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/lit/ - Literature

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3372317 No.3372317 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/, what's your take on early classes?

Like, 8am early.

>> No.3372323

Get the 6 am classes. 8 is a little late.

>> No.3372328


>> No.3372331

too early; 10 is my earliest and even that is too early imo

>> No.3372345

I commute an hour to school and am considering dropping my 9:30 class. all my friends called me a crybaby though

>> No.3372349

I wish I could take all afternoon and evening classes. My earliest is 11AM.

>> No.3372367

Drop it if you don't absolutely need it.

I made the mistake of taking a 9am course on an hour commute-- never again.

>> No.3372373
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I take them whenever they're available because I'm not a pussy.

>> No.3372389

10am on a 1.5 hour commute. its a fucking pain in the ass and i usually try to avoid classes earlier than 12 whenever possible. i'm rather the guy to stay till 8pm than getting there early.

>> No.3372396

School is dumb, lol. Fuck parents.

>> No.3372402

psst evening classes give easier grades professors are tired as shit and just want to go home

>> No.3372414

I preferred early classes if only for the fact that $5 pitchers and evening classes aren't a good combination.

>> No.3372424

i just dont take friday classes

friday classes are the worst

>> No.3372430

1.5 hour commute and 8am classes 3 days a week.

It's worth it. I get out at 1, come home, and work a bit. I function well in the mornings.

>> No.3372465

What's your social life like?

>> No.3372489

They suck ass. Obviously. Most my lectures start after mid day, so it's like a prepetual weekend in that sense.

>> No.3372525

What I think is that they are bad.

>> No.3372535

I'm all for getting up early, but 8:00 ams never worked for me. I, like all my friends, find that 8:00 ams are just too much. The difference between 8s and 9s makes a world of difference. It's crazy.

>> No.3372538

All classes after 1:30 this semester.

Come at me.

>> No.3372540

I did 8am classes every semester as an undergrad... it ensured parking would be available and traffic not that bad yet. Was boss.

>> No.3372546

You can sleep when you're dead.

>> No.3372547

As an academic, only the students who intend to succeed go to 8am, so they're much easier to run.

>> No.3372555

Would you go to a 9:30 if you had to commute an hour?

>> No.3372565

When I was an undergraduate I would only take early classes if I had to because they fit into my schedule and were required

Of course, I would usually attend less than half of them so I guess it balances out

>> No.3372578

In my first year of undegrad, I took an 8:00am class, and made it to only about 2/3 of the lectures. I made a rule after that and have never had anything before 10:00am. It worked great.

Last semester I had to TA an intro class at 8:00am. It sucked. All my classes were after 12:00 and I'd have to invigilate these godawaful exams at godawful early hours and all the little first-years were entirely too chipper. Bastards.

When I grow up I'm never going to hold my class at 8:00am.

>> No.3372596

The set of all students who attend 8 ams may be a subset of all students who intend to succeed.

But not all students who intend to succeed attend 8 ams.

This distinction is extremel important since OP's a student, not a fucking professor/TA.

>> No.3372604

As an asian, I don't need to intend to succeed, my mother will stab me to death if I don't.

>> No.3372691

did it for a year worth of classes. learned to hate it. I also had to drive an hour. I was kinda hazardous on the road because I was so tired all of the time.

>> No.3372693

I've got a loving relationship and a decent circle of friends. I hang out with them on the weekends and sometimes during the week too.

I wish I could sleep less so I have more time for reading

>> No.3372695

What is everybody's take on night classes? I'm taking mostly night classes this semester (including Friday). It's weird because even though I'm actually taking more classes than usual, it appears that I have way more free time.

>> No.3372704

I used to have 8AM computer engineering labs last semester. If you live close to campus it's fine, but I used to get up at 5AM to make it to those fucking labs.

>> No.3372707

I have an 8am class every day. The worst part is becuase of how my classes are set up my last class is in the afternoon. On the bright side in between classes I can catch lunch and read. I had a similar schedule last semester and because of it I read like 10 books of the semester.