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3370256 No.3370256[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm a 24 year old community college dropout living with my parents. I have no friends (no active social circle) and no gf.

My parents are telling me to do something with my life and I don't really know what I want to do. To move out. Get a girlfriend. Go do something.

I have like 3 grand saved up and I can do do work remotely for enough to live on. Nothing sounds particularly appealing and that hurts. Should I just dedicate myself to moving somewhere, getting friends and being a hedonist? To nothing? The indecision kills. Working to get money for no reason kills.

So, what should I do?

>> No.3370258

why the fuck are you asking on /lit/

this is an /adv/ thing. /r9k/ even.

>> No.3370262

You're me with cash.

We're fucking embarrassing.

>> No.3370266

You know why.

A symptom of a failed society!

>> No.3370274

1)Go to
2) Ask them

>> No.3370275


A symptom of a failed self.

>> No.3370277
File: 148 KB, 1114x835, 1357061133721.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol OP you are either a single Eastern European male who is waiting for his inheritance, or a new wave of Muricans who are experiencing this old tradition.

>> No.3370280

you should stop shitposting on /lit/ when we go a board specifically designed for your kind of pathetic subhumans


>> No.3370282
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>> No.3370292


context for the picture? seen it bunch a of times but never bothered to ask who the guy actually is

>> No.3370295

the guy whipped his dick out at a anti rape parade full of angry blood thirsty feminists

>> No.3370300

read some books

>> No.3370301

>Being 24 and only having 3 grand saved up
Christ alive buddy, you really are a fuckup.

>> No.3370303

Wait, what currency is this in? Because that's a key factor in deciding how much of a fuckup you are.

>> No.3370310
File: 8 KB, 503x443, confess.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm 29 and I have about $5-$100 on any given week (after rent is deducted).

>> No.3370312

I'm 19 and I have £5000 in savings.

I appreciate that after a period of time existing in the real world that your savings are going to be depleted, but OP gives no indication of ever having spent any time in the real world, and so has no excuse for not having some form of saving

>> No.3370313

When I was 24 yo NEET I had 10 grand saved up. Lost all of it speculating with BTC within 3 months.

>> No.3370316

You speculated on Bitcoin? Jesus Christ, you only have your self to blame.

>> No.3370320

Uh oh, sure dude. Hindsight and all. Some of my buddies made good buck just because they missed the first price crash that consumed all my savings.

>> No.3370339

ITT: Amateurs. 25 year old twice dropped out of university living with mom NEET reporting in. -€25 to my name. €10000 debt. Have worked for less than six weeks in my life.

I don't get what's all the whining is about though. It's the good life. I've never met anyone better at life than me. People can't into tetrapharmakos.

>> No.3370365


How are you going to pay that off without a job?

>> No.3370373

What is a community college in comparison to a university?

I'm assuming community college is the equivalent of TAFE in Australia?

>> No.3370386

I'll just see what it comes to. I'm curious actually. It's not like I have anything worth anything to take away from me.

>> No.3370390


Let it go too far and you may end up homeless.
Are you alright with that? It's hard going back.

>> No.3370399

tafe dropout

>> No.3370402


Haha, OP, you're a loser.

>> No.3370403

How will I go homeless if my dear mother and many a friend and family member will always have a place for me to lay my head? Also, in glorious Europe, no one needs to starve or go homeless.

>> No.3370404
File: 37 KB, 423x436, dsfdsf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm Sunhawk.

>> No.3370409


but yo, in my country i can always go on welfare. it's illegal to garnish that

and plus a full time minimum wage job is more than enough to live on my own and pay minimum on everything no matter what is happening

>> No.3370413


Absolute failure.

>> No.3370414

What's so horrible about occupying a few square meters of someone's space? I'd gladly do the same for them.

>> No.3370418

act on your highest excitement in every moment without any expectation as to how relevant that may be, and your life will become a string of synchronistic exciting events

>> No.3370419

Also known "death by alcohol poisoning within weeks".

>> No.3370420
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>> No.3370435

25, close to best grade possible M.A., ~15k € in the bank, qt 3.141 gf. Thanks for reminding me!

>> No.3370475

Take it to fucking /r9k/

>> No.3370476

pick up a gun and start shooting people

you will be a legend

>> No.3370480

> close to best grade possible M.A.
> close to
> euro university


>qt 3.141 gf
>not sexy

lol get fucked m8, enjoy your pretty little bitch til she finds someone who can buy her nicer clothes

>> No.3370495


Do you think European universities are generally worse than the ones in the US? What experience do you base your comparison on?

>> No.3370502

im living in france and i can tell you

american system of higher education is way better. in europe and most of the world really, you specialize really early on, and you pick your career the second you start college and you have hardly any elective courses, and if you do, it won't be half as a free as in an american college, mostly languages

but the quality of the classes tend to be higher in europe. so yeh

>> No.3370505

euros are handholding, coddling little girly men, that's what I think

>> No.3370512

I lol'd so hard. I like you Sunhawk. You have a peculiar kind of charm.

>> No.3370520

>going to college

the debt they leave with is not even worth it...the amount of them with degrees who work normal jobs after is disappointing/funny

>> No.3370521

>you specialize really early on, and you pick your career the second you start college

a) I'm glad I cannot get a degree in underwater basket weaving.

b) Doing an M.A. means more or less that you either become a professor or you end up working as something that is only vaguely related to your university studies (at least for the M.A. I did, but probably for most humanities subjects that are not teacher training).

b) In my B.A. I had English and Cognitive Science, I was a tutor for formal methods and programming, so I think I'm pretty versatile for a humanities guy.

>> No.3370533

not to mention, even trying to get a job with a degree in america, there is going to be a flood of people with degrees in the near future so many people are going to uni these days and even more in the future, it will become so competitive that just having a degree won't be enough instead a dr or master... schools need to be reinvented if we want to continue to strive as a society

>> No.3370535

i wasn't talking about the financial aspects. yeah we all know it's expensive, you're insight on this is hardly worth the cents of bandwidth it's posted on.

i don't think you're replying to who you think you're replying

>> No.3370542

but it's not expensive everywhere... thats what I'm saying which is why it is shitty to go to uni in merica

>> No.3370544

i wasn't talking about the financial aspects. yeah we all know it's expensive, you're insight on this is hardly worth the cents of bandwidth it's posted on.

>> No.3370550

I don't think I thought I was replying to who you think I thought I was replying to.

That said, I do think that there are ups and downs to having a broader, less specialized university education. However, I think that in certain areas (language skills, mathematics), my education by the time I started my B.A. probably covered the stuff that someone doing a B.A. in America would learn in subjects they are not majoring in.

>> No.3370551

>american system of higher education is way better

financial aspects are part of the system, which is why I chimed in mkay

>> No.3370555
File: 366 KB, 1600x1200, Wladiwostok_ueberblick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>learn Russian
>move to wladiwostok
>work as taxi driver
>Drink Vodka all day
>get 7/10 gf
>live the good life

>> No.3370560

Join the Army.

>> No.3370564

>get robbed
>get raped with half emptied vodka bottle
>die due to various shards of glass in your ass

>> No.3370569

>still get really drunk due to vodka being absorbed through the mucus membrane in Uranus.

>> No.3370567

only the most alpha of alpha males survive in the most alpha country on the planet

>> No.3370572

if you are alpha, you'll survive, if not, good riddance!

>> No.3370573

btw it's your not you're just incase that wasn't accidental

>> No.3370576

my nigga, btw what nationality are you

>> No.3370583

op are you even still here

>> No.3370586


>> No.3370591

>romantic interests

Surely you live in hell. I bet you want children as well.

>> No.3370593

also the alpha males of the world

>> No.3370598

>learn Somalian
>move to Sweden
>collect welfare
>drink beer all day
>impregnate blondes
>live the good life

>> No.3370601

>Working to get money for no reason kills.

Jesus fucking Christ stop being such a melodramatic twat. You're going to work for the same reason everybody has always worked.

Just find some job. It doesn't matter. Work in a restaurant.

At least you don't have to bust your ass 12 hours a day 7 days a week to barely afford food like a huge portion of the world.


>> No.3370602

/pol/ & /int/ pls go

>> No.3370604


best post ITT

>> No.3370607

Why do you eat?

>> No.3370611

I suggest you to turn to god and find refuge in the most ascetic monasteries - death of the spirit would otherwise consume your opportunity to enjoy stable, spiritual life.

>> No.3370626

>Surely you live in hell

You are aware that I spent most of my work time at 4chan and vice versa?

>> No.3370632

I grow weed and blow it on hookers man. I pretty much sit around playing video games waiting for the crop to flower

ask me anything

>> No.3370636

where do I sign?