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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 40 KB, 317x500, Thus-Spoke-Zarathustra-by-F.-Nietzsche-ebook-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3410376 No.3410376 [Reply] [Original]

Books that have helped you get through some serious shit.

>> No.3410384
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>> No.3410387
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>> No.3410393

Siddhartha by Herman Hesse

>> No.3410399
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>> No.3410400

High Fidelity - Nick Hornby
Not a bad breakup go-to.

>> No.3410407
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No really.

>> No.3410412
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>> No.3410414


Now here's a book for men.

>> No.3410420
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>> No.3410421

nigger by adolf hitler

>> No.3410424

If this is a man - Levi
Handbook - Epictetus
Beyond good and evil - Nietzsche

>> No.3410425


"As the father of two teenagers, I found this book invaluable. I'm sure other parents here can empathize when I say I shudder at the thought of the increasing influence and presence of huge ships in the lives my children. I certainly remember the strain I caused so long ago for my own parents when I began experimenting with huge ships. The long inter-continental voyages that kept my mom and dad up all night with worry. Don't even get me started on the international protocols when transporting perishable cargo. To think, I was even younger than my kids are now! huge ships are everywhere and it doesn't help that the tv and movies make huge ships seem glamorous and cool. This book helped me really approach the subject of huge ships with my kids in an honest, open and non judgmental way. Because of the insights this book provided, I can sleep a little better and cope with the reality that I can't always be there to protect my kids from huge ships, especially as they become adults. I'm confident that my teens, when confronted by a huge ship, are much better prepared to make wiser decisions than I did. At the very least my children certainly know that they can always come to me if they have any concerns, questions or just need my support when it comes to the topic of huge ships."

Lol'd hard.

>> No.3410451
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>> No.3410459
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>> No.3410486
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>> No.3410496

I like your sense of humor.

>> No.3410506

I'm feeling miserable, sad, lonely. Hell, even a slightly suicidal.

What should I read, brothers of /lit/?

>> No.3410510

Gargoyles by Thomas Bernhard

>> No.3410513


>> No.3410523
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>> No.3410527

Whoever you are, in whatever way necessary, be it through some kind of mock masculine chauvinism, or perhaps a more gentle approach fitting the likes of the softer heart, I wish I could help you.

>> No.3410533
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>> No.3410545
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>> No.3410555

that book broke my brain

>> No.3410559

fantastical fiction in my opinion.

honestly i love getting immersed in books like the Inheritance Cycle or the Demonata series when im not feeling good

>> No.3410565
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Oh God, this is just too much.

Thank you.

>> No.3410580


I just ordered this shit. I had no idea there was a subgenre of literature like that...
How is this even called?
Why isn't this given more attention?
this is spot on my type of humour. Total bullshit passed as dead serious while not taking itself too seriously.

>> No.3410584

Stoics, Epicureans, Buddhists, that type of stuff. Therapeutic philosophy is what you need.

>> No.3410586

Warriors by Erin Hunter got me into some serious shit

>> No.3410589

Does anyone have any Nietzche in ePub/mobi format they could share?

#bookz doesn't have shit

>> No.3410591



>> No.3410599
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>> No.3410603
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yeah, that one's my favorite

>> No.3410646

Nausea by Sarte. got me through highschool

>> No.3410668

Siddhartha helped me cope with the majority of my peers in high school.

>> No.3410781


>> No.3410825


>> No.3410834

The Gay Science - Friederich Nietzsche.

Seriously got me through some shit.

>> No.3410842

It WILL get better. Speaking as someone who stood on the brink and gradually stepped back, you don't need a book, you need physical activity. Get those fucking earphones, plug them the fuck in and get running. It may sound trite and silly, but manifesting a goal in the form of achieving a physical peak can do wonders for your mindset. It'll give you focus and allow you to build confidence.

And once you have that, the rest follow's accordingly.

>> No.3410852

Man's search for meaning by Frankl, some serious shit getting worked out in that book

>> No.3410858

I'll be honest with you guys. I 've often thought of this question. But when I'm in a really, really dark place, I don't really want to read. Sometimes reflecting on books I like (I won't name them because everyone'll get all /lit/ on me) helps - and that's a good thing - but actually reading doesn't. Maybe some escapism might offer some temporary easing of the nerves. But what I've come to realize recently is not that my episodes of sadness tend to be less frequent when I read more. Namely literary stuff. I don't mean just the classics. I mean anything that really makes you think, and really makes you get under someone else's skin.

Lovin' the thread, by the way. But I thought I'd chime in with my own experience.

>> No.3410870
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It depends: do you want to explore the depths of your depression and melancholy or read about ways to cope with and overcome hardship? From personal experience I suggest the former. If not, there's a book "Waking Up Alive" which you might be interested in.

>> No.3410873


Is there anything from him that is worth a read outside of In Search of Lost Time

>> No.3410883


Thanks for the suggestion.

>> No.3410889

Great stuff, thanks brah

>> No.3410907

Wish I'd had Nausea in high school. All I had to teach me about the world was Notes From Underground and The Stranger.

>> No.3410912
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May not be very scholarly, but strangely it really got me over a rough patch. Might have just needed a cheering up.

>> No.3410932

The film got a 92% on Rotten Tomatoes. Would it be good enough to just watch that?

>> No.3410938

No, but it doesn't make much difference if you read the book first or watch the film first. Hornby's also a decent lyric writer.

>> No.3410939

i have never seen a case where a film has been more in depth or enjoyable than it's book counterpart

>> No.3410942

What's the best translation for The Stranger by Albert Camus?

>> No.3410945

What about Fight Club?

>> No.3410957
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>> No.3410965

I think the vintage international one (translated by Matthew Ward) was great; but, then again, it is the only translation I have read, so it's hard to judge.

>> No.3410968


FUCK. I love that book. Mother FUCK.

MFW I realize I will never have a tree of babies....

>> No.3410973

i haven't read the book or seen the movie actually

i hear good things

>> No.3410981

The movie is bretty gud. The book is a little all over the place, it lacks the kind of vision the movie had. Out of Palahniuk's books that are the same story, Choke, Survivor and Lullaby are better.

>> No.3410983

that's because you know shit all about film

>> No.3411018

it's not "total bullshit", it's a helpful book for sailors, navigators, and captains who either aren't licensed or need a refresher on the "rules of the road", right of way, etc., if you're sailing thru shipping lanes for some reason.

the reviews are just a joke because most people aren't mariners. the title is a little silly but it's very clear and informative. sailors aren't known for their tact :\

>> No.3411029

how can you make such an assumption?

i like to watch film and i like to read books, and im merely stating what is true for me

>> No.3411030

Erich Fromm - The Art of Loving

>> No.3411073

it's not an assumption. it's a conclusion based on what you've said. there are a number of films better than the books they were based on. this is not a fringe or edgy opinion. you might enjoy a book more than the movie or whatever your metric is for determining what is better, but that in no way reflects which one was better.

>> No.3411074
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The film is just as good as the book, but they were different enough that I thoroughly enjoyed both.

I'd say the same about Jurassic Park too, but I liked High Fidelity more.

I can't answer the OP. Björk got me through some serious shit.

>> No.3411081
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>> No.3411085
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>helped you get through some serious shit.

>> No.3411090

The Bhagavad Gita and the Bible

>> No.3411093

It could always try and make you less materialistic.

>> No.3411192

The Godfather. A strong case could also be mad for 2001: A Space Odyssy

>> No.3411197

Job and the Gospels

>> No.3411199

I lol'd. Pretty true though.

>> No.3411218

Requiem for a Dream

>> No.3411226

From what little I can find on the book, it is completely serious. There seems to be a sort of mini-movement thing on amazon reviews though, where silly/absurd little items will get these kinds of reviews.

>> No.3411228
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>> No.3411246

>Matthew Ward
I second this post, and maintain the same reasoning.

>> No.3411779

Excuse the late bump, but what would you recommend for the former?

>> No.3411864

Meditations by Marcus Aurelius

>> No.3411873

The Stranger helped me describe my relationship with my fucked up asian mother.

>> No.3411885

I'm wondering, too.