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/lit/ - Literature

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3355464 No.3355464 [Reply] [Original]

Ask a guy who has never read a single book in his life anything.

>> No.3355468


>> No.3355466

I don't need to, I already know your answer to all of my questions.
"I don't know."

>> No.3355472

I dunno, you might learn something. Here I am getting ahead without ever having read a book, while you guys are stuck in the 1800s still reading the things.

>> No.3355476

>ask a less educated, less worldly, and less understanding person a question

Why would I do that?

>> No.3355478

>I dunno
Called it.

>> No.3355479

Because you're better-educated just because you waste time reading the books rather than having them summarized for you? My point is that books are pretty much pointless in 2013, it was cool way back when... Then along came CTRL-F.

>> No.3355485

Nobody's going to fall for such a lousy troll, man. You have to be far more subtle.

We read, after all.

>> No.3355489


Not even trolling. I'm in an MBA program now, planning to open my own business. I had to take English electives in undergrad and hired my friend's brother to write my papers (didn't take exam classes for those) and read everything else on Wikipedia and SparkNotes.

>> No.3355493

>MBA program

who'd have thought?

>> No.3355490

Holy shit this guy's a professional basketball player!

What's your shoe size, man? I hear you have to get them specially made and stuff.

>> No.3355492

nobody cares

>> No.3355495

Crazy, huh?
What position do you think he plays?

>> No.3355498


Masters of Business Administration, not National Basketball Association. It's a business degree. Pretty much guarantees me 6 figures, too. You jelly?

>> No.3355500

did you grow up poor honey?

>> No.3355504

Nope. My family owns a car dealership. Not poor at all.

>> No.3355503

6 figures huh? That's a pretty big shoe size man. Is that in Japanese measurements or something?

>> No.3355505
File: 13 KB, 232x217, 1354565901723s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not poor
>thinks six figures is anything to be jelly about

>> No.3355514

I make seven figures.
You jelly?

>> No.3355517

You must be good at business, bro.

Oh it is. Especially these days.

>> No.3355524 [SPOILER] 
File: 45 KB, 492x341, LEL Parakeet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually I'm an English major.
They're all figures of speech.

>> No.3355523

Let me put it this way: all the time you waste reading books you could spend making money or learning how to make money. It is a serious waste of time. You realize everything that is good was turned into a movie or tv series, and that the only reason people wrote books was because TV and film had not been invented? There is no point to them now. This is like a forum about candles in the age of electric lights.

>> No.3355557

The fact that you're so obsessed with money shows how poorly educated and unhappy you are. Your brain is so poorly developed that you have to go out and buy all your meaningless entertainments and comforts--things that make you less and less apt to think for and entertain yourself.

This thread is pretty good evidence of your inner vacancy. You can think of nothing better to do with your time than make a troll thread on a literature board about how "reading sucks." Now tell me, how unhappy would a person have to be with themselves in order to do such a thing?

You might as well be a chimpanzee with a brief case. Your mind is severely deficient, and you know it.

>> No.3355572

Unhappy? Bro I am like the life of the party whenever I go out. The world is basically my oyster, and no, not trolling at all. One of the reasons I have been so successful is that I am smart enough to manage my time well and to not waste it doing old-fashioned outdated things. I have achieved enormous success without reading at all, and if I can help even a few people here realize how much better that will make their lives and finances, then so be it.

Also slamming someone for being obsessed with material things is silly. Sorry, but we are ambitious animals and it is part of our better nature to achieve and desire to obtain. That is how all the great empires have been built, bro. Cultures that don't strive to obtain stuff never develop, and then they get eaten alive by bigger, smarter cultures. Time to throw the books on the scrap heap and join the 21st century.

>> No.3355583
File: 57 KB, 550x550, America Reading Eagle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good for you; I see you've achieved Business Administration nirvana and I wish you the best.
Don't let the door hit you on the way out, old boy.

>> No.3355590

Pretend all you want, we're not interested. This thread proves that you are empty inside.

You can't hide when you're empty inside.

>> No.3355595

Sock puppet detected.

>> No.3355601

Just putting it out there that chicks prefer well read boys.

>> No.3355605 [SPOILER] 
File: 29 KB, 250x333, m_34434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Troll or no, it's not a bad question—why use books—to pose to oneself as a book reader. For nonfiction, if you were to port the information into another format, would the content be affected by not being in a book? For fiction, would a book be necessary if you had sufficient ability to recreate the form in a less time-consuming format? If you can't, what about books bars that transmutation?

What is a book?

>> No.3355608

Lord of the Rings is a book.

>> No.3355616

No, it's not a good question. Books are epistemologically superior to any other medium. It doesn't matter, though, because OP clearly isn't an information-seeker, so his prize is only in the field of entertainment. Judging by his shocking vacancy, I imagine he couldn't even be able to read a book if he tried.

>> No.3355617

> 2014
> troll threads lasting this long

oh, /lit/.

>> No.3355618

u can tell this guy has never read a book due to his uneducated opinions lol :)


>> No.3355621
File: 7 KB, 300x300, article-new_ehow_images_a05_26_80_steps-learning-process-mapping-800x800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd also like to add that books smell way better than money.

>> No.3355622

Ask a guy who has never read a single book in his life yet has a pretty good gripe of most philosophical and cultural movements

>> No.3355623

>striving for things one doesn't read
>not cultivating contentedness and ataraxia

Well, at least he's not lying about not reading.

>> No.3355625


Dat Freudian slip. Muh books.

>> No.3355626


How would you know about the history of great empires if you don't read? Likewise, how would you know how to to punctuate well?

I'm calling bullshit.

Then again, that you think material comfort brings you happiness and satisfaction makes me think otherwise.

>> No.3355645


I'm not disagreeing with you about the merits of literature. I get more satisfaction from books than from television or film. Rather, I'm recasting the opposing opinion in a way that is not completely vacuous. Writing has claim to aesthetic value and informational density that other mediums cannot imitate, but would that writing need to physically be in a book? Is there a world of literature beyond the dimensions of the book?

This is a different topic from what the OP was implying, of course. Even if this started as a troll thread, there are some arguments to tease out of the general idea; and even if it remains a troll thread, it can be thought as an exercise for when in real life you meet a person who feels like OP.

>> No.3355657

I've heard of something called the "oral tradition."

>> No.3355680


Yeah see, that's something to bring up when it comes to the transmission of story and literature. The book has definitely improved on that in terms of circulation and relative permanence (even if you do bring up arguments about the loss of creative license, works being less hospitable to ad lib). There has yet to be a form to deliver the level of information or the degree of art that a book can without mimicking many of its traits (page by page flipping in e-books, line by line delivery of information). So I would conclude that books are far from being outdated, to make a reference to one of OP's posts.

>> No.3355829

>6 figures.
lol yes, if you did it in Harvard Business School or Kellog or Stanford GSBE etc.