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/lit/ - Literature

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3377301 No.3377301 [Reply] [Original]

I'm not overly literate so i would like to see what more acquired readers think of this. I have been given a copy to read and it is the most infuriatingly awful book i have ever read. This is pure cheap spite.

I see it as nothing more than a device for people to attach their own personal experiences. Place themself as this books protagonist and use this books logic to blame their problems on, rather than the fact they are just fucking stupid. All the characters in this book are horrible awful and stupid people. Love and what this book describes have no correlation. This book is to allow people to justify stupidity with love, and project their own lives into rather than taking responsibility for themselves.

this book grants people artistic license to distort their lives and flaws as something driven by passion, rather than selfishness or weakness.

I have been given this book to "understand better" the person who gave it to me, i know exactly why they gave it to me, because they see themself in the past as this characters protagonist. And knowing this person it vehemently disagree with that comparison.

Please forgive the rant, i have never been this angry because of a book.

I'd love to see what /lit/ thinks of it.

>> No.3377307

I haven't read the book but:
>All the characters in this book are horrible awful and stupid people

this is not a reason to criticize the book.

>> No.3377308

I enjoyed the characters and the book.

>> No.3377311
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Im criticizing the way somebody is relating to it, you would not want to relate to the character in question. Relating to this book is poisonous. and it distorts peoples life experiences to be pushed into the mold of its plot.

>> No.3377317
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It seems like a purely contrived and spiteful book designed to sell from making people hate themselves and everyone they know.

>> No.3377344

The title of this book is brilliant, but I didn't enjoy the book.

>> No.3377351

>Not posting the quote from High Fidelity where he mentions it.
You missed an opportunity

>> No.3377360
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I've never read HF, just saw the film and disliked it, i simply wanted a trip/avatar, /mu/ is where i frequent the most. Whats the quote?

>> No.3377363

Hey, I'm not the smartest guy in the world, but I'm certainly not the dumbest. I mean, I've read books like "The Unbearable Lightness of Being" and "Love in the Time of Cholera", and I think I've understood them. They're about girls, right? Just kidding. But I have to say my all-time favorite book is Johnny Cash's autobiography "Cash" by Johnny Cash.

The book is basically the same as the movie. I love both.

>> No.3377375
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Right, i liked the parts in the music store, but i thought it was a nice idea just padded in a 20-80 ratio to a bland shit rom-com.

>> No.3377380

I love the introspectiveness, how grown-up male angst finally got some recognition. I like how it addresses that all the great books and music and movies are made by heartbroken men about heartbreak. I'd never thought of it that way before.

>> No.3377383

>I'd never thought of it that way before.
Really? You've never heard of 'tfw no gf' before?

>> No.3377387

Sure, on some shitty imageboard. In real life though, mens emotions are locked away and not considered. Especially amonst proper grown ups.

I'm not making some bullshit MRA statement, it just got me thinking is all. Women are considered the more emotional beings, yet its (mostly) men who have all this emotional output. Not that women don't create great emotional pieces of work, Joni Mitchell's Blue must be the feelsiest album I've ever heard. It must be more than under-representation of women, surely?

>> No.3377405
File: 22 KB, 298x438, john_cusack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Male emotions are not at all locked away in music. I find emotional music is totally dominated by men.

>> No.3377408

Thats exactly what I'm saying.

>> No.3377415

i read it and i liked it, you just hate it because you hate the person who gave the book to you, and now when you read it you can't help relating them to the book, you clearly have unresolved issues with the individual who gave it to you, they're probably an ex or something, you're an incredibly bitter person at the moment and that's why you're so angry at this book

>> No.3377420

I'm not sure if you and I read the same book. IMO the characters were very well done.

>> No.3377428
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I loved Kundera's "Life is Elsewhere"

OP's title, not so much. I hated the female character; She basically dismembers the protagonist.

But I guess betas love that sort of thing.

>> No.3377437

greatness is motivated by death, not love.
I disagree 100% with your statement