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3398332 No.3398332 [Reply] [Original]

What does your utopic future society look like?

>> No.3398334

Who says it has to be utopic? I find dystopic societies much more interesting

>> No.3398367

Utopic for some, dystopic for others.

>> No.3398381

Mine is infinitely complex with gears and analog computers and airships n shit

>> No.3398392

No cities, no people, just one giant building with a supercomputer inside, and the DNA of every person mapped and modelled to exist as one digital super-organism.

>> No.3398424

Where we are all star children. Our 3D appearance is that of a fetus. We are all in a petri dish and can merge with other star children and share our universe with them. We have the ability to create or manipulate anything within our own universe.

>> No.3398425

It'd be some cyberpunk stuff for me, Neuromancer-like but with fewer people. I like it dystopian. To be honest that's the only direction I see this world going anyway.

>> No.3398448

I think Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior got it right.
The future will be a dystopia where society has crumbled and we are back to tribal societies but with advanced technologies such as cars. Oil is hoarded and is the most precious resource.

>> No.3398489
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A god-fearing, socially conservative, agrarian village where everyone is employed in sustenance agriculture.

No cars, internet, or electricity.

>> No.3398549

Galt's Gulch.

>> No.3398575

Any sort of major collapse or catastrophe would be alright with. There won't be any serious, widespread corruption until after a recovery is made and I'll be dead by then. Outlaw activities don't really bother me.

>> No.3398580

We no longer have physical bodies. Everyone's conscience is absorbed into the net except for one family who is given the never-ending task of making sure the router doesn't get unplugged.

>> No.3398619

>ou don't really know what utopic means, do you?

>> No.3398628

You don't really know what "reading a thread" means, do you?

>> No.3399790

This is actually kinda beautiful

>> No.3399801

all life in the universe died out

>> No.3399807

No, you don't. Then they are not dystopias anymore, they are utopias. You mean to say your utopia is living in a place like we usually see described as dystopias.

>> No.3399820
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Our needs looked after by technology. Hanging around in a beautiful garden with good people. Basically Eden but a bit more crowded.

>yfw the utopian golden age according to Abrahamic religion is in fact Epicurean

>> No.3399838

I don't know man, what hedonist would deny themselves the pleasure of knowledge?

>> No.3399881

Arrakis, circa Leto Atreides II's reign.

>> No.3399892

Basically Brave New World

>> No.3399930
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My utopia has passed already. I wish that everyone could go there, but there is no return.

Something like this:

I think that proportion and balance is what makes for a quality life, so that it is the exageration of all our endeavours that led to the problems we have today and it is exactly by trying to fix it that things stretch even further into a new shape in which we have different roles. The outrageous dimension that exceeds ourselves demands homogeinization and control, no exceptions and no sacrifices. If your body cells have functions of their own, they are just as alive as you are. And this is what it comes to, the life form that is more proeminent was never man, but cities. And we live in tune with our environments, there is no difference and I admire in the man his ability to adapt himself, though what we have now is a command for the other to adapt, not us. So there is no growth, no learning, the other learns for us. I think the time of men already passed: a hundred thousand years between wild animals and the big cities. Some place in which we expressed in our own proportion the simple job, the simple joy, the simple thinking and yet all very human. My city doesn't agree with me, the website doesn't agree with me, my blood cells have no idea of this, but as a man, that's what I can say about my utopia. I have no illusions though, the future is bound to happen in a completely different way.