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File: 12 KB, 300x280, Gatsby tat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3358268 No.3358268 [Reply] [Original]

I've been contemplating getting a tattoo recently and I think that I have decided I should get something lit related. Any ideas or anybody that has one?

>> No.3358276

Are you also planning on getting a tattoo of a quote from The Great Gatsby?

>> No.3358489

That hasn't been decided but it's on my list of possibilities

>> No.3358498

Why do you want to get something that a random person on the internet suggests tattooed on your body?

>> No.3358544

That's not what I am looking for, I am just trying to see if others have done this and what they think about it. In the end I will obviously be making the decision and doing the research

>> No.3358588

When I went to my parent's house for Christmas this year, a bunch of my friends decided to get tattoos. I had a drunken conversation with an old friend of mine that I had not talked to in six months, and he told me that he had recently gotten a John Steinbeck related tattoo. Another friend of our used to date a girl who had a Steinbeck quote tattooed on her bicep, and I thought he was making a joke. It turns out I know two people with Steinbeck tattoos.

>> No.3358606

Other people have done it. Lines of text as tattoos tend not to look good. If you get a DFW line tattooed on your body you have labelled yourself a douche for the rest of your life (even if you get it removed).

>> No.3358611
File: 375 KB, 520x602, 1357492626212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have "Рукописи не горят" on my right arm.
Everyone wants to know what it say but is usually unsatisfied with the answer. I used to explain it but now I refuse to even translate.

>> No.3358612

he should get a dfw quote with a footnote under his ballsack lol

>> No.3358679

Please don't get a quote. Get something original. Create your own design, or have an artistic friend draw something for you.

>> No.3358683

I wouldn't get a tattoo because you wouldn't put a bumper sticker on a bmw. But I also wouldn't get a tattoo because whenever I see someone with a tattoo I always judge them and assume if I were to ask about their tattoo they'd give me some stupidly lame,sentimental story about the oh so deep meaning behind their tattoo.

>> No.3358691
File: 12 KB, 200x237, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a stirner.

>> No.3358690

Steinbeck? Really? What is this faggotry.

Have a sense of irony and get something from Kafka.

>Be Just Be Just Be Just Be Just Be Just Be Just Be Just Be Just Be Just Be Just Be Just Be Just Be Just Be Just Be Just Be Just Be Just Be Just Be Just Be Just Be Just Be Just Be Just Be Just Be Just Be Just Be Just Be Just Be Just Be Just Be Just Be Just Be Just Be Just Be Just Be Just Be Just Be Just Be Just Be Just Be Just Be Just Be Just Be Just Be Just Be Just Be Just Be Just

and so forth, all over your body in German.

>> No.3358694


Written across your forehead

>> No.3358695

I know! That was what I said. The idea of reading Steinbeck seems weird to me, let alone getting something Steinbeckian tattooed on your body.

>> No.3358711

I have a pigasus

>> No.3358723

>the idea of reading a Nobel Prize winning author seems weird to me

>> No.3358730

There are actually valid reasons for reading him, too.

>> No.3358731

>the Nobel Prize winning of reading an author seems weird to me

>> No.3358738

>The author of reading Nobel Prize winning seems weird to me

>> No.3358742

>The winning of author seems Nobel Prize to me

>> No.3358745

>The idea of winning spaghetti prize winning spaghetti seems spaghetti to me

>> No.3358744


>the author prize winning Nobel seems to me weird

>> No.3358748

>arse full of farts and farts and farts and fucking farts

>> No.3358750

>The idea of spaghetti of spaghetti winning spaghetti seems spaghetti to spaghetti

>> No.3358757
File: 574 KB, 295x221, seinfeldenough.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3358775

A stupid fucking tattoo. Be a man and get a skull with a knife through it.

>> No.3359214

brilliant, do it op

>> No.3359252

i got "if this isn't nice, i don't know what is" tattooed onto my arm, i don't know what the fuck i was doing. oh well, it's kinda funny.

>> No.3360418

I'm reading the Master and Margarita at the moment, is this the Russian cover? Looks somehow similar to the Danish version.

>> No.3360434

Why do people get quotes tattooed on themselves? Here's a true story:

>Go back to college a bit later in life, at age 24
>Be in a history class, with a hot as fuck 18 year old right in front of me
>Never ask her our or anything but dreamily watch her like a creeper all during class
>She always wears revealing shirts that show her back.
>That pretty, college-girl Latina back.
>One day she comes to class with her back mangled and fucking ruined with a gigantic fucking quote she got tattooed across it.
>"Live the life you love and love the life you live."
>IT TAKES UP TWO FUCKING HUGE LINES, stretching shoulder blade to shoulder blade.
>What the fuck? I think.
>Why the fuck would you mangle your beautiful back with a long, trite dumbfucking stupid quote?
>Idiot hot girl.

>> No.3360656

Be sure to use something that was made into a movie so you can go to bars and hold your nose in the air at anyone who mentions it because you were into it WAYYY before it was mainstream.

>> No.3360797

I'd rather have basal cell carcinoma on my arm than that shit.

>he must be so deep

>> No.3360806

Yeah, and he can Get LOVE KILLS on a ribbon right underneath that.

>> No.3360824

Leviticus 19:28
Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the LORD.

I'm not saying don't get one. I'm saying get that verse tattooed on you.

>> No.3360849

>not getting passages form 120 days of sodom tattooed in very visible areas.

>> No.3360855


But seriously. Okay, I'm going to be honest, but for the "longest time" there's been this tattoo "
I've "wanted to get", unfortunately, it's from an anime. In my defense, it is a really nice tattoo. Sadly, being pegged as a stupid otaking is a deal breaker. That and it's pretty big. At most, I just want an ant on my ankle.

But seriously. Just silk screen that shit onto a t-shirt.

>> No.3360867

But then it wouldn't be hilarious.

>> No.3360883

Well, not 19:28, obviously, but all the other quotes anybody is thinking about getting.