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File: 1.50 MB, 2597x1127, the search2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3363646 No.3363646 [Reply] [Original]

Found out I don't know shit. I saw this pic in another thread and tried to name everyone in it (don't know the source). Anyone here who's better than me?

>> No.3363648

i know all of them but the eastern references-they don't matter, really.

>> No.3363649

Mozart on the piano?

>> No.3363651


No I think he's the one in the middle with the violin. Maybe it's Beethoven?

>> No.3363654

Nah thats probably beethoven

>> No.3363656


I would like to know them as well. Especially the soldier in the far left (below), I think I recall him from a Propaganda poster or something.

>> No.3363659


also I just found roosevelt beneath churchill, d'oh.

>> No.3363661

Well next to the godfather there's fidel castro and guevara (you see him on shirts)
Next to freud seem like the japanese guy that was in charge of ww2. Forgot his name
The guy at the table seems to be Zhuge Liang.

>> No.3363662

and Henri Toulouse-Lautrec, I only got it when I saw he was small.

>> No.3363668

You mean the Chinese guy Mao Zedong? ;)
And thanks for Zhuge Liang

>> No.3363672

Middle-right is Bismarck, just to the right of him is Rousseau

>> No.3363677

Thanks! Lol Bismarck looks terrible, I could've recognised him if he was painted better.

>> No.3363678

The Chinese guy with the 12.88 is athlete Liu Xiang.

>> No.3363679

I think Genghis Khan is just to the right of Napoleon

>> No.3363684


You're right. But who's that on the left then, who I named Khan?

>> No.3363694


Pavarotti behind Dali and CiXi.

>> No.3363704

isn't that micheal jordan as the basketball player?

>> No.3363712


Of course, thanks!

>> No.3363716

The boxer sitting on the ground to the left is blatantly Tyson

>> No.3363736

right to clinton is Peter the Great

>> No.3363752

The Chinese Emperor next to Hirohito is Qin Shi Huang.

>> No.3363763

The man sitting with a drink next to Picasso is Toulouse-Lautrec. A painter of the French Art Nouveau Movement.

>> No.3363770
File: 1.50 MB, 2597x1127, the search2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Updated version

>> No.3363775

thats not halile selassi, thats edson arantes "pele"

>> No.3363788


didn't notice the football, lame. Thanks!

>> No.3363806

the guy next to gandhi.. gutenberg perhaps?

>> No.3363815

Hemingway guzzling straight from the bottle between Elvis and Roosevelt

>> No.3363826

the dude leading the camel is abraham

>> No.3363850

Thanks for those! Abraham.. clever.
The guy in the leather jacket with the cup of (coffee?) looks a bit like Franco, but then I don't get the jacket and the cup.

>> No.3363856

Is that Jung beside Freud?

>> No.3363901

picasso between lincoln and nietzche

>> No.3363906

gorbachov behind mother terese

>> No.3363915


Then who is the one I named Picasso? With the painting, to the right.

>> No.3363916


>> No.3363917

damn, i like this

diogenes maybe is the guy with the dog

>> No.3363919

>calling tolstoy rasputin

>> No.3363922

mmm... i don't know, but not picasso
let me check it

>> No.3363923

Joe Camel above Confucius

>> No.3363924


I'm terribly sorry. Don't know Tolstoy very well. And he looks like Rasputin.


Maybe, thanks!

>> No.3363925

Jacky Chan between Lenin and Clinton

>> No.3363927


How could I not recognize HIM!

>> No.3363932

Dude with the helmet near theresa is bismarck

>> No.3363942
File: 1.51 MB, 2597x1127, the search2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another update

>> No.3363948

Old black guy with the flute is Kofi Annan. Guy behind him should be easily googled as some Chinese NBA player. Drunk next to Elvis is Hemingway. Bin Laden above Bush, maybe Tyson next to Putin. Possibly Beethoven on the piano. Calling Pele Haile Selassi is pretty funny. Guy behind Nietzsche and Picasso may or may not be Ezra Pound.

>> No.3363951

I should read threads first.

>> No.3363957


Thanks, but why Kofi Annan with a flute, I must ask?

>> No.3363962

Lao Tzu on the ox, next to the camel.

>> No.3363967


>> No.3363968

Because it's either that or Morgan Freeman.

Also perhaps David Attenborough next to Chaplin.

>> No.3363979

Also guy next to Jordan with coffee might be Eisenhower. Guy by St Paul might be Bill Gates

>> No.3363981


Don't think that's right, he looks familiar.

Also I'm desperately trying to find i.e. the awesome looking mongolian warlord to the left, that japanese guy with the camera, or the painter in the back, or the roman looking guy with the plate with ?peaches?

>> No.3363985


That's an ugly looking Bill Gates though. Both added :)

>> No.3363990
File: 21 KB, 400x429, Marcel_Duchamp_chess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3363992



>> No.3363996

Stashman next to Elizabeth on the left may be chiang kai shek. Smug fat dude near Jordan looks Israeli.

>> No.3364004


Lol thanks, it's Ariel Sharon, not Yeltsin

>> No.3364005

Somehow think "Cicero" for the Roman dude

>> No.3364009

Biblical figure to the right with a rock/spike in his hand may or may not be either Job or Abraham. Possibly Abraham because of the rock he would have killed Isaac with, but the way he looks painfully towards the heavens leads me to believe that he is Job.

>> No.3364013


Think it is Job then. We already have Abraham and this guy raises his hand to the sky, asking God. Good find.

>> No.3364017

The guy left of Ramses may be Sun Tzu.

>> No.3364022

Also your Japanese guy with camera is Chinese I guess, judging by the clothes.

>> No.3364024

Henry Kissenger at the table with Freud? Jackie Chan's in there three or four times, too.

>> No.3364026

It's almost certainly Annan.

>> No.3364027
File: 1.51 MB, 2597x1127, The Search 3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Looks like him.

>> No.3364033

the guy between pele and st paul look like bill gates

>> No.3364041
File: 105 KB, 800x576, fe02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The chinese man on the bottom left is wearing an old border guard's outfit, if that's any help

>> No.3364042


It looks more like Kissenger than Carl Jung. The glasses are all wrong, the suit's too modern and the hairline's completely different. Granted, it'd make sense to have him at the table with Freud, but any artist who included The Price of Wales is hardly driven by pertinence.

>> No.3364047

I fucking know that face behind Elvis but not sure if oldschool Hollywood or mafia.

>> No.3364051

The guy on the left of Freud looks like Jung.

>> No.3364052

The chap on the bottom left - between Chaplin and the comrade - could be Anthony Eden. If only because he's holding something resembling his trademark 'Eden hat'.

>> No.3364055

Nah, it's not Sun Tzu (although he'd be a better fit), it's Guan Yu. Surprised no other ROTK fans in this thread.

>> No.3364057


Actually, scratch that. It's Henry Ford.

>> No.3364060

well, I can't play anymore, because I'm an idiot and saw the solution.

I only will say that the sheep between gandhi and van gogh is dolly

and the guy between confucius, einsenhower, joe camel and gandhi is the painter of the paint.

>> No.3364062

It's not Duchamp, it's Braque.

This image is so retarded.

>> No.3364063

Dude with the glasses above Gandhi is our tripfriend Satan

>> No.3364064

Pretty sure it's Teddy Roosevelt on the left of Mussolini and Hussain, and the guy on the left of Roosevelt is Wellington.

>> No.3364065

of couuurse!. i was thinking he looks familiar.

>> No.3364069

Asian guy above the wheel bottom right is Ghengis Khan (I think)

>> No.3364072

The TV below Audrey Hepburn is the Manhattan Project (obviously)

And top left you've got the Easter Island heads

>> No.3364073

He looks more like Sun Tzu to me

>> No.3364075

you are joking, right?

>> No.3364076 [DELETED] 

he's holding Nude Descending A Staircase
I think it is safe to say it is Duchamp, idiot

>> No.3364079

steven Spielberg behind nietzche and picasso

>> No.3364083

>implying that's not Bukowski next to Che

>> No.3364089

>Hardly anyone but azns and whites
>Azns overrepresented

You can tell it was painted by a chinaman.

>> No.3364090

Painter guy next to Churchill is Matisse, and asian guy on the left of Goethe is Zhou Enlai

>> No.3364093

Yes, too much Jackie Chan by far. Asians and whites are kinda rulers of the world though.

>> No.3364094


It could use some more ay-rabs and dot indians.

>> No.3364096

Yeah, at the very least Muhammad should be in there.

>> No.3364105
File: 13 KB, 240x304, phgihsmith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.3364108

no, it's not.
look >>3364060

>> No.3364114 [DELETED] 

what a crappy selection of historical figures

>> No.3364121

Not edgy enough for you? Who would you suggest?

>> No.3364128

Everything seems to be there :


>> No.3364132

Way to miss the point of the thread, autist.

>> No.3364137


Who made that pic? Some murikan highschool history teacher?

>> No.3364139


I'm surprised you haven't finished it, this is not like this is an original thread.

At least, if it were related to literature.

>> No.3364144
File: 15 KB, 500x336, 10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.3364145
File: 1.51 MB, 2597x1127, The Search 3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tada, updated version. thanks guys.

Also >>3364060, what's the solution.

And I'm not naming the Manhatten Project, as I think it's depicts the invention of the A-bomb, as the painting is scattered with important inventions (wheel, camera etc.)

>> No.3364146


And what's your contribution?

>> No.3364153

If you put the picture into google it's the first result.

>> No.3364154



>> No.3364158 [DELETED] 

first, according to another anon, the guy who painted it put himself in it, so you know it is a piece of shit

second, I mean look at it. Hardly any women, several poor pop culture choices, too many hard-to-place asians, randomly selected people (Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Charles, Pele, George Bush, Bruce Lee, Rousseau, Shirley Temple, why?)

third, it has no class

>> No.3364159

Guy with the guitar in the top left is Shortround from Indiana Jones.

>> No.3364162

These are all fair points and I apologise for calling you edgy.

>> No.3364174

The guy who said the painter was in it is wrong, because it was painted by three people, and none of them were Michaelangelo or Cornelia Baba (the two painters the guy implied painted this)

>> No.3364180


True, I miss a lot of people, maybe Muhammad, Mozes, Jesus, or George Washington or Benjamin Franklin. Or Nelson Mandela. Or Cleopatra. Or perhaps Oprah Winfrey.


I wish this was true.

>> No.3364185

You missed Jackie Chan, he's there twice in between Gorky and Wellington

>> No.3364186

It's true if you want it to be. It's true if you make it true.


>> No.3364190

Welcome to the internet.

>> No.3364191

Think the guy next to Confucius is Plato. Also two to the right of hussain is Deng Xiaoping, think that is nietzsche between deng and hussain?

>> No.3364192


Consider it Done.

>> No.3364194


>> No.3364196

I swear that the guy on top of george bush looks like Oussama ben Laden

>> No.3364203

Christ alive, you're fucking right.

It is Osama Bin Laden

>> No.3364208
File: 1.51 MB, 2597x1127, The Search 3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3364211


It's true, but then I don't get the woman next to him...

>> No.3364215

The people on the left of Osama Bin Laden are the KKK.

This is a fact.

>> No.3364218


Nah.... I'm not that gullible.

>> No.3364219

I don't think she's related to Osama Bin Laden

>> No.3364221


No me neither, but why are they grouped together as would be Mary and Joseph.

>> No.3364224

I guess it's some vague attempt at symbolism? Or maybe it's just a coincidence.

I think it's already been established that the painters aren't very good, so it could be to do with that.

>> No.3364226


Also I think we have all cool people now (those random Chinese guys not counted), except maybe for the Indian yogi guy and the Mafia guy with the hat.

>> No.3364227


I kinda want to paint my own version. But I can't paint.

>> No.3364229

Do a stickfigure version.

>> No.3364231


Maybe. I will most definitely not include any Asians tssss

>> No.3364233

Yeah, you show them!

>> No.3364249

I don't know why, but the way Tojo is portrayed bothers me.

>> No.3364262
File: 157 KB, 500x679, Leonardo-Da-Vinci.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure the guy in the apron behind Gandhi and Dolly the sheep is Leonardo.

>> No.3364266

It's Michaelangelo.

>> No.3364267


I don't know. Leonardo was skinnier and had a different beard.

>> No.3364271

It's Michaelangelo.

>> No.3364272



>> No.3364276

Guy at Michael Jordan's feet, sitting on a barstool, is Toulouse-Lautrec

>> No.3364282

He's already been labelled.

>> No.3364290

And isn't the guy in between Jules, Bush, Pavarotti etc. John Wayne?

>> No.3364292

guy behind elvis is robert oppenheimer smoking a cigarette, and looking like he just doomed the world

>> No.3364294

chinese army guy is Lei Feng, hero of the People's Republic and a model of propaganda

>> No.3364303

Added, thanks!

>> No.3364304

asian guy on bottom right is cao cao maybe?

guy between shakespeare and elvis (middle/center) that looks like indiana jones is maybe elliot ness? i don't know.

>> No.3364307

Also, is that ship in the back actually a crusade ship?
I initially thought it was a Spanish Galleon either bound for the new world or returning to the old.

>> No.3364309

That guy is Oppenheimer.

>> No.3364310

Thought it was a Templar cross.

>> No.3364311

It's got the aristocratic crests along the side, which is traditionally what English ships would have.

>> No.3364313

Why is Bismarck asian?

>> No.3364316

you're right. i see an image online that is very much like it.

>> No.3364319

The guy who is labelled Job is Aristotle.

>> No.3364320


And obviously dead for months.

>> No.3364323



>> No.3364324

that is not 'St. Paul', it's so obviously Homer

>> No.3364326

Guy between Abraham and Confucius is Darwin God knows why he is in a toga, but it's him.

>> No.3364329

Because it looks exactly like him, and nothing like Job.

>> No.3364334


I thought thát was Abraham. Why Darwin, he looks like a shepherd. Stupid painters.

>> No.3364335
File: 105 KB, 793x1024, gorky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'Theodore Roosevelt' is Maxim Gorky
Tchaikovsky is playing the trumpet
That's Humphrey Bogart lurking behind Elvis

>> No.3364336

I think the man under Julius Caesar is General Douglas MacArthur but I'm not 100%.

>> No.3364337


Sure I believe you, but what is that thing in his hand supposed to be then?

>> No.3364342


I have correct Gorky already, but Tchaikovksy doesn't look a bit and the other guy is Oppenheim, we established that.

>> No.3364346

Compare his picture to one of Darwin. They're identical.

The painters just sucked.

It's not Humphrey Bogart, it's Oppenheimer.

No fucking idea

>> No.3364349
File: 46 KB, 1024x768, j-robert-oppenheimer[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actual picture of oppenheimer thats based off of.

>> No.3364351 [DELETED] 
File: 139 KB, 377x400, gw bush's dog named spot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dog at bottom center could be g w bush's dog, spot??? who the hell knows. one of bush senior's dogs looks almost the same too.

>> No.3364353

Did you seriously fucking label Guan Yu as Ghenghis Khan you fucking tard?

>> No.3364355

The Chinese guy with the camera, Mo Jing maybe?

>> No.3364358
File: 32 KB, 294x390, bronybeard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3364368

sun yat-sen above den xiaoping

>> No.3364380

I think that's Run Run Shaw

>> No.3364382
File: 906 KB, 1039x1629, cao cao from old tv series.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chink on the far far right, near to bottom in armor.

Definitely Han-post or so, so around Three Kingdoms era. At first I was thinking Cao Cao due to the distance between him and Guan Yu and all....But no imperial seal or insignia evident. Still, it could be him (see pic related)

Otherwise it's going to be one of the heavy big generals: Liu Bei, Sun Quan, Cao cao, etc.

I'm leaning towards Cao cao or liu bei - though liu bei should be closer to guan yu i'd think.

>> No.3364383

Bottom right is Liu Bei

>> No.3364384

This: >>3364380

Was meant for: >>3364355

>> No.3364385

Prove that it isn't Cao Cao you fucking faggot.

>> No.3364389

Same facial hair

>> No.3364395

>Run Run Shaw
Seems more likely.

>> No.3364396

Except fucking not. Check the above image named "cao cao from old tv series". Same plumed helm and all. Liu Bei is typically shown wearing green in post ROTK sources, not to mention he is almost never portrayed in armor due to the nature of his importance in pacification and civilian life - he normally is shown in semi-casual robes.

You're a dipshit who sucks at google.

It's fucking Cao Cao.

>> No.3364397

or is it yi sun-sin?

>> No.3364402

Closer than Liu Bei, but the armor style is distinctly Chinese, not Korean.

>> No.3364403

http://cliptank.com/history-painting-famous-answers.html#liu_bei I think you need to calm down

>> No.3364407

He's incorrect.

I ain't gunna be calm when you googled for answers, don't study Chinese history (it's what I college for bra', had a fucking total class on Three Kingdoms era). You're spreading misinformation in the guise of knowledge since you googled it on a POS source who admits he could have made mistakes.

I know my chinks. That is NOT Liu Bei.

>> No.3364418

You're Liu Gay

>> No.3364422

suck my liu dick cao fag, you're about as straight as Dian Wei and Huang Gai circlejerkign

>> No.3364423
File: 198 KB, 640x480, patrick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: chinkophile gets mad because some guy can't tell Jackie Chan from Tao Lin

>> No.3364424


>> No.3364428
File: 38 KB, 556x565, 1358215204859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3364429

It's Chairman Mao, dummy.

Oh, why isn't he in this? Jesus Christ, you can tell it was painted by the Chinese. "Oh, we're painting a bunch of key figures? Don't put in that guy who killed 70 million people, he's not important."

>> No.3364430
File: 22 KB, 500x358, jackie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's Jackie Chan.

>> No.3364431

70 million chinks is a drop in the bucket. If anything, he'd be honored. But he didn't kill enough.

>> No.3364439

Klimmt is at the back too
Bogart next to Elvis?
Hemmingway on his left.
Football player is Pele.
Anon is correct, Bismarck and Rousseau far left.
Attila the hun in front of them
Abraham next to confucius?
Thats all I know

>> No.3364448

If that's Hemingway, who's the guy next to Van Gogh in the fishing outfit?

>> No.3364449

He's Hemingway's twin brother

>> No.3364451


Guy behind Nietzsche and Picasso is Steinbeck. Pound had a narrower face. Guy between Freud and Shirley Temple is Martin Scorsese.

>> No.3364459

Why is Houdini trying to get that loli upskirt on Temple? Was a pedo or something?

>> No.3364463

but mao is in the picture

>> No.3364465


>> No.3364484

Isn't that Moses right up front?

>> No.3364487

Pretty sure it's Santa

>> No.3364491

We don't know what Moses looked like, you fucking idiot.

>> No.3364535

right next to lincoln

>> No.3364544

He had a beard.

>> No.3364588

I can see the Eagles, but where's Mt Doom?

>> No.3364589

I'm convinced.


>> No.3364649


>> No.3364665

Post the updated version.

>> No.3364685

this would be a pretty sweet party

>> No.3364745


Word...I would be all up in Hepburn's business, and if she didn't like me, I'd just steal booze and drugs from someone and go fuck Marilyn. Also if Thatcher wanted to make me her little bitch-boy I'd be cool with that.

>> No.3365082


Give me a sec.

>> No.3365085

I gave you 2 hours...

>> No.3365098
File: 2.71 MB, 2597x1127, The Search 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But where is Klimmt? Someone mentioned him.

>> No.3365105


Sorry, I was studying. I have a big exam on the history of Anthropology next week.

>> No.3365112
File: 1.51 MB, 2597x1127, The Search 3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Argh this is the correct version, why did this happen?

>> No.3365208


thats hemmengway, not saddam houssein

>> No.3365622

#1 Guy under the table isn't Houdini
#2 The boat is the boat Chistopher Columbus used to for his expedition
#3 those weird statues are the one of the unesco site in the easter island
#4 guy at the table is motherfucking Da Vinci, not socrates
#5 at the table we see gutemberg's bible, Orville's brothers' plane
#6 if it's ben laden, those people are probably the 72 virgins

>> No.3365681

It's not Attilla the Hun. That's Sun Tzu, author of the Art of War.

>> No.3365685

Also, the "crusade ship" is one of the ships that Colombus sailed to the New World.

>> No.3365690

Nah that's definitely Saddam. Hemingway is the guy drinking behind Elvis.

>> No.3365692

The guy beneath Mother Terese, right of Qin Shi Huang and left of run run shaw is St. Peter.

>> No.3365704

some1 edit it so the unknowns/debatables have numbers so they can be easily referenced.

>> No.3365729
File: 28 KB, 600x600, maradona- hand of god.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pele instead of Maradona

Don't you just hate plebs

>> No.3365752

Guy on the far right is NOT atilla the hun or Liu Bei.

it's cao cao

>> No.3365756

St Paul is Plato, google it and you see the red shoulder cloth with him as he speaks with Aristotle.

>> No.3365831

>Jackie Chan

I laughed too much at that.

>> No.3365835

On Atilla the Hun, I thought that might be that Chinese guy, the farmer who became general before being assassinated by his own people.

>> No.3365900
File: 17 KB, 336x476, tojo24kj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Emperor Hirohito is actually Tojo.

>> No.3366611

Looks like Houdini to me, but why?
Columbus sailing with a Templar's Cross?
I had that already.
I said I wouldn't do inventions.

>> No.3366614
File: 1.52 MB, 2597x1127, The Search 3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Circled the ones we don't know yet. Also St. Peter, I don't think so, he looks Indian to me, would explain the brown clothing as well.

>> No.3366621

can you post one without any names?

>> No.3366623
File: 1.52 MB, 2597x1127, The Search 3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Forgot the numbahs

>> No.3366626


Don't spoil yourself though by clicking the link to the person list.

>> No.3366627

the problem is with the guy on the left is that he's a doctor, but all famous doctors look the same.

>> No.3366640
File: 1.52 MB, 2597x1127, The Search 3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I just found an invisible person. Didn't see him at all.

>> No.3366778

How is the guy in the toga darwin? They all have clothing they would wear, it's probably Noah, that's why he has the animals around him.

>> No.3366780

You're right about that, but his face looks exactly like Darwin's, and the page says so as well.

>> No.3366787

Four looks like some kind of military. US army?

>> No.3366810 [DELETED] 
File: 15 KB, 200x238, 200px-LuXun1930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 is probably lu xun

>> No.3366872

Instead of the duke of Wellington?

>> No.3366882

That page isn't the source of the actual image, but of a guy who tried.

Don't trust it.

>> No.3366938

Hm, 5 could be Paracelsus, though I could be mistaken.

>> No.3366975


Def not the Duke, the hair and nose are wrong

>> No.3366989

"Genghis Khan" is distinctively Guan Yu. I don't know how someone makes that mistake.

>> No.3366996

i read in a page that is noah (and I'm not >>3366778)

>> No.3367001

5 is the guy who paint that thing.

I don't remember the name

>> No.3367003

Because nobody knows who Guan Yu is

>> No.3367004

He's literally holding a type of weapon named after him. It's your fault for not being a student of history.

>> No.3367005

oh no no!


>> No.3367022



>> No.3367025

The three random Asian guys in the top right by Dante are the chinks who painted this.

>> No.3367031
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>He's literally holding a type of weapon named after him
Oh. Oh, ok. Sorry, I totally should've recognized the Guan Yu sword that Guan Yu is holding

>> No.3367041

Conceited pricks

>> No.3367079

>Lewis Carroll is coming out of the table next to the skirt of a child Shirley Temple
Creepy as fuck.

>> No.3367129

Not the guy you're responding to - but Guan Yu is famous for his beard and was deified afterwards, and is regularly seen in Chinese offices and the like with some minor rituals and worship.

So I mean, yeah, if you read history or at all (three kingdoms period) or if you read world literature at all (romance of the three kingdoms is one of china's top-most works) then you'd know him.

>> No.3367151

>implying I don't play as Guan Yu in Dynasty Warriors all the time

>> No.3367154

>deified for his beard

What a simple people.

>> No.3367168


DIfference between :

As the Order of Christ, led by Prince Henry, the Navigator, was a leading developer of the Portuguese Discoveries, the Christ Cross was used in the sails of the Portuguese caravels, carracks and other ships involved in the exploration of the seas


was on the papal banner given to the Crusaders by Pope Urban II for the First Crusade

We have now established the cross in the painting isn't a crusader's cross. Gee, I wonder which boat bearing the symbol of portuguese dicoveries changed the history of mankind by maybe discovering a whole new continent?

And, yes, Da vinci is terribly missing from this painting, him being the symbol of the quatrocentto and all...Which is a cliché for the renaissance, one of the most critical period of intellectual dynamism since ancient greece. We have plenty of greeks already, and michelangelo was less influencal than Leo and yet he's still in here.

>> No.3367189

>Implying a bunch of autistic chinks who consider Bruce Lee an influential figure are going to be able to differentiate between the two
Also the ship has British heraldic crests on the side, something which was done during the crusades to tell which nobility occupied which ships.

>> No.3367200

>michelangelo was less influencal than Leo
Depends how you look at it. Michaelangelo's long lasting influence is arguably greater than Leo's, simply because his techniques have lasted better generally.

>> No.3367207

Leonardo Da Vinci was THE renaissance man.

The painters fucking suck.

>> No.3367208

Asian guy on the top left next to St Paul is Shortround from Indiana Jones

>> No.3367209

Guy's in Rome didn't seem to think so. He was THE renaissance lay about that didn't finish his commissions but still managed to take the money.

>> No.3367220

>People have to directly benefit society to be worth anything
Fuck the guys in Rome. If they had even the smallest fraction of Da Vinci's genius, then maybe they'd be in a position to criticise him. But they didn't, they were utterly inconsequential, and now nobody knows who the fuck they were.

>> No.3367227


You underestimate leo because you only consider him as an artist.

>god tier painter with big influence
>scultpor (not huge influence but good enough to take commisions from heads of state)
>one of the first anatomists to see 4 parts in the heart, realized near perfect anatomical drawing
>first rate engineer (weapons, bridges etc...)
>foresaw and imagined numerous inventions in design and function, he didn't implemented
(automobile, tank, steam engines ...)
>developped the field of aerodynamics

>brilliant philosophy, perfectly fitted in the renaissance ear:
autodidact, polymath, genius through curiosity, rationality and out of the box thinking

also writer, traveled &c...

His simple intellect allowed him to meet powerful people and helped him spread the ideal of the renaissance.

>> No.3367229

Exactly, that's why he's the renaissance man, because he wasn't just a painter, or a poet, or a sculptor, he was all of them at once, and he revolutionised everything he touched.

>> No.3367238
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Update. Also I never said it was a Jerusalem Cross, but it is a Templar Cross: http://knightstemplarvault.com/templar-cross/

>> No.3367240

Not at all, but Michelangelo contributed to many of those fields as well, while also being a "god tier painter with big influence" (again, arguably now greater than Leo's if only for his works having better longevity; his paint mixes were more stable, and he must have had better prep on the surfaces, while Leo's experiments have for the most part degraded rather quickly) and being a superlative sculptor. If you think he didn't look at anatomy in similar depth to Da Vinci, you don't know your history there well enough, and if you think that such feats as painting the Sistine chapel didn't require great feats of engineering (which of course led to numerous similar ceiling paintings, as well as having an enormous effect on construction techniques), then you should really look into it.

There's also the issue that many of Leo's discoveries had to be rediscovered, meaning he is often less influential in some of his more amazing feats, than a kind of historical curiosity.

>> No.3367241

so, we..agree.
The papers be looks at might be one of his crypted codex.
Also, we have platon so we don't really need socrates due to platon writing everything. Socrates *might* even be fictional.

>> No.3367251


Also, there's the debate on Houdini/Lewis Carroll. I think he looks much more like Houdini (that's why he's hiding), but he could of course be Carroll. But then I wonder, what's the significance of the hare, duck, snail and the starfish? I have only read Alice, a time a go.

>> No.3367266


You are simply wrong. The crusaders never really used boats as a main vehicule. They walked. Of course they used a few boats but not so much.

The Am Airlines flight Colombus wanted to take was fully booked, so he had to battle the ocean to discover a new continent.

Can't believe I'm the only one who believes this is more important than the crusades. (not by a huge gap)

>> No.3367270

Nobody cares about Houdini. This is probably Caroll.

>> No.3367271


Oh yeah, they walked from their base on Cyprus to Jerusalem. Or from Constantinople to The Middle East...

Thing is, perhaps they wanted to depict Columbus' ship, but it doesn't look nowhere near it.

>> No.3367278

>The crusaders never really used boats as a main vehicule

nigger do you even know of the fourth crusade and venice

>> No.3367279


look at the flag and banners.

>> No.3367283

You guys did an excellent job. Seriously. That's very impressive.

However, you forgot to label Gandalf's eagles from The Hobbit.

>> No.3367289


Consider it done.

>> No.3367291

Samefag here, you also forgot to label the gramophone, and man's most important invention, the wheel.

>> No.3367296

>They didn't use boats often
Yeah, King Richard walked across the sea from England to the middle-east.

>> No.3367305


that would be impossible for the crusaders to have that kind of boats, far too advanced .

>Santa María ship model displayed in Fort San Cristóbal, San Juan, Puerto Rico.


>> No.3367312


No not at all, I was talking about the flags and banners. Also, why on earth would Columbus use a templar cross?

>> No.3367319

Also of note is the television, and the mushroom cloud that is shown on the screen

>> No.3367322

That has already been pointed out.

>> No.3367326

That's not a Crusade ship you fucking retards, it's a caravela. Colon used it to discover America.

>> No.3367327

As the Order of Christ, led by Prince Henry, the Navigator, was a leading developer of the Portuguese Discoveries, the Christ Cross was used in the sails of the Portuguese caravels, carracks and other ships involved in the exploration of the seas

You don't read my postsn do you?
He was italian but the expedition was funded by portugal.

Templar cross isn't a good name. It's just a cross, really symbolizing the pope and christian stuff. Everything christian more or less has this cross on it, seriously.

>> No.3367333

This was already said: the painting was painted by a bunch of poorly educated Chinese people, with very little knowledge of history. I highly doubt they'd be able to differentiate between two almost identical crosses.

>> No.3367343

damage control 101:
I am deadwrong about my crusade inane shit so I blame it on the chinese painter.

This. Is. A. Motherfucking. Caravella.

The fucking crucial importance of colombus' trip is way more interesting than a bunch of faggots travelling excedingly long distances to shout "muh jerusalem" and throw bits of metals into one another so they could get rich and travel even further to do it all over again. Boring.

>> No.3367356

I'm not even the guy you're arguing with. I've just been lurking this thread, and I think it's unreasonable to expect people who see Bruce Lee as the apex of historical importance to be able to tell the difference between the two crosses.

Also, it has English heraldry on the side. Maybe it would resolve this if you looked up the heraldry and worked out which families they belonged to.

>> No.3367359

the intellectual result of the crusade has been a savage number of killed soldiers and a massive stir of hatred for and from both sides that eventually solved nothing.

The region stays today, one of the most unstable regions of the world due to the same bullshit.

The discovery of a new continent, started with the same bullshit but slowly evolved. Things are far from perfect but we evolved from slavery, killing locals and whatnot. Countries have been built and now have a history...

One evolved, the other stalled. Also, if you ask anyone to list the important boats in history, "random crusade boat" will never pop up.

>> No.3367684


>> No.3367696

>doesn't realise how integral Bruce Lee was to changing the West's (esp. America's) view of the East
And his philosophy is one of the more interesting things to come out in the last 50 years.

>> No.3367709

Well yeah, but they put in Bruce Lee and not Chairman Mao

>> No.3367719

Not including Mao is weird, but you could equally go on about them including George W and not Mao. Having a go at Bruce Lee is a bit of a low blow imo.

>> No.3367720

Chairman Mao is right at the center table.

>> No.3367730

No he isn't.

>> No.3367809

Then who's the fat Chinese guy with Mao written on him?

>> No.3367813

Jackie Chan.

>> No.3367816
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>> No.3367825
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I'm pretty certain the cat is called Schrödinger.

>> No.3367827

I'm pretty sure you need to shut your whore mouth.

>> No.3367852
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>> No.3367859
File: 56 KB, 600x638, SantaMariaWeb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ship is clearly the Santa Maria or the Pinta, the two carracks used by Columbus. The crusaders would not have used carracks, they would have used galleys, cogs and caravels.

>> No.3367887

>implying the Pinta was a carrack

>> No.3368147

Guan Yu, I think because of his name sake weapon