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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 101 KB, 500x662, zooey-deschanel-hot-pictures-7d2de.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3368628 No.3368628 [Reply] [Original]

Help me, /lit/

I buy too many books.

I have over 600 books in my apartment and I've only read about 100 of them. I'm addicted to buying books.

Is anyone else here addicted to used bookstores and especially clearance sections?

>> No.3368642

>that feel when you buy books and don't read them
>that feel when you're in a bookstore and you say, "This book I'm ACTUALLY going to read."
>That feel when the voice inside you says, "No you aren't. You already have 80 unread books at your place."

>> No.3368644
File: 41 KB, 1014x622, grecc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look, it's actually one of the top recommendations on google recommends.

This means tens of thousands – MILLIONS – of people search for, "I buy books and don't read them."

>> No.3368645

And that woman you posted looks like she's 40.

>> No.3368650

Isn't that Zooey Deschanel? Such an unflattering picture.

>> No.3368652



More like "for tea" was she invited to my place and also for sex after. Amirite?

>> No.3368662


Some people have a thing for girls with dark lines under their eyes. Personally I think she looks prettier in that picture than any other I've seen.

>> No.3368673

Yeah because it's the look of a beaten up eye.

Just kidding eh.

>> No.3368684
File: 212 KB, 735x400, ss3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No, because it looks... I dunno...

I remember when I was a kid seeing The 6th Sense and being so in love with the scary ghost girl, with those dark lines under her eyes, that pale skin...

>> No.3368692
File: 42 KB, 400x300, A Place Where People Use the Bathroom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You find books laying around at the outside of your Local Library;

You come from a very illiterate place.

In addition to having another library hosting the Classics: bound in the glorious Hard-cover, that most Are probably at least a 100 years old.

>> No.3368694

I have more in store waiting to read than I have actually read, and I still keep buying them. I am in love with shopping for books. I hate buying everything else.

>> No.3368707

I would do her.

>> No.3368745
File: 555 KB, 776x760, jon snow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>love to read
>over 100 unread books
>"studying has higher priority right now"
>procrastinate on the internet
>do studying at the last minute
>mfw realising again and again time procrastinating could have been spent reading great books

>> No.3368802

It's the ever ongoing cliché and I will probably die doing the same thing.

>> No.3368819

No, I live Denmark, the selection is dreadful, and the selection non translated works even more so.
The few books I get are from Amazon or similar services, the rest are E-books

>> No.3368834
File: 18 KB, 520x326, thatfeelmadmen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that feel, bro.

>> No.3368837

This is why my wife gave me a kindle. She didnt find my library charming

>> No.3368868

Give me some books.
I'll read them for you.

>> No.3368874

If I give you books, will you read them and review them? like 500 words of review stuff

>> No.3368875

I could give it a try, but I'm no expert.

>> No.3368909

same but I download them

>> No.3368976




>> No.3368979

whats the catch? whats the incentive?

>> No.3369073

I do this now but only a short time ago did I start reading. I also steal some books.
Of course, I'm consistently reading them. But if the income rate persists at the same rate I may soon become overwhelmed.

>> No.3369078

Nothing, just wish more people would read them.

I wasn't planning to send any, it was just ebooks.

>> No.3369090

same, zooey is too goddamn sexy...

>> No.3369120

>Is anyone else here addicted to used bookstores and especially clearance sections?
YES. I also can't help ordering those one-cent books off of Amazon.

>> No.3369149


>> No.3369179

I did until I bought an ereader.

Seriously the convenience of that tiny piece of tech got me down from 6 bookshelves to 1 in two years. (That remaining shelve is textbooks, sentimentals, comics, and shit I haven't found an e-version of, old editions and stuff)

>> No.3369218

I too was guilty of this (I still am). One thing I noticed that the inspiration to read sometimes was ruined by a bad book. Many /lit/'s probably have a good enough sense to know where a book is going, so next time you are reading something terrible, just close the book and put it in a SHIT PILE. If you start labelling your books as shit, then you can at least not feel so guilty about the ones you didn't like, and save some of that reading gas to fuel your next read (of something better).

What keeps me from reading is I feel like it will eat up my free time. In reality, it would be better if I actually read instead of, you know, dicking around on 4chan.

To tell you the truth, I threw a Foucault book on the shit pile recently, (mental illness and psychology) but have been tearing up the new Robert Greene book "Mastery" (same guy who did 48 laws of power).

>> No.3369245

I have about 2500 books in my apartment. Almost 100 feet of shelving and books stored under the bed. It has bothered (but also intrigued) romantic partners before, but I'm just mad for books. They take up a lot of space, sure, but I think books are the most interesting and decor possible, and I prune my library every year or so. I read a lot (graduate student) but of course I'll never get through my backlog.

>> No.3369281


I almost fell asleep listening to his voice.
Nice video and nice collection, btw.

>> No.3369286


Care to take a pic? I'm curious

>> No.3369306

I'm addicted to buying books. I love owning real physical books and I get interested in a title and buy it immediately then get too busy to read it. Oh well.

>> No.3369307



>> No.3369424
File: 1.56 MB, 2573x1930, grove press.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is like 2/3rds of my Grove Press collection. Posted this pic a couple months ago. I've added another ten or so since then. I'll take another few pics of my general shelves, gimme a sec. Large file so you can actually see what's what.

>> No.3369435
File: 1.21 MB, 1802x2402, general shelf 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

General shelf one, with fiction and nonfiction in fields I don't collect. Shelf 1 goes partway through Henry James.

>> No.3369437
File: 1.26 MB, 1802x2402, general shelf 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

General shelf two. From the end of James to Trollope. I have a big backlog right now, though. When I reorganize it'll probably end near the beginning of S.

>> No.3369446

>planks of wood supported by bricks
>dat bowing under pressure
>dat fire hazard

You're going to die, bro

>> No.3369459

Jealous. Almsot overwhelming though, I don't know that I could ever read that many books.

>> No.3369460
File: 980 KB, 1488x1820, armpit slicks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A couple magazines. I collect vintage paperbacks and I keep them in plastic sleeves, and in consequence they don't photograph well at all, so I'll just post a few more novelties I've shared here before.

>> No.3369471
File: 299 KB, 858x644, nurses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some nurse novels.

I'd be pretty upset if there was a fire. Also I recognize that my shelving is garbage. Good bookshelves are expensive. It'd cost me thousands of dollars to get not-crap shelving.

>> No.3369474
File: 428 KB, 1072x804, raunch books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some favorites from my paperback collection.

>> No.3369479
File: 264 KB, 859x605, some ace books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some books published by Ace. Can't remember why I took a picture of this, but there's a first edition of PKD's first book in there.

>> No.3369496

I have hundreds of unread books and no regrets.
I'll get to reading them all eventually and in the meantime I feel happy every time I look at them.

>> No.3369497

Shit nigga are those individually bagged?

>> No.3369500
File: 1.62 MB, 1930x2573, general shelf 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Third general shelf. It goes Trollope to Zizek, then anthologies, and the bottom shelf is academic journals. I have a couple hundred more general books under the bed that didn't make the cut or are waiting for more shelving to open up.

>> No.3369504
File: 2.19 MB, 5000x5000, shelves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've really tried to slow down my purchasing, but the damage is done.

>> No.3369506

My life.

>> No.3369516

Yeah. I bag all my old paperbacks to keep them in good shape because I live in a humid area. Also, book dealer prices, there are like $1500 of books in that picture (realistically more like ~$700).

>> No.3369523

>two copies of Giles Goat-Boy
>The Fountainhead
>Dan Brown
You're allowed to get rid of books, you know.

>> No.3369531

You should get a physics book and learn why that bookshelf is going to break and scare the shit out of you in a near future.

>> No.3369542

I assume you're talking about the Grove Press shelf. It's held up for a while, but I'm going to replace that bowing board when I go buy some new shelving in a week or two. All the other ones are fine. Luckily I'm not in an earthquake zone.

>> No.3369545

Yeah, every time I move I get rid of a box or two. It was only in the last move that I discovered I had those duplicates...and a friend gave me Deception Point because he knew I read The Da Vinci Code--not realizing how much I hated it.

The most ridiculous thing about that picture is that it's only half of our books. My wife's philosophy books were all in her office when those pictures were taken.

>> No.3369560

As long as it bends, it doesn't break.

Also, I thought covering books in plastic encourages mold.

>> No.3369576

I've never seen a serious vintage paperback collector who didn't use the same archival sleeves that I use. I also have considered that they could be trapping moisture but I haven't ever had mold. It also prevents your friends from freely flipping through your books and keeps the covers from rubbing on each other when you take the books off the shelf, two common sources of damage.

>> No.3369598

Mmm okay.

By the way, don't you guys/girls hate the fact that there are books without reprints, but still in copyright? So they might get lost for humankind if the paperbacks wear out?

>> No.3369640

It's definitely a bummer, but most of them are basically worthless as literary texts. The bigger problem is that there are surely some excellent books out there that will never be read again or only read by a very small number of people. I probably have some great books in my collection that I'll never read because the process of digging through the shit books is too labor intensive to be worth it.

>> No.3369656

True words :-(

>> No.3369665

Yeah, that's a cool marketing buzzword.

What sort of plastic is it?

>Conservator here.

>> No.3369852

Being a broke Literati drives me to bibliomania. It's just, there's not a whole lot of areas of my life where I can splurge. I have responsibilities, I can't justify state of the art Tech, luxury clothes, or a good car, but I can easily have enough of a second-hand collection to fill a wall.
Between reading and writing it's just great to have a past-time that I can indulge guilt free.

>> No.3369865

I have over 220 books in my ereader.
Tomorrow I'll probably get some more.