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3369494 No.3369494 [Reply] [Original]

Post what you have read this far, the book you are reading, and 3 books you are reading next
>Paradise Lost
>Ethan Frome
>Les Misérables
Next 3
>Blood Meridian
>Call of Cthulhu
>A Dostovesky novel

>> No.3369514

>Spook Country
>When Gravity Fails
>Heart of Darkness
>Zero History
>River of Gods
>Crying of Lot 49

>> No.3369546

Infinite jest
As I lay dying

The unvanquished
The magic mountain
The long goodbye

Cats cradle
On the road
A brave new world

>> No.3369549

>Wise Blood
>The Shadow of the Torturer
>The History of Western Philosophy
>Midnight's Children
>The Ice Shirt
>David Copperfield

>> No.3369557

just finished War and Peace.

currently halfway through Hunger.

Haven't decided what to read next yet.

>> No.3369563

Last Exit to Brooklyn
Next 3:
Mao II

>> No.3369564

How was Paradise lost OP?
Do you recommend reading anything before diving into it?

>> No.3369565

Novalis - Hymns to the Night (9/10)
Brautigan - Trout Fishing in America (7/10)
A collection of Maupassant (6.5/10)

Three Men in a Boat (to say nothing of the dog)

Three Men on the Bummel
sum othr shyt

>> No.3369566

>Silmarillion (re-read)
>Children of Hurin (re-read)
>Myths of the Norsemen
>Blood Meridian
Next 3
>The Recognitions
>On Certainty
What should my third to-read book be, I haven't been able to think of anything and it's got me worried

>> No.3369567

The Last Picture Show
Will read
The New York Trilogy

>> No.3369577

Invitation To A Beheading
>next 3
The Road
Death On The Installment Plan

>> No.3369581

Les Miserables
Three Muskateers
Game of Thrones 1-3
Brothers Karamazov

Game of Thrones 4

Game of Thrones 5
David Copperfield
Salem's Lot
Crime & Punishment

>> No.3369582

The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle
One Hundred Years of Solitude
Love in the Time of Cholera
I haven't decided yet. Maybe Kafka on the Shore, or a Jose Saramango novel. I got a few Saramango novels (Cain, Blindness, and Death with Interruptions) since I've been meaning to try him out but I don't know what to start with.

>> No.3369585

Go for Blindness that was a great book

>> No.3369593

>Bruges-la-Morte by Georges Rodenbach
>Ariadne in the Grotesque Labyrinth by Salvador Espriu
>The Adventures of Telemachus by Louis Aragon

Currently Reading:
>The Baphomet by Pierre Klossowski

Next 3:
>Cheese by some Dutchman
>The Oranging of America by Max Apple
>Catastrophe by Dino Buzzati

>> No.3369602

If you are familiar with the bible and Greek myths, you will be fine.

It is an interesting book, almost revolutionary at the time for portraying Satan as a relatable character.

I reccomend it, but it's heavy in detail.

>> No.3369605

Taking a European Surrealism class?

>> No.3369609


Nah, just a fan of the movement in general, although I would only consider two of those listed "surrealist".

>> No.3369616

The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test - Wolfe
Stoner - Williams
Sorrow of War - Ninh

Currently Reading
Existentialism from Dostoevsky to Sartre
Vineland - Pynchon

Next Up
Cosmic Banditos - Weisbecker
Moby-Dick - Melville
Mason & Dixon - Pynchon

>> No.3369617

>The Yiddish Policemen's Union
>Titus Groan
>In Search of Lost Time: The Guermantes Way
>Cloud Atlas
>The Sacrifice Game
>What We Talk About When We Talk About War
>The Pale King
>Blood Meridian

>> No.3369621

Thanks, might read it next.

>> No.3369622

Wise Blood was the first book I read this year. What did you think of it? I loved it, though I found it to be pretty brutal. The last chapter really punched me in the heart.

>> No.3369623

Don't listen to the other guy, Jose Saramago is one of the most overrated Latin American writers ever

I mean, if you like heavy-handed fabulism that tries to make thuddingly literal points while being grotesquely unrealistic and dresses it all up in gimmicky sentences, be my guest but

seriously, I'd stick to the Murakami (or just read some better magic realists than either of them, like Rushdie or Borges)

>> No.3369624

Are the details essential in understanding what's going on as you go through it?

>> No.3369630

Not in the overall story, but to help understand the complex characterization of many figures which previously were blank slates.

Generally the first two acts are centered on the fall of Satan, roughly early "Genesis", and the final act is the fall of Adam and Eve. Then there is a "summary" of a lot of the bible. The term "summary" itself does it no justice, and it's much more complex than that.

>> No.3369651

The Theater and its Double - Artaud
Guernica and Other Plays - Arrabal
Impossible Exchange - Baudrillard

>> No.3369672

Wow. You're a total bitch.

>> No.3369694
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Read ::
>The Age of Wire and String, Ben Marcus
>Woody Guthrie: Art Works
Neither of these were particularly great outside a few gems they offered.
>Mad About Madeline, Ludwig Bemelmans
tfw a children's lit collection is the best thing you've read so far

Reading ::
>Morphology of the Folktale, Vladimir Propp
>The Word Exchange: Anglo-Saxon Poems in Translation, Greg Delanty & Michael Matto
>The Book of Songs, William McNaughton
Really enjoying these. The Book of Songs is no doubt dated though, and doesn't seem to be the Book of Songs so much as McNaughton's comments on the classic.
Also thumbing through
>How to Read Maya Hieroglyphs by John Montgomery
>Dictionary of Maya Hieroglyphs
for shits and giggles

Next ::
>Thirty Poems, Robert Walser
>Marx in Soho, Howard Zinn
>Early Chinese Mysticism: Philosophy and Soteriology in the Taoist Tradition, Livia Kohn
>The Unraveling of the Bush Presidency, Howard Zinn
and >Player Piano, Kurtus Vonnegutus

>> No.3369697

It was the first book i read this year also. I Liked it. I was pleased with how fucked up the preacher and daughter became.

That said, I think Flannery's short stories are far superior. Get the complete stories if you haven't already.

>> No.3369702
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>> No.3369712

Well I'd prefer to give him a shot and decide for myself, but I may not like it you're right.
And my problem as far as Borges goes, I have Labyrinths and I enjoy it but I find I much more enjoy novels than short story collections, because I can't get into short stories in the same way I can a novel, where I'm spending much longer and learning much more about the characters/story/etc. I do not know who Rushdie is though.

>> No.3369720

Yeah, I have the Library of America volume of her works. I started with Wise Blood since it was the first think in there.

I thought it was interesting how, like, totally interested in the book I was, but how didn't really like any of the characters (though I did genuinely feel bad for some of them - especially Enoch... poor Enoch).