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/lit/ - Literature

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3364151 No.3364151 [Reply] [Original]

Recent purchases thread

>> No.3364160

I bought my sister copies of The Giver and The Prince and the Pauper.

>> No.3364163

The Moon is a Harsh Mistress...I need to buy that book sometime.

>implying buy

>> No.3364165 [DELETED] 

how many copies?

>> No.3364212
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Got a big batch today.
>tfw no money now

>> No.3364259

Why are there so many threads about books people have bought and so few threads about substantively discussing a book a person has read?

>> No.3364268

because it's easier to buy a book.

Here's a thing: post your recent purchases, but also include a small discussion of a recent purchase that you read and loved.

>> No.3364277

Well, it's about books. There's plenty on the front page about fuck-all. At least this might spark a conversation on what we've bought.

>> No.3364288

Not the guy you're replying to, but I like this game.

I hadn't read any graphic novels since high school (when I read Watchmen and Maus... and Bone, if that counts), so I decided to get Blankets by Craig Thompson during the holidays. That prompted me to poke around for other potentially interesting graphic novels. I happened to stumble upon Solanin by Inio Asano. The plot seemed really compelling to me, it was available in one volume, and the reviews were good, so I went for it. It turned out to be a manga, which I totally didn't expect. I never gave reading manga a thought, but I read it and found it absolutely wonderful. It blew my expectations completely.

It's about people in their early twenties confronting "the real world." I ended up reading the whole thing in a day.

>> No.3364305
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I'm too lazy to go find a proper camera

Left Stack, bottom to top:
Chekhov - The Complete Short Novels
Fitzgerald - Tender is the Night
Coleridge - The Major Works
Zola - L'Assommoir
Pushkin - Eugene Onegin
Turgenev - Fathers and Sons
Chekhov - About Love and Other Stories

Right stack:
Tolstoy - War and Peace
Cervantes - Don Quixote
Dickens - Bleak House
Hesse - Siddhartha
Flaubert - Madame Bovary
Wilde - The Picture of Dorian Gray

>> No.3364340

>Norton Anthology of Modern and Contemporary Poetry
>Norton Critical Edition of the Short Stories of Franz Kafka (2 copies, will be reading with a friend.)
>Frederick Coplestone's History of Philosophy Volume II:

>> No.3364433

>Buying Wordsworth Classics editions of works not originally in english

>> No.3364440

Actually their translation of Don Quixote is probably the best out there.

>> No.3364441
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I'd be seriously concerned that they just used Google translate.

>> No.3364477

Queer - Burroughs
Confessions of a Mask - Mishima
The Metamorphoses - Ovid
Beauty and Sadness - Kawabata

And like 3 books by Dan Savage, deal w/ it

>> No.3364479

Mostly they just use 100+ year old public domain stuff (Constance Garnett, etc)

>> No.3364490
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>> No.3364498

So /lit/ has a hard on for this Zola book, but I tries reading the Kill and it was an ordeal. Three pages given to describing a greenhouse, a page every time they go into a new room, detailing all the ornate architecture and furnishings. Who cares?

>> No.3364501

>implying it's bad just because it's public domain
pretty sure people have had a good grasp of at least the major European languages for quite some time now

>> No.3364584

>The Universe in a Nutshell
>Riddley Walker
>Infinite Jest
>A Canticle for Lebowitz
>A Short History of World War II
>How it Began

>> No.3364598

>implying people don't like Garnett's translations because they're old and free

>> No.3364601

>A Canticle For Leibowitz >>3364584

>> No.3364675

Temple of the Golden Pavilion.
Goldmund and Narcissus.
Death In Venice.
The Road to Wigan Pier.
Fault In Our Stars.

>> No.3366758

>implying every Wordsworth Classic you buy that wasn't originally in English will be a Garnett translation

>> No.3366797

Complete Works Of E.E. Cummings
Still Life With Woodpecker
Dali & I
Inferno (Divine Comedies)
Book Of Lonliness
Howl, Kadish and Other Poems
Requiem For A Dream (Saw the movie, gotta read the book)

>> No.3366854

Some of the others they use are even worse

>> No.3366857
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The translation they use for the Master and Margarita is sub-Garnett levels of bad; the cover they use is also atrocious

>> No.3366870

>tfw I have Wordsworth's Master and Margarita on my to read next-list

I had it coming, I suppose

Is it really that bad?

>> No.3366877

Anything other than the Pevear and Volokhonsky translation isn't too great.
Never read a wordsworth translation, they always use public domain or lowest bidder translations which are often shit

>> No.3366878
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Not really liking the look of The Odyssey's translation. Will probably pick up Fagles' since its only €2.00

>> No.3366887

>buying books
>not pirate baying them


>> No.3366894

I bought The Odyssey and didn't like it. I doesn't rhyme in english.

>> No.3366896


>> No.3366897


>pirate bay

the site of choice for the clueless commoner


>> No.3366900
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Just some stuff I've had on my to read list for a while.

>> No.3366901



But seriously, there are dozens of sources for e-books. Why buy, unless you are collecting?

>> No.3366916

Buying is forever master race.

Only students, underage b& and NEET kings complain about buying.

Get a fucking job.

>> No.3366966

>reading books on a monitor

>> No.3367006

Go to bed P&V

>> No.3367010

It doesn't rhyme in Ancient Greek either

What gives?

>> No.3367026

I bought Wordsworth Dead Souls and it's translated by Isabel Florence Hapgood

Wikid her and got:

>Hapgood was born in Boston, the descendant of a long-established New England family. She studied Germanic and Slavic languages, specializing in Orthodox liturgical texts. She was one of the major figures in the dialogue between Western Christianity and Orthodoxy. She traveled through Russia between 1887 and 1889. While there, she spent several weeks with the famous Russian novelist Leo Tolstoy on his country estate. She wrote a lengthy article detailing her visit and observations of the man trying to live his ideal life for The Atlantic magazine, it was published in 1891.[1]
>She was in Moscow when the revolution broke out in 1917, but was able to escape and returned to the United States.

I'm pretty sure she knew what she was doing.

>> No.3367030

What editions does /lit/ recommend for things translated from Russian/German/French/Spanish/Italian?