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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 85 KB, 380x479, descartes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3372007 No.3372007 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you are reminded that 'I think, therefore I am' which in so far has reprived your existential confusion is not a solid foundation as there is none

>> No.3372029
File: 1.47 MB, 320x240, 1357757926136.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks for reminding me. I was living in a cartesian dellusion for most of my life. It was a huge epiphany for me when I snapped out of it, more or less 3 years ago. It's incredible how ingrained that mentality is in our lives.

>> No.3372047

>yfw you realize worrying about your own existence is fucking pointless because it can't be changed even if it is all fake and you leave behind all those retards crying over nothing

>> No.3372051
File: 26 KB, 400x400, what the fuck am I reading.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you need some commas in there maybe. Or a coherent thought even.

>> No.3372053

Can someone provide an example of how the Cartesian model fails/is faulty? It's something I've been trying to wrap my head around for a while now.

To me it seems like there is a sort of feedback loop with Descartes' self. Like he uses the self to become aware of the self. Does that sound right? Help me /lit/!

>> No.3372059

>tfw you are reminded of Cartesian fallacies when you remember dat gland

>> No.3372064
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>Allowing abstract existential paradoxes to effect your day to day life

Are you people seriously losing sleep over this stuff?

>> No.3372066
File: 94 KB, 421x145, 1356655975701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats fucked up man

>> No.3372069

Now go read sextus empiricus

>> No.3372072

holy fucking shit mang :D

>> No.3372075

"I think therefore I am" only proves the existence of thinking in the same way that "I write" only proves the existence of writing. To assume that thinking alone could prove your existence is wrong because thought could be produced automatically or by some non-agent force.

>> No.3372076

As you write this to you: MFW I have no face, yet you Can imagine my face when
You clearly can know what it looks like as YF is MF, Whilst there's no way our answers could differ;
As yours is mine and mine is - still yours, STILL:
You will continue to do things as you are you and I am Simply a minor part of your grand design; you Imagined this entire conversation; this image is an image of you: and your image: depression.

I think everyone should covet your ways, maestro of many symphony's of this part of your psyche [I.E. you as in me] has never seen.

>> No.3372079

Oh, that definitely happends to you too, you just don't notice it and you blame it on something else that is more mundane, when it's an entire frame of mind that limits you from dealing with thing in alternative ways.

>> No.3372087

in fact somwhat ironically, the fact that "i think therefore I am" has become such a well-known and commonly accepted phrase only serves to further prove that point.

If many people accept 'i think therefore I am' as the truth, then they have all in essence had that same very thought- which suggests that thought or truth itself may not be individual, inherent, but rather shared or derived from some common consciousness

>> No.3372086

It is based on internal vs external worlds that do not exist.

>> No.3372085

Well derp I got that from my first reading of him. Here I was thinking it was something more complicated than that haha

Does my original idea still hold water?

>> No.3372093


>"I think therefore I am" only proves the existence of thinking in the same way that "I write" only proves the existence of writing. To assume that thinking alone could prove your existence is wrong because thought could be produced automatically or by some non-agent force.

What the hell is this?

It proves that you exist. "I think therefore I am." Even if you doubt that this proves it, you're still proving you exist because to doubt your existence implies a doubter.

Sorry to disappoint you but you exist.

>> No.3372095

>he uses the self to become aware of the self
yeah, you're right about that, but I don't know if there's any possible existential alternative, so I don't think this in itself is invalid. How else would it be possible to be aware of existence if you yourself did not exist? And I don't know if this is a good corollary, but we become aware of the brain by using our brains and there doesn't seem to be any error there.

>> No.3372096

>but rather shared or derived from some common consciousness



>> No.3372100


So much sophomoric undergraduate hipster weed induced "deep thinking" in this thread.

>> No.3372102

Care to elucidate?

>> No.3372104

> elucidate

point proven already

>> No.3372105

I refuse to stoop to your level

>> No.3372109


>> No.3372116


What's the point? Whatever I say, it will just be answered with incoherent, rambling, semi-literate hipster postmodern pseudo-mystical relativistic bullshit.

I'm really sick of the pothead philosophy all over the place nowadays.

Anyway, here, I'll answer in a way that you'll understand. Vaguely, misusing words or using them in a bizarrely obtuse kind of way, so that I'm only vaguely hinting at something:

It's like, being is the paradigm that informs our consciousness and all of our interactions with what language helps us perceive as "reality." Okay? So, like, the only things thinking really, you know, like, tells us is that our understanding of ourselves and others is, like, a shared collective unconsciousness behind which, like, you know, everything isn't really maybe even there, you know?

>> No.3372121

Don't be so far behind here, bro. Get with the times.

>> No.3372122

mine was
this post. I'd really love, since you seem so self-confident about your own philosophical beliefs, for you to disprove any of the things i've said, or at least counter my points.

If you could take the time I would find it informative/enlightening if you make a good argument.

>> No.3372125


Yea, wow. Some people still believe they exist? I stopped believe I existed back in the 80's.

>> No.3372127


However, at the same time, I think it is important for you to be mindful of where you are currently posting. This isn't a graduate seminar, this is 4chan. . .

>> No.3372126


No need to be an asshole. Why do you even post on 4chan if you want to avoid "...incoherent, rambling, semi-literate hipster[s]..."?

>> No.3372128
File: 65 KB, 441x533, zyzz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Actually my most recent purchase was 'Outlines of Pyrronism' along with pic related. But now when I think about it I should rather read something that concerns with the ego and self first, to get a fuller understanding of the relation between conscious, subconsious, ego(self), thoughts and even language. I've seen people namedrop Jung and Striner and stuff which I have not read so point me the way, please.

>> No.3372132

>dat strawman
Not what I was implying.

Get back to Descartes, fucktard.

>> No.3372134


Anytime someone name drops someone you haven't read, just smugly laugh and dismiss the person mentioned. Then say something like, "I didn't even know people read that guy anymore."

It will put the burden of intellectual inferiority back on the other person.

>> No.3372145

you're like an open book of aggressive anti-social (asshole) behavior and narcissism.

You look down on a bunch of people who are genuine and only trying their best to frame their perspective of the world rationally and philosophically.

Why do such people deserve such hatred from someone who hasn't even begun to disprove or even argue rationally against the points they make? So far you've only resorted to baseless, assumed insults and said "what's the point of proving you wrong?" when you really mean "I can't prove you wrong but I don't like your point of view so I'll pretend i'm holding back some valuable information even though I don't have a fucking clue what I'm talking about"

-written by someone who is completely sober.

>> No.3372149

You just wanted an excuse to post your pic of Frank Zappa

>> No.3372152

You thought of this too, in editing your writ:
"And your image: being the sole Idler in the universe.
You think . . ." saith the words of yours truly.

>> No.3372163


Same fag.

Look how he goes from polite disagreement to "I've been stewing on this for a few minutes and by God I'll have my say!"

>> No.3372167

what a dreadful thread

>> No.3372169

no, you're wrong.

once again, if you would like to at any point actually make a coherent argument against any of the things said in this thread, please go ahead.

Otherwise sage it and move on, you're contributing nothing but negativity, and not even in a funny or interesting or enlightening way.

>> No.3372173



Leave. I'm sorry your feelings were hurt but that other post is correct.

No one wants to hear your dumbass sophomoric hipster philosophizing.

>> No.3372171

Not samefag. Please provide a better counterargument.

Ah fuck it, you've already won since I'm getting flustered.

>> No.3372180
File: 462 KB, 500x375, 1357959420819.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you 2, this is some /sci/ level shitposting, please exit

>> No.3372186
File: 69 KB, 500x500, Ned_Flanders.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I diddly am getting so d-darn diddly mad! What kind of ru-didly-ude person just dismisses my di-diddly philosophy like that!

>> No.3372188

happily, i'm going to go with my preppy friends to a sake bar while you far more intelligent and well-read winners enjoy your lonely lives.

oh and for the record I hate hipsters

>> No.3372196


Yea, w-well I was getting a blowjob this whole time I've been posting in here.

>> No.3372201
File: 11 KB, 291x388, pathetic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A pathetic end to a pathetic thread. You have failed on so many levels, OP.

>> No.3372207


this is totally not related to my last post, but does anyone know if its harmful for a dog to swallow semen?

>> No.3372208

not OP

you're all sad. /lit/ was never good. bye.

>> No.3372214

It's hilarious how unfunny you are

>> No.3372234


quit crying and leave. this whole thread is you pissing and pouting about no one wanting to talk to you about this bs and then you complaining about people not having a kewl social life like you and not being funny enough for you. what a whiney little fag. go back to wherever you came from.

>> No.3372243

I never realize if these guys are for real or practice meta level military grade trollin

>> No.3372517

The only good thing this guy said was "give her the dick".

>> No.3372552

do we have to have babbys first existential edgy teen crisis thread every day?