>> No.3413260
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Christ, that philosophy forum makes me cringe.

>> No.3413263

stop bumping shit threads

>> No.3413407


>> No.3413435

But objective morality does exist. That was Rand's point. Ethics is a science, and morality is derived from reason.

>> No.3413470
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To elaborate

>Ethics is an objective, metaphysical necessity of man’s survival. . . .

>I quote from Galt’s speech: “Man has been called a rational being, but rationality is a matter of choice—and the alternative his nature offers him is: rational being or suicidal animal. Man has to be man—by choice; he has to hold his life as a value—by choice; he has to learn to sustain it—by choice; he has to discover the values it requires and practice his virtues—by choice. A code of values accepted by choice is a code of morality.”

>The standard of value of the Objectivist ethics—the standard by which one judges what is good or evil—is man’s life, or: that which is required for man’s survival qua man.

>Since reason is man’s basic means of survival, that which is proper to the life of a rational being is the good; that which negates, opposes or destroys it is the evil. Since everything man needs has to be discovered by his own mind and produced by his own effort, the two essentials of the method of survival proper to a rational being are: thinking and productive work.

>> No.3413602
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>Ethics is a science

One, deluded woman, this Ayn.

>> No.3413617

It's pretty self-evident. Natural law is the basis of the constitution.

If everyone in society murdered each other, that society would cease to exist. If the promulgation of life is a value, which any consistent person should agree on, that is undesirable. Therefor, you shouldn't murder.

Objective morality.

>> No.3413627

>If the promulgation of life is a value

>> No.3413632
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>morality is derived from reason

What the fuck am I reading?

>> No.3413634

Then you're inconsistent. You're alive, which means you have at least chosen to value your life. Why not others? It's in your self interest. Societies make life easier.

>> No.3413637
File: 42 KB, 300x275, Ayn Rand Smoking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You who prattle that morality is social and that man would need no morality on a desert island—it is on a desert island that he would need it most. Let him try to claim, when there are no victims to pay for it, that a rock is a house, that sand is clothing, that food will drop into his mouth without cause or effort, that he will collect a harvest tomorrow by devouring his stock seed today—and reality will wipe him out, as he deserves; reality will show him that life is a value to be bought and that thinking is the only coin noble enough to buy it.

>> No.3413642

>Thinking it's not.

>> No.3413643

randism is a wonderful companion to social darwinism

>> No.3413645
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>> No.3413647


Explain then, faggot.

>> No.3413649

That's actually rather beautiful, Ayn.

>> No.3413652
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>I swear, by my life and my love of it, that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine.

>> No.3413654

>is objectivism a good way to cure nihilism,
Nihilism has no cure

Ayn Rand was a stupid egoist and only started her own philosophy to make money and have an army of followers

>> No.3413662

>Nihilism has no cure


>> No.3413675

nihilism states that life has no inherent meaning or purpose

making up your own meanings and purposes doesn't really change anything-- you might as well just be clinging to Christianity.

>> No.3413680
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which is also a valid way to exit nihilism

>> No.3413694

>I don't know what the word "inherent" means

>> No.3413703

>don't have a house
>building a house won't solve it


>> No.3413705

>nihilism states that life has no inherent meaning or purpose

Bullshit. Prove to me that you have some form of objective truth and can categorically state that life has no meaning, and I'll convert to the church of nihilism.

>> No.3413710

If you overcome the conviction that life has no meaning or purpose, or just overcome being bothered by it, nihilism is cured in the sense that it no longer ails you.

>> No.3413712

you must have learnt it recently if you think it's a hard word bub

whether or not life has any purpose or not, it is possible to exit nihilism by rejecting it. you might be wrong, but you have the conviction that life has a purpose. congrats! you've exited nihilism.

>> No.3413723

congrats, you've endorsed brainwashing and escapism.

>> No.3413734


>> No.3413750

>defends nihilism
>values truth above untruth

Seems pretty inconsistent, bro.

>> No.3413745

So you're a coward.

>> No.3413746


What exactly is your point here? Or are you just trying to be cool?

>> No.3413747

Is your argument really "I don't like the implications of what he's saying"?

>> No.3413751

Different anon

Everyone's life has a purpose. At the very least self-preservation, or else they wouldn't have a life.

>> No.3413757
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>values courage about cowardice

Boy oh boy, you are the worst nihilist ever.

>> No.3413758


>> No.3413759


Nihilism is devaluation of values, and you shouldn't try to practically or intellectually mend the situation through escapism because that makes you a coward (which is a word you've infused value about moral characters in).

Heh, good one.

>> No.3413761

Everything living lives, doesn't mean it is it's purpose. Things on earth tend to gravitate downwards, would you say it is their purpose? Is the sun's purpose to shine?

>> No.3413763

My point is that nihilism has no "cure" so to speak.

Whoever I'm talking to is trying to tell me that a placebo is a cure, even if you know it's a placebo.

This is usually why I normally stay clear of nihilism threads.

>> No.3413767

See: >>3413705

>> No.3413768

The purpose of nihilism is to help people escape nihilism. We all feel at some point that there is no objective purpose to life, and we would be right in thinking that. Recognizing the idea of nihilism allows us to stop the search for meaning outside of ourselves, and guides us into forming our own, subjective purposes in order to give our lives meaning once again. This is important, because we as humans are complex systems, and like all systems, we must have a purpose in order to function properly.

>> No.3413774

It imports bourgeois norms in via slippage claims about rationality; so it is just another religion, but with an insufficient time depth to allow variety of moralities or hypocrisies to develop (both good things).

If you're going for a religion, import Kierkegaard over the top of any of the great ones, and then just be atheist about—nihilism solved.

>> No.3413775

You can't live without choosing to. No one can live without valuing at least their life, which is a purpose.

>> No.3413778

So? Bravery doesn't matter, remember? Nothing does.

>> No.3413783

You're asking to me to prove that something intangible doesn't exist?

This is why I usually steer clear of nihilism threads.

>> No.3413779

Of course it is a disease, fucking nihilist

>> No.3413787
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>> No.3413796
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Why, yes it does!

>> No.3413803


haha, buttravaged your own post into oblivion. bye moron!

>> No.3413804

So what if I just go "Fuck this, I'm gonna go be a good person because that's what I want to be, and I want others to be happy." I'd consider myself a nihilist, and pretty much everyone I know shares my view that there is no inherent meaning. They still manage to be good, happy and successful, whilst I am a self-obsessed little cunt who does nothing but lie around, be depressed and complain. Everyone I know is basically a nihilist, but they're all pretty normal.

>> No.3413815


You can't be a genuinely good, as in morally flourishing, person and still claim nihilism you monkey.

>> No.3413820


then you have meaning, smartass. why is "inherent meaning" (meaningless term) so extremely important to you. doesn't make any sense.

>> No.3413823

I don't value courage. Courage has no value and often bears no rewards.

It's just a word used to help people cope with pain or death.

>> No.3413824

>"Fuck this, I'm gonna go be a good person because that's what I want to be, and I want others to be happy."
Welcome to existentialism. Meaning doesn't have to be inherent or objective to exist, and you've just created some for your very own. Take good care of it and enjoy.

I actually never really got the "there are no objective values and meaning so it's all just nothingness and shit". The idea of values and meaning being something independent of a certain person/perspective seems ridiculous in the first place.

>> No.3413826

Don't you mean amoral? I sure hope you don't, it'll be much more interesting to see how you justify that.

>> No.3413830

Immoral makes sense as well. The deliberate practice of taboos to liberate oneself of spooky dualism.


>> No.3413833

>You're asking to me to prove that something intangible doesn't exist?

No. Stop playing linguistic games. I'm not asking you to prove your claim. I'm asking you to prove you have some kind of objective truth on which to base your claim.

>> No.3413836
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Person: I adhere to socialism.
You: Socialism doesn't exist.
Person: Of course, it's an ideology that-
You: Show me one faggot. I've never seen a socialism in my life.

>> No.3413840
File: 266 KB, 480x320, schopenhauerian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Person: I adhere to socialism.
You: Socialism doesn't exist.
Person: Of course it does, it's a well established ideology that-
You: Show me one faggot. I've never seen a socialism in my life.

>> No.3413856

Really? Cause I caught it from a combination of internet atheists and homegrown philosophy, and I sure would like to lose it. Honest to God, if I were presented with the choice right now I'd swallow the blue pill. I don't even care about enlightenment, I don't care if I'm ignorant. No human will ever come close to knowing everything, so why should we strive for any knowledge at all? It all pales in comparison to what we'll never have, and the more we learn, the more we want to know. I don't understand how the pursuit of knowledge can end in anything other than deep depresion.
Then again, none of the smartest people I know of have been depressed( DFW had clinical depression). They must therefore possess some higher knowledge which I don't understand. The only logical conclusion then becomes to gain this knowledge, but to be able to understand them I'd have to study way more maths than I'm comfortable with. Thus, I am fucked over by myself, and I just end up reaching around my own back to perform a one man circlejerk. Me. Me, me, me; pay attention to me! I'm not even kidding, I can't stop talking about myself.

>> No.3413867

Why no?
Because my shitty, self-imposed meaning has no value outside of myself. I guess I don't really feel a part of anything.

>> No.3413872

So your point is that purpose is a manmade thing; a mental construct?

>> No.3413877


Take some psilocybin and get some perspective if you aren't able to do it sober.

>> No.3413880

I can do that, I just don't want to.

>> No.3413882

Not him, but yeah. What mental gymnastics have you done to convince yourself otherwise?

>> No.3413885
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If only there were some rich and beautiful tradition engrained in our society where people share meaning and values as a loving group, offering the closest thing to external values this world has to offer.

>> No.3413886

Meh, I'm just bitching.

>> No.3413887

Keep thinking about yourself and you'll get depression and die, soon enough.

>> No.3413889

I never understood people getting depressed by nhilism. Nothing has meaning, so what? How has anything changed?

>> No.3413896

How the Hell does one into religion?

>> No.3413898
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Yes. It's clearly a concept, just like happiness or love or justice or five. I've never seen a five in the wild either, but that doesn't mean I do away with the number. A lot of philosophical problems stem simply from confusion. Such as confusion concepts with things and then lamenting that concepts are in fact concepts instead of things.

>> No.3413900

Cultivate faith.

>> No.3413907

Nothing, really, but nothing real matters more than what's in the mind(see: nihilism).

>> No.3413912

This guy is making a very good point. What are your opinions, nihilists?

>> No.3413915
File: 49 KB, 500x375, hum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It hasn't, but if you have attributed meaning to something and built your life around it, suddenly having the paint stripped from reality like that tends to stun people.

So it's an inner reaction to an inner change.

>> No.3413917

Same reason kids are sad when they learn Santa doesn't exist. It's the habitual belief in the idea that he does exist that makes his absence painful. It's essentially grieving over lost beliefs and the pain of cognitive dissonance.

The problem is not the new world view but trying to cling to the old one. Once this behaviour is done away with there remains no problem with a lack of meaning.

>> No.3413926

I'm not talking about the people who suddenly become nihilists, but those who have been nihilists for years and still can't get over their existential angst, as though they revel in it.

I'm sure you know the type, this is /lit/ after all.

>> No.3413927

When you ask for a purpose, what you're really asking for is something you perceive as deep or meaningful.
Propogation is the purpose of being alive. Just because it doesn't satisfy you, doesn't mean it ain't a purpose.

>> No.3413929
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I suspect it's some dark-edgy variety of Snowflakeism. "I'm so dark and mysterious, all these happy people are plebs" etc. Or they're teenagers.

Or pic related.

>> No.3413930

It could be viewed as a purpose by persons, but the way that guy put it made it seem like nature can into teleology, which is one of the most cringe inducing misinterpretations of evolution theory and the like.

>> No.3413932

So we'd be better off deluding ourselves?

>> No.3413933

>implying the random occurence of multiplying organisms has any inherent meaning

Nature doesn't give a hoot. If you fail to breed, your genetic data is lost. Therefore all genomes tend towards maximized propagation. That's not the same as purpose.

>> No.3413937

INHERENT value, meaning, and purpose.

Inherent is the key word.

You can make up good things, and you can make up useful things, and you can make up things that are beautiful, but that doesn't stop them from being made up.

And like the tide beating against a rock, nihilism will always wear down even the most beautiful, useful, and good things mankind can imagine because all it takes is a little introspection.

>> No.3413934
File: 18 KB, 324x243, happy nihilist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been stuck with a nasty case of the nihilisms for years. It's truly just malfunctioning thought patterns in way, at least that's how I see it in retrospect.

Of course, when you are strict about it, being angsty because of nihilism is just as legitimised as being happy or indifferent or whatever about it. None of these are more legitimate than other reactions from a nihilist perspective.

>> No.3413942

So what are the advantages of accepting nihilism if it (from this thread) tends to make people miserable? Why not just skip the anxiety and go right to hedonism or something?

>> No.3413943

what's the deal with conflating nihilism and angst or angularity. since when does abstract philosophy necessarily determine normative behavior more so than concrete things like emotion and the social contract

>> No.3413945


What? Where did I say that? I'm saying nihilism isn't a problem or a cause for depression. People keep implying that a lack of meaning is a source of despair.

>> No.3413947

>necessarily determine normative behaviour

I don't think anybody said that - but there seems to be some correlation. Now this is not to say causation, but it's still interesting.

>> No.3413951

So if all your genes (ignoring linkage etc.) are geared towards maximal propogation, you think the 'intended' outcome is something other than propogation?

Obviously nature has no intent, I use intend in a metaphorical sense. Does some outside agent have to designate a role for you to make it a purpose? Why is that purposeful?

What purpose, in your eyes, would make life meaningful?

>> No.3413953

>Of course, when you are strict about it, being angsty because of nihilism is just as legitimised as being happy or indifferent or whatever about it. None of these are more legitimate than other reactions from a nihilist perspective.
But shouldn't that be reason enough to not be angsty? I find it quite liberating really.

>> No.3413956

It makes people miserable because they're idiots, not because of any problem inherent in nihilism itself.

>> No.3413958

There are no advantages.

You don't accept nihilism. It's not a philosophy. It's not a belief. It's nothing to be proud of. It's only a conclusion.

>> No.3413959

>It's not a philosophy.
Well that's not exactly true.

>> No.3413962

Sure, it could very well be, but there is no reason to believe people respond to things in a rational manner (or that experiating it as liberating is more rational than despairing), nor to believe that they have the power to choose how they respond to things. For all you know, you might just be lucky with your disposition, and another may be "fucked existentially" as one of the contemporary greats puts it.

>> No.3413965

They're geared towards propagation because only those that were geared towards propagation propagated, leaving more left towards propagation. There's no intent anywhere here, just Darwinism.

>> No.3413967
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Some people belief nihilism is the correct position to take in order to not be dishonest or untruthful. These people for some reason value truthfulness. The combination of believing nihilism to be the correct position and an urge for truthfulness can get you pretty stuck. Nihilism often seems to be accepted more as a burden or duty in some way than something one benefits from.

Of course nihilism can also be very freeing, especially in the case of people who felt compelled to adhere to very restricting ethical systems before they turned to nihilism.

>> No.3413973

Very true, sir; well spoken.

>> No.3413976

That's the point - there is no intention behind anything, it just happens. By ascribing (metaphorical) intent or purpose to nature, we're projecting human qualities onto it. And yes, I would say that purpose or meaning must be attributed by someone or something in order to exist - purpose cannot self-create.

So if we were to, say, genetically engineer a butterfly that changed colours depending on temperature, then it would have a purpose for us. Though that would not be the same as an inherent purpose because the butterfly wouldn't be attributing (the same) meaning to it.

>> No.3413978

Of course. But if you recognise that they're geared towards propogation, that this is what they've worked towards since creation, why does this not count as intent.
Is intent only able to be exercised by sentient beings?
If so life is purposeless without a 'god', because without a sentient creator, there is no purpose.
But if there is a god, who has a purpose for life, does that fact that he has intent make it any more meaningful?

Basically, I don't believe that it's possible for life to be meaningful in the way that the poster that started this thread of conversation is asking for,

>> No.3413981

>nor to believe that they have the power to choose how they respond to things.
But I do believe this. I wasn't happy with the idea of nihilism at first, but I rationally came to the conclusion that despairing was inconsequential, and then came to found nihilism liberating for a myriad of reasons.

I think a bigger problem is people believing that their initial emotional reactions are the be-all end-all state of their thoughts and that once their ideas in place, it's beyond their ability to change what they think or how they think )to a certain extent obvs).

People seriously underestimate willpower, which is strange considering how those same people are usually astonished at how tenacious others are to refuse logic (thinking of a religion thread the other day.)

I forgot what we were talking about so I think I'm done posting...

>> No.3413984

I can't speak for other nihilists, but I think hedonists are evil. I make my own ethics, and hedonists tend to violate these so strongly that I cannot simply ignore them. Besides, I'd like to think we're generally better people, since we don't fuck others over for pleasure. Being a good person is a worthwhile goal in itself, I would argue.

>> No.3413985

Objectivism is a bullshit philosophy created by Ayn Rand to justify soulless Libertarianism. Don't look deep into something shallow.

>> No.3413989

>Being a good person is a worthwhile goal in itself, I would argue.


>> No.3413993

This is true, and makes for a much better topic of discussion than nihilism ever does.

>> No.3413997

Why should the intent of past things affect me? If I reproduce, should my son's purpose be reproduction simply because I sired him? What about those that didn't reproduce, ending their genetic line, what was their purpose?

>> No.3413998

>I think hedonists are evil.

We hedonists propose means to maximize self-interest and pleasure. But if that conflicts with you or anyone else, we are inclined to compromise and change to avoid conflict, out of self-interest and pleasure.

>> No.3414000

But if the purpose of nihilism is the rejection of meaning to avoid illusions, surely making your own set of ethics means you're no nihilist at all? How does the concept of "evil" even make sense against a backdrop that doesn't leave room for inherent meaning?

>> No.3414002
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>> No.3414006

It's kind of more like an ideological burden, I suppose you could call us martyrs, since we tend to complain a lot. Maybe we fill our need for a purpose with nihilism; making it our goal like a monk makes his religion his purpose. Except monks aren't self-pitying cunts. If you have the choice, I'd recommend against going nilly, it's neither fun, enriching or productive. It's just melancholic.

>> No.3414012

This is a tricky thing to say. You managed to make the best of it (whatever the cause of this), therefore you assume that 'willpower' (something always ascribed in retrospect to successful endeavours) is something all people posses and posses it on a quantity to be able to do as you did. It could very well be that you just happened to snap out of it and others just happen to stay stuck into it.

In fact, that seems the most reasonable position to me. Unless you believe in magic.

>> No.3414013

But they're not past things. The genes that have spent since the dawn of life gearing towards propogation are the same ones within you, and every other living thing, right now.
Before someone jumps on this point again, I fully recognise that genes cannot show intent which is why I specified that I meant it in a metaphorical sense, as that is the design they have worked towards since inception.

>> No.3414025

I guess I have one foot out of the nilly-hole, I just delude myself, and I hate myself for it. That's not really a problem though, since my emotions and sense of motivation have been fading the past year and a half, and negative emotions and internal conflicts don't bother me as much as they used to(which was a lot!). Basically, I guess calling myself a nihilist might be a bit of a stretch, I'm more emo and ignorant.

>> No.3414027

You could always turn to active, militant nihilism in the sense of pushing existence towards non-existence. That's not possible, but you could strive towards disruptions and chaos en destruction and the dissolving of higher and intricate systems and lifeforms and just fuck everything straight to a delicious gray screeching static.

I guess that's what serial killers and the dark brotherhood sort of do. And archetypical supervillains.

>> No.3414037

>worked towards
Please stop teleologising. A lot of it probably isn't even on purpose, but it's precisely the habitual use of this type of grammatical animism that makes it feel commonsensical to ascribe qualities of sentient beings to everything.

>> No.3414052

Why would anyone do that? You have to consider the possibillity that you are wrong, or even insane. If so, then you'd be ruining countless happy lives, which is not agreeable. Either way, I like intriquite systems, to the point that I sometimes freak myself out thinking about entropy.

>> No.3414059

But isn't that an awfully complacent way of seeing things? That people are the way they are simply because they are, and nothing will ever change that? Isn't that simply a way of shrugging off any responsibility for your own misfortune ( and no doubt retrospectively claiming any success is your own merit, as you said) ?

This isn't gonna turn into a determinism vs free will argument is it?

>> No.3414071

EVerything you do as a nihilist in based on the premise of whimsy. Or the rule of cool. Still haven't chosen what I'll call it. Premise of whimsy is more accurate, rule of cool is just a mildly ironic whimsical decision...

Rule of cool it is. Nihilists only do things they think are cool. Get it?
Why not? It's cool mang.

>> No.3414110

I think, even if you don't believe in free will(I'm certain it doesn't exist, but that's beside the point.), you should still take responsibillity for your own actions, since even if you don't, you still made the decisions that caused the unfortunate event. Sure, you were going to do that anyway, but if you intend to act at all you are acting as if you had will, and thus, saying your actions are predetermined is hypocrisy, since you're now deciding when to act as if you had free will, and when not to. You could of course argue that you don't control your own thougts, actions or anything, but statistics indicate defeatists tend to fail, where others succeed. Therefore, being a defeatist is bad for you, and if you care about yourself you should not do it. I hope I've been coherent.

>> No.3414120

Pretty much, yeah, we recognise that some things bring us pleasure, and we may act to acheive them. That's pretty much why I do anything, including not offing myself.

>> No.3414126

I like premise of whimsy, it actually reads cooler...I'm gonna use them both.

>> No.3414945
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uehueuuheuheh i knew it

I even thought replying >>3412524 with confirmation and I'm sure it still would have gotten 100+ posts. lacks tl;dr read posts tho, but check em

>> No.3415624

>hhhehehe i tricked them into a decent conversation

>> No.3415914


>I really believe in unicorns!
>prove to me they don't exist!

>> No.3415936

Militant anti-unicornist detected.


>> No.3415957

Unicorns are supposed to be organisms. Values and meaning are supposed to be concepts. See: