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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 21 KB, 200x310, 200px-The_Stand_cover[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3402343 No.3402343 [Reply] [Original]

You have read a King book you liked. What was it? It's ok, this is an anonymous image board, your cred won't take a hit at all.

You might hate the way he writes, but his imagination dwarfs yours and you know it. What was the book /lit/?

Picture related.

>> No.3402347

I've actually only read ONE book by him that I didn't like (out of about 20 that I've read), The Dark Half.

Sage for technically being off-topic.

>> No.3402354
File: 25 KB, 401x600, stephen-king-it[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I loved this book. I told everyone I was reading Crime and Punishment though, because I felt a little guilty.

>> No.3402362
File: 72 KB, 297x499, nightshift[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a brave man. You just had to sage it though, didn't you?

I love his short horror works.

>> No.3402370

I liked From a Buick 8

>> No.3402376

I mean, I don't give a shit about how big my /lit/ e-peen is. I like Stephen King. I've enjoyed almost every thing I've read by him. Even The Dark Half wasn't actively unpleasant or I wouldn't have finished it, it was just meh all the way through.

I'm not sure what my favorite book of his would be. Under the Dome, Bag of Bones, Duma Key, and The Wind Through the Keyhole are probably the top contenders though.

>> No.3402379

King is a fucking fantastic author and no fucks are given about the opinions of /lit/erary e/lit/ists who hate for completely unjustified reasons. I won't deny there are criticisms to be made, but I've never seen someone who's read a large enough selection of his work to make informed opinions, so I laugh at the ignorance.

I've read at least half-dozen of his books and many more short stories. My favourites:
The Shining
The Gunslinger
Gerald's Game

Pet Sematary and It are next on my list of King books.

>> No.3402383

Any of you niggers read Rage?

It's out of print now since a bunch of kids who shot up their schools were found with a copy in their lockers or houses

Pretty cool story overall

>> No.3402386

OP here, I've read probably a dozen of his books, and of course I liked some more than others. I'm reading through the Dark Tower series now, and have loved it, up until The Wolves of Calla, which seemed like a huge cop out.

It happens.

King's short horror stories are also the only lit that has ever made me even remotely scared. I tried Clive Barker but 95% of his stuff is really forgettable.

>> No.3402389

I absolutely love his short stories, "It" was pretty good up until the end, and The Stand is probably his best work.

>> No.3402390

Wolves of the Calla was so good though...

>> No.3402385

I was actually just talking about it on here the other day. I've not read it, but I'd like to!

>> No.3402394

Remember to look for it under "Richard Bachman" as author.

It kind of blows my mind that King has been writing for as long as he has. He had books popular in the 70's, 80's, and 90's. I think "Under The Dome" will become popular later... after people forget about the Simpsons movie.


>> No.3402396

You can get it for pretty cheap, but usualy as part of the Bachmann Books collection, although stock is usually low.

>> No.3402399

He wrote a story under the name Richard Bachman in university about a guy on campus sniping students from his room before killing himself. He says he's lucky it didn't get published or accepted in magazine because he's proably get arrested for it

>> No.3402400

IT was obviously a little bloated near the end. He lost his steam but wanted to make it grand. I think that is his only flaw, he keeps going when he should stop.

5% of it was. I could have done without the "I'm old and I was drunk a lot" for 300 pages. Also he fell into that really cliche "lets reveal something to the characters that the reader won't know for a while" deal. Other than that, I did enjoy it, I just think it could have been around 200 pages instead of 700.

>> No.3402413

You guys probably eat at McDonalds sometimes, don't you?


>> No.3402423


It got published in Skeleton Crew and some sci-fi magazine, but I can see how somebody would think he's disturbed for writing that.

>> No.3402437

I was giving IT the benefit of the doubt right up until the child orgy. At that point I realized he had no fucking clue how to end this, which I think is a probably for a lot of his novels.

>> No.3402562

"Lisey's Story" is Lit approved, as is Talisman, and depending on the /literati, Dark Tower,

Not God tier or Great tier, but definitely good tier.

>> No.3402903

The Gunslinger.

Hated every book in the series I read after that. Stopped at book 3, I just couldn't deal with the vast amount of stupid that the books consisted of.

It might just have been the jarring fact that book 1 took itself seriously and the following two books were mainly goofy ass comedy.

>> No.3402905


I never eat at McDonald's.

Last time I tried was 7 years ago and I puked that shit right up because it was so terrible. Hardly qualifies as real food.

>> No.3402912


>discussing an author

>off-topic on a literature board

Oh, you're one of those pretentious twats who is always on about what constitutes "real literature."

>> No.3402923

Uh, what? If you'd bothered to scroll down even just a little bit, you'd see where I talk about how much I enjoy King's books... I said I was off-topic because it's actually so typical for me to enjoy King's novels, that it was more remarkable for me to find one lacking, and this thread is about the King novels you enjoy.

>> No.3402926

Seriously look:

>> No.3402986


a classic "what if" leads to a predictable mission which is interrupted by a sweet 400pg love story
I felt well entertained throughout

>> No.3402993

It is his best work.

>> No.3403004


>hurr durr psychic shit
>imagination dwarfs yours

>> No.3403008

The only king book I read was the first book in the dark tower. Had many people claim it as his masterpiece and swore by it.

I found it boring. Shit writing in a shit world with boring as fuck characters. I think it was the first fantasy series I started and didn't finish, typically I will power through but it was so bad I didn't bother.

I also heard later in the books the gunslinger going to the real world so tave king from a car crash? What a joke and a what a weakwilled writer.

If that's the best King has to offer he is a shit teir joke of an author and I will read nothing by him again.

So no, I've never read a King book I liked.

I walked around the desert. I killed a town of people. I walked around a lot more. I have really boring flashbacks to my childhood that add nothing the the story. I find a child and babysit the little shit even though I somehow know the future and know its a trap and hes going to die. I don't care. Meet the fag I've been following all book. 5000 years pass as we chill and I learn things. The end.

MY MASTERPIECE! How do you kids read this shit? serious question.

>> No.3403023


Oh I forgot the critical part where he does shrooms and he jacks off dreaming of a witch sucking his cock or some bullshit.

The magic jerkoff sesh lets him continue his journey.... God damn thats some good storytelling. But if i wanted to read about shrooms and jacking off I would just eat shrooms and jack off.

Bad writer is bad and you should all feel bad for thinking its anything but bad.

>> No.3403029

I like every Stephen King book I have read (minus some short stories). Those being the whole Dark Tower series, The Tommyknockers and IT.

Okay I have lots of problems with most of those books (Tommyknockers is the best of the lot) but it's his style that I like.

>> No.3403049
File: 171 KB, 1000x600, 1344473416433[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never heard anybody ever refer to the gunslinger as his best work, but if you ask me you seem kind predisposed to disliking him. Do you have any actual criticism? You ignored his repetitive and cliched themes, how he is more interested in the world he is creating than fleshing out his characters, and his inability to end a novel properly which makes me wonder if you noticed them at all. Next time, read and give actual feedback instead of just showing off how you can repeat the plot.

>> No.3403054

The Running Man is an incredible book, and as much as I love it I should read the other Dickie Bachmann but I don't even know what it's called of headtop.
The Running Man killed a plane ride to California from Washington DC as a 13 year old and it was a great book that has echoed hard and accurate into my adulthood. Black ball, keep rolling. Fucking NewBucks and shit. He universes you instant.
2. Friend made me read DarkTower before 5,6,7 where going (so, like 2001 summertime started) and drawing of three and wastelands is some action packed shit.
3. I honestly read Carrie during some church recital as my first KING king after running man
4. IT was weird and cool
5. I have read a lot but he's written a LOT so, I'm nowhere near comfy with his canon

>> No.3403060
File: 505 KB, 1931x2491, Antoninus_Pius_Glyptothek_Munich_337_cropped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck all the elitist people on /lit/ There is a reason why Stephen King is popular his books are great.

>> No.3403061

It sounds like you didn't like it because you don't actually know how to read. Try again after (if) you figure out how.

>> No.3403068

you're right. thanks to anonymity i can be completely honest.

every king book i've ever read has been utter shit.

>> No.3403071

I've read The Shining, pretty good.
Then I read Rage, my favorite so far.
I've read Everything's Eventual, because it had 1408, the short story of the movie. They're all pretty good.
Recently I've tried the book of JFK's murder. It looked like a fucking diary, didn't finish it.

>> No.3403090

Oh, you wanted an actual western? Funny.

>Being to good for McDonalds
You are a dick.

Oh I'm sorry, where are you brilliant multimillion dollar books?

I feel bad for you.

Bummer, maybe you don't like good literature.

>> No.3403097

>There is a reason why Stephen King is popular his books are great.
There is a reason nobody reads, reading is shit.

>> No.3403100


is this guy serious

>> No.3403102


I doubt it.

>> No.3403154

I read it years ago and don't remember it well enough to write an essay on why I think it was a shit book nor do I care to.

Instead of shitposting like a twat how about you post why you liked it and why my view of it was wrong. Oh right, you can't because I'm correct, nice try.

The world he made is a boring and shitty as his characters, nothing you said has value, sorry.

"Its a big desert" world created! damn, how creative, a desert? really? wow that's so unique, no one ever thought to have a western take place in a desert....

unlike most you hipster faggots I like a book based off what I gain from it, and all I got from King was a waste of a few hours. I don't dislike king or want to hate his work, I read it because I thought it would be good...why else would I even read it? Your arguments are so retarded that poking holes in them is about as fun as reading his book was.

If he is a good writer it didn't come out in that book, that is all I said. Be less butthurt.

>> No.3403213

>King's imagination
>Dwarfing mine

>> No.3403214

It's really not. It's one of his worst, really. The film was okay, but the book is a piece of shit.

The child orgy was the only decent part.

>> No.3403217

dude did you even read the post

>> No.3403223

Proof please?
Literally dozens of books as evidence maybe?

Then shut the fuck up.

>> No.3403225

I skimmed it

>> No.3403233

I'm sorry that you lost the genetic lottery, and I'm sorry that you're still sore that you have no imagination. But there's no need to take that bitterness out on me.

>> No.3403250

There are things Stephen King is good at in writing?

I might read a book of his, then. I'm just worried his earlier books may be worse or the later are worse.

>> No.3403266


King's books are "imaginative" only to the brain dead idiots he sells them to.

>> No.3403280


Stephen King: Winner of the O'Henry Award, Bram Stoker Award, British and World Fantasy Awards, Grand Master of the Mystery Writers of American, Winner of the World Fantasy Award for Lifetime Achievement and Recipient of the National Book Foundation Lifetime Medal for Distinguished Contribution to American Letters.

Posters above: Absolutely fucking nothing.

>> No.3403282

His earlier books are much better than his later ones, I think the common consensus is that The Stand is his best.

You're embarrassing yourself.

>> No.3403285

And his fellow writers, as you can see by his list of professional achievements >>3403280

>> No.3403290


Howso, exactly, am I embarrasing myself?

I wait with bated breath...

>> No.3403296

I'm not denying King's literary achievements.

But my imagination is far greater than his, and it always will be.

>> No.3403297


I mean, unless you have won one of those awards, or sold a single novel.

Or anything.

Popular =/= shitty, and obscure =/= good

>> No.3403298

What an embarrassing human being you are.

>> No.3403300


Keep telling yourself that. Maybe if you imagineer it hard enough, it will come true!

Post a link to something you've written, then we can discuss whether you have a better imagination.

>> No.3403303

I'm liking It.
I didn't like that much Wolves of Calla. Song of Susannah and The Dark Tower were both very emotional.
I like all of his work. I'm kind of ashamed though.

>> No.3403308

Be a child in the fifties. Fall in love with "The Twilight Zone" and its writers and many other greats of the time. Watch all the great sf and horror movies and TV shows. Haunt the paperback racks. Read especially Richard Matheson's stories, novels,watch his screen and TV writing. Acknowledge he is your great inspiration. Then steal the bejesus out of him and so many others. Too many examples to list here.Wait for the next generation. Steal from older better writers your current young readers are rarely familiar with or haven't heard of. Rip off, badly, Rod Serling's "Odyssey of Flight 33", among others, piece it into "The Langoliers." Have plane passengers in time warp say things like "this is just like that Twilight Zone." Of course it is, you scmucks, that's where King stole this from. Tack on a Theodore Sturgeon story to this--and another bestseller. Take, among so many of his rip offs of Matheson, the sixties story, "The Distributor", couple it with Charles Beaumont's "The Intruder" and you have "Needful Things." Steal and trash an episode of "Alfred Hitchcock Presents", warp it with ridiculous plot turns and trash "Old Joe Cotten" in the process. How sad so many of King's readers will never read the real works, of which his is a very pedestrian rehashing.

>> No.3403309


Still waiting to hear how, exactly, I am embarrassing.

>> No.3403310

One thing I don't like about him is his self-inserts. Really, why does everyone has to be a fucking writer?

>> No.3403312

Whenever anyone asks King if he has gentle feelings, he says time and again, "Yes, I have the heart of a nine year old boy. I keep it in a jar on my desk." That is an outright steal from Robert Bloch, a far better writer who was hurt so much of his life by con artists. Why Matheson does not call King on these things baffles me. How Harlan Ellison, whose brilliant creative fearless mind is an encyclopedia of all he's read and who is eager to nail re-treads doesn't lambast this rather glumpy writer also is very puzzling. How King can do this, especially to his prime inspiration, Matheson, make a ton of money off work that is stolen,seems to lead one to expect a great lack of conscience. Oh yes, Stephen hasn't ripped off, to my knowledge, Matheson's "The Shrinking Man". Tabitha did that with her first novel, "Small World."

>> No.3403315

I liked Black House more than the Talisman.
Although it was very emotional, as it was Hears in Atlantis.

>> No.3403317

>>340330>>340331My favorite amazon review - http://www.amazon.com/review/R32HDN3S2BBO/

>> No.3403319


You think Stephen King is a good writer.

>> No.3403321


Um, King has never denied stealing the line from Bloch.

Those writers don't lambast him because they don't consider him a thief. Perhaps Harlan and Robert Block and the Matheson's know him better, and their own work, better than you do?

He's never made any bones about his influences.

>> No.3403324

Maybe if you keep being a bitter little child on the internet you'll spontaneously grow some talent?

When that happens let me know, and I'll send you a copy of my latest novel.

>> No.3403326

Favorites are
Salem's Lot
The Stand
The Shining
The Body (Stand By Me)
Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption

>> No.3403333


So, then, the members of the WFWA, the BFWA, The MWA, The National Book Foundation... all of THEM are embarrassments?

Wow, I guess it really is just you and Bloom against the idiot tide.

I think I'm happy being an embarrassment in that company.

>> No.3403331

>Hitler had a lot of titles and awards, he must have been a gentleman and all around good person.

>This book is much better if we put a ribbon on it

>This is a good book because other people said so and gave him a ribbon.

>Contribution to American Letters
whatever the fuck that even means it doesn't impress me

>> No.3403340


Those awards are voted on and given by the literary community, dipshit. Who better to determine who is a good writer? Way to Godwin.

And if you don't know that "Contribution to American Letters" means, why the fuck are you discussing writing at all?

>> No.3403341

misery was actually really good

>> No.3403344


No need to send my a copy. Whats it called? I'll buy a copy on Amazon, then post a screen cap of my purchase here.

And who was discussing my talent? I never mentioned it.

>> No.3403352

Not that guy, but most of the people calling you out on being embarrassing have acknowledged that Stephen King is a good writer. What they find embarrassing are your rabid attacks on anyone who criticises King, and your spurious insistence that nobody alive today could possibly as talented as King in any respect.

It's almost like you think that you, in some way, are responsible for King's success, and that were you not to defend his 'genius' with every fibre of your being you would lose some great amount of prestige.

It's weird, and really embarrassing.

>> No.3403353

>better than you do?
Okay... Anyway, the way he read all those other authors' works and based his writing in some way after them makes me think he is like what /lit/ anons want to be

>> No.3403355

I'll send you a copy when you have procured a modicum of ability.

>> No.3403358


Idiots generally are happy in the company of other idiots. They like to give each other awards and have a good old time. It doesn't concern me, though. Real literature persists and the hacks fade into obscurity while authors of actual merit and distinction survive forever. Enjoy King while you can.

>> No.3403371


Indeed they are. Given the general stupidity of community decisions I would say there is a good chance they fucked up. But you keep on thinking in your safe little world that the majority rule is smart, you can be another retarded sheep of the majority and no one will give a fuck, keep blending in.

I am a writer but have no interest in American Letters because letters and america is gay and outdated.

Email / Any other not 3rd world country. No wonder you are a fucking moron.

The winner of that shit is like the lowest common denominator. Keep sucking his dick because someone else told you it tasted good.

Unlike you I read is book and made my own mind up about it, enjoy being told what good books are and keep reading the ones with the ribbons, most good books get banned, not praised you stupid faggot.

>> No.3403389

I read a couple of Stephen King novels when I was a teenager, and didn't think much of them. Then I didn't read them for a while because I convinced myself that he fucking sucked.

However, a couple of years back I decided to read The Gunslinger, and I absolutely fucking loved it. I thought it was an absolutely fucking fantastic piece of literature.

I realised that I'd been wrong, and proceeded to buy a load of his novels to make up for lost time.

Anyway, long story short, I read a couple, realised that I was right all along, that he really did suck, and that The Gunslinger was a one off.

>> No.3403408


You aren't making a good case for yourself, either. That award has gone previously to writers such as Saul Bellow, Arthur Miller, Philip Roth, Gore Vidal, and John Ashberry. Which makes it even more of a joke that King received it. I hate to have to side with you because you're clearly a fucking idiot, but that seems to be the case.

>> No.3403419

I appreciate the point you're trying to make, but you sound like a fucking idiot.

Using phrases like "sheep", "lowest common denominator" , "most good books get banned, not praised you stupid faggot" and "unlike you I read his book and made my own mind u about it, enjoy being told what good books are" embarrass you as an individual, and the cause you fight so very hard for.

Please grow up.

>> No.3403434

Here we have a pseudo-intellectual in his natural environment.

>> No.3403435

King will be around long after you and your "works" are dead and forgotten to history.

>> No.3403439


>Wants to be taken seriously

Please leave, you are digging yourself a hole.

>> No.3403440

and saying things like
>the cause you fight so hard for
make you sound more retarded and silly than anything I could pull off, mostly because I have to try while it comes effortlessly for you.

And what? I wrote a small message in 15 seconds, how is that me fighting hard?

You really are a fucking moron if you take the word or thoughts of anyone else about a book over your own.

It is easier to deceive a man than prove to him he has been deceived.

You got one thing right, fighting stupidity and ignorance is hard work and retards like you only make it harder.

>> No.3403443

12 year old detected

>> No.3403447

Are you this guy:

Because I think you are.

>> No.3403450

Owch, you really are an idiot, aren't you? How old are you?

>> No.3403454

No, first link is me, OP, rest are King's white knight. I kinda dig him, though.

>> No.3403456


I suspect my children will outlive the relevancy of Stephen King. And that's being generous and assuming he lasts even that long. In all likelihood King will be forgotten with the passing of the boomers, well within my lifetime.

>> No.3403458


Please go back to /pol/, and after that consider going back to college.

>> No.3403462

>Most influential writer of our generation
>outliving his works

Good luck, and good luck to your children

>Implying you will ever get laid.

>> No.3403463

>uses >
doesnt know what > is for

never did I say I want to be taken seriously but im glad you were able to deduce that based from me posting anonamisly on a 4chan bored, never have I been so srs in my life!


Oh wait. I think King is a shit writer and you disagree. I say he is a shit writer because I actually read some of his books and disliked them(The Dark Tower) lol what a shit book, I dont care how many bullshit ribbons you staple to the cover or how many moronic mouth breathers find it good, I do not.

Seeing as this is a thread to DISCUSS things and not everyone will like the same things it has become abundently clear that you and this little fag >>3403443 can't handle someone not loving King's cock as much as you. That makes you the immature ones because you feel insecure.

"Oh people dont like this but I did, is something wrong with me? No no no, im perfect its everyone else!"

Please evolve, you are a shame to humanity, it really wont hurt you if someone doesn't like the same books you do, just like we may like different movies, music ect. Grow up and don't take it personal.

>> No.3403466

Yeah, you tell him champ! He'll rue the day he decided to start a battle of the wits with you!

>> No.3403472


>Most influential writer of our generation

haha, oh wow

threads over everybody. it was a troll after all. now don't you all feel silly?

>> No.3403481

I'm the guy that called you a 12 year old, and I don't even like Stephen King. I think he sucks. But, not being an autistic child, I'm aware that that's my opinion, and I'm not going to start going on about some Jewish conspiracy the moment I see evidence that not all of humanity shares my opinion.

Also, you can't write for shit. Your prose is poorly constructed and hard to read, and your ideas are half-baked at the very best.

I have no problem with people raging against the machine, God knows it's one of the few things I still find fun these days, but people like you need to rage quietly.

>> No.3403484


That's being really generous. He's already irrelevant.

The only shred of King that will survive he can thank Stanley Kubrick for.

>> No.3403488

'The Gunslinger' and its cult following will probably keep his memory going for another generation, at least.

>> No.3403538

>thinks ignorance = New world order

Go back to /x/ and if you think the world is not ignorant that what is the purpose of college? Keep at it, maybe one day you will graduate with that art degree kid. If insulting me is the best defense you have of King, well I think that explains itself. You can't say why he is a good author so you insult me for disagreeing, you a a fool.

>> No.3403551

And im the one who never mentioned jews or anything relating to them you silly faggot. Thats all in your head, srsly back to /x/ jackass

>> No.3403557


on an image bored huehuehuehue ok kid you're so butthurt you can't even see around your butthurt.

>> No.3403570

>Still calling people faggots

It's like I'm really in 9th grade again.

>> No.3403578

>Your correct but you're stupid even though I agree with you.

Good post faggot.

>> No.3403582

You're = You are
Your = Possession of, I.E. "This wallet is yours, isn't it?"

Thank you for reading.

>> No.3403587

Clearly upset about being called a faggot even though hes no longer in 9th grade.

>10th grade was suppose to be different!

Welcome to the internet faggot because I dont know your name and you act like a faggot that is what I call you. Start acting like a decent intelligent human being and I will call you something that reflects that.

Or you could just stop posting, you cannot debate the content of my post, only pick at things like prose or spelling, for which no one gives a single fuck. Why? you ask. Because in minutes or hours this thread will be gone and forgotten by all except for you, who will cling to the memory and be a sad little twat.

see above, no one gives a fuck and everyone knows your and you're, again welcome to the internet.

>> No.3403642


You really are a petulant, whiny little shit, aren't you? Go throw a tantrum somewhere else.

>> No.3403701

Here we see the anger shine through clearly.

I invite you to take a look at yourself for a moment. You are upset about an online discussion and the fact that other people find the author who's ass your lips are firmly suctioned to.

This makes you a child. I don't care if you are 12 or 100, until you can stop being such a cry baby bitch online you will never have anything in this life worth while.

Suck my dick you ignorant nigger and stop posting till you can say something worth reading.

>> No.3403714


Whoops, I can't stand Stephen King. I was just dropping by the thread and noticing how you managed to turn an argument over King into an agreement of your stupidity. Great job, by the way.

>> No.3403722

People still try this hard to be edgy on 4chan?

>> No.3403730

They aren't all writers. The most important protags in his works aren't writers, namely Ralph Roberts and Roland.

>> No.3403739
File: 1.06 MB, 825x1250, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong with liking King? Most people these days don't even give a fuck about books (that aren't textbooks) as it is.

Anyway, my favorite so far. It has everything.

>> No.3403740


>> No.3403747

>>his imagination dwarfs yours and you know it.

No it doesn't. King's ideas are pretty commonplace (vampires, possession, haunted places, The Final Battle Between Good & Evil, The Magickal Negro, etc). I think what sets him apart is his knowledge of the inner lives & relationships of people who live in small towns, and the rhythm of life pertaining to same; and obviously millions of readers respond to that.

>> No.3403748

because people come and post on /lit/ for the same reason people go to book stores and read in the store. Sure, some of them are trying before they buy. But most are just trying to flaunt how pomo and brilliant and different they are than all the other huddled masses.

If they say they like a popular, but not really edgy or obscure enough to buy them any cred they try to belittle other's to feel a sense of superiority.

People in this thread who actually like Stephen King are doing it for the exact same reason, because not liking Stephen King seems like the "mainline" so by liking him you can be a hipster and thereby original and edgy.

Everybody argues, everybody wins. There is some overlap, and there are sane people that just read what they like to read and don't feel the need to measure how eclectic they are. But not on /lit/

>> No.3403755

"A Diary of the Sixties"

>> No.3403761

>his imagination dwarfs yours and you know it.

Ha! You have no idea what I'm capable of!

>> No.3403762


I don't like Stephen King. I think he's a shit author. That's really the end of it. It doesn't require any clever 4channer dissection of thought process. A monkey could follow this logic. I read his books. They were bad.

Is anyone else tired of this over-analyzing of every little thing? Everyone's got an ulterior motive. Everyone's trying to be a hipster. Everyone's trying not to be a hipster. On and on and on.

>> No.3403766
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Insomnia and Desperation were pretty good.
I liked Insomnia and Under the Dome i believe it was called.
In my opinion, they were great books.

>> No.3403779

Yeah you are, because most people wouldn't go to a chocolate factory if they hated chocolate. If the thread says it's about people that enjoy Stephen King and you enter it, and say "I don't like Stephen King", you are by definition being fucking edgy and a hipster of the most excellent variety because you had a chance to:

1. Hide and skip the thread,but you didn't because you wanted to argue.

2. Admit that it's your opinion that Stephen king is a bad writer and that opinions are just a collection of personal tastes and have no bearing on the value of a work.

3. Actually created a constructive conversation on the merits or flaws of Stephen King and other modern horror writers.

You choose to forego all of these options, and adopt a shitty little attitude and attempt to type "scathing" replies in a thread that is by definition opposed to your way of thinking. Making you an attention whore and making me an attention whore for having to point out that you are a pissant and a boring troll.

Essentially you just raped me, check your privilege.

>> No.3403793


The previous post was my first in the thread, so I'm sorry you had to type all that under the false assumption that it wasn't.

>> No.3403863

>because not liking Stephen King seems like the "mainline" so by liking him you can be a hipster and thereby original and edgy.
I don't think those words mean what you think they mean.

>> No.3403927

IMy favorites are 11/22/63, Pet Sematary, 'Salem's Lot and The Stand. The only one of his books I remember not liking is Rose Madder; I just couldn't finish it.

>> No.3404029
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People tell you that you have to read the bible because it has so much influence on other literature and the culture. Despite whether or not you think it's well written, you have to be familiar with the stories to understand it's effect on other works of art.


"Why are you reading Stephen King, JK Rowling, GRRMartin?"

Can we just establish that there are a lot of good and bad reasons to read a work, but far fewer for NOT to read a work.
You can argue opportunity loss all you like but the fact is that reading the "mainstream" pulp really doesn't stop you from reading everything else.

"I read a story, so now I must forget a story."

>> No.3404195

My favourite is the Dark Tower saga
and then comes The Stand..
I just loved them

>> No.3404210

This book was legitimately awful and you're awful for liking it.

>> No.3404233
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>> No.3404238
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>> No.3404246

The Girl who loved Tom Gordon

I don't care what you think, the Three Acolytes and the Bear are the most vivid imagery I've yet encountered.

>> No.3404249
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This. I loved the inner angst, the peeing on self in bed so not to have to face...them...

>> No.3404251
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>> No.3404300

i like the shining i dont even care

>> No.3404311


I liked the first half of the Dark Tower series (until Mordred was born) and The Stand (although it does have a pretty weak ending.)

>> No.3404377

fuck, i read the unabridged stand, 1400 pages or something. No idea why I ever bothered with that, I was about 16 at the time. It's the only King I've ever read, but I remember enjoying it at the time

>> No.3404386

are you a school shooter/considering a school shooting

>> No.3404466

The Stand Unabridged.

Read it twice, all like 1,100 pages of it.
You can actually imagine something like this happening.

>> No.3404747

Eh, Misery was pretty good.

>> No.3404859

>implying my imagination doesn't accommodate for all the pleasures the material world provides.
>implying a god-like imagination = multimillion dollar books

>> No.3404875


>> No.3406128

I love King. If you hate good stories, I guess you won't like King. I don't read to beat off to prose, I read to be entertained.

I do think, after all, that is the purpose of literature, in the end.

>> No.3406145


>I do think, after all, that is the purpose of literature, in the end.

Only a fan of Stephen King could write a sentence that terrible.

>> No.3406153

You don't realize it but you're embarrassing yourself.

>> No.3406170

Not that guy, but you are both the lowest common denominator on /lit/.

>> No.3406218


Since you said you're "Not that guy", I know that you aren't actually "That guy" responding with nonsense out of anger. Thanks for clarifying, "Not that guy". I am also "Not one of those guys" you were responding to, btw.

>> No.3406393

I am "that guy" and you are "not clever."

>> No.3406416

Not that "that guy", "the guy" "you were" "responding to."

>> No.3406436

>Being snobbish about Stephen King

The guy is fucking great. I've disliked maybe 10% of the stuff he's written.

I really don't understand why he's seen as pop-lit and given absolutely no kudos for his writing style.

And don't tell me that On Writing isn't one of the best books about writing out there, because it is.

If I had to pick a favorite it'd probably be The Stand. Favorite recent one would be Under the Dome.

>> No.3406448

But Kubrick's shining is terrible. It's literally not scary in the slightest without the overwrought, screeching musical score.

Kubrick fans are the worst.

>> No.3406458

I've never seen The Shining, but 2001 and ACWO are both classic movies. Watch your whore mouth.

>> No.3406465

Clockwork Orange is his only good film.

Bite me.

>> No.3406469


2001 is so good.

>> No.3406476

It's really not though, it's a competent sci-fi up until the final 5th, where it just becomes critic baiting nonsense.

>> No.3406479

I mean. Lol, what? I literally don't even understand how someone can NOT like that movie. Go watch it again!

>> No.3406485

Also, read the fucking book the Clark wrote, working closely with Kubrick, to fully grasp the ending. They were meant to compliment one another.

>> No.3406514

/full metal jacket

>> No.3406560

Please elaborate.

>> No.3406568

I'll get shat on for this:
Barry Lyndon is a good film.

>> No.3406622

You'll get shat on for having the opinion most cinephiles have?

>> No.3406632

Only major thing I read from King was the Dark Tower series.

It's fucking fantastic, though.

>> No.3407476

Dark tower jumps the shark like a motherfucker.

>Magical change in setting because author is bored with current setting? Check.
>Direct self-insert? Check

>> No.3407488

I really loved Long Walk. His other works are mildly entertaining too

>> No.3407502

Stephen King + Mildly Entertaining = "The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon."

>> No.3408307

I though Night Shift was quite a good book. I enjoyed the first 4 Dark Tower books. The Long Walk isn't terrible. I liked The Stand. I actually own a copy of Rage. That's about it. Although I am a known consumer of bad books. I read the Dirk Pitt series

>> No.3408892

i liked cell, it was about as chunky and pop-lit as i wanted it to be