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3369369 No.3369369[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does wage slavery exist?

>> No.3369380

Jim Crow laws weren't slavery, yet they were still hideously degrading and destroyed multiple generations' worth of human capital

>> No.3369383


>> No.3369386

yes but not in the US

>> No.3369389
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>> No.3369393

Why not in the US?

>> No.3369395
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What would you call those in the US born into inordinate debt then?

>> No.3369399

fuck off stirner. and yeah

>> No.3369400

lucky. you will be given schooling and college is available, even if not of high calibur, nearly free. if you end up in a shit job its your own damned fault and it can always be remedied.

>> No.3369406

In socialist societies people are not born into debt yet receive free education anyways.

>> No.3369407


haha ok. "nearly free". have you ever lived on a reserve for any amount of time. have you ever been to oakland. i guess its not really wage slavery because there aren't any jobs to begin with

>> No.3369408

It doesn't work that way. You can't get into a school if you have to drop out if high school to pay bills.

>> No.3369412

I would consider lumpen lifestyles to be wage slavery. Even if they exist outside the scope of the law, they exist well within the scopes of spectacle and biopower. People in Oakland don't rob banks or snatch and run because they exist outside the system, they do it because they are very much subject to it.

>> No.3369417

you arent born into debt in this country either. the US is actually pretty well socialist these days.

ive lived on the street kid youve got no fucking idea.

i did its no prob. love this country.

>> No.3369419

Most assume inordinate debt from student loans- this can prevent them from finding employment.

>> No.3369428
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>the US is actually pretty well socialist these days

>> No.3369433

state schools are cheap as chips. those who find themselves in terrible debt have made very poor choices. its possible to default out if they really want to, though, anyway. in our country there is always a way out.

wage slavery may exist for the very stupid.

>> No.3369434

Because of labor laws (those pesky unions!) and NAFTA.

>> No.3369439

>i did its no prob.
No, you did not. I worked my ass off to get into college from what is technically poverty level income. I pretty much have a full ride to the college itself and housing (I had to pick a school based on this), but that by no means makes living easy. I had to take care of a suicidal mother, a broke sister/brother in law, and help my friends stay on track in CC and out of prison (a mission that has been less than completely successful). Rich kids did not have to deal with these types of problems. I'd say at least half of my friends had more on their plate than I do. So to pretend that there is no issue with income inequality because, hey, it's *possible* to get out of poverty, that's nothing but sheltered bullshit.

>> No.3369440


>> No.3369443


well,, i go to hunter, ranked as one of the best value schoosl in america, it still costs me about 2.5g a semester, plus the oppourtunity cost of the class hours plus the outside of class time.. i am pretty broke and in fairly bad debt, i am not sure what you mean by terrible debt or by poor choices, but i have had allmost every oppourtunity a white kid can have, and still my situation sounds shitty compared to europeans i knwo of a simmiler age and education level...


>> No.3369452

i live and have lived in a very similar situation. its not that bad. at least you arent forced to work in a factory so to afford your gruel, sleeping in a big shed with all the other workers.

i mean, youve made it right? it wasnt really that hard, and you probably have a lot more experience and investment in yourself now, yeah? so it's almost a good thing.

yes, rich kids are better off. this is the human way. even before wages there were kings.

>> No.3369458


who are going to flip the burgers, robots? do you think the US can survive with literally no one doing the shitty menial jobs, and by extension making poverty wages

>> No.3369462

ok the stirner-bird really should have been a tipoff.

>> No.3369466

good decision. what is your debt? if we arent talking over 25k its not really that bad. if it costs you less than a car to go to college, whats wrong with it?

its not ideal but its not fucking slavery. when you get out you should be able to find a job and pay off whatever debts. school debt is so fucking lenient anyway. i know a man who makes bank and still only min pays his debt because its not significant.

how exactly does debt prevent job acquisition?

>> No.3369470

Saying "well that's just the way it is" does nothing to justify it. Yes, I made it. You made it. What about my friends? Some of them are just as intelligent as me, but had to start paying their parent's mortgage, and no fucking school is going to do that.

> at least you arent forced to work in a factory so to afford your gruel, sleeping in a big shed with all the other workers.
My limited time in jail says otherwise, and I can't even imagine what my friends who have served sentences would think of some asshole saying something like that.

>> No.3369475

robots could flip burgers yeah, them and stupid lazy individuals.

if you are stupid or lazy or both you may end up in a shit job. thats how society works. even in "communist" or "socialist" countries you will find this. unless you are born into wealth, but again, that can't be helped.

>> No.3369477

Used to. Companies would require that workers live on company property, use company utilities, eat company food, and so on, and the workers would have to pay with company money. They'd receive their wages with company money as well.

And the wages wouldn't be enough to buy the stuff they needed. So even though they were working a full job, they were actually working themselves into debt. That's wage-slavery.

What you guys talk about now is just having shitty jobs and poor financial decisions.

>> No.3369480

all of your friends have the opportunity to improve and escape whatever is before them. if they have the choice it isn't slavery.

>> No.3369482

because the jobs mostly aren't there unless you had a privileged start. if you're lucky you'll end up with underemployment

>> No.3369483
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but that's just like, the American way

>> No.3369485

does it suck? yeah

is it slavery? not really no, but it's pretty damn close

>> No.3369487

What fucking opportunity? What fucking option are you seeing that they and I missed?

>> No.3369490

ok just because society works a certain way does not mean that it should work that way. do you really think everyone who works a menial job does so because they are stupid and lazy? are you that sheltered?

>> No.3369489

also if your qualms are with the legal system i dont know man. i never got myself into legal trouble personally. my family and friends who have generally deserved what they got. i wont look at them through rosy spectacles.

i mean, some people feel they need to kill themselves, is there suicide slavery? just because some people choose and feel the need to do this?

>> No.3369515

most people dont realize how much time they actually have. take a few courses, build it into a degree. its slow and steady. theres also always a way to make dollars without bowing into some shit labor job. if theyre paying a mortgage, refinance, maybe even sell the house and find some cheaper way to live. there are always options. i couldnt say what yours were without knowing all of the situation. what i do know is there is always a way in this country.

you arent going to be that rich kid who doesnt have to work for it. it's hard. it's a struggle. it's not slavery though.

>> No.3369520
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The legal system is simply another facet of capitalism. There's that whole Michael Parenti thing about police and bank robberies, how the cost of police is more than what robbers steal from banks, but are necessary to protect the notion of private property. The whole justice system works in a similar fashion.

>i mean, some people feel they need to kill themselves, is there suicide slavery? just because some people choose and feel the need to do this?
During the events of May 68, the suicide rate dropped to 0. This is a common point of discussion in situ/post-situ circles, as that sort of anomaly is unlikely to be coincidence.

>> No.3369521

yeah, people who work at FOXCONN or work in textile factories in mexico have it much than the average american worker. that doesn't change that a person working at walmart will probably only be able to afford shit from walmart, not to mention the horrific abuse that migrant workers deal with when they come to pick fruit or what have you

>> No.3369522

>I don't know how, but they could have done something!
Your arrogance is astounding.

>> No.3369524

there should be a "worse" in there somewhere.

>> No.3369529


well i have like 12k debt right now, but thats just on one year, beucase i used my student loan to subsides just haveing a part time job, i have a pretty high GPA but i still have at least 2 years left of school. it would be nice if i could pay off some of it over the summer, but realisticly i hould ave to get a job that covers my lvieing expenses plus 12k.. seems kidn fo hard.

>> No.3369536

And even that doesn't take into account the externalization of costs that the US engages in. For example, when the Haitian populous voted in a referendum that would raise the minimum wage to a level that would be still too low to feed and clothe a family of three (let alone house), one of the revelations from the Wikileaks Cablegate thing was that the Obama administration sent a cable saying that such a raise was "unreasonable" (since companies like Levis wouldn't get as cheap of labor) and essentially strong armed the government into vetoing it or else face economic sanctions.