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/lit/ - Literature

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3399166 No.3399166 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/, I need to write a short story, no more than 750 words. Problem is, I'm not creative for shit. Could i get some ideas?

>> No.3399172

Write about a student forced to write a short story under an oppressive educational tyrant called Sir.

>> No.3399186

Sounds a bit cliched, but it sounds like it could be promising. I'll keep my mine open for other ideas

>> No.3399210

Write about Zack Slamm, a 35 year-old biracial man in South Africa, accepted neither by white nor black society. He swore he'd never break dance again after a dance off lead to someone spinning his head clean off.

But they have his girlfriend. So he'll have to dance.

He'll have to dance like he's never danced before.

>> No.3399217

giant other word vaginas come and ruin the global economhy

>> No.3399247

Private school student finds out the "natural bellcurve" distribution of students' grades are actually controlled by a cult of teachers who rig the tests, etc.
I came up with the idea for a short mockumentary for media studies lol. Take it if you please but dont get famous for it.

>> No.3399260

this is really good

>> No.3399271

>lead to someone spinning his head clean off

So he's headless trying to get his gf back? Damn I think i'll have to do this

>> No.3399287

That seems like it would be a very interesting mocoumentary if done right.

>> No.3399290

write about a monkey who lives on an island with a bunch of bigger monkeys that rape him all the time. then he escapes to another island. This island is filled with monkeys smaller than him. So he rapes all the smaller monkeys. The big monkeys go searching for him on the smaller monkey island.
The middle size monkey makes a braveheart speech asking all the little monkeys if they want cocks that size in their ass for the rest of their life or if they only want his cock in their ass for the rest of their lives. All the monkeys die and Martin sheen breaks the fourth wall to talk to you about hair treatment systems for men.

>> No.3399293

His dance nickname should be "the zebra" or maybe "the quagga".

>> No.3399345

OP, fit something into this structure and it will write itself:

>Act 1 100-150 words
Your character gets conflict, a problem to resolve. He needs to achieve something, find his brother, get to the interview, save the princess. He has been given a reason to act and starts on his journey.

>Act 2 400 - 500 words
Your character is on his way to resolving the issue, finding the treasure, breaking the spell. He thinks he can see the end and comes close to it, only there is a problem and things aren't as easy as he first imagined. The goalposts have shifted and the issue is worse than he thought. Maybe the terrorist isn't in the warehouse, or the dragon is guarding the entrance, but now his objective has changed and he has a new problem that needs to be tackled first. The character faces his new problem, and surprise surprise, manages to overcome it.

>Act 3 100 - 200 words
He now resolves his first problem too. He makes it back to the time machine in the last second, or he cuts the correct wire. His problems are resolved and he's a better person for it.

-Include some themes for your teacher to lap up; the decadence of capitalism, the dangers of atomic weapons, abortion ethics...
-Write it in first person (it's easier) but include some character bias that your teacher can see isn't your own.
-Maybe bury a crucial plot point in the beginning; the Protagonist finds out that the key his mother owned will open the door, or a piece of evidence that will let the character realize who the killer is.
-Use pain for a sympathetic response. Your reader is more receptive if your character gets stabbed, or rips a toenail off and has to struggle with a wound.

It's clichéd as fuck, but enjoy your A.

>> No.3399365

>writing stories for the plot

>> No.3399411

>Thinking OP is writing a novel and not a short story for the education system.