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3377195 No.3377195 [Reply] [Original]

Can any litfags explain to me why Don Quixote is pronounced "donkey hoe-tay"

Legit question here

>> No.3377196

you pronounce as in spanish despite the spelling

>> No.3377202
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>I used to pronounce it Don Qui Zotte.

>> No.3377205

It's pronounced Doon Quick-zoot

>> No.3377207

I always pronounced it
>DonKey Shot
That's how I was taught to pronounce it in the Netherlands

>> No.3377209


Ah, that makes sence.

I don't suppose you know the reason why?

>> No.3377211

because it's a spanish novel with a spanish name as a title? written by a spanish man?

>> No.3377214


I admit I have dun goofed.

Is there an actual name for this? Like a linguistic principle or something

>> No.3377224

For pronouncing names? Are autistic?

>> No.3377225

I thought it was Don Keezote

>> No.3377226

you just pronounce names in the language it was originally intended to be read

>> No.3377238
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Step it up, /lit/

>> No.3377243

When I studied Spanish my teacher always pronounced it "Donkey Shot"

>> No.3377249

That's how everyone says it in Sweden but when I was younger I had a cartoon adaptation on VHS and I'm pretty sure they pronounced it "donkey hoe-tay", even though it was translated into Swedish.

>> No.3377254

LOL'd, also basic spanish pronuncation.
there are many misconceptions about spanish pronuncation especially in the USA: like, JUAN =/= Huawn and Julio =/= Hulio, Barcelona isn't pronounced with a clear B at the beginning but Valencia is pronounced Balencia

>> No.3377257

Well I'm actually Swedish as well and my teacher was too. So she probably just used the Swedish pronunciation then.

>> No.3377258

It's pronounced Quick-Soht (it's seezar not kai-zar, nigga).

>> No.3377260

>mfw Don Juan is pronounced Don Joo-An

Byron was one crazy motherfucker

>> No.3377261


I'm not Spanish but I'm pretty sure this it the right way.

>> No.3377275


> Not pronouncing it kai-zar

Get the fuck out

>> No.3377281

> Don Keezote
> kai-zar

haha faggots tell me you say 'neet-she' also

just off yourselves plebs

>> No.3377306

It's fucking Don Quijote.
It's not that hard.

>> No.3377310

it's the book that made zoot suits famous

>> No.3378341

I really wish there was just one book historians and literature professors could look back to and say with complete academic certainty, "This is the progenitor of all zoot suits."

>> No.3378349

Spic here

When I read Don Quix(J)ote at school we called it "Don QuiJOte" as in "Jose" that "X" it's just ancient spanish and it's pronounce the same as nowdays.