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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 87 KB, 777x424, my darling chicklet at rest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3402185 No.3402185[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm going to send her a message /lit/. So help me God I will. Help me draft the greatest love soliloquy known to man.

>> No.3402195

Go full "fire of my loins" for maximum feet-sweepin'.

>> No.3402197

Start with a big leadup about Descartes before discoursing on the Dick

>> No.3402198

"You are the pearl of my existence, my reason to exist. I would wash your sacred feet every day in the river Ganges. You are my holy cow. You are my oxygen. You are the fluttering in my chest as I whisper three words – I, love, you. Love is the most powerful feeling I have ever experienced. My love for you could stop bullets, it could stop tanks. It could stop a war between Pakistan and India, prevent a 9mm round from penetrating the heart of a sacred cow. You are my sacred cow. And I will protect you. My love will engulf us like a Kashmir blanket and warm our bones against the cold. I would snuggle with you in Northern Siberia, using my love to keep us warm. I would make love to you on a Swiss mountaintop, next to a cow. You are my sacred cow, and my heart is a beating cowbell. I love you so much it tingles. Love-tingles. I blow smoke rings and flick the top with my finger to make a heart. This heart is for you, a smokey heart born in fire. My heart burns for you. Our souls fit together like a jigsaw puzzle. Will you be my sacred cow?"

>> No.3402201

My love for you allows me to pray to the spirit of eternal beauty and tenderness mirrored in your eyes or fling you down under me on that softy belly of yours and fuck you up behind, like a hog riding a sow, glorying in the very stink and sweat that rises from your arse, glorying in the open shape of your upturned dress and white girlish drawers and in the confusion of your flushed cheeks and tangled hair. It allows me to burst into tears of pity and love at some slight word, to tremble with love for you at the sounding of some chord or cadence of music or to lie heads and tails with you feeling your fingers fondling and tickling my ballocks or stuck up in me behind and your hot lips sucking off my cock while my head is wedged in between your fat thighs, my hands clutching the round cushions of your bum and my tongue licking ravenously up your rank red cunt. I have taught you almost to swoon at the hearing of my voice singing or murmuring to your soul the passion and sorrow and mystery of life and at the same time have taught you to make filthy signs to me with your lips and tongue, to provoke me by obscene touches and noises, and even to do in my presence the most shameful and filthy act of the body. You remember the day you pulled up your clothes and let me lie under you looking up at you while you did it? Then you were ashamed even to meet my eyes.

You are mine, darling, mine! I love you. All I have written above is only a moment or two of brutal madness. The last drop of seed has hardly been squirted up your cunt before it is over and my true love for you, the love of my verses, the love of my eyes for your strange luring eyes, comes blowing over my soul like a wind of spices. My prick is still hot and stiff and quivering from the last brutal drive it has given you when a faint hymn is heard rising in tender pitiful worship of you from the dim cloisters of my heart.

>> No.3402202

joyce pls go

>> No.3402214

Remove half the crap about cows and I'll send it

>> No.3402256

as much as you all think your "keen insight" "challenges" women, it doesnt, especially if you dont have any social status or arent good looking.

I mean this person is 18, and sincerity is at its lowest level at that age. a love soliloquy will just come off as cornball. save yourself the embarrassment OP

>> No.3402262

Why don't you do it yourself? This is your future. Put some work in.

>> No.3402268

I like your dress, almost makes you look thin. Let me buy you a drink next week - Friday?

>> No.3402272

Red dot means she barely replies, right? She's a girl in California, she looks like a model (I looked at the other pictures on her profile), profile is barely filled out, likes Swans, Flipper, Joy Division.

Looks like a profile meant to bait loser messages from pseudointellectuals and hipsters (100% DEAD SRS). There are a couple hilarious tumblrs making fun of desperate OKcupid messages. There are bound to be profiles set up to net them.

>> No.3402273

I like your dress, but I think it'd look even better on my bedroom floor.

>> No.3402274

link one of those tumblrs?

>> No.3402280

i would put the moves on this broad
have her dripping from my messages

'babe your taste in lit is great even though mine is better. i'd travel 5168 miles just to find a unique snowflake like you. that body is bangin'. you're all i'm looking for, i'll take you out for pizza if you want to have a nice discussion on madame bovary or the tenets of decadence in the 19th century'


>> No.3402285

I was gonna link you to niceguysofokc.tumblr, but it looks like it's been deleted :(

>> No.3402293

no problem, just wanted to see one. like the beta threads on here they can be funny sometimes.

>> No.3402301

Arseful of farts, got to go with the arseful of farts.

>> No.3402304

Definitely. Sending

>> No.3402311

Tell her that your life is like a library, you and your friends are in the same book, and you think you and her are on the same page.

>> No.3402312

I did as you wanted, you dirty little girl, and pulled myself off twice when I read your profile. I am delighted to see that you do like being fucked arseways. Yes, now I can remember that night when I dreamed I fucked you for so long backwards. It was the dirtiest fucking I ever gave you, darling. My prick was stuck in you for hours, fucking in and out under your upturned rump. I felt your fat sweaty buttocks under my belly and saw your flushed face and mad eyes. At every fuck I gave you your shameless tongue came bursting out through your lips and if a gave you a bigger stronger fuck than usual, fat dirty farts came spluttering out of your backside. You had an arse full of farts that night, darling, and I fucked them out of you, big fat fellows, long windy ones, quick little merry cracks and a lot of tiny little naughty farties ending in a long gush from your hole. It is wonderful to fuck a farting woman when every fuck drives one out of her. I think I would know Mason's fart anywhere. I think I could pick hers out in a roomful of farting women. It is a rather girlish noise not like the wet windy fart which I imagine fat wives have. It is sudden and dry and dirty like what a bold girl would let off in fun in a school dormitory at night. I hope Mason will let off no end of her farts in my face so that I may know their smell also.

Sound good to you?

>> No.3402316

send it

>> No.3402320

Wait, she's a classy girl. Everyone will have used a Joycean take. You need to go deeper: Jonathan Swift, Benefits of Farting.

I take it there are five or six different species of farts, and which are perfectly distinct from each other, both in weight and smell.
First, the sonorous and full-toned, or rousing fart;
Second, the double fart;
Third, the soft fizzing fart;
Fourth, the wet fart;
And fifth, the sullen wind-bound fart.

>> No.3402322


>> No.3402327

>Ethnicity —

Fi fa fo fum I smell sneaky merchant scum

>> No.3402329

Oh shit anon.

>> No.3402331

>he doesn't want a bonny little kike gf

Steady on.

>> No.3402335

I'm sure she'll love it.

>> No.3402336

pics or didn't happen

>> No.3402342

seems fake as fuck

>> No.3402345
File: 35 KB, 743x509, a profession of my love.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3402348

Women are a hobby, a costly one that are apt to take your time away from reading books.

You are a Bibliophile.... don't be unfaithful to your one true love.

Now close the tab and open one to Amazon,

>> No.3402350

I shall quote myself.
"Oh shit anon."

>> No.3402357

that was a good thread.

>> No.3402358

never been in these threads before but whats the big deal with him doing this? its just an anonymous message

>> No.3402361

>implying she's read À la recherche du temps perdu
>just throwing in Proust at the end there like 'oh whatever, I read Proust but it's no biggie'
She seems lame. I don't even like Proust but that bothered me.
I'd still message her though she seems like she'd be into kinky sex and maybe she'd let me pee on her or something.

>> No.3402366

The love of Joyce and Nora is the most sacred love known to /lit/. There is not a /lit/izen who doesn't dream of the siren scent of a lady who can trump a room full of other windy women.

>> No.3402369

>big deal
I wouldn't be acting like it's a big deal if it was a big deal.

>> No.3402387

she has the taste of your average hipster pleb.

>> No.3402398
File: 46 KB, 506x334, pleaserespond.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good luck op

>> No.3402404
File: 177 KB, 968x656, dsaf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I usually send one of the Joyce love letters when I message a girl on OKcupid.

>> No.3402405

one of her photos, without the okcupid watermark, are on this tumblr.

also not lit so fuck off.

>> No.3402415


I'd thank you not to post my profile on 4chan you fucking pleb. You're intellectually stunted and I only date 9/10 revolutionary leaders who write poetry on the side.

>> No.3402417


>> No.3402421


>> No.3402433


>> No.3402441

I know, right? How could we have been so unfaithful?

>> No.3402454
File: 40 KB, 739x390, tumblr_mh5uppwfsx1s1av4bo1_r1_1280[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh dear lord my sides

>> No.3402473

Some of these are just crazy tumblr moral crusades, how is it bad is someone has a preference for their own race? or that they wouldn't mind if their partner had a gun in the house.

>> No.3402474
File: 60 KB, 608x465, duceppereaction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3402476

This. There's a lot of Reddit-moralizing. Still, some of them are fun.

>> No.3402477

Yeah, that's pretty much the best one I saw on there. It doesn't really qualify for what I was looking for because it is the suitor being intentionally funny, as opposed to the shit I was led to believe could be found on this tumbler, namely a suitor being unintentionally funny as a result of having been 'trolled'.

>> No.3402497

I looked through the first several pages of okcgoldmine and didn't see anything like that.

>> No.3402500

That's a troll. I know there was copypasta that people from /fit/ were using that was almost exactly that, word for word.

>> No.3402513

Yeah a lot of these I didn't find anything humorous about or problematic with. What I want to know is who spends so much free time looking at guys' profiles

>> No.3402520

most of this is hurr hurr they don't agree with me! laugh at them with me! so insecure.

>> No.3402523

Your bum. Collapses on my eyebrows. Like holy rolling italian. Loafs. I like the cut of your lounge. Sunrise and pepperoni. I like fudge.

>> No.3402542

>I'm on a literature board and I can't read

A lot of them are submissions or reblogs.

>> No.3402549 [DELETED] 

What kind of interface/website/whatever is that?

>> No.3402566
File: 1023 KB, 265x260, w.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you set a shirtless pic as your profile pic and chubby girls won't stop messaging you

>> No.3402568

Oh, heavenly blessed beauty whose inner beauty is simply divine and everlasting. Yours is an ancient beauty, the kind of muse that inspired Omar Khayyam or the Chauraspanchasika. Surely it was an angel like you who wooed Odysseus as he stood tied to the mast or whose light burst from the balcony that inspired Romeo... to song. Oh be my muse, fair princess and we shall teach the generations to come how to love.

>> No.3402578

In all my years on 4chan I've never seen a fellow Anaheimfag.

I'm going to get to her first.

>> No.3402602

Yes? How? Why?
First, you are a new colour on the rainbow.
I would love to visit and watch the world thru a train with you.
Even when we se the light, i know It's with you

>> No.3402603
File: 140 KB, 760x522, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Goddamnit, I feel like Dante gazing at Beatrice from a distance.

>> No.3402616

Confirmed for actual model.

Damn, this makes me almost want to go back to /r9k/ and dwell in my loneliness and self-pity.

>> No.3402623

>thx jew @oriooocookie

S-...she even hates kikes too..

>> No.3402637
File: 80 KB, 606x768, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to live anymore. I want the one that I can't have, and it's driving me mad.

>> No.3402642

Not OP but I have a similar question

There's a girl iun my college class that I'm head over heels in love with, but I've only spoken to her once, and pretty much fucked that up.

I havent spoken to her since last academic year, but I have her univesity email address since our lecturer sent her emails en masse, and included them all.

I was planning on anonymously emailing her on valentines day with something along the lines of this:

"Hi. First of all I know this is very creepy and that you probably think I'm a sexual predator or something but I had to get this off my chest and couldn't think of any other way.

I was in one of your classes last year and ever since I haven/t stopped thinking of you. You seem so ideal and I wish I had the courage to speak to you, but alas. I don't know what I want to get out of this email other than to put a smile on your face, thought you've probably had cards from other people saying a similar thing in a far less creepy way. Happy Valentines's day!

p.s. don't worry, I won't try and approach you or anything like that

>> No.3402644

Looks like I was dead-on. Wonder what kind of responses this profile gets.

Is it you, OP? Were you trying to reel some in with this post?

>> No.3402651

Shit, my qustion is should I send it??

If so, should I change anything in the letter?

>> No.3402663

probably should leave out the sexual predator bit

>> No.3402665

Jesus H. Christ, no.
First of all,

>head over heels in love with, but I've only spoken to her once

What is wrong with you?

But even letting that creepy shit slide...you should never start a message to a girl with "first off, i know this is very creepy" let alone mention the WORDS sexual predator. Have some fucking confidence.

But you have bigger issues, seeing as how you confuse your ridiculous projections and fantasies with actual love.

>> No.3402669


no fucking hell


>> No.3402675

Also, exploiting Valentine's Day would be a great idea if you weren't actually obsessed with this girl. I mean, sending a message the week before when it's on her mind would help your chances since it's such an odd approach.

But the fact that you actually haven't stopped thinking of her (obsessive and needy red flags) and actually plan on TELLING her this signals the fact that this isn't your bag. You have some issues, Stan, I think you need some counseling.

>> No.3402680

But I thought acknowledging that would at least let her know I'm aware that she might think that

She's the first girl since I was 12 or 13 to make my heart pound every time I see her and give me butterflies in my stomach. I think about her every day

>> No.3402682

Nope, saw it yesterday. It's too good to be true, of course. And as we've already established someone made it using models pictures.

>> No.3402684
File: 78 KB, 870x442, me mug when.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not /lit/

fuck off to /r9k/ if you want an okcupid thread

>> No.3402686

You are the pearl of my existence, my reason to exist. I would wash your sacred feet every day in the river ganges. You are my holy cow. You are my oxygen. You are the fluttering in my chest as I whisper three words. I love you. Love is the most powerful feeling I have ever experienced. My love for you could stop bullets, it could stop tanks. It could stop a war between Pakistan and India, prevent a 9mm round from penetrating the heart of a sacred cow. You are my sacred cow. And I will protect you. My love will engulf us like a Kashmir blanket and warm our bones against the cold. I would snuggle with you in northern siberia, using my love to keep us warm. I would make love to you on a swiss mountaintop, next to a cow. You are my sacred cow, and my heart is a beating cowbell. I love you so much it tingles. Love-tingles. I blow smoke rings and flick the top with my finger to make a heart. This heart is for you, a smokey heart born in fire. My heart burns for you. Our souls fit together like a jigsaw puzzle. Will you be my girl?

>> No.3402689

Too late: >>3402198 Someone beat you there.

>> No.3402691

>likes flipper
do it man

>> No.3402693

>But I thought acknowledging that would at least let her know I'm aware that she might think that

That's what all creepy people think. It doesn't work that way. What you want to do is make it seem like it's a normal, every day thing to do. Be confident, not hesitant. Don't draw even more attention to the fact that it's weird.

>> No.3402698

>She's the first girl since I was 12 or 13 to make my heart pound every time I see her and give me butterflies in my stomach. I think about her every day

That's disturbing. I mean, it's not that disturbing. It's pretty normal for virgins to fall in love just by a girl acknowledging him. You just want to fuck her, though. You have no idea what real love entails.

>> No.3402700

Should I still send it anonymously if I cut out the sexual predator thing?

I might post it to her address but then she'll know that I followed her home

>> No.3402702

I actually don't think about her sexually. I just want to fall asleep together and take long walks and joke around, maybe help her become a patrician like me over time

>> No.3402703
File: 18 KB, 325x275, 1358294657850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You rollin', trollin' sonofabitch. Had me goin' for a minute there.

>> No.3402704

I have gone through a situation exactly similar to that guy, and yep, this guy is right. Still a virgin who never talks to girls. In that state, any girl giving you the time of day tricks you into "love" that you don't understand.

The girl I was obsessed with, to the love letter guy, was an incredibly beautiful girl who was very intelligent and well read, who talked to me more than any other girl ever did. So I obsessed over her for a year.

>> No.3402709

Not trolling, she walks home the same way I do (and most students do) so I just went to find out where she lived once or twice

>> No.3402710

Hahaha. That's how it starts. Sooner or later, as you keep on not talking to her or getting to know her better and ingratiating yourself in her personality, you'll turn to objectifying her as a sexual object. I don't say this to mock you, but that's how it'll go.l

>> No.3402717

You are the cunt of my dream, my reason to fuck. I would wash your sacred tits every day in my river ganges. You are my holy bitch. You are my heroin addiction. You are the fluttering in my chest as I smoke. I want to fuck you. My dick has the most powerful feeling I have ever experienced when I am near you. My cock is so hard for you it could stop bullets, it could stop tanks. It could stop a war between Pakistan and India, prevent a 9mm round from penetrating nuns and shit. You are my sacred hoe. And I will protect you. Your love will swallow me like a Kashmir blanket and warm the heart of my cock against the cold. I would snuggle with you in northern siberia, using my love to keep us warm because it's cold there. I would make love to you on a swiss mountaintop, next to a cow, because it would be symbolic of who you are. You are my sacred white snack, and my heart is a beating a cowbell cock with the end of cockerel. I love you so much it tingles my bum. Love-tingles my dad's bum. I blow smoke rings and flick the top with my finger to make a heart, with my bum. This heart is for you, a smokey heart born in fire, from the night's lash vindaloo. My dick burns for you. Our souls fit together like a cock puzzle. Will you be my cock?

>> No.3402721

Oh, so you're a troll.

I should've picked that up by now.

>> No.3402730

Possibly not. People used to think I was a troll when I creepily stalked a girl I was madly in love with.

>> No.3402731

I remember that guy.

>> No.3402733

Not trolling, she lives in the student area as I do, and most other student do, so I see her in front of me now and again and I went to see where she lived once or twice is all

>> No.3402737

This guy's got the hang of it:
She'll know you're being ironic.

>> No.3402740

looks like a str8 up #cunt

>> No.3402747

you sound like one of a banterous disposition

>> No.3402751

Well, no reason to send it anonymously if you're leaving out the sexual predator bit. I mean, what kind of logic is that?

No connotations of being a sexual predator!? Strike my name from the document!

>> No.3402755

yeah, what's it to ya. some people find that charming.

but in all srsness, she looks like a spoiled malibu bitch who has been well bred to read well known classix of literature. it's not that impressive really.

>> No.3402758

Bukowski, well you came and you gave me a drinksi.
And I read you today, Bukowski.
And you kissed me and stopped me from shaking
And I need you today, Bukowski.

>> No.3402761

I just don't want her to react weirdly and tell people I'm a creep or have her post it on facebook.

If she replies to an anoymous email nicely we could slowly get to know each other and then I might give her my real name and she'll porably remember me from last year and might be willing to go on a date or for a walk or something

>> No.3402765

It's a fucking troll account, you jealous projecting whore.

>> No.3402776

smh...leave your name on it. keep it simple and direct. don't say anything about it being creepy, don't tell her you haven't stopped thinking about her or that you love her. the more casual and direct it is, the higher chance she'll respond positively.

if she spreads word that you're a creep, at least you'll know the message you sent was perfectly innocent.

>> No.3402778

: - (

>> No.3402780

Plus, you can tell everyone you fucked her

>> No.3402789

Ok, thanks for the advice

>> No.3402801

she kind of looks like the actor people keep comparing to dawkins

>> No.3402950

the best way to combat this is to act like your picture is on the blog and you (kindly) would like it to be removed. Act embarrassed and emotionally devastated. also act like you are not very intelligent.

this will manipulate them into guilt. you see, these "trolls" are not really ironclad like they used to be. if you make it look as if they are really doing damage to someone, they'll buckle.

>> No.3402973

I like this, I think it's really cute actually.

>> No.3402997

You titled your image "my darling chicklet at rest." I hope she runs. Fast.

>> No.3403003

I knew it! Great detective work anon, how'd you find it

>> No.3403009

No what the fuck is the matter with you? If you send a girl a message, Don't use any words that can associate you with creepyness or sexual predator - like "creepy" and "sexual predator". You must be trollin' down the neighborhood. It's almost like that "i'm not a murderer, swear" message

>> No.3403015

They love her on /fa/

On another note, we have Tao Lin, there's fashion journo Tui Lin, who would form the trifecta of hip T. Lins?

>> No.3403016
File: 64 KB, 577x502, 1356865353025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Can we please forget about that, i cringe everytime someone mentions it.

>> No.3403024

Oh my god please end black america. They've infested our abortion clinics and DMV offices for too long

>> No.3403033

You forgot lecturing in your Universities and being your pres.

>> No.3403036

Right, cause the pres is straightup from da hood

>> No.3403037

the caption is clearly photoshopped

>> No.3403040

>he thinks hoodrats = black
Do ho ho.

>> No.3403042
File: 41 KB, 450x250, ichiro.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Mo Yan, pic related

>> No.3403056
File: 142 KB, 476x612, 1355531293293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How about is one?

>> No.3403062


>> No.3403074

>he thinks black america =/= the hood
Mo fo fo

>> No.3403079
File: 8 KB, 225x225, 1355731358777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right in the feels man.

>> No.3403082

>notice how no likes
>condom deterred them

>> No.3403086

You realize that's to the tune of Oh Mandy right?

>> No.3403093

I do love that song.

>> No.3403098

Oh Margie
You came and you found me a turkey
On my vacation away, from work-ey
Oh Margie.

>> No.3403106

Hello Grandpa, my old friend,
Your busy day is at an end.
Your exploits have been sad and boring,
They tell a tale that's worth ignoring.
When you're alone, the words of your story
Will echo down the rest-home hall,
'Cause no one at all,
Can stand the sound
Of Grandpa.

>> No.3403115

Bro let me tell you, you are not in love with this woman. For you to call your crush 'love' is an insult to the word and to anyone who is actually in a loving, romantic, relationship. I know this because I _am_ in love and find your desperation simultaneously amusing and offensive. When you're in love you are seriously in sync with the person, on the same page all the time. The honey I'm dating is 150 miles away for school, and what we have is some real cloud-computing shit, let me tell you. We operate as separate parts of one unit, supporting and complementing each other when necessary. We've fallen _actually_ in love over the past five years and have built a well-oiled machine of trust, mutual interest, and passionate sex.

Your desperation guarantees that you have no chance with this chica. Drop it. Detox. Pursue a girl in whom you have no vested interest, no ulterior motive, and you will have no consequences for failure. Pursue not with an end in mind, make pursuit your end. Seduce this new mademoiselle for seduction's sake. The thrill of the chase. It doesn't matter what happens next.

>> No.3403123

Good post. Not that guy, but I have a passing interest in this good looking girl who doesn't make the effort to make herself really pretty, who is smart enough. Not really platonic at all but I like her I guess. As opposed to the pointless love I have for some girl I have no chance with.

Think I should go for the attainable aforementioned girl, just for lusts sake?

>> No.3403136

Or don't be a huge faggot and just asked her to grab some pizza for lunch some time, your call though.

If you really want to write her a love letter and creep her out, keep it honest.

"I want to fuck you, cause your hot, This is all I want from you cause Im not. I have no job but that doesnt matter, you are all, I need to flatter so let me pluck your sweet flower and fuck me again after the shower.

Or you know...just ask her for a pizza date like a normal not socially retarded person would....

>> No.3403141

Oh man, you've missed a lot. OP by the way.

>> No.3403145

The ultimate aim of all love affairs ... is more important than all other aims in man's life; and therefore it is quite worthy of the profound seriousness with which everyone pursues it.

>> No.3403151


>> No.3403165

The thread has moved on from the OP, and is now quite interesting

>> No.3403167

No. If you're not sure you absolutely like her and want to be with her. Most girls, especially the smartish ones who don't make an effort to make themselves pretty, are not interested in just sex, they want relationships. Don't do things just for lusts sake, when you aren't sure she's just interested in that.

>> No.3403172

What is the thread about now?

>> No.3403204

Go to reddit.com/r/creepypms

Read through a bunch of them, and then use those as an indication of the kind of thing not to write.

As it is, what you posted is likely to end up straight on that subreddit.

>> No.3403209

my love 4 u mak my dik hard and shoot mayonese

>> No.3403215

Be you still, be you still, trembling heart;
Remember the wisdom out of the old days:
Him who trembles before the flame and the flood
and the winds that blow through the starry ways,
Let the Starry winds and the flame and the flood
cover over and hide, for he has no part
with the proud, majestical multitude.

-W.B. Yeats

>> No.3403216

>not He Desires the Cloths of Heaven

>> No.3403219

>not down by the salley gardens my love and I did meet; she passed the salley gardens with little snow-white feet.

>> No.3403222

>As it is, what you posted is likely to end up straight on that subreddit.
>implying the people on reddit aren't the ones writing the messages

>> No.3403226

I don't really get it. Why are they ridiculed for only brushing their teeth once a day? Or not having a problem with racist JOKES? Or being against abortion personally? Or thinking the world would be better off without dumb people?

I mean, the fedoras are retarded and I understand you don't agree with those things personally. But these are really common opinions and actions, and I don't see how ridicule works.

>> No.3403228

the silly kids song it got turned into ruined it for me

>> No.3403236

I don't get it.

>> No.3403241

Salley Gardens got turned into a pretty shitty song over here. We were taught it in school. It's quite bad.

>> No.3403270

Has anyone linked her to this thread yet?

If not, I'm disappointed.

>> No.3403313

The person who takes these screengrabs is some pro-choice fat chick, you can tell.

She should post her own profile, but obviously won't.

>> No.3403320


I laughed

>> No.3403366

>start graphic novel thread on /lit/ instead of /co/ because i want suggestions with literary merit and not spiderman/batman shit
>get banned
>this garbage is on the frontpage for hours and apparently it's fine
th-thanks mods

>> No.3403395

They're writing love poetry.

>> No.3403476

You look like Emma Watson
It's hot son
Cause I can almost see up your skirt in dat pic

Accompany me in my arousal
While I recite Wilde with ease at mind
Are you the amorous for literature kind?
I hope so.

>> No.3403798

All love letters should end with uncapitalized rape.

>> No.3403806

Just all letters. Casually, like with "love". Hope to hear from you soon.



>> No.3403851




>> No.3403880

This might be the most beautiful love poem I've ever seen. Good job.

>> No.3403915

ra ra rara pe pe
ra ra rara pe pe
ra ra rara pe pe

genital romance

>> No.3404086


>Hi. First of all I know this is very creepy and that you probably think I'm a sexual predator or something but I had to get this off my chest and couldn't think of any other way

Jesus christ.. please tell me this sperging is all an act and you aren't this bad in real life..

>> No.3404430

I've toyed with making an okcupid profile but there's a latent fear deep down that whatever I do might end up on one of those sites (though probably not fedorasofokc, as I don't wear those abominations).

>> No.3404435
File: 1.31 MB, 2940x3920, 1332083295087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably start with pizza, that seems pretty high on her list of priorities.

>> No.3404509

Saying "sexual predator" to a girl is like saying "the cops" to a stoner.
You just ruined their afternoon.

>> No.3404534

>lady in reds' "oh no you di-int" face

Fuck, that is funny. At least you got to meet her in heaven Dante.

>> No.3404541


>> No.3404546
File: 77 KB, 500x500, nullfusion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.3404555

i Just feel like these are so pointless. every person on that site is a borderline tryhard hipsterr...literally every other girl on the site seemed pretty solipsistic, just babbling on about how she spends a lot of time thinking about "the universe" or some similar nonsense. i deleted my profile

>> No.3404564


>> No.3404574

am i the only person who feels this way ? after a while it just felt kind of repetitive...every single person had some form of goofy bullshit attempt at quirkiness in their profile.

maybe you shouldn't be able to write anything about yourself. just have pictures and that's it

>> No.3404654

check my profile


>> No.3404663

did the thread this was originally posted in get archived?

>> No.3404667

I think we are on the same page, the same book and the same line.