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3383613 No.3383613[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why does Harold Bloom always look like he just caught wind of an IBS fart?

>> No.3383631

Harold Blooming hell you're fat.

>> No.3383642
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He's a professional curmudgeon.

>> No.3383637

No discernible neck.

>> No.3383660

"He looks awful. It seems ridiculous to have to say it. He can't get up the stairs, he can't stay standing in front of the camera. There's no discernible features below his neck."

-Harold Blob

>> No.3383676

Who is Harold Bloom?

>> No.3384114

>Who is Harold Bloom?
A guy who plays a book critic on TV.

>> No.3384120

A literary critic that /lit/ hates for (rightly) shitting on their postmodern demi-gods.

>> No.3384147
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he's the hero literature deserves.

>> No.3384159

What are you talking about. We fuckin' love Bloom.

I do at least.

>> No.3384168

I like Harold Bloom, but I don't feel like I have to agree with him about everything
>no discernible talent

>> No.3384172
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what do you guys think of James Woods?

>> No.3384184

>for (rightly) shitting on their postmodern demi-gods.

Who, exactly, are you referring to? DFW and who else? Bloom loves Pynchon, McCarthy, and Gaddis and most all other prominent pomo figures.

>> No.3384185

who knew, /lit/ can be funny lol.

>> No.3384192
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but not the one we need right now.

>> No.3384195

I personally don't understand his hatred for DFW. It must be on some personal level because I can completely understand disliking Infinite Jest and the praise it has received, but saying something like "it's awful. it feels ridiculous to say it. He can't think, he can't write. There's no discernible talent"

is overkill x1000. Infinite Jest may not be the literary masterpiece many believe it to be, but it's not a SHIT book, and DFW is by no means a SHIT writer. There is discernible talent.

>> No.3384204


no, there is not

>> No.3384209

If you read the whole article pertaining to this interview, it's more than obvious that Bloom simply did not want to be asked about DFW. The question probably surprised him and doubtlessly irked him, so his response is more a response of sudden discomfort rather than a well-rationed, honed attack.

He was just speaking off the cuff, irascibly, about something he would have rather not been asked about.

>> No.3384210


>> No.3384233

This explanation really satisfies me and makes sense. The truth is I really respect Bloom's opinion and have been trying to rationalize why I would agree with almost everything he's said besides that very quote.

I don't like it when intelligent, well-read people whose opinions I share speak very disparagingly about things that I like. It makes me feel stupid and unworthy.

>> No.3384237

I like it too, especially because as you can see we need a way out of anything related to one single statement from Harold Bloom dominating anything Bloom-related in this board.

>> No.3384280

DFW poked fun at Bloom in IJ. Also, if I were a literary critic jaded to contemporary literature, I would probably feel that it wasn't terrifically original book. It borrows wholesale from authors like Pynchon and DeLillo and much of the whole pomo scene. It's not very stylistically unified and the footnotes are more than a little gimmicky (and tedious at times).

I love the book, but I can think of tons of reasons why I might dislike it.