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3404433 No.3404433[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Say there's a girl who's a bit of a prude and honestly thinks sex is gross. She asks you what's so great about it. How would you, with your well-readness and superior logic, go about changing her mind? There must be a series of words that can do this, what are they?

Would you go the logical route? The fem-friendly emotional route? Some other?

>> No.3404437 [DELETED] 


>> No.3404440

I would let her be.

If she doesn't want to engage in sex and sees no merit in it, there is no reason why I should try to convince her otherwise.

It's really none of your/my business, also.

>> No.3404444

I would agree with her, because frankly, it's true.

>> No.3404447

go to /adv/ if you want advice on how to get some girl to have sex with you

>> No.3404446

You misunderstand, yes I was asked this by a girl, but out of her curiosity. We have a platonic thing going with no intention to make it otherwise

>> No.3404448

It is gross, though.

>> No.3404449


>> No.3404451

I just think it would be healthy for her to be open to the possibility (for when she's ready and with whom she wants)

Yes, the mechanics of sex are gross, full of smells, squelchings, and fluids, but obviously there's more to it than that. The trick is finding the right words to convey it

>> No.3404453

It is literally impossible for us to have sex. This is a theoretical discussion

>> No.3404454

>sex is gross
fucking pussies

>> No.3404455 [DELETED] 

rape her

>> No.3404458


>> No.3404471

Seriously though, what IS so great about it?

It's a gross method of endorphin release. It's the most primitive possible method of getting high.

Sex is just enslavement to the function of DNA. It feels great because that's the best way to get bodies to reproduce. It's totally pointless and extremely gross.

>> No.3404483
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B-but that's not true...

>> No.3404491
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If this girl approached you and begged you on her knees for sex, would you still say the same thing?

>> No.3404496 [DELETED] 

You're a autistic pathetic virgin.

>> No.3404497

It's a realization of the ultimate affection and longing for each other.

>> No.3404499
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>> No.3404501

Yes, but the doctors say I have an abnormally low libido so I'm somewhat of an outsider on these matters.

I understand that you normal people can't manage to resist such temptations, but it still seems wildly irrational and stupid and very icky.

>> No.3404505
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>> No.3404506

I never get this image. What is it of and what does it mean

>> No.3404507

I am not on the autism spectrum, and I am married.

I'm sorry that REAL TALK makes you so defensive you have to hurl insults at me.

>> No.3404511


confirmed for trollin' down the neighborhood

>> No.3404515

It's from an episode of workaholics


>> No.3404529

That was thoroughly retarded, but thanks for the link

>> No.3404530

You pull some emotional bullshit about how its beautiful and profound because its the highest form of physical intimacy, a pure moment of connection between the two partners. In reality, it is pretty gross, its ape-like to the point of almost being comical. That's why I literally cannot enjoy porn, even amateur, watching people have sex does nothing for me. That said, when you're actually doing it, you're getting off so that's why its cool. Its just something fun to do that provides relief and enjoyment.

>> No.3404532

"Bend over"

>> No.3404566 [DELETED] 

>lying on an anonymous image board

>> No.3404570 [DELETED] 

>in reality
>pretends like his opinion is objective fact


>> No.3404576
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Life is just enslavement to the function of DNA if you want to talk in those terms. Sex feels good. Feeling good makes people happy. Happiness is what most people want. Sex is thusly good for most people and I'd recommend it to everyone.

>> No.3404586

Sex is overrated.

>> No.3404593

The feeling sexual intimacy produces in males is inferior to the feeling other activities can create.

While males have a primal urge to procreate, true bonding is not created unless a male is in a position of vulnerability. When males are at risk, the hormone vasopressin is released and functions similarly to ocytocin in women. This chemical explains why men engage in dangerous behavior have a brother-like bond. This could include war, hunting, heavy construction, crime. This vulnerability does extend to sexual or emotional vulnerability, but as stated can be found in other activities.

On the other hand, for women, sex, childbirth, and nursing, are the only activities that release oxytocin. Without these primal activities, biologically, women will always feel alone.

>> No.3404596

DNA mainly wants to replicate and generationally survive, so that's not accurate. There are many ways a conscious being can live outside of those parameters. Abstaining from heterosexual sex is just the beginning. Read Aristarchus.

>> No.3404597

This turned me off sex forever.


>> No.3404600

That statement has so many possible meanings.

>> No.3404601

more of the picture or source

>> No.3404603

Or watch Eraserhead.

>> No.3404606

you are objectively not wanted here

>> No.3404613

Actually very interesting info. So how do men go about bonding with women if they're rarely in a position of vulnerability with them?

>> No.3404614

>being grossed out by bodily functions and fluids.

being human is so icky

>> No.3404619

Humans fart and shit and drool and are generally nasty.

It's really quite true. That's part of the reason the Internet is so great, you can interact with others without having to deal with their smells and fluids and so on.

>> No.3404620

That's emotional or sexual vulnerability.
I imagine it could expand to physical vulnerability in some fetishes.
Or fiscally is possible, I guess.
Or maybe even spiritually?
Just whatever facet of life the man identifies with that may be put at risk.

As contrast, when men have "conquest" intercourse, there's clearly no vulnerability, and that's why it's so easy to blow off the woman later, no bonds were made.

>> No.3404621

we actually are. We shit, we have ass-hair, we sweat, we have bacteria that makes our sweat stink, we shed skin cells like mofos, we get eye boogers and drool crust, we have a metric shit ton of bacteria in our mouths, etc. etc. etc.

>> No.3404626

doesn't orgasm release vasopressin and oxytocin tho

>> No.3404627


Do you ever stop and think about the fact you have the mindset of a 6 year old girl?

>> No.3404628

Do you ever stop and think? If you did you'd come to the same conclusion

>> No.3404631
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>How would you, with your well-readness and superior logic, go about changing her mind?

Only 1 way mon ami

>> No.3404635

Sex is gross. The fun just usually overides it.

>> No.3404644

Yes, for men, oxytocin and vasopressin are hormones released during sexual activity, but they are not released in the same quantity or from the same triggers as women. Men's levels stay fairly constant through the act. Women's levels go "off the chart" post orgasm.

Life threatening situations cause analogous release of vasopressin in men.

>> No.3404645

most things are, but we do them because they are biological necessities.

>> No.3404701

whoa whoa whoa....you got a source for this information?

>> No.3404703 [DELETED] 

>has never fucked a girl

They enjoy it the whole time. Unless they're bored of you.

>> No.3404705

Why care about someone else's "enjoyment"?

Why does that even matter, in the long run?

>> No.3404706 [DELETED] 

Because I get off on the noises and faces she makes.

>> No.3404708

...so it's just about a high.

If only humans could get past this stupid shit, we might be able to accomplish something.

>> No.3404713

>there's a girl who's a bit of a prude and honestly thinks sex is gross. She asks you what's so great about it
She wants to fuck, and youa re an autist.

End of thread.

>> No.3404714 [DELETED] 

>believing in progress
>believing you are a special snow flake, unlike everyone else

Just accept what you are. People like you are the reason westerners are so neurotic.

>> No.3404715


Closing her eyes, mouth slightly open, inhaling sharply, arching and relaxing her back, running her hand through the hair on the back of your head... yeah dude I'm chubbing up just thinking about it over here

>tfw no gf

>> No.3404717 [DELETED] 

She obviously wants you to show her how great it is.

Haven't you figured out women yet?

>> No.3404718

People like you are the reason society is so animalistic and base even in 2013.

Don't accept what you are. Strive for perfection. The singularity is near.

>> No.3404724

Spoiler: All the progress we've been able to achieve was thanks to sex and males' desire to impress women. We landed on the moon because JFK wanted to beat the soviets, JFK wanted to beat the soviets because he wanted American supremacy, he wanted Am. supremacy because he wanted to be thought of as a great president, he wanted to be thought of as a great president because he wanted to appear powerful and uber-competent, he wanted to appear those things because he wanted the puss. Same story for every achievement, even Curie was seeking the dick when she discovered radium

>> No.3404728

>We landed on the moon
lol. stopped reading there

>> No.3404731
File: 24 KB, 615x461, all-american-moon[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Do you even Moon?

>> No.3404738 [DELETED] 


Oh that explains your faggotry.

>> No.3404741

Yeah this is totally a book.


>> No.3404746 [DELETED] 

Do you even spengler?

Western culture will collapse long before any possibility of a singularity. We aren't going to merge with machine, we aren't going to conquer the galaxy. In 100 years white people will be nearly extinct, and the current western countries will be history, with the majority of people living from subsistence agriculture.

>> No.3404754

For your ilik, maybe this is true.

Considering what you're willing to accept, it seems likely.

>> No.3404759

Sex is gross? Wut? The slime smells good, the poop smells good and the boobies jiggle good and the squishy noises are good. gross... idgi

>> No.3404760

> superior logic
A good sex will lead to orgasm which will produce a chemical reaction in your body from which you will derive pleasure.

>> No.3404761 [DELETED] 

>my ilk
You mean white people? Those deluded fools who think they'll one day be gods? We'll be victims of our own hubris.

>> No.3404764

>one day

It's already happened. What we call society is just vestiges, mopping-up.

Do you even DARPA?

>> No.3404785

It's my big cock in your tight ass

>> No.3404791 [DELETED] 

You should stay in /b/ for a while yet, you aren't ready for the other boards

>> No.3404836

Right, he needs to develop some hardcore elitism if he wants to dwell in /lit/

>> No.3404838

but he is elitist, he brazenly claims to know the motivations of every single human being that ever existed. that, if something, is hubris.

>> No.3404839 [DELETED] 

I said to the wrong person. I meant the transhumanist fag.

>> No.3404849


>> No.3404851

I would tell her this: "Sex is a wonderful thing. You are making new life and at the same time making your old one more tolerable."

Kind of philosophical...

>> No.3404853

Is her name Lola?

>> No.3404856

it's no less gross than eating or body hair. if you don't particularly want to do it, then fine, but it's not so disgusting.

>> No.3404860 [DELETED] 

Please remove yourself from the genepool OP

>> No.3404865

>your feelings towards this thing i like are wrong!

>> No.3404868

Give her the D OP. She wants the D.

>> No.3404871

why do people have to get so giggly or disgusted by sex? it is a penis entering a vagina and usually ends in copulation. it's how you and everybody else came to be. your mother also egests food, is egestion disgusting?
muh feelings

>> No.3404874

i guess on a mechanical and non-mechanical level, certain acts of sexual relations are disgusting, but consensual coitus within the bounds of marriage is not at all.

>> No.3404878

haha memes are so funneh anon

>> No.3404883

Sex does not end in copulation. Sex is copulation.

>> No.3404891

>does this smell like chloroform?

>> No.3406371

>Say there's a girl who's a bit of a prude and honestly thinks sex is gross
Wrong. What she really think is you're gross

>> No.3406410


>Happiness is what most people want.


>> No.3406413

>Say there's a girl who's a bit of a prude and honestly thinks sex is gross.

Okay, so we've established that you want to have sex with this girl. Best way, form a relationship with her. Trust me, she'll want the D if you're committed to her, and you'll develop a loving and lasting relationship and the sex will be amazing on top of it all.

>> No.3406415

Just agree with everything she ever says. It'll eventually land you in her pants. Females are terribly predictable like that.

>> No.3406417

Persuade her to masturbate and cum a lot

>> No.3406424

Next you tell me that you really like fine whisky and do occassional hits of heroine

>> No.3406426

Virgin detected

>> No.3406659

Every desire or action is irrational, because there is no rational motivation to prefer one thing over another thing.

>> No.3406669

I'd cuddle with her and watch the Lion King and then masturbate after she leaves and after my orgasm go about my business paying no further attention to the matter.

>> No.3406678
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>Next you tell me that you really like fine whisky and do occasional hits of heroin

Don't be surprised on this board.

>> No.3406699

When did you make this, anon?

>> No.3406708
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>> No.3406715

I didn't. Some kid made it to complain about the rise in drug discussion on /lit/... and got banned for complaining about it.

>> No.3406721

Haha shit. Major paranoia trip, Don't ask.

>> No.3406738

lol the thread is from a week ago.

>> No.3406750

Fuck fuck fuck, I didn't post one of the pictures in it, shit. 404 this thread.

>> No.3406757

I wouldn't change her mind. Why would I care about her thoughts on sex? How do they interfere with my life?
This is dumb, OP

>> No.3406803

>implying you're safe from fuuka

>> No.3406813

If you must know what happened.
Everybody that posted on 420chans /lit/ got banned. So they jumped ship for a while.

>> No.3406836

I don't think they can get your IP from the archive, anon.

The straightedge who made that pic posted a complaint in the heroin thread and got banned for the complaint. When his ban expired he posted a thread complaining about being banned for objecting to heroin use and got banned again.


>> No.3406841

>Everybody that posted on 420chans /lit/ got banned.

Both of them?

>> No.3406849

Wait, what? I post on 420chan's /lit/ all the time, I know nothing of this...

>> No.3406864

can someone explain to me this whole thing with Descartes and dicking

>> No.3406872

You make the thread sound like some sort of accomplishment. This is a fucking literature board, not a let's-see-who-can-overdose-first board. Why do the mods keep encouraging this shit?

>> No.3406873

consult KYM
>inb4 "cancer"

I always thought it was because of "Give her the D" but that's not quite accurate

>> No.3406878

Long-time poster on Pornhub or some such website used the handle 'Descartes' and repetitively posted "I'd like to give her the Dick," etc.

>> No.3406885
File: 21 KB, 344x116, Ban.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do the mods keep encouraging this shit?
Please stop. That is a violation of global rule 8. If you have to break global rules, please take it to another board.

>> No.3406881

Okay, cool, I'm sober anyway so I don't care now.. Haha, fuck me, I look creepy.

>> No.3406894


>> No.3406895

Munch on Descartes

>> No.3406944

>implying there's anything wrong with tyranny

>> No.3407146

>implying you'd want to live under a tyrant's rule

>> No.3407243

>implying I wouldn't if he tyrannised according to my fancy

>> No.3407254

eat her our or something idk

>> No.3407282

Why would I want to talk to a prude? People uninterested in sensations bore me.

>> No.3407295

I have this dream of being a pet... where I just get my needs fulfilled and do whatever the owner asks. I just shut my brain off and never have to think about anything again.

It's the dream of /lit/.

So yeah, fuck you.

>> No.3407303
File: 142 KB, 1920x1080, K-ON!_Ep07_Christmas!_[1080p,BluRay,x264]_-_THORA.mkv_snapshot_00.53_[2012.12.25_14.47.25].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ask her to try sex with you, op and convince to think otherwise about sex.

>> No.3407501

>implying anyone would do anything according to your fancy

>> No.3407534

I dont think a prude would agree to a casual dicking.

>> No.3407630

>implying tyrants are inherently evil and go out of their way to make peoples lives a misery

Do you even social dogmas?

>> No.3407789

>implying tyrants wouldn't hoard power and resources for themselves leaving their subjects in poverty

Do you even history?

>> No.3407806

Sex is how we struggle against being confined to ourselves. When you make love someone, bits of yourself spill into them and bits of them spill into you.

>> No.3407909

you just fap and look at porn too much. try a week or two without and see how that affects you

>> No.3407930

I'd just unleash my 12 inch python from it's denim prison and her innate cocklust would come out.

>> No.3407950


>Implying tyrants haven't utilized social dogma as an alibi for said hoarding

Do you even common sense?

>> No.3408050

So you concede that they hoard and living under a tyrant would be undesirable. Good.

>> No.3408071
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get down on a knee and marry that girl

>> No.3408095

and then do what? hold hands and watch the sunset? you asexuals sicken me

>> No.3408151

>Say there's a girl who's a bit of a prude and honestly thinks sex is gross.
She doesn't really. What she really thinks is that sex is gross _with you_.

She just hasn't found a person who excites her yet.

>> No.3408175


"People love sex because of the connection it makes. A physical connection is the best kind. It could be out of love. It could also be out of lust or passion. What matters is it feels good. It makes both parties feel good, even when it's bad. It connects people together in a way nothing else can. You are truly yourself when you are having sex, and the best part is you're sharing that with somebody else. I know that's scary for some people, but finding yourself is not the scary part."

>> No.3408211

idk about the whole 'you're truly yourself' thing. I mean, men call what they do 'performing'

>> No.3408254

fucking duh i'd make that bitch so wet she has no other options but to hop on my cock and start riding furiously

get it together lit

>> No.3408272

It doesn't take an extensive knowledge of psychological literature (which I have) to know that being perturbed by sex is a sign that something else is significantly wrong mentally. I would tell her that she probably has some sort of trauma that needs to be dealt with before even THINKING about having sex. Whether she was abused in some way when she was younger or someone else was abused and molded her mind to have a ally in their skewed thinking, she has something that needs to be addressed in therapy or through some sort of self searching.

Then I would tell her that I got over all of my bull shit about sex and lead a happy healthy sex life and I wish her the best of luck. And I would reiterate that she should NOT become sexually involved at all until she addresses whatever issue causes her to have a skewed view on a natural and beautiful experience.

>> No.3408273

after reading through the rest of the posts I said to myself, "why does everyone have to wax poetic or wax intellectual about this. It's not that hard to just give a straight answer." Apparently it is really fucking hard to answer this without waxing poetic/intellectual.

>> No.3408277

Your very perception of sex being gross is a response that our species has evolved. You are nothing more than a slave to the system. The only way out is to kill yourself before a livesteam for /b/ so that they may masturbate to it violently.

>> No.3408379

"I think sex is gross. What's so great about it, Anon?"

"You probably have some sort of trauma that needs to be dealt with. I wish you the best of luck."


>> No.3408401

I actually knew an Asian girl exactly as described in OP. I got her to give me nudes but she told me she wasn't interested in having sex with me because she couldn't see the appeal and was convinced she'd get pregnant (which i thought was just idiotic). I tried for 4 years to convince her to have sex with me and failed completely.

Maybe i wouldn't have failed if I had actually known her in real life though. She was a christfag though so who knows.

>> No.3408466

Sex is one of the ways homo sapiens can transcend the inevitable gap between the Same and the Other - it is one of the methods to be at unity with another (and so the Other becomes the Same).

Now, absolute unity is not desirable per se as it would mean the end of there-being (which is not desirable for /wo/man as long as we are what we are), the truly wonderful thing about sex is that while it is a total unification (at least at its best) it also has an inevitable end (like mortal life) - there is more meaning to la petit morte than you might think.

Here, let me show you 8====D ~~~~ ( O- O) :D

>> No.3408547

Yeah. I'm pretty suave with the ladies.

Seriously though, it helps when you say to some girls, "Hey, you're pretty fucked up. I'mma go over here where there are some girls who are also fucked up, but not quite as much as you."

It helps you weed through the girls who are fucked up but can be helped, and the girls who are fucked up and can't be helped so you might as well....y'know

be a gentleman OP, be a gentleman

>> No.3408719
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I can't believe this is still here