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3381092 No.3381092 [Reply] [Original]

Why didn't Men just invent guns and shoot all the Orcs to death? Why didn't they just invent ANYTHING but swords and arrows in the thousands of years they've been alive?

>> No.3381097


>> No.3381107

They didn't have gunpowder

>> No.3381155


You silly op, you.

You need sulphur for gunpowder. Sulphur is found near volcanoes, ergo in Mordor, ergo near Orcs ore near other even nastier shit like Balrogs.

>> No.3381308

lol, fail.

>> No.3381379

why didnt frogo fly over the volcano and drop it in?

>> No.3381394

Why didn't Gandalf cast a spell that created a giant volcano they could toss the ring in?

>> No.3381410


Virgin detected.

>> No.3381421

Why didn't Frodo just bury the ring in the ground?

>> No.3381635

Had to be at Mt Doom

Sauron would've won the war even without the ring, basically the only way to not be slaughtered by Orcs was to kill Sauron (the one making and commanding them)

Eagles would've got the shit kicked out of them, and I think the Eagles also said no to it anyway

Uhhh there are other sources of sulphur. You don't need to get it strictly from volcanoes you know.

Really the whole tech thing is a giant loophole

>> No.3381650

I missed you OP, I missed you.

>> No.3381704

How did Gandalf knew that destroying the one ring would destroy Sauron? All he said was they needed to destroy the one ring so Sauron could no use it

>> No.3381718

Why didnt fredo just put the ring on his dick and fuck gollum in the ass?

>> No.3381735

Because LotR is an analogy for why technology is bad. Humans couldn't invent gunpowder, because they were gentiles that converted to Christianity, and as such were a metaphor for the glory of medieval Europe. Orcs, Pagan gentiles, were the only one who actually could invent gunpowder, because they were evil technology users.

>> No.3381742
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>> No.3381747

Why didn't they just nuke Mordor from orbit?

>> No.3381764

>Speaks of men, photo of a hobbit.


>> No.3381765

I'm going to hijack this thread and ask if there is are any good fantasy books that are set in the last 150 years (or future). No scifi plz.

>> No.3381772

Were the different races of LOTR able to interbreed?

>> No.3382138

Hobbits are technically Men, you retard. (They're the Middle-Earth equivalent of pygmy nigras.)

>> No.3382192

no they're not.
btw i think in the hobbit it's mentioned that goblins are behind arms races and military technology...

>> No.3382363

Except goblins have shit tier weapons

>> No.3382374


Men with Elves, certainly - Tolkien wrote that they would biologically be considered the same species, which betrays how little how knew about biology, but nonetheless they interbreed several times. Dwarves and Orcs with either of the above? Probably not, since they're created by lesser powers and not God.

>> No.3382576

Humans didn't develop guns for a couple million years after becoming genetically human and a couple thousand after creating towns.

>> No.3382603

Men were only alive for a couple hundred years and were too busy trying to not get killed for any scientific innovation.

Also trebutchets and crossbows were extremely innovative technological advancements at the time.

>> No.3382622

Because the way that it is for us is not how it meant to be for Middle Earth. If you had this wonderful idea, use your magical pony to teleport to Middle Earth and sell your idea to them.

This is like asking why didn't dinosaurs build houses for them after hundreds of millions of years.

>> No.3382625

Hobbits are hinted at having arisen from the interbreeding of dwarves and men.

>> No.3382630


This. People tend to forget that Tolkien's work is legendary in style, not historical: it shouldn't be supposed that men have been at the same technological level for thousands of years just because some guy in Tolkien's world thinks they were (witness all those medieval pictures of 15th-century knights fighting that are supposed to be of the Trojan War).

>> No.3382637

It's amazing how little you guys know about LoTR lore.

Humans and Hobbits are distant cousins and are related back to a single blood ancestor.

Elves have no relation to humans, they were the first creation.

Humans were second,

Dwarves were an accident, but allowed to live and procreate once given life by a god that shouldn't have given them life to begin with.

God I hate you all.

>> No.3382651

Why didn't the Eagles just Rolling Thunder 24-40 mainline aligned over target forty seconds to bomb release watch your vectors, bombs released.

>> No.3382658

The pointy ears and the lack of beards accuse them of having elfaggotry blood. Why are they such weak little fruits? And why do you think they love seeing elfs and shit their pants at Rivendell? And why did they allow Fredo and Bongo to go to Elven Continent of America?

Hobbits are nothing more than little elves. Think about it. Middle Earth has dwarves, alright. But in the real world, the little people are not another race, they just have a condition. What happends if a man, elf or dwarf grows with this condition? Elves are beautiful homosexual creatures with lots of qualities, but if they grow with a condition they retain the rosy cheeks, grow big smelly and hairy feet and yet are still able to reproduce, they are nothing more than Hobbitses.

Not to mention Dobby from Harry Potter is like Gollum and Dobby is an elf.

Check and mate.

>> No.3382678

Tolkien himself said that they are simply an offshoot of small humans.

Did any of you even read the fucking books? It seriously blows my mind. You guys will argue about anything, even if the author himself has set in stone the entire history of middle earth.

>> No.3382685

Good lord, grow the fuck up and have a laugh.

Stop giving it that much shit.

>> No.3382687

it was a lot more than a couple thousand after creating cities, it was over 5000. Also, even after the creation of personal firearms they weren't even better than bows or crossbows for another couple of hundred years.

>> No.3382706


Cite a source? I'm reasonably sure Tolkien conceived of Hobbits as essentially human in every respect, with no kinship whatever to Dwarves (who are, after all, the products of an entirely different god than elves and men).

>> No.3382711


Right back at you, son. Dwarves' creation predates the creation of Elves (that was the whole reason for it; Aule was impatient and made them because he wanted people to talk to) and their awakening in the world occurred in between the awakening of elves and that of men.

>> No.3382797

Sorry I was not that clear, humans were the 2nd created race of Eru Ilúvatar.