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3366741 No.3366741 [Reply] [Original]

I really hope nobody realizes that I've been posting all these stupid threads in the past few weeks, but:
I've been keeping a journal for years and I'm finding it kind of hard to make the transition from writing about my day and thoughts to writing stories and especially making up characters that don't resemble myself. Any advice?
Also, what does /lit/ think of Houellebecq?

>> No.3366748

Why not just write about yourself? Even if it's fiction, most writers are writing about themselves.

>> No.3366767

My life is really boring right now.

>> No.3366777

But that's why you make it fiction. take yourself and put you in a fictional situation

>> No.3366781

boring can be fascinating. One of my favorite Harvey Pekar bits, the one that has stayed with me the most, that I recall all the time, is the one where he makes a can of concentrated orange juice. And that's it. Read American Splendour.

>> No.3366806

>Characters are not born, like people, of woman; they are born of a situation, a sentence, a metaphor, containing in a nutshell a basic human possibility......the characters in my novels are my own unrealized possibilities. That is why I am equally fond of them and equally horrified by them

-Milan Kundera

>> No.3367034

I'll look into it. Cheers.
That's a nice quote you have there.

>> No.3367109

I have the same problem, OP.

My entire life I've been writing correspondences - hundreds, probably thousands of pages to different people concerned entirely with mutual self-exploration.

It feels like, in hindsight, all I've ever written about. In thought, I have no difficulty wandering outside of myself and my own perspective, but when you don't order your mind after language, it's difficult to make the words fall naturally without experience.

I've strayed away from that kind of writing lately, so I think I'm getting better... but it still doesn't come quickly.

Like, that post I just made in the thread about gender roles? It's clunky as fuck, and it still took an embarrassing amount of time to write.

I think it just takes... practice. Which isn't very encouraging, because that's what all writing seems to boil down to.

I hate how much my writing is effected by my environment. Like, ever since I watched Next Generation I've had to start re-reading everything I write to make sure I'm using contractions.

Goddamnit, Data.

>> No.3367252


>> No.3367357

I said bump.

>> No.3367361

i notice everything

houellebecq is pretty good. im making my way through les particles elementaires and it's very enjoyable.