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/lit/ - Literature

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3400267 No.3400267 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck are you doing?

Get to work on your book. If you don't write your story, then it will never exist. Wouldn't you like your story to exist?

>> No.3400274

>implying being a writer isn't just a crucial element to my narcissistic narrative that distracts me from the truth of my failure to put together a coherent lifestyle

>> No.3400276

Currently got about 70 A4 pages of it written. I still have less than half of it to finish, then go back and re-edit the earlier chapters. Should be done within the next half year.

>> No.3400296

I wrote 2,000 words last night completely free form, just to get myself writing. A good amount of it is cringeworthy, but there are interesting parts that could be developed into something.

Anybody ever do anything like this?

>> No.3400336
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>implying I need to write in order to become a literary critic

>> No.3400347
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>tfw my book is a cookbook
>tfw no time to do research for it because busy with undergraduate nonsense that takes up all my time

>> No.3400354

I'm planning my book right now

It's either going to be a postmodern masterpiece or a horrible ugly mess

>> No.3400361
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Why not both?

>> No.3400363

>postmodern masterpiece
>in 2013

You really think that' possible? That ship has sailed, anon.

>> No.3400377

I thought that too until inspiration really hit me. My book idea is perfect.
Well it'll be a mess for sure. But whether it's a mess people will want to read or not – we'll see.

>> No.3400384

>tfw on speed, writing a suicide note
I feel like it's going to drag. :P

>> No.3400388


>> No.3400389

I have a load of great ideas, all bunched up together in one world. I'm writing them all down, encyclopedia style, so I can use them for something. And then it hits me. I can't use them. For anything. I can't draw, I can't code, I can't write proper books because I self-learned English, I can't do ANYTHING with it. So I stop. And every once in a while, I get a new idea. It's fantastic, so I write it down. And then I get massively depressed because I'll never see it in action. It's a never-ending loop that I can't get out of, and it's killing me on the inside.

>> No.3400390

>My book idea is perfect.
Hate to ask but mind sharing?

>> No.3400392

I tend to talk a lot when I'm tweaking. I hope I don't actually kill myself, but the stimulant crash along with relationship problems might push it through.

>> No.3400393


Give it to someone who can make it, and be co-writer.

>> No.3400394

There isn't much encouragement to write in 2013.

>> No.3400401

I don't really want anyone else influencing it on such a grand scale. It's something I've been slowly building on for years now, and someone else coming in would cause a pretty big upset. Besides, I doubt I could find anyone.

>> No.3400405

I wrote 13,000 words last week and realized I was trying to turn two ideas into one book. So now I'm picking one, which is fantasy based, and going with that.

>> No.3400410

I'm really big into video games, so I'm trying to get my ideas turned into one.
It's going very, VERY poorly.
I don't think it will happen.
And it sure as hell isn't going to work as a book. A comic, maybe. But not a book.

>> No.3400414

That creative but no discernible talent or artistic skill feel.

>> No.3400419

Kill me now.

>> No.3400420
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You know the drill.

>> No.3400424

today, OP was good

>> No.3400427


There are lots of people who can write.

Just find one, and collaborate. There is no such thing as a book a single person wrote by themselves. Every bit of creation you've ever seen was a collaboration, if at just the most minute of level.

>> No.3400429

Talk to me about it. I am interested.

>> No.3400448
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OP here:

If you need something to put you into the mood to write, open these two windows.




>> No.3400449

It's a very long story.
I'm in the same boat as

>> No.3400450

I saw an imagine posted here once that has inspired a small portion of my novel. I don't know who the artist is or where to even find the damn thing anymore because I didn't save it. It's seems pretty unique; if I use it and the novel becomes popular, can I be sued? That would be a bummer.

>> No.3400451

From that title and intro, I expected something far worse.

>> No.3400454

If the artist isn't just some guy who draws for fun, yeah. If you really cannot find the artist and ask him, you could have someone re-draw it. Maybe mirrored, slight changes, you get the idea.

>> No.3400456

How are you going to use it if you don't have it and can't find it?

>> No.3400459

god you and that other anon piss me off because I used to be like that, too

here's the solution: pick something stupidly simple and do it.

Want to write but "can't" get your idea down? Write a sentence, just one, that describes it. Then make it a fucking paragraph and add it to your book.

Still can't write? go to university websites and look up assignments and shit and make yourself do them

Can't code? same idea: do something small and simple. Stop making excuses for yourself. Ideas are cheap and worthless if you don't implement them.

There's this scientific study I read once that said the more time you spend daydreaming about something the more likely it is that it will never happen, that you won't do it. Conversely, if you actually ACT and fucking take that first step, you are much more likely to finish. Whenever you start to feel yourself slipping into a daydream, imagining, considering your idea, fucking stop what you are doing, pick up a pencil and write that shit down. Write on your arm if need be, but be active.

Stop getting high off ideas. Once you start finishing shit, you'll learn to get high off completion (actually, it'll just make you lust to finish something new, but same result).

>> No.3400469
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>> No.3400472


I remember what it was and that's all I needed to work the idea into the novel.

I'm gonna do it anyway and be honest if the times comes when I need to explain how I came up with the book.

>> No.3400474

I CAN write. I have no writer's block, no shortage of ideas, no shortage of time. Nothing is in my way.
It's just that when I finish writing, I'm overcome by this crushing sense of goddamn despair, because I can't shake the thoughts of "all of this is for nothing" and "no one will ever enjoy this."
I'm trying, and slowly going somewhere, but goddamn. I don't think it's supposed to be this painful.
And if, when I get through this, it doesn't go anywhere... I'll probably just straight up shoot myself.

>> No.3400482


Post something you've written. Prove it.

>> No.3400486


well that's why you do fun stuff when you are between projects and on the weekends. take a trip somewhere, if you can. get a fresh perspective. I'm assuming writing is your passion, but do you have hobbies? if not, you might want to try picking up something for a while to help relax and mellow out a bit. every author is plagued by the feelings you say -- every single one. you just need an outlet to alleviate the stress of your art

>> No.3400487

Right now I'm just laying out the basics. There's no formatting or anything, just raw info.I didn't intend for anyone else to see it like this, so it's not even polished up yet. It'd be pretty embarrassing to post.
I plan to finish laying down all of my ideas, draw up a terrible map, and start up a story sometime this year.

>> No.3400488

what was the image? you can only be sued if you are reproducing the image without alterations in print. since you didn't save the image I have no idea what you are worried about

>> No.3400490

Jack Kerouac

>> No.3400499

I'm quite big into video games.
Problem is, if I play video games, I just start thinking of mechanics for how "my game" would work.
Heh, can't really get away from it, can I?
I can see where you're coming from, though, and it's damn good advice. I try to write every day, shouldn't push it so hard.
I'm still hoping to befriend someone who can draw properly and get him to at least illustrate some of my stuff. It'd be a massive morale boost.

>> No.3400509

>dat feel when you write a shit load and no progress
>dat feel when itll take you around 10 years to get ok at writing
we poppin bottles now niggas

>> No.3400510

I actually got an idea a few days ago and have been very very slowly working on it. The only issue is that it might have to become a thriller type novel and I only know movies that fit the category. Not any books, any recommendations /lit/izens?

>> No.3400513

god damn.

>> No.3400517


Don't do it bud.

>> No.3400524

It doesn't HAVE to be a book, you know.
Comics are fantastic for the more exciting stories. If you can draw, or know someone who can draw, it's a damn fine idea.

>> No.3400529

Write a screenplay? Personally, I don't find thrillers very interesting in a novel format.

>> No.3400530

I'm really struggling to stay awake with my job. So I take prescription drugs. They alter my personality and I can't write in my voice.
I can write, so I'm writing short stories and they're coming along nicely. But it's not my voice.
I'm re-entering education at a very easy level (I've already started to read the background) in September, so I can be awake unassisted, so I can write in my own voice.
This is fine because I want (more) publishing credits before I start sending my MS out to agents.
Your heart's in the right place though, thanks for the concern.

>> No.3400532


>> No.3400538

also I'm still trying to get my illustration up to a similar level and that takes work too. I need illustrating credits and I'm waiting for a lit magazine to get back to me and tell me what illustrations it needs me to do.

>> No.3400536

While I like my share of comics, I feel like this would be best suited for a book. Mainly because, I don't know anyone who can illustrate really well and I'm terrible at it. Basically it's Death Note Season 1 only less self righteousness and more "shit what have I done?" That's sounds really plebeian but the idea itself really excites me.

>> No.3400550

While it does sound pleb as fuck, it could be very interesting if done right. You'd have to very good at setting the mood to get your point across via just text, though, whereas a comic could just have a sudden two-page spread of the main character groveling in despair and it'd whack you in the face like a truck. Still, if you can do it right, the book would probably work better since it leaves more to the imagination.

>> No.3400558

Yeah, that's why I was wondering about some suggestions for good thrillers that create a great ambiance. Mainly because, like I said, I DON'T want people to read it and be like Death Note the Novel. Plus I didn't even really like the series.

>> No.3400567

I am working on it. After getting motivation a few weeks ago, I started working on it again for the first time since last spring. I have all of chapter 1 done, and chapter 2 and the prologue are both partially done. I have all the events laid out in my head and in notes, it's just a matter of translating them into story form.

>> No.3400581

Death Note was too pretentious and unnecessarily deep for what it really was.

It's most likely not the kind of ambiance you're looking for but I quite suggest War of the Worlds. It's pretty damn good at setting the mood and I'm sure you can grab some tips from it. Good read, anyway.

>> No.3400589

I want to recommend some ambiance but I can't stop thinking of horror books. Cthulhu and such.
Something isn't right with me.

>> No.3400593

I loved Shadow over Innsmouth and am desperately looking for Mountain of Madness at local book shops but honestly, horror might be a good leeway as well.

>> No.3400597

I suggest Junji Ito's manga. For all of his terrible endings, zero explanation and focus on disturbing visuals, the man is FANTASTIC at getting into your comfort zone and then pushing you out of it violently. If you could figure out how he does it, you could do some very fancy stuff with your story.

>> No.3400618


I didn't get very far in Shadow Over Innsmouth. Something about the scene at the beginning where the guy at the bus station goes, "ohh, nobody likes to talk about Innsmouth" then proceeds to give the MC a long, detailed description of the town's history and legends, presumably at the ticket counter while he's on the clock.

>> No.3400632
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But I already cranked out 4K words yesterday!

I need some rest to help my creative juices flow...

...yes that is a euphemism for fapping. Also dragon tits.

>> No.3400782

Because I'm much more prone to idle thought and fantasy than actual productivity. I had months of my life where I was mostly idle and had little responsibility, and I wasted it on drugs and petty socializing and daydreams of future creativity. Now I have a job and it's even worse, because it drains me and I tend to use it as an excuse to waste my time further.

Basically I'm a shitty lazy human being and unless I find the courage and drive to write in anything but brief intermittent manic bursts, my talent will wither away just like my hopes for anything but a shallow life of drudgery.

>> No.3401724


okay i want to die now

>> No.3401732

I find that whenever I start to write I get the urge to fap.

I find that when I'm done fapping I am no longer able to write.


I'm ruined.

>> No.3401737

what even is "coherency"?

>> No.3401747
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1) Buy one of those waterproof laptops
2) Smear hands in tabasco sauce
3) Sit down
4) Feel urge to fap
5) Dante's Inferno in your pants
6) Never doing that again
7) Write masterpiece with tabasco-hands and firecrotch

Repeat until satisfied. Thank me later.

>> No.3401752
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>> No.3401790

Sure, I'll do that.

Just let me fap first real quick.

>> No.3401808

I am aroused by that fact