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/lit/ - Literature

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3375392 No.3375392 [Reply] [Original]

>be wanting a Japanese kanji dictionary
>go to Barnes and noble, its like 30$
>fuck this
>go to library, find the same book
>stick book in pants and walk out

Is this how it begins /lit/?

>> No.3375411

should of stole from b&n pussy

>> No.3375414

dude come on......
a library is a place for everyone to learn
imagine if you were poor but wanting to learn; a good option for you is the library; however every book you try and find someone has stolen?
How would you feel?

Treat others how you would like to be treated does not apply in every case but in cases like this the statement should be considered

>> No.3375418

What kind of cocksucker steals from a library.

>> No.3375420


Should of? Get out.

>> No.3375427


OP, you're a fucking roach. You're not 'cool', you're not a nihilist, you're just a small, stinking pile of excrement.

>> No.3375423

Get an e-reader, pirate literature, never look back.

>> No.3375424
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>have a Japanese kanji dictionary
>go to library, find the same book
>stick book in pants and put it back
>walk out

>> No.3375443

>Stealing from the public trust

I hope the library police find your ass.

>> No.3375448

From the library? C'mon, they're supposed to be for the people to read for free.

On the other hand, from the bookstore is perfectly ok and encouraged. It is also easy as fuck.

>inb4 argumentless moralfaggots

>> No.3375454

Leave some money on the ground, so future-you might not judge your past actions and just freely enjoy the goddamn book.

>> No.3375456 [DELETED] 

Pants? Aren't you supposed to take the metalband inside the book so it doesnt beep?

>> No.3375457

probably you're a troll.
but if you're not you suck you weaboo piece of shit

>> No.3375458
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>> No.3375462
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>tfw you just use your fucking library card and have a good time

Jeez, why you kids gotta be so edgy?

>tfw entering the library and it's another joyous adventure of discovery

>> No.3375479

>desperate to go to bookstores to see if there are qt3.14s about my age who read books
>using bookstores is pure pleb when you have amazon
>using amazon is pure pleb when you have illegal means


r u serious mate?

>felt completely out of place when borrowing books from library
>be 20 y/o male
>nobody within 10 years of my age is there
>mostly women
>most people were there to use the shitty computers

Joyous my ass. Depressing as fuck

>> No.3375491

Why do you care about the other people? It's a big room full of books.

Who cares about the cunts who go there? Did you expect sexy, hip young people?

Well, I guess it's not so much a problem for me, because my library is always full of qtp2t Catholic schoolgirls in their little uniforms, but still.

>> No.3375492

lol do you also 'steal' free samples at the supermarket

>> No.3375495


>most people were there to use the shitty computers

that's the best part. all dem stacks to yourself.

>> No.3375501


You're not fooling us, underage.

>> No.3375506

Seriously. My library is always full of people, including good-looking chicks. I keep meaning to inquire about volunteering, but I never remember.

Fuck you, OP.

>> No.3375509


You're doing it wrong.
You should always place the books you want on hold so when you go to the library all you have to do is go to the counter and pick them up.
No interacting with the homeless people watching pornography on the computers, no being harassed by the middle aged chinese homosexual in the lift, and no getting bedbugs that infest the stacks.

>> No.3375513

B-b-bed bugs?

>> No.3375520

Ridiculous. Bedbugs can't live in books.

>> No.3375524
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for once i agree

>> No.3375529

I silk screened that onto a shirt. Except I switched out Fuck you for "I like myself".

>> No.3375531


Chea, supposedly they fumigated the place after a patron spotted one on the help counter but fuck if I trust the city.
There are probably fleas too.
Most likely ride in on the backs of the cities charming homeless population.

>> No.3375535
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>he reads for girls

>> No.3375553
File: 451 KB, 639x474, 1354643594056.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lifting for girls and reading for girls is the worst idea ever.

>"So, did y-y-y-you catch all the r-references in the Proteus episode of Ulysses? Eheh..."

>"Y-y-you mirin my aesthetics? It t-took me two y-years to get where I am...Please respond."

And yet fat, ugly, uneducated alpha males STILL get laid.

>> No.3375555

>Refuses or is unaware how to use proper capitalization.
>Writes $30.00 as "30$" -Not even "thirty dollars" or "30 dollars."
>Is this how it begins /lit/?
No, it started much earlier. You do have a computer in your lap, ya know?
Put the fucking book back!

Agree, but it is "should have" or "should've"

>> No.3375593

He can use colloquial speech if he damn well pleases, needledicks.

>> No.3375615

Why the hell would you feel bad about reading? Since when is reading a bad thing?

>> No.3375634

why didn't you just steal it from B&N? you would have a new copy, WOULDN'T have violated the public trust, and saved yourself a trip.

>> No.3375968

Library is a socialist idea.

>> No.3375995

Colloquial speech would still be spelled "should've", ya idiot.

>> No.3376010

You sound like a miscer. Go back to the misc (aka /r9k/: the bodybuilding edition).

>> No.3376013

You are just really stealing from yourself when you steal from a Library. But stealing from large multinationals or a giant chain I see less of an issue.

>> No.3376115

Congratulations. Not only did you stoop down to stealing, you also stole from a public good, disabling anyone else from reading the book.

But it's all okay because you're an intellectual who doesn't conform to societies constructs like "owning" and "fairness".

>> No.3376122

Not necessarily, ya idiot.

>> No.3376255

Im not claiming it was for a philosophical purpose, damn. Our B&N has lots of cameras, and I'm broke.

>> No.3376308

I like you people.

Don't steal books from a library. Libraries are cool. It's where all the pirates go for their hard-copy books.

>> No.3376336

Fuck you, OP.

>> No.3376338

I, for one, fully support theft of references from libraries. They won't let me check them out. Fuck them. I have online resources for all of that anyway.

>> No.3376342

Jesus, that pic. How does that even happen?

>> No.3376347

>not even a nihilist
OP has achieved ultimate nihilism.

>> No.3376348

Look at the size of that bathtub. The guy is loaded.

>> No.3376349

It's a pretty regular sized bathtub, bro. You poor people crack me up.

>> No.3376350

Why would the girl be taking the picture, though?

>> No.3376359

Because girls love taking pictures. Men don't take pictures, because taking pictures is for faggots. She's also probably trying to mark her territory, telling all the bitches on facebook that this rich motherfucker and all dat money is hers.

Well then how about those light bulbs? They're spherical. You don't see that shit everyday.


>> No.3376366

Calling screen printing "silk screening".
Silk hasn't been used in hundreds of years, pleb.

>> No.3376399

My light bulbs are spherical, you cunt, AND covered in stickers. Why aren't I drowning in bitches?

>> No.3376401

That guy also has plants in his bathroom. Do you have plants in your bathroom?

>> No.3376404
File: 118 KB, 900x1242, 1358420418571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>silk hasn't been used in hundreds of years

>> No.3376415

No, but my bathroom overlooks my garden.

>> No.3376448
File: 120 KB, 1345x758, ISTHISHOWITBEGINSLIT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was a pretty impressive derail, guys.

>> No.3376471

>>And yet fat, ugly, uneducated alpha males STILL get laid.

1/10, think about what you're saying

>> No.3376503

>don't steal!
>think about others!
enjoy your herd instinct

>> No.3376520

I wish I was alpha enough to steal. I get scared thinking about getting caught.

>> No.3376525

OP I don't see the point in stealing books from a library.
I don't see the point in stealing it at all.
Aren't you better downloading it from the internet?
It's not as bad as stealing, since you aren't really jeopardizing your liberty.
I'd not dare steal, I have done it, but I was with friends, and I payed at least half of the things we took home.

>> No.3376532

same, bro. how to get around this, guys?

>> No.3376534

You have to be hardcore.

>> No.3376537

I'm not allowed, though.

>> No.3376543

That's the point though. You need to break curfew and eat cookies before bedtime and stuff.

>> No.3376548

I've done all of that, though. I've taken all the drugs and gone on all the chans and sucked all the things and read all the risqué /bookz/ but still I'm too afraid to shoplift.

>> No.3376553

reads like a tao lin novel