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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 281 KB, 535x589, wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3357486 No.3357486 [Reply] [Original]

This just appeared on my news feed.

Holy fuck.

>> No.3357493

No use in getting your jimmies rustled over pleb milk, or something like that.

>> No.3357490

Ask her about Finnegans Wake.

>> No.3357500

Getting angry at teenage girls for not being on our level and yelling about how women are all idiot whores general?

>> No.3357508


>Likes reading.
>Seems cool.
>Good taste in literature.

Would bang.

>> No.3357509

Tell her that you love books too and ask her out.

>> No.3357512

Ask her about Zettels Traum.

>> No.3357523
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>read 400 books
>you name it i've read it
>harry potter
>the hunger games
>i'm a nerd

i'm sorry, i can't help it, i was deeply affected by the image posted

OP please give me her facebook i need to tell her

>> No.3357532

you should be sorry you moron

>> No.3357564

>Zettels Traum
Mah nigga. That monstrum still waits for me on my shelf to get read. Shit seems weirder than Finnegans Wake to me. Are there any of Schmidt's books I should read beforehand?

>> No.3357569

Well, I don't know what to think... Her love to literature seems sincere to me. She is probably a nice person.

>> No.3357577

>you name it i've probably read it
>the whole of /lit/ is now internally screaming book titles she has never, ever heard of

>> No.3357578

I wish I could read it but I don't speak German.

>> No.3357584

Yeah but she doesn't read things we like, and she reads things that we think are for kids, and she has the gall to do that while publicly declaring that she likes reading and being a girl, so obviously she's public enemy number 1 on /lit/

>> No.3357595

I'm not particularly bothered by her post. I think she says what she says partly in hyperbole.

>> No.3357598

Well, she never once mentioned literature, just books. I think she knows she isn't reading top-shelf tomes, and simply likes reading pulp and second rate writing.

>> No.3357607

Dunno, I haven't read any Schmidt - I only looked through this massive folio of Zettels Traum in my university library. It's a bit too intimidating for the time being.

There was another one by him called Nobodaddy's Children that looks interesting and more accessible though. I might read that sometime.

>> No.3357613

jesus christ what a vapid whore for enjoying books as entertainment

>> No.3357618

>Reading makes you a nerd

>> No.3357630

Goddamn it what a stupid bitch. Just when my misogynist views were dying down a bit, after talking to some pretty cool girls at work, I am now back to watching gay porn in hopes of becoming a homosexual, because all women are dumb fucking attention-whores.

>> No.3357633


>> No.3357635

yr being ironic right mate

>> No.3357636
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better than this..

>> No.3357637


I know that, but /lit/ complacency extends only to academic dinossaurs, excentric beatniks or melancholic poets.
Harry Potter isn't such a bad book, you know. If you, like me, were introduced to the series as a pre-teen, no problem to assume a certain, hmm, admiration towards the story.
And ah, the publicy thing occurs everywhere, principally to females. Have you ever been to Facebook? She isn't even close to the bottom of degradation.

>> No.3357639
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>> No.3357643

The type of books she reads doesn't bother me. The bragging about reading so fast doesn't bother me. Even the statement about 'you name it i've read it' isn't that bad. But I can not stand people who try and act all LOL NERD CULTURE BOOKS LEL SO SMART and have to take shitty pictures and post it all over their facebook and shit. Just her whole attitude of writing is so...argh

>> No.3357650

I'm always asked to go on Facebook but I just refuse. I wouldn't be able to deal with the whole Facebook culture.

>> No.3357651

>has read 400 books
>posting things on facebook
>using facebook

>> No.3357645

I lol'ed

Op, honestly, why would you give a shit if some cute girl likes to read for leisure and has read some popular books for people her age? Like...were you expecting to come to /lit/ after she wouldn't give you her number and have us validate you or something?

Fuck off, faget.

>> No.3357646

>600 ages in less 24 hours

so that's like 25 pages per hours? is that supposed to be impressive?

>> No.3357660

my point was that /lit/'s habit of getting incredibly worked up about teenage girls who read popular fiction is really fucking stupid, and i hate you all

>> No.3357669

If you take shitty pictures with your anything and post it on facebook then your whole attitude about anything is also ugh.

>> No.3357684


It's like hell down there sometimes, man, sort of like people are doing propaganda of themselves, selling their ideal 'me' to publicy. 4chan is total trash, but at least the majority of us are able to show a little sincery- perhaps because of anonymity- but anyway, i prefer to be here. The problem is the alienation you suffer from being away of 'social networking'.

>> No.3357690



>> No.3357703


Hm, agreed. Also, I hate you too.

>> No.3357705

My life hasn't changed drastically from being away from Facebook (I originally deleted to avoid the timeline and then just stayed off). I use my phone for my main two friends anyway. The problem is when some people who don't have my number want to get hold me/vice versa. In general though it's not a problem.

>> No.3357706

Seriously, you know you want to. Name some Joyce man.

>> No.3357776


the only use i have for facebook is for contact with friends of friends / remembering names of new people i meet

my main friends i just text/call

facebook has become dull, it's people commoditising themselves and a loss of the private

sometimes i need space from people, even my good friends, facebook prevents that

>> No.3357790

>lol read 400 books
>can't write for shit.
"dare I say it...
this is my secret, I am a nerd.."

>> No.3357981

I mean, not to be a dick, but it's not something to brag about that you can read quickly when the font of the book is like 18.

>> No.3358015

In real life, almost any girl who sez she reads is into this shit. The best you can do is be polite and express some semblance of interest. And they're always hot too so this weird situation arises where insidebyou feel angry and superior, but outwardly express fawning attention 'oh yeah, your poetry is amazing, totally not angsty teenage garbage! :D" met this 18 yo blonde who showed me the worst edgiest poem ever and i literally said the opposite of everything i thought. Did get some puss out of it tho.

>> No.3358033

i think it's cute; she seems fun and honest. have you got a case of the virgin?

>> No.3358041

are you mad that they're not authentic nerds while you've had to struggle and reluctant acceptance as a nerd?



>> No.3358076

>cutish girl
>shares an interest with you
>seems opening to developing her tastes
Why are you mad exactly?

>> No.3358077

There's a character in The Unbearable Lightness of Being, Tereza, who speaks about the 'unspoken fraternity' of all readers. She describes the pleasant sense of union she feels when observing someone else enjoying a book. She doesn't say 'a good book', or a 'challenging book', just 'a book'. That's how I feel too. I don't care what people are reading, as long as they're passionate and sincere about it.

Besides, woman + 'discernment' = feminist. Ask that cutie on a date - I bet time with her feels like a tall drink on a hot summer's day.

>> No.3358082

Who doesn't want to get some premium high-school pussy.

>> No.3358096 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3358101


Because I want someone I can talk to, not a protege.

>> No.3358104

Wow it seems like she's genuinely excited about literature. That's really great! A lot of people think that young people don't like books, but obviously here is a young lady to prove that wrong.

>> No.3358111


If this is your attitude, you can't talk to anyone. You have a lot to learn - and you won't find it in books.

>> No.3358114

Find a girl you want to protect, not a girl you want to have intellectual conversation with. You can come here for that anon.

>> No.3358119

not everyone thinks in the same way as you, idiot

>> No.3358126


Why would I want to protect anyone? This isn't the 16th century, weirdo.


Of course not. I guess some people want a lover that they have to train up like a child. I don't.

>> No.3358129

You clearly have never loved someone anon, otherwise you would know that protect is synonymous with love.

>> No.3358132

grow up dude come on

>> No.3358133


>> No.3358134


>> No.3358137

it's true. I learned that from reading the road

>> No.3358141

No one gives a fuck about such things outside of the internet, outside of 4chan. Go out, talk with people. You guys open up themes that are so useless that I question the existence of this post.

>> No.3358143


What do you mean? Wanting a lover I have to teach tricks like a dog is the mature position?

>> No.3358144

Certain cultural trends will make it difficult for you to find a woman who takes art or philosophy as serious as you do. This is a shame, and sometimes I wish it weren't true, sometimes I do. A woman in the arts probably is more concerned with the social impact/implications of the art and in philosophy thinks they're fun ideas to think about but ultimately doesn't really care. It interests them as a business job interests them; they care, they might even have a passion for it, but view it very pragmatically, as a marginal pursuit of life.

>> No.3358145


When you're his age, you're entangled in the greatest love affair of your life. The connection couldn't be closer, the sex couldn't be more regular and the thoughts couldn't be more similar.

>> No.3358146
File: 8 KB, 119x141, costanza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why would I want to protect anyone? This isn't the 16th century, weirdo.
>Not having to fend off rapists daily
>Not getting into jousting matches over your love

>> No.3358149


You've got a very odd mindset.

>> No.3358151

>I guess some people want a lover that they have to train up like a child.
>tfw I want a lover who'll train me up and protect me

>> No.3358154


Too true. Educated women are uniformly preoccupied with feminism (and usually a little Marxism for added flavour). It's a sausage-fest up in the rarefied heights of Platonic idealism.

>> No.3358158

Personally I think you're incapable of love.
You're expecting this platonic ideal of a beautiful woman who also is extremely intelligent and also is interested in exactly what you're interested in and also has the same values as you do and also loves you for who you are.

You'll be incredibly lucky to get two or three of these things in the same place.

>> No.3358162

If you define something you also limit it.

I don't know why I wrote this just fuck you guys, stop searching for the definition of love.

>> No.3358161

But he said nothing about his mindset, only what he thinks the current state of women is.

>> No.3358170

600 pages in 24 hours


>> No.3358171


i thought it was pretty spot on (sadly), but obviously there are exceptions, however rare.

>> No.3358181

>double spaced
>font size 15
hairy potter books have a lot of pages but not too many words. this seems typical of books aimed at that age group

>> No.3358190

>It's a sausage-fest up in the rarefied heights of Platonic idealism.

Women have been cultivated in western society to be emotional, while men are cultivated to be logical. Even in current culture, (TV shows like The Mentalist, Castle, Perception), the women are in charge, yes, but the men still play the intellectual/creative/theoretical roles while the women keep to, not so much emotions, but pragmatic matters. So you still have the concrete/abstract dichotomy in there. Even with the push for feminism, it makes you wonder if females actually aren't biologically inclined to the abstract (not necessarily a bad thing).

>> No.3358199


wait so you're complaining that men
>play the intellectual/creative/theoretical roles
but that women are
>biologically inclined to the abstract

are they not the same thing?

>> No.3358208

I know it sounds incredible, but she's not reading dense 10 pt Melville.
I read Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire in like 2 days when I was in 4th grade. It's not that big a deal.

>> No.3358214

I know right, that's like, a page every 2 minutes and 20 seconds. She's fucking grease lightning.

>> No.3358213

Sorry, disinclined.
Think about this as well: women stereotypically choose a mate based on profession/income (very pragmatic things), but men don't. It's just one of those weird ways our culture manipulates values. I think it would be curious if those values were biological, but obviously there's a lot of gray area, and I wouldn't say they definitely a sex is one way or the other at this juncture.

>> No.3358216

Women are more in tune with their own emotions. Men are much more logical. There are quite a few studies that prove this. Of course, with 7 billion people, it's not the same in all cases.

>> No.3358217

Damn it, That** definitely a sex is one way....

>> No.3358221


OP, your picture made me very happy. She looks to be about, what, fifteen? Good for her. Without your books you'd be stupid, well said. It takes guts for a young lady to do the unpopular thing because she knows it's good. Most teens in our society see that licentiousness and stupidity are what gives you reputation, and on act on that. Our dear what's-her-face, on the other hand, seems to pursue her books because they are goods in themselves.

>> No.3358234

If you don't sleep, eat or bathe for 24 hours. But that's reading 50 pages an hour for a whole day. But it wasn't like she was reading GLORIOUS HEIDEGGER

>> No.3358258


I did eight-hundred in a day once. It amounted to the entirety of Stendhal's 'Le Rouge et le Noir' and it really was quite exhausting.

>> No.3358277

I typically read anywhere from 50 - 70 pages an hour, but I only read about three or four hours a day usually. It's whatever.

>> No.3358302
File: 32 KB, 300x326, william-faulkner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god damn you, sir. damn you to hell.

>> No.3358314

You are shit Faulkner, I searched for "The Sound and the Fury" in the American Library and it wasn't there. No one give a fuck about you.

>> No.3358323

First, it's the Library of America.
Second, you couldn't find it because it's published in a collection: Novels 1926-1929.

>> No.3358356

High school pussy is overhyped. Too much emotional drama. Unless it's incredibly hot and you dont have to put up with it, it's not worth it.

>> No.3358373

I don't know what's worse: teenagers who like Harry Potter and Hunger Games shit, or adults who like Palahniuk and Ellis.

>> No.3358446

Adults. Teens at least have the excuse of being young and stupid

>> No.3358457

I mean, what's wrong with teenagers enjoying literature meant for young people?

Faggots who like Palahniuk are the worst kind of people on the planet.

>> No.3358504

Ellis is Much worse than Palalanick

>> No.3358581
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>> No.3358587

you get out of it what you put into it
i don't mean to shill for facebook, but i only use it to follow certain news feeds and keep in touch with friends I have who live overseas. i also moved friends who make dumb posts off my feed. not bad overall. i log on at least once a day to say wassup to the homies who can't be here, and if they want to chat, i might kick around for a few hours. heh, i pretty much only use the messenger.

also, i filled my profile with bogus info so even tho facebook probably makes money off of selling it, whoever is buying it is wasting their time

>> No.3358591
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>> No.3358595


What if she's using facebook to further show her love of books?

>> No.3358601

that said, my statuses are all brilliant but never get any likes :|

>> No.3358620

All I know is that she should continue using Facebook to further my dick's love of her face.

>> No.3358622

>my statuses are brilliant
no, that's just you masturbating in a public forum

>> No.3358624

m... moar pix, plox?

>> No.3358629

Cynic detected.

>> No.3358633

OP, if I print out this chick's picture, blow a load all over it, and then post the photo here, will you send it to her for me?

>> No.3358636

I hope you don't use a scanner.

>> No.3358639

Good example of the difference between reading and literature.

>> No.3358665
File: 46 KB, 506x334, pleaserespond.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last night on OKcupid I sent a person who described herself as a radical feminist one of Joyce's lover letters.

Also nothing pisses me off more then when a girl says she likes reading or movies and all she watches is mainstream shit.

>> No.3358668
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>> No.3358719

But it's from Nabokov

>> No.3358727


truthfully if she reads as much as she does shes probably a smart individual and can carry a conversation and seems a good person OP dont fuck up

>> No.3358830
File: 10 KB, 429x410, 1349620644139.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the bitch in OP photo?

>> No.3358841

Oh god you're one of THEM.

>> No.3358850

At least she didn't confess to being an autistic neckbeard.

>> No.3358862

Dude, thanks for giving me faith in 4chan. You just made my night by being kind of reasonable.

>> No.3358866

Easy there. Shes like a 6/10, nothing to write home about.

>> No.3358867

>This isn't the 16th century, weirdo

This is 4chan. Everyone's into lolis. Physically and emotionally.

>> No.3358870

I actually know plenty of women who are honestly passionate about the arts. I guess you just haven't been lucky. They are out there, though.

>> No.3358871
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>> No.3358872

I honestly don't think there are many people here on /lit/ who give a fuck about this girl. OP is being a whiny ass for caring about this girl when 1. thank god someone she is at least reading (and apparently is proud to admit it), and 2. let her read whatever the fuck she wants, she is a kid

yes, I believe it is most likely the high school intellectual poseurs who mock her because they are insecure about their own indolence and inexperience when it comes to literature. I can only imagine they are the ones siding with OP here while most of /lit/ ignores this thread for what it is

>> No.3358874

>Platonic idealism

>> No.3358875

I've none plenty of women who pretend to be passionate about the arts, but very few who actually are.

>> No.3358878

Again, that's some pretty bad luck you got, man. Or you just aren't looking in the right places. (Protip: it's rarely arts programs, at least at the university level)

Unrelated question, how good at talking to girls are you?

>> No.3358887

Different anon, but how do you know you're not just average or below average at telling whether women are really passionate or not?

>> No.3358889

This thread confuses me because the girl in OP's pic is clearly a child but now Anons are beginning to discuss PUA...

>> No.3358919

What's confusing about that? Certain targets are easier than others.

>> No.3358926


What does that mean?

>> No.3358927
File: 38 KB, 845x700, vilppu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people still think PUA is legit

>> No.3358935


>> No.3358943

I lol'd... Vapid whore is just so cutting. Bravo.

>> No.3358951


>newsfeed raging about teenage girls

Just get fucking laid already you failure.

>> No.3359002

Are you saying it doesn't work?

Because that's what "not legit", which you're >implying, would mean.

>> No.3359056

literally any description of approach towards women will result in it working at least a tiny portion of the time. it's not the PUA's credit that some women are easily manipulated due to emotional trauma suffered at a young age or whatever

>> No.3359064


I did this. Read 'London Fields' in a Paris hostel, because I fucking hate Paris.

>> No.3359071

Yeah... so would I.

>> No.3359072

So your claim is that PUA isn't "legit" because it only works "a tiny portion of the time"?

>> No.3359085

>Counting cards in poker isn't legit because it only works a tiny portion of the time
Hmm, casinos must kick people out for no reason.

>> No.3359088

if something can't hold up to the success rates it promises then yes i would say it is not legit. the end result is no different to any approach to women. such an approach having an identifiable name doesn't mean it is legit

>> No.3359094

your analogies aren't legit because they only work a tiny portion of the time

>> No.3359096

What? Who are you trying to avoid offending? Why are saying any of this?

>> No.3359098

Glad we've worked out what makes something legit.

Now, why do you say PUA only works "a tiny portion" of the time?

>> No.3359105

because my extensive studies on the subject lead me to the conclusion that it only works a tiny portion of the time

>> No.3359118

I was hoping for more specifics. What studies?

>> No.3359120

my own studies. they're a work in progress so i'm not publishing my findings for you to steal

>> No.3359128

0% credibility.

Until you back up your claim PUA doesn't hold up it's success rate, it's legit and you're just some random anon with a grudge against it.

>> No.3359159

>Unless you back up your claim on PUA, you've lost an argument on the internet.

>> No.3359164

Really, only a try-hard, emotionally retarded adolescent or man-child, would be insecure enough to spam the private posts of a child.

I will tineye this photo and report this to her, so she may learn to better filter her stalkers.

>> No.3359166

>I will tineye this photo and report this to her, so she may learn to better filter her stalkers.
Oh I'm sure she will. She'll block you in a heartbeat.

>> No.3359168

Guys, not one of you started off on reading 'serious' literature. Your first books were not special card board printed copies of Finnegan's wake, with big colorful pictures and special chew-able child friendly pages.

Your first books were almost certainly about the struggle of small, cartoon furry animals, undergoing crisis in life while looking for round (usually) red rubber balls, meeting lots of other cute cartoon animals and all having a happy little dance at the end before going home for dinner.

And you must of enjoyed reading them at the time as you kept progressing...

>> No.3359174

I only read child's books by Ernest Hemingway.

>> No.3359176

I think about profession/income. But I'm gay, so I really need to stop contributing to these discussions.

>> No.3359179


>you gonna get doxed

>> No.3359183

Hey, he started the argument on the internet.

Next time he should save my time, his and yours by just saying "I don't like it" instead of pretending he has an argument.

>> No.3359186

What's that called? I'm going to buy a copy.

>> No.3359190

>I think about profession/income. But I'm gay
That means you're the submissive, faggy kind of gay, like a girl. What you want in a man is what a girl wants in a man.

The other kind of gay is the manly kind, that wants in a man what a straight guy wants in a girl.

I'm the faggy kind too, but of bi, so I have an excuse to keep coming to these discussions.

>> No.3359192


Sorry, my bad. Unintentional plagiarism there. Early here and getting ready for work so not really reading the thread.

>> No.3359208

Well a 600 page book might not even be so large depending on the size of the text.

>> No.3359249

>I'm the faggy kind too, but of bi
I, meanwhile, am not of bi.

>> No.3359251

>Next time he should save my time, his and yours
He didn't waste my time. He may have wasted yours, but I saw through his poorly constructed guise before I finished reading.

>> No.3359258

Yet you followed his conversation through and then defended him. He wasted your time.

>> No.3359259

Does that mean you'll object if I wear a skirt during?

>> No.3359260

>Read 400 books
>Favourite ones are Harry Potter


>> No.3359265

>reads 400 books
>still can't apostrophe

The amount of posters looking to finger fuck in this thread is embarrassing.

>> No.3359266

Read all them books and still can't type for shit.

Eyo son what the fuck.

>> No.3359268

The rest were picture books and learning to read stuff.

>> No.3359275

You guys think books like Breakfast of Champions are for adults, you guys really can't judge.

>> No.3359280

There are a lot of shitty books out there.

>> No.3359305

Wow, a real live gayness doctor, giving out fact-bite factoids without even being asked. Please, doctor, teach us more.

Am also bi but I thought my post would make more sense to the straighties if I said I was gay.

>> No.3359327

There's reading and there's reading.

We all know that people that read 50 shades of Gray and The Hunger Games are insufferable, and those who read Finnegans Wake and David Foster Wallace are equally horrible.

There is a sweet spot. The books I like

>> No.3359330

That is stupid. You're the reader version of 'US GAMERS, HUH?'.

the books you like are shit because I don't like them

>> No.3359334

More? You want some more?

Alright, well, you know how they say male sexuality is more set in stone while female sexuality is fluid? And that's why there's so many more bi girls?

So I reckon gay male sexuality is more like male heterosexuality than bisexuality, because the former are basically the same except for who they're attracted to, while bisexuality, at least in my case, is more fluid, like female sexuality.

But if you're bi then you don't need to stop contributing!

>> No.3359354

Wtf? What's wrong with infinite jest?
I'm reading it at the moment - sure it is lengthy, but his choice of prose and subject matter make the whole exercise of reading it quite addictive...really original stuff there...
Man, I thought at least /lot/ would appreciate this book... God I hate this place

>> No.3359355

No, there are more "bi" girls because they're sluts and they do it for the attention from heterosexual males.

For the record, I'm a bisexual male who has not yet participated in this conversation. I don't make much of a distinction between heterosexual and homosexual males. I think sexuality is always fluid, but societal factors tend to force people on one side of the fence.

>> No.3359363


Who is /lot/

>> No.3359372

That too.
>tfw you will never make out with a girl to get attention from heterosexual males

I agree, but the societal factors are much stronger on men, which is why more of them only deviate in one way (who they're attracted too) and not in how easily they're attracted to both genders, like girls and bi guys.

>> No.3359384

Biblical figure? Dude who offered his virgin daughters to a mob of horny people iirc?

Not sure why he would like IJ though. He'd probably consider DFW an idol.

>> No.3359419

Yeah, I agree. I would say that many men have some degree of bisexuality, though. That's why there are plenty of "totally str8" guys cruising craigslist for anonymous cock.

Despite having a physical attraction to both genders (and describing myself as "bisexual"), I consider myself gay in all practical sense. So I'm an example of this too, I suppose, except on the other side of the fence.

>> No.3359431

Oh yeah, I forget about craigslist. I suppose that means male bisexuality is totally there just under the surface, just with more pressure to suppress it.

Why do you consider yourself gay? To the extent that I consider myself either single-object-of-attraction sexuality, I think of myself as straight, and would even in a relationship with a guy, likely because it would make me feel like a straight girl.

>> No.3359465

A general distaste of women, I suppose. I used to think similarly to you, but I became more accepting of my masculinity. However, I do prefer the sort of homosexual relationship that is analogous to a heterosexual relationship (i.e. dominant and submissive roles).

I find this topic fascinating, but I'm going to sleep soon. My email is up there if you feel like talking some more.

>> No.3359481

Oh gosh, I'm developing a distaste of women I think, but that just makes me want to be more like one and get a man.

I do, I do! It's a good thing you said, too, or I'd have just assumed you'd saged again.

>> No.3359601

I hate to do this again, but I haven't received anything yet. If you already sent something, please make sure you got the email correct.