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File: 22 KB, 220x567, Stirner02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3410122 No.3410122 [Reply] [Original]

Could anyone recommend me some interesting political or philosophical works? I am looking to expand my horizons.

>> No.3410126


>> No.3410138

Read any introduction to philosophy and stop assuming you can jump in the deep end without knowing how to swim yet, at once, expecting not to drown like an Ethiopian in a washing machine.

>> No.3410140


>> No.3410143
File: 628 KB, 300x169, 1359079592750.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the way this anon think.

Listen to him, OP.

>> No.3410162


I'd like to think I have a decent understanding of philosophy. I've read some of Nietzsche's work, Marx's, Plato's, and selected essays by anarchist philosophers. I've also read an introductory philosophy textbook front to back. I just want some more suggestions for stimulating works, especially outside of my own philosophy.

>> No.3410183
File: 24 KB, 404x480, 154578_10200283796326287_1530279882_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you read the sticky? There is a lot of philosophy on the recommended reading page.

As for politics, since you posted a picture of Stirner you might be interested in anarchism.

Free Books/Essays/Articles
An Anarchist FAQ:
"Anarchy Works" by Peter Gelderloos

There are an endless number of authors and books. Noam Chomsky, Rudolf Rocker, Emma Goldman, Alexander Berkman, Voltairine de Cleyre, Voline, Murray Bookchin, Mikhail Bakunin, Proudhon, Guerin, Malatesta, Dupont, Reclus, Armand, Tolstoy, Landauer, CrimethInc-

>> No.3410187

I'm not going to lie, that line-up is incredibly brief and shows that you haven't really got it, sp I'll be nice. Start with the greeks, they're the main starting point for philosophy. Reading it chronologically seems best, though starting at Plato is good (get the 5 dialogues from hackett). Then proceed through introductory texts, you'll need more than one and you'll need them to get progressively more difficult until you can actually understand philosophy.

>My own philosophy
Stop this shit right here. You don't have a personal philosophy. You know who did? Plato. So did Aristotle. So did Descartes. So did Spinoza. So did Locke. So did Berkeley and so did Hume. So did Kierkegaard, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Russell, Sartre, Wittgenstein and countless others. Your collection of beliefs is not an adequate thing for that moniker and it pisses me off when you deride from such a profoundly important study by bungling it with your own pop-culture understanding of what it means to have a philosophy.

>> No.3410232


I don't see why you place the word "philosophy" upon such a high pedestal. The most ignorant individuals still have their own interpretations on philosophical issues, just as those many consider more enlightened do. I don't quite understand how someone who seems to believe he knows a bit about philosophy would make such quick assumptions about someone he doesn't even know.

>> No.3410267

'a philosophy' is a systematic and reasoned position regarding such philosophical considerations as Metaphysics, Ethics, Aesthetics and so forth.
A few simple beliefs held because they're pre-conceptions are not constituent of a philosophy.
I may be wrong and OP may have a complete system but until I am given evidence then I see no reason to accept his misattribution of the term.
In reality, of course, these assumptions wouldn't be aired but this is the internet.

>> No.3410282

I'll be serious and helpful for a minute then. Go read:

Driver - Ethics; the fundamentals
Jacobs - Dimensions of moral theory
Russell - History of western philosophy
Wolff- introduction to political philosophy
Monk and Raphael - Great philosophers

>> No.3410286

Do yourself a favor and remove CrimethInc from that list and add Kropotkin to it.

>> No.3410594

All of this. Hellenism is best -ism.

>> No.3410597

>drown like an Ethiopian in a washing machine.
I wish to witness this sometime.