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/lit/ - Literature

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3362198 No.3362198 [Reply] [Original]

Worst/least favorite board?

Pic potentially related.

>> No.3362201

/r9k/ is the worst board, by far.

"hey, let's start a club where we all remain stagnant in life."

>> No.3362211

sounds like 4chan as a whole

>> No.3362224

No. There are like 8 uni threads a day on this board. The NEETs are a minority here.

>> No.3362284

I don't know, I haven't spent any significant time lurking the boards that don't interest me.

Of the boards I have frequented, /b/ was the worst, last time I went there. I can't imagine it's got any better. /v/ is horrible too.

>> No.3362289

I really like /po/. They seem so docile. I never go there to shitpost.

>> No.3362307

/fa/ for sheer vanity, always going on about their jaws or triangle chests or whatever.
/lit/ for unwarranted self importance, and recently, illiteracy. But I hate it only because I know it so well.

>> No.3362309

Orson Welles has a nice beard. This thread is now about beards.

>> No.3362338

It has to be /r9k/.

>> No.3362373
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>> No.3362380

worst: /pol/, /r9k/, /b/, /tv/
i don't know about best but i enjoy (for all their shortcomings): /lit/, /mu/, /a/, /hr/, /vp/

>> No.3362389

you all have to admit /fit/ is among the best boards. for all their faggotry and no gf threads it is very easy to change your life by browsing that board.

>> No.3362398

/sci/ and /lit/

/tg/ /vg/ /int/


/tv/ /pol/ /b/ /v/ /a/ /soc/

>> No.3362407

/sp/ is a good board when americans go to bed and it basically becomes a futbol echochamber for yuropoors and latinos who suffer from insomnia

>> No.3362412

I genuinely enjoy browsing /tv/ sometimes.

>> No.3362427


>australian /sp/
>australian 4chan in general

Nah cunt.

>> No.3362447
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Epic Tier:
/lit/ /fit/ /k/

Great Tier:
/g/ /fa/ /ck/ /co/

Meh tier:
/wg/ /x/ /diy/

An Hero Pls Tier:
/b/ /pol/ /jp/ /sp/

>> No.3362493
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/cm/ is freakishly polite and nice... plus full of women. If you're into that.

>> No.3362498

>/pol/ not at least great tier

You're probably a libtard.

>> No.3362504

back to /pol/ pls

>> No.3362505

What about the porn boards?
Best: /e/, /d/
Worst: /s/, /hc/, /h/

What about non-4chan boards?
Best: /yuu/, /ABe/(RIP), /rail/
Worst: /so/, /class/

>> No.3362511


>non-niggertits boards

>> No.3362514 [DELETED] 

A gem from /class/
>Good day Gentleman

>Today’s thread concerns a gentleman’s choice in music. A man is defined by the music he enjoys therefore he must choose his music carefully.

>First of all, what kind of music you listen to?
is it jazz ? , is it classical music ? or something else

>Second please notify the reason why fine gentleman such as yourself must listen to thouse kind of music

>> No.3362520

/b/ tier

>> No.3362616

I thought /lit/ was smart enough to realize that /pol/ easily has some of the most honest and high quality political discussions on the internet, maybe even in the world outside of legislative offices.

Just because it's filled with shitty memes and racism threads doesn't mean there aren't some really guality posts and threads. Just need to work on your filter. Guess I shouldn't be surprised /lit/ can't do that.

>> No.3362625

>all these illogical liberals

God Tier:
/a/, /pol/, /lit/

Great Tier:
/fit/, /fa/

Good Tier:
/sci/, /mu/

Bad Tier:
/v/, /b/, /d/

Shit Tier:

>> No.3362644


/a/ is straight up dogshit these days. I end up hiding 90% of threads.
/fa/ is superfuture:shitposting edition.
/mu/ is garbage for anything other than sharethreads.

>> No.3362656

God-tier boards :


Good-tier boards :


Average-tier boards :

/lit/, /vg/

it-kinda-sucks-tier boards :

/a/, /sci/, /tv/

shit-tier boards :

/v/, /pol/, /mu/,

worst board ever :

/b/ obviously

>> No.3362664

>mfw everyone usually says /mlp/ is a worst board because they're still butthurt about the content
>mfw /mlp/ is usually always show or fandom related and pretty well organized, and not full of off topic shitposting or feels
>mfw I have no face

The truth is it's mid-tier, pretty average board.

>> No.3362678

Okay tier: /lit/, /co/, /ck/
Shit tier: /b/, /pol/, /soc/, /fit/, /a/, /mlp/, /vp/, /v/, /k/
Who gives a fuck tier: all of them

>> No.3362834

boards-I-read-sometimes tier

/lit/ /mu/

boards-I-never-read tier

all else

There are no other relevant tiers

>> No.3363350
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>mfw nobody even mentioned /mlp/ until you did
>mfw /mlp/ is full of feels threads and off topic shitposting, what the fuck are you even talking about
>mfw it's still not bad compared to most 4chan boards

>> No.3363353

/lit/ is awful and the greatest site on the internet.

>> No.3363469

Based on the boards I browse

>So good I can't believe I'm in 4chan tier:
Good tier
>Okay tier
>Can be okay but mostly shit
>Shit tier
Your tastes

>> No.3363576

God Tier
/lit/, /d/, /tg/
Good Tier
Meh Tier
/mu/, /toy/, /tv/
Bad Tier
/v/, /soc/, /fit/

>> No.3363590

As someone who frequents /fit/ and /lit/, I have to say I think they are about average in quality. Which is to say, quite bad.

>> No.3363591

I don't browse any other 4chan boards any more. I know that there are a handful of other decent ones, like /ck/ and /trv/, but I'm not really interested in those subjects enough to become a participating member of the board. I grew out of /mu/, /tv/, /r9k/, etc. a long time ago.

>> No.3363603

good tier
worth browsing tier
worth it only because it's my main interest tier
why i am i checking tier
/tv/, /co/, /fit/

>> No.3363620

Great Tier
/tg/ /sci/ /lit/
Good tier
/k/ /int/ /co/
Okay tier
/a/ /mu/ /pol/ /tv/ /mlp/ /vg/ /fit/
Shit tier
/v/ /adv/ /q/
Why bother tier
/b/ /r9k/

>> No.3363813

Great to okay: /lit/ for that 4chan tier intellectual discussion. /int/ for that cross-border-banter. /diy/ and /ck/ for those useful things sometimes. /r9k/ for those low life stories.

Shit: /mu/ for anything but clicking mediafire links. /fa/. /tv/. /fit/ except for some useful resources. /pol/.

Other boards I feel relatively neutral about. I guess I dislike the boards I mentioned because the potential subject matter interests me and they have potential, but they're cesspools.

Too bad /r9k/ feels so sorry for itself though. I'd be cooler if there were more roguish neets by principle. I'd like it more as a sort of lumpenproletariat online pub than always crying about women.

>> No.3363866

Everything other than /Lit/
/Sci/ /diy/ /int/ are on the rocks of okay,
These four mention here,
Are merely the shizziest of pure shizz.

>> No.3363887

Good when they're not being pretentious assholes (but even still they can be funny about it) tier:
/lit/ /mu/

Entertaining for the niche threads tier

Waste tier:

Jew tier

Don't go on tier
everything else

>> No.3363894

Favourites: /fit/, /lit/, /mu/, /tv/, /sp/

>> No.3363905

>best board
>worst board
(or /pol/& /int/ if /b/ doesn't count)

>> No.3363974

>not cancer
They are nothing more than self-fellatious threads for tripfags to show off what "great" posters they are, and the posters in them being mere casual bottom-feeders with no taste of their own, randomly downloading trash based on a random anon's opinion without further research of the release.
Want music? Get a RYM account or browse Discogs or Allmusic, get automatic recommendations yourself, make your own proper research and again, actually care about music as opposed of being on par with feeltards when contributing to the general board.

Instead of wasting time uploading easy-findable albums for newcomers and making "sharethreads" there could be just recommendation threads, actually talking about the music and not being mindless spoonfedding spam. Only mentioned above casual newcomers would rage at this point.

Until you simpletons find yourself a proper place in the world, I will keep reporting links to proper authorities.

>> No.3364031

Why do you care so much?

>> No.3364059
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>reporting links because you don't want other people discovering the obscure artists you like without doing the "proper research"

>> No.3364066

Terrible suggestion.

>> No.3364074

It's CLT approven and CLT is the most knowledgeable poster on 4chan.

>> No.3364142

I never went on /v/, but I payed a visit last week to see just how bad it was. Every thread on the front page was about video games. I don't think it's as bad as you guys claim

Then again, I might've been there at a good hour. I think it might be salvagable, though.

/a/ is the scum of the earth, though.

>> No.3364164

I honestly hate /pol/. They think they are clever with their racism and such but it is all rather unpleasant.

/a/ is also unbearable. Their elitism is repugnant.

>> No.3364169
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>watching anime
>feeling better than others

>> No.3364173

>I literally hate anyone who doesn't share my political opinions

>> No.3364176

Elitism is repugnant
What like /lit/?
At least their elitism is used for good mesure.

>> No.3364184

>self-improvement tier / god tier:
/fit/ /sci/ /lit/

>knows their shit
/a/ /v/ /vg/ /sp/ /tv/


>burdoned with purpose
/soc/ /r9k/ /adv/

>fun tier
/pol/ /int/

>absolute shit

>> No.3364182

>implying theres a real distinction between boards

>> No.3364195

/lit/ isn't anywhere near as elitist as /a/ is. At least here on /lit/ people will help you if you are new or want to know about a book. If you go to /a/ all you will get is a team of professional neck beards to sage your.

Even the mod needlessly deletes threads.

>> No.3364201

Sage your thread*

>> No.3364210
File: 121 KB, 1240x1754, idiot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>God Tier
/trv/, /fit/

>Great Tier
/ck/, /vg/

>Fucking Jews Ruin Everything Tier

>I'm A College Freshman, Look How Hip and Smart I Am! Tier
/lit/, /mu/

>Internet Excrement Tier

>> No.3364214

/sci/ is pretty good to visit every once in awhile and /x/ is a really funny board and good for a scare.

>> No.3364216

>knows their shit

They're would be more appropriate.

>> No.3364225
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>> No.3364234

Even /mu/ is better than /tv/.

>> No.3364242

/lit/, /mu/ and /tv/ are all nightmarishly awful

>> No.3364240

God tier:

/lit/, /sp/, /fit/

Good tier:

/int/, /ck/, /vg/

I want everyone who frequents these boards to die for the betterment of the human race tier:

/mu/, /pol/

Especially /pol/. No, I'm not a liberal.

>> No.3364245

why are you here then?

>> No.3364248

/lit/ is easily the most pleasant board

>> No.3364250

If you don't get that /b/ is the best, you're a moron

I expected more from you /lit/

/b/ is the best because it's the most challenging

you go to /b/ and try to start a thread. if it doesn't 404 in 5 seconds you feel like a champion

/lit/ is too slow and has none of the unhinged imagination of /b/

>> No.3364251

adding to that, /m/, /ck/ and /v/ are often alright
shut up faggot

>> No.3364253

no you shut up. you don't even want to be here.


>> No.3364256

/a/ sort of has a reason, though. Seriously, have you seen regular anime/manga forums? They are horrible; emoticons everywhere, filled with 12-year-olds and idiots. I can't blame /a/ssholes for wanting to build a wall of elitism.

>> No.3364261
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>> No.3364279
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