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/lit/ - Literature

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3366257 No.3366257 [Reply] [Original]

Who is that fat slav 21st century philospher? I remember him being some slav slob who just laid on his bed while giving an interview and speaing in a thic russian type accent. Who is he?

>> No.3366260

karl marx

>> No.3366262


>> No.3366259


>> No.3366264 [DELETED] 

Clatsclow Cleeclectsk

>> No.3366266

that guy from the sopranos who stole tony's girlfriend's cousin's leg back from janice?

>> No.3366269 [DELETED] 

there is literally a picture of him in the OP of a thread on lit right now

>> No.3366271

Blixa Bargeld

>> No.3366279

Who is that skinny chink 21st century postmodrnist? I remember him being some chink slob who just laid on his bed while giving an interview and speaing in a thic asian type accent. Who is he?

>> No.3366292


tans m8 luv uall 2

>> No.3366301
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>mfw i know the guys name but am not saying and am playing along with the rest of you fellas
aren't we having fun here

>> No.3366303

Zizek? His first name is basically "Slav"

>> No.3366306 [DELETED] 

thanks anon

>> No.3366308

Since this thread is pretty much pointless where do I begin with philosophy? Start at the beginning at the Greeks and march forward or what?

>> No.3366338
File: 10 KB, 258x401, Naming_and_Necessity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Naming and Necessity? Either/Or? Zizek always struck me as a bit of a tool.

>> No.3366361 [DELETED] 

Though most of /lit/ will poop on me for not suggesting diving straight into the classics, I recommend picking up a general "what is philosophy" nonfiction book (philosophy for dummies, etc.). just to get a grounding

After that, read a little bit of Plato then pick whomever else interests you!

>> No.3366475


read story of philosophy by will durant to give you a basic overview, then start with works of plato, then all other major works following, then focus on specific schools that interest you

having a groundwork understanding of the whole is essential

>> No.3366574
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>> No.3366580
File: 18 KB, 480x360, zizeksoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3366616

See here's the thing...philosophy is the shit inside the shit. Meaning, even if you learned all the shit you could possibly learn about philosophical happenings or "facts," you still necessarily wouldn't be doing philosophy. Doing philosophy is the process of thinking through the nature of each work and applying it in the real world. Living by and examining these principles continually and radically.

That's why all major sections of philosophy are important. Each person added something if you bother to learn what they were really getting at. Heidegger, for example, an is an outcast based on obscurity and whatnot. But this doesn't mean Heidegger wasn't a good philosopher because his work helps us to unlock the practical value and derivative truths of other work. We can see these basic truths in our life and we can evaluate what the most truthful worldview is to some extent.

>> No.3366719


I just watched the entire channel.

Thank you.

>> No.3366750

This. Another way to articulate it, is that there is history, biographical, psychological, and literary inquiry of philosophical material - useful inquiry - often mistaken for philosophy proper. Philosophy is actually a body of arguments, and arguments about arguments, and arguments about arguments about arguments, systematized.

It's not a philosopher's place in the history of ideas and history general, not a philosophers intent, not a philosopher's biography, not the ownership of particular views by a philosopher and those views compatibility with the philosopher's other views.

>> No.3366815

Philosophy is the painfully historized absence of nothing in particular.

>> No.3366834

thoughts of a typical pseudo-intellectual nihilistic baby-atheist? elel!

>> No.3366866

but he speaks facts. I can appreciate Foucault, Engels, Schiller, and Marx when they describe history but their abstract drivel is just that.

>> No.3366911

Start with Chesterton. Don't touch metaphysics.

>> No.3367647

Start with the greeks, then go with existentialism. You will hate the greeks. After, read structuralism and post structuralism, you will hte existentialism. Read the history of metaphysic to understand Derrida, see how Plato is awesome. Go back to the greeks, and consider everything else as shit. Read Platon, Aristotle, Plotinius to Medieval Philosophy. See that Medieval is shit, go read Descartes, Spinoza, Leibniz. Read Hume and say : "aw man, such a party breaker" then read Kant to see that Modern philosophy before Kant is shit. Read Kant, Hegel and German Idealisme. Marxism. Think you should know a bit more about analytic (anglo-saxon) philosophy, take class, see that's shit, never do it again ever. Take a phenomelogy class to piss off scientist philosophy. Read Husserl, Merleau-Ponty, etc. to Heidegger. See that Heidegger is right, and phenomenology, scientist, and the rest of philosophy is shit exept maybe Plato and Aristotle and MAYBE Kant. Discover you only like philo about existence, go back with existantialism, but leave Sartre (he suck). Read Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Dostoievsky, Beckett, Camus. Read all Camus, exept myth of syssiphus (suck). Go to the pre-socratics, like them. Understand that the cultural and context is important after reading Gadamer and Hermeneutic. Reread marx, critical theory, structuralism and post-structuralism. See that Hegel is one of the most important philosopher of philosophy. Go back to Kant, love Kant. Understand the need of Descartes, Spinoza and Leibniz. Read philosophy history. When you know all this, read Blanchot, Bataille (awesomme Bataille) and all of critique de la littérature. And finaly, never go back to analytic ever... NEVER

>> No.3368136


>> No.3368166

>helps us to unlock the practical value and derivative truths of other work