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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 283 KB, 1280x1032, tao-lin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3354811 No.3354811[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

shall we try and write a tao lin novel, guys? i mean, it can't be that hard can it?

let's give it a shot. don't worry if it doesn't make sense, i doubt he does either. the most important thing is to forget where your shift key is.

>> No.3354816

>Dakota Fanning
>One million dollars
>You feel me?

>> No.3354827

Aaaaa Aaa Aaaa.

>> No.3354825

ingested ~10 bags of cantaloupe with megan on the subway. an old man sat next to us. we giggled a lot. we looked at each other and giggled. afterwards when we were alone we looked each other in the eye for ~30 seconds and then said at the exact same time, "cantaloupe." and then we giggled again for ~3 minutes. we both agree that cantaloupe is the funniest fruit.

>> No.3354828

i woke up this morning and got on 4chan
i saw a thread about tao lin, who is myself
i wondered maybe that was metanarrative, or maybe metatextual? idk, i don't know basic literary terms
for lunch i ate strawberry pocky sticks

rinse and repeat

>> No.3354832

That actually gave me so much emotion. It's like a rothko.

>> No.3354836

felt "aware" of my hands as i typed this sentence. felt "inauthentic" as i read the previous sentence back and realised there is no way i could be "aware" of the feeling of my hands as i typed that sentence as i had only just started typing that sentence and so could not have felt the sensation of my fingers hitting the keyboard at that exact time or else i would have been writing another sentence like "my head hurts" or "i want to go home and lie down" and then maybe afterwards i could have had a moment of "introspection" and noticed that i had felt feelings in my fingers as i typed things like "i wonder if david bowie will ever be 'relevent' again?".

>> No.3354837

Sarah Connors said, "I don't like pizza. It reminds me of the moon," on google chat.

"The moon is weird," said Jim Belushi.


"What if the moon isn't even there. It's like a mass hallucination."

"That would be cool because then I could a book about the moon and how it's fake then someday someone would read it and be like yeah, he was totally right."

Jim Belushi drank a soy milkshake. Sarah Connors put her TV on mute so she could listen to a song on her iPod.

"Why do you think soy tastes so good?" Jim Belushi said.

"I don't like soy."


>> No.3354844
File: 11 KB, 225x281, 225px-Charlie_Chaplin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.3354847

you see you guys are just aping him whereas he came up with the style in the first place. he is a genius and you are all jelly

>> No.3354849

i want to get out of bed. i think about gmail chat. i want autism to get out of bed. i laughed about the rabbits. i go to the traintracks and we yell at the pigeons. "i like pigeons" said dakota fanning not on gmail chat. i looked at my knees and thought about how many xanax i should take

>> No.3354851


looked back at this sentence and smirked. i enjoyed reading it back. sometimes i wonder if i should laugh at my own work. megan says i am funny so maybe it is okay. i read once that kafka laughed at his work too, but i don't think kafka is very funny. not in a "ha ha" way anyway. kafka is funny like a fruit that won't stand still on a table is funny. kafka is the orange that always rolls away.

>> No.3354852

Almost there anon, you could almost get the feeling of his prose. Just a little more.

>> No.3354863

my head hurts

i'm tired

i want to go home

>> No.3354859

It's just the natural course of the Hemingway/Carver fascination in creative writing circles. No one wants to be Faulkner anymore...

>> No.3354865

Go to bed, Tao.

>> No.3354869


besides, apeing tao is sam pink's job.

>> No.3354877

noticed how much my name sounds like "trollin'" and smirked for ~2 minutes. imagined my mother is taipei paying a seer to predict "internet culture" and then naming me whilst smirking widely and rubbing her hands together.

my bedroom floor is littered with lemon rinds. megan says i am a "lemon nut". i told her lemons are fruits and beat her to death with my macbook. jordan castro filmed it on his iphone and now we are going to sell it for ~$50,000.

buy my book

>> No.3354895

i think people realise I'm a hack. i need to ride out this fifteen minutes for as long as I can. i scratched my ass and watched tiny toons.

>> No.3354901

Sam Pink is a much better Tao Lin than Tao LIn himself, to be honest

>> No.3354903

found a definitively accurate tao lin impression on 4chan's /'lit/', within a thread likely created by him himself in an obvious marketing attempt

keeps talking about his hipster wife/friends/lifestyle. doesn't provide any reasons as to why i should read another of his shit books. needs to be in bed

>> No.3354929

when we got home we emptied the bags onto the floor. on the floor there were:

2 punnets of strawberries
6 oranges
6 kiwis
12 golden delicious apples
2 kale
1 lemon
4 mangoes

we looked at each other and grinned. "that is a lot of fruit," said megan. she was grinning. "yes," i said. i was grinning. i imagined taking the fruit and pushing it into megan's vagina. "i'm imagining pushing all this fruit into your vagina," i said. i grinned. megan grinned.

~2 hours later there was no fruit on the floor. i rolled megan to the frontdoor and left her on the sidewalk. the doorman looked at me sideways and grinned. "she is a dirty fruitslut," i said and went back inside. later i sat on my floor and thought about when it was ful of fruit. i had a little sad. "i am sad," i said, and started counting the fibres in the carpet until megan came back up looking exhausted. "my vagina is over," she said. "there are over 9000 fibres in this square meter of carpet," i said and grinned. megan looked in the fridge for more things to insert into her vagina. she looked over aat me and held up two vegan muffins. "no, i said. not the muffins."

>> No.3354957

In order to emulate Tao Lin I would have to read something by Tao Lin.

I don't think I can do that. Not when there are so many better things I could be reading.

>> No.3354962

"do you ever think about living in outer space?"

>> No.3354966

absently thought "midget fucker" and opened a new tab. i typed "midget fucker" into google.

2,967,756 results.

"jesus," i thought.

>> No.3354975

But that's not even true. You could easily produce a perfect imitation of him by simply imitating his imitators. That is just how simple and formulaic his style is.

>> No.3354982

this made me smile.

>> No.3354984

emo band called "live 4eva"

emo band called "vegan murder babies"

emo band called "all i want for xmas is a meatfree taco"

emo band called "performing puppies"

emo band called "i hate my life and i want to die, and i want you to know this"

>> No.3354995

imagine myself aping tao lin. no, i think, instead i'll come up with an original style. consider taking drugs that stimulate my creativity.

>> No.3355007

i put my ice cream in the microwave she said "why do you have to change ice cream? why can't you like it for what it is?" i stirred the ice cream. it was very milky. i said "those hairs on the joints of your toes are yucky."

>> No.3355012

a north american cantaloupe opened a new tab and typed into google "north american cantaloupe". he clicked on the top result which was a wikipedia article.

"Cantaloupe (also canteloupe, cantaloup, mushmelon, muskmelon, rockmelon, sweet melon, Persian melon, spanspek (South Africa), or Garma گرما) refers to a variety of Cucumis melo, a species in the family Cucurbitaceae."

"jesus," thought the north american cantaloupe. the north american cantaloupe was surprised to see all of his personal details on the internet. "jesus," thought the north american cantaloupe and started to have what he considered the second most important "identity crisis" of his life.

>> No.3355033

i counted like, twice as many tiles on my bathroom floor than yesterday, but i might have counted a few of them twice-- tweeted sarah michelle gellar, before she got off the toilet, pulled off the plug and walked away, leaving the vibrator chord to dangle out her vagina. the limp and totally resigned way it dangled reminded her of the emptiness inside her, which she usually filled with vibrators, to no avail. on the positive side, she had forgotten to take a shit and she kinda liked that feeling, which made everything a little better.

>> No.3355041

tao just so you know the design for taipei is ugly as shit. no one is going to want to buy that garbage

>> No.3355051


Haha, this is actually good.

>> No.3355062


die in a fire

>> No.3355054

imagined lying on a sofa whilst a stream of medium sized brown spotted hamsters ran down my leg, over my genitals, my belly, and into my open mouth. "jesus," i thought, and closed my mouth. my genitals tingled in a way i have only felt ~7 times before.

>> No.3355329
File: 26 KB, 334x652, zyzz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you even /lit/?

>> No.3355484


>> No.3355507


that was inspired you are a true talent

>> No.3355515

I fucking love you, /lit/.

>> No.3355564

megan said "no it isn't the funniest fruit" and went on explaining how it just sounds funny but the fruit itself isn't really that funny. "cantaloupe. cantaloupe. cantaloupe." I looked up at the old man and felt bad. Then I looked up at the person sitting next to him, giggled, and said to megan "she's a funny fruit". She didn't giggle.

>> No.3355656

Lot of good and funny impersonations itt. Except for Stan. DYER?

>> No.3355987
File: 45 KB, 1050x780, m_15b_c_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this. More.

>> No.3356045
File: 31 KB, 300x225, mumblecore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woke up and took the subway to sarah lawrence college. i drank a cold skinny white on the way. it had been left over night and the soy had begun to curdle and had a funk taste. imagined how there was probably an MFA graduate trying to sell this as artisan food in brooklyn.

on campus, tried not to look like a lecturer, like i am. some cute girls giggled behind me. felt embarrassed like they had seen me naked before realizing that they were watching videos on their iphones of portlanders falling off their bicycles.

went to the library because it was warm. my house isn't warm. necked some xanan with the last of my skinny white before entering the library. i had to check my talent privileged in at the cloakroom. they don't allow privilege at overpriced liberal collages like this. it makes writing much easier. i started writing.

around 13 megan messaged me on gchat. why is bukkake porn always so anti-climatic she asked. i thought about this for a while scribbling over commas in a random library book. i asked her if she watched celebrity cumshot videos. she didn't reply.

i was hungry so i left for dinner. i was going to go to a raw vegan restaurant across the road before remembering i only had three dollars fifty. decided to try shop lifting from whole foods instead. as i was leaving the library i stopped to collect my talent privilege from the cloakroom. the clerk went to fetch it then he returned and said 'sorry, talent not found'

>> No.3356046

Tao Lin shadowboxing. And the wu-tang sword style. If what you say is true, the Tao Lin and the wu-tang could be dangerous. Do you think your wu-tang sword can defeat me. Enguard. I'll let you try my wu-tang style.

>> No.3356047

This was awesome. Great job.

>> No.3356062

I've only read half of American Apparel but this seriously sounds EXACTLY like Lin.

If you actually released a whole book of this with his name on it everyone would think it was him. When he denied it they'd just assume it's some marketing stunt and go on believing he wrote it.

>> No.3356069

Agreed. Somebody has to Toe the Line.

>> No.3356071

tao lin go to bed

>> No.3356099
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Agreed. His writing is just BAD. I know purple prose is bad, but in a way, this is even worse.

>> No.3356107

If you've got Lin's style down and are looking for a story: https://encyclopediadramatica.se/The_Hipster_Grifter

>> No.3356364

i was sitting outside starbucks trying on my macbook whilst i drank a fair trade certified decaf espresso roast. in the corner of the coffeehouse was a young man with a large moustache and a t shirt that said in large helvetica "helvetica". i thought this was funny and giggled. moments later i typed into the blank word document i have open "hipsters like to state the obvious. it is, like, ironic or post-ironic, or maybe post-post-ironic, or something."

i drank the rest of my fairtrade certified decaf espresso roast and closed my macbook and as i left i counted three pigeons on the street outside pecking at the discarded wrapper of what appeared to be a fat free vegan rasberry muffin. "muffin," i said.

>> No.3356391

Where can I send you $50k advance?

>> No.3356395

i took three xanax and lay down in the middle of the carpet. i felt like i had never been so horizontal in all my life. i thought about all the times i had been horizontal and compared how horizontal i may or may not have been with how horizontal i was right then. "i am at least 90% more horizontal than usual," i suddenly had the impulse to talk very loudly."i am a big flat line," i said very loudly and smirked. it was very loud.

after three hours i remembered i had told vice i would do a piece for them so i increased my verticality by ~80% and grabbed some paper and crayons that were on my desk and with the big red crayon i drew seven red hamsters eating one small hamster. they had crazy purple eyes. i looked at my drawing. i liked it. above the hamsters i wrote in pencil "this is my entire being on xanax. my entire being is seven red hamsters eating the smallest hamster of my being. my being is a being that eats itself. i feel sick".

the next day vice wired me $200 dollars. i looked at the numbers on my bank statement. "nice," i said, and put six xanax in my mouth.

>> No.3356403

tao lin fanfiction is the best fanfiction

>> No.3356410

His novels are all properly capitalized you fucks.

>> No.3356417

Guys, you're upsetting the balance.

You're supposed to make fan works WORSE than the real thing, not better.

Jeez guys get with the picture.

>> No.3356425


i opened a new tab and typed in "4chan". from there i navigated to the literature board of the site. the first thing i saw was a thread about me. every single post was written in lower case. "i don't write my novels in lower case," i thought. i typed into the reply box "His novels are all properly capitilised you fucks." and then filled out the captcha three times before it posted. i looked at my comment on the screen of my macbook. "i am so misunderstood," i thought. "jesus."

>> No.3356461

What if this is actually tao lin writing his next novel on /lit/

>> No.3356468

I want to read a Tao Lin book just because you guys have been talking about this shit for the last two years.

I can't ignore it any more, what should I start with, what's quintessential Tao Lin?

>> No.3356471

became aware of banana residue on my lip via my nose. my nose was full of banana particles. i thought about how smells were really just tiny things. like, if i were to smell a fresh vegan rasberry muffin, i would actually have millions of tiny muffin particles floating up my nose. i imagined my nose was full of muffins and smirked for ~5 minutes. then i started to wonder what happens to the muffin if it is constantly disintegrating and floating up my nose. "do muffins disappear if i sniff them for too long?" i thought. this made me anxious.

i opened a new tab in google chrome and typed in "muffin science".

10,100,000 results.

"jesus," i thought, and put ~10% of a vegan blueberry muffin in my mouth. "muffin death," i thought.

>> No.3356474

I'm going to assemble all the extracts in this thread then publish them under the name Bao Lin

>> No.3356475



>> No.3356476

bitches be like "yo"
I be like "bitch serve"

>> No.3356479

pretty much this.

>> No.3356499

Whoever is writing these is at least as good at being Tao as Tao without even trying.

>> No.3356527


Surely it should be "Tro' Lin"

>> No.3356546

hey fuk u man, I love Rothko

>> No.3356551

Also the less effort you put into being Tao Lin, the more you are able to capture Lin's effortless style. Some people are trying too hard. Lin never tries too hard. He barely even tries. That's his secret.

>> No.3356808
File: 62 KB, 628x498, tumblr_m4fpw3uC6r1qzikspo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


@tao_lin some people are trying too hard. i never try too hard. i barely even tries. that's my secret. #confessions

>> No.3356858

become aware of the idea of "muffin science" and smirk for ~3 minutes. consider whether being a writer is more or less useful to the world than being a scientist who studies muffins. i thought about the fact that scientists who study muffins must have access to a nearly limitless number of muffins. "i wonder if they are all fat," i think. smirk for a few more minutes. imagine how much weight i would gain if i was a muffin scientist. this line of thought made me anxious.

i open up a new tab in google chrome and type in "muffin scientist."

on the first page there is an article titled "harvard scientists vs. the muffin."

"jesus," i think.

>> No.3356861

Best. Some link this thread to Tao.

>> No.3356881

This is fucking incredible.

>> No.3356985

God, I love this thread!

>> No.3357030

Andrew watched "Wuthering Heights" music video by Kate Bush 7-13 times in a row not sure if music video people are people. "Music... video... people... Fuck it," Andrew said. He looked in the mirror and noticed he couldn't watch his eye move and felt existentially abused. He tried to trick them like they weren't him anymore but something apathetically shoved into his head. "Move eyeballs... Fuck it," Andrew said, feeling existentially abused and listening to "Wuthering Heights" by Kate Bush."

>> No.3357083

hooby dooby dooby i'm having fun with microsoft word a glooby glooby gloob, look how little I care about anything look how free I feel, look how liberated i am when i dont have to obey the basic tenets of english usage

full stops? For tryhards
capital letters? for bureaucrats!

I am the transcendent man, i am the man that da vinci painted, you know the juan i mean. The naked guy with the splayed arms, in the shape of the x, who shouts to the world "look how perfect I am, look how hard i am trying"

I thought about a bowl of cereal i ate in seventh grade back when I was into that sort of thing

"That ceral i ate back in seventh grade back when I was into that sort of thing was great" I thought.

I thought of phoning a girl I met at a poetry reading a week ago, and then phoned a girl I met at a poetry reading a month ago.

"Cecelia?" I said the moment the phone stopped ringing. I couldn't actually remember her name, but I knew that it began with C.

>> No.3357088


i stared at the article, "harvard scientists vs the muffin".

i imagined a small army of scientists that all look like jonathon franzen and a very big muffin, like, maybe 9000% bigger than one of the franzen scientists. i imagine david foster wallace doing that dance he did for zadie smith as he walks between the franzen hoarde and the giant muffin. the franzen army becomes so enraged by wallace's superior showmanship that they sniff themselves into oblivion, and then david foster wallce eats the giant muffin.

when i clicked on the article, "harvard scientists vs the muffin" i saw nothing like what i imagined and feel very sad. "i am sad," i said.

>> No.3357093

Do you have a book deal?

>> No.3357132


no, of course not. i'm on /lit -- i'm unemployed.

>> No.3357483

Is it bad that this style of writing really appeals to me? I realise that it can't even be called prose, but it just feels like tapping into the thoughts of a proper, fucking weirdo! Isn't there something we could learn from them?

>> No.3357520

>Isn't there something we could learn from them?
You mean from ourselves? Where do you think you are?

>> No.3357597

someone tweeted me a link to 4chan.org where i saw a thread parodying my work. there was a lot of fruit involved, sexual acts involving megan boyle, a war involving an army of jonathon franzens and a dancing david foster wallce, and vegan muffins. it made me hungry. i had some grapes on my desk and i ate them one after another greedily until they were all gone. my stomach hurt. thought "inane grape-situation." tweeted about my "inane grape-situation." thought "my life is a parody of itself". "i should have bought a muffin," i thought.

>> No.3357672

That's my point, that we could learn about ourselves by studying him!

>> No.3357748
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>> No.3358080
File: 115 KB, 500x406, dumbledore by tao lin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3358106


>> No.3358159

i stood outside vice headquarters in berlin while eating 1/4 of a watermelon which i held in a red napkin i had found in my satchel. i felt 'mischievous'. standing there in the middle of the streets while germans walked around me made me feel 'mischievous'. i grinned 'mischievously' and ~40% of the watermelon juice in my mouth ran down my chin and onto my white american apparel t shirt which i had stolen the previous week. "jesus," i thought and tried to brush the stain away while i chewed and swallowed the remaining watermelon in my mouth, which was at this point ~25% of the amount of watermelon i had originally put into my mouth. i wondered what the people at vice would think of me if they saw me wearing a stained american apparel t shirt. "maybe they will like it," i thought, "maybe this is a good image. maybe i will be like the asian bukowski." i had been standing outside vice headquarters for 6 minutes and 46 seconds. after 8 minutes and 12 seconds i entered vice headquarters. "hehehe," i thought. "asian bukowski. hehehee."

>> No.3358186

tao sat in his chair watching the screen flicker. he took hold of the mouse and clicked on the address bar and typed in "4chan.org/lit". he thought, "i hope they liked my new book". tao lin said "i'm checking 4chan i hope they like my book" over gmail chat to meghan. tao stared at the screen. tao had a neutral facial expression. tao took a bite of raw vegan cheerios. "cheerios are little planets and when i eat them i destroy worlds" said tao on gmail. "fuck it" tao thought. tao lin laid down in bed. tao lin fell asleep. he dreamed of giant cheerios.

>> No.3358243

"I made and drank a dragonfruit smoothie even though I prefer lychee," said Megan on Gmail chat. "How are you. I'm going to buy some kimchee."

"I think I'm addicted to Xanax," said Jacob. "Is irony dead. I was accosted by a hairless Caucasian man in front of Whole Foods today while buying Xanax."

"What is irony," said Megan.

Jacob closed out of Gmail chat and closed his Macbook. He went on his iPhone and went onto Gmail chat. He didn't say anything on Gmail chat. He went on Twitter and Tweeted "i forgot how to use the tilde key on my iphone." He left his apartment and then he Tweeted "tilde40% ppl in nyc carrying tote bags w/ tildes in them." Jacob then Tweeted "thought 'wendy's crispy lychee sandwich'."

Jacob put his iPhone in his pocket with the Twitter app still running. He walked into Wendy's and asked for a Wendy's Crispy Lychee Sandwich. A hairless Caucasian man escorted him out. He took out his iPhone and Tweeted "microwaved frozen snapper tilde27mins." He then remembered how to use the tilde key and walked back into his apartment.

Jacob opened up his Macbook and went onto Gmail chat. He thought about his iPhone.

"Are you addicted to Xanax," Megan asked him on Gmail chat. "I owe my parents $600. What is Staten Island like."

Jacob left his Macbook open and went into the kitchen to make a salad. He didn't have any honey so he didn't make a salad. He thought about what it would be like to be addicted to honey instead of Xanax. He fished a Xanax pill out of his blender and swallowed it. He took out his iPhone and went on Twitter. He Tweeted "emo band called 'everchanging captcha'."

>> No.3358259

>He went on Twitter and Tweeted "i forgot how to use the tilde key on my iphone."

laughed for ~1.5 minutes.

>> No.3358287


>except for stan

this is probably the single greatest compliment i've heard here. seems like no matter how hard i try, i just cant write garbage.

>how hard i try

understandably autists and effortless autistim go hand in hand


even suncawk knows better

>> No.3358310
File: 31 KB, 384x600, bitter-beer-face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mouth puckered reading that.

>> No.3358313


B-b-but, why?

>> No.3358336


you sound like a huge faggot

>> No.3358355

This whole situation is honestly very dissappointing. This whole time I thought /lit/ hated Tao Lin. I don't even know you guys anymore.

>> No.3358395


lele there is nothing dissappointing about it. its easy to see how a bunch of awkward and effeminate recluses (80 percent of /highschool/) would identify with his faggotry. i mean, an overwhelming amount of /lit/ is made up of fucking gender relativists and high spectrum autists; nothing good can be expected of such a crowd. you really have to wade through the sunhawkish and taolinnish dregs to get at the few cool people on here.
awkward is the new cool within this idiotic niche community, beautiful language is weighed against the now dominant paradigm of "hurr trying hard is bad" and if it was up to these faggots literature would devolve to grunts and monosyllables.

>> No.3358413


>literature would devolve to grunts and monosyllables.

brb stealing that idea, gonna make millions

>> No.3358417


haha oh shit, you sure are mad. and all this because one guy said your attempt was shit. tut tut.

>> No.3358418


You seriously need to stop posting.

>> No.3358422
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Well said.

>> No.3358433
File: 625 KB, 200x178, samefag.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3358436


haha is that why i told the anon who praised my attempt to die in a fire?
i'm honestly nothing but glad that i can't write like that.

youre being a little bitch right now

>> No.3358440


except that youre wrong you faggot, id never samefag so obviously

>> No.3358444
File: 51 KB, 960x639, beachiekeen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No way, would satan say something like this?

My favorite book is Gulliver's Travels.

>> No.3358458


haha yea dude so glad that you took the time to try and contribute to the thread and then got shot down and its so funny now you cant stop defending yourself in the thread lol right lol maybe if you keep posting you can derail the thread lelel and make it completly about you lel post another really clever observation of /highschool/ lel im still laughing /highschool/ (lel) needs more good posters like satan

>> No.3358459

I am confused because it sounds like you are saying that an overwhelming amount of ppl on /lit/ relate to Tao Lin. Which is weird because it seems to me like EVERYONE on /lit/ says Tao Lin is shit and his books are garbage. And any pro-Tao Lin thread is automatically assumed to be a Tao Lin self-post. Are we on the same /lit/? If /lit/ really was into Lin I wouldn't be here.

>> No.3358475


>i'm honestly nothing but glad that i can't write like that.

>I'm glad that i can't properly discern an author's style and then use this knowledge to write an effective parody

>> No.3358476


ele you need to seriously get off my dick


it used to be like that. but autists gonna autist and now he has sizeable following

>underage girls with big tits

haha, is that you sunhawk?

>> No.3358483


effortless vs forced autism, get off my dick, etc.

>> No.3358486
File: 28 KB, 481x640, capitalize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No, and this is the most offensive thing anyone has said to me all week.

>> No.3358495



Being entirely truthful, it was fairly close. The only problem was the explicit sexual reference, which actually added to it, in my opinion.

>> No.3358500


haha my bad dude

>> No.3358506

lol satan is flustered because someone told him he can't even imitate tao lin.

"whatever i'm GLAD i can't do it"

yea, that's always convincing. especially when it's stated after failing at it.

>> No.3358517


see >>3355051 >>3355062

>> No.3358521
File: 46 KB, 479x640, curtaincall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No sweat, bro.

>> No.3358531

Michael Bay said on gmail chat while listening to Pink on his brand-new ipod, "Hey. Did you see that Nike commercial"
"No," said Samantha Bee.
"Oh," said Michael Bay
"Well," said Samantha Bee.
"Um," said Michael Bay, "it was the one where they try to sell you shoes."
"Oh yeah," said Samantha Bee.
Michael Bay then closed his gmail chat and shut the lid on his Macbook Pro. He turned off his iPod and unplugged his Beats by Dre headphones. He then went to the kitchen and made salad. It was good. But it wasn't a commercial. Apple.

>> No.3358532

Another thread where we talk about Stan.

>> No.3358537

seems bleak

>> No.3358555

lol @ stan trying his very best

>> No.3358556


staying vs getting off the dick, the general tendencies of the bland and uninteresting in scrutinizing the charismatic, insults as means of coyish flirtation, i'm awesome, etc

>> No.3358557

please don't capitalize his name around these parts.

>> No.3358565


>> No.3358575
File: 45 KB, 640x960, OG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You are awesome, you helped me break my prejudices against namefags.

>> No.3358576
File: 96 KB, 600x379, Ravioli Ravioli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tao Lin Thread
>Look at a few posts
>Thread has been derailed
>stan has taken over
>It's like everything bad about /lit/ has been concentrated into one thread

>> No.3358584
File: 122 KB, 600x900, reddymade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>inb4 he's a tripfag not a namefag

>> No.3358590

post more oc then

>> No.3358924
File: 145 KB, 500x374, cooper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3358941
File: 30 KB, 447x327, tl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Tao Lin novel:

"Ha ha, ya foo'!"

>> No.3358962
File: 1.80 MB, 260x193, dnaj.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And now would be the time for someone to post an actual except from one of Tao's books and see if it passes as a shallow parody.

>Pic unrelated

>> No.3358971

>Doesn't have any of Tao Lin's books
>Likes to shitpost and call Tao Lin bad

>> No.3359010
File: 98 KB, 972x537, 1319911820282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3359011

For comparison's sake.

>> No.3359019
File: 64 KB, 357x500, taolin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3359023

Well, for one, I don't know why people keep not using proper punctuation or capitalization unless they're copying his poetry. I've only read Richard Yates, Shoplifting, Eeeee, and CBT so that may be something.

Haley Joel Osment stayed on his bed one afternoon reading The End of the Story lying on his stomach looking at the book on the floor. It was about a relationship that ended and Haley Joel Osment focused on finding things about his own life in it. One night at 1:30 a.m. Dakota Fanning text messaged "I miss you so much." Haley Joel Osment text messaged "I miss you, sad, editing stories, drank alcohol energy drink." He made a comic for her about a hamster that goes on a killing rampage against humans. She emailed three photos of herself. "You look like an elf, a tall person, and an elf," said Haley Joel Osment and thought that she had lost weight and looked very professional and clean and pretty.
-Richard Yates

>> No.3359037
File: 39 KB, 415x346, 1340975681321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I, uh, can't say "yes" enough. 10/10

>> No.3359047

>too many exclamation points
>classical references

0/10, not towelin at all.

>> No.3359295

Is this from an actual Lin book?

>> No.3359315


>> No.3359325

>He Tweeted "emo band called 'everchanging captcha'."
>my sides

>> No.3360183




like that a lot too.

>> No.3360417

weird that one of the few on-point things i'd read on /lit/ would be from a tripfag named satan

>> No.3360505
File: 151 KB, 500x280, 1358221472093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Tao, When is Richard Yates going to be reprinted? I can't find a copy anywhere.

>> No.3360618

Find a hipster who likes the phrase "seems bleak" and shake him down.

>> No.3360731

10/10 would "follow" your blog

>> No.3360761

>to get at the few cool people on here.
>implying you like anyone on /lit/

>> No.3360809

I hope Tao Lin gets to see this thread. Would probably like it.

>> No.3360815

>you are now aware Tao Lin is the thread

>> No.3360823

itt: tao lin pretends to write like tao lin in a gesture of post-post irony

>> No.3360832

fuck lin.
he's everything wrong with hipster culture

>> No.3361120
File: 57 KB, 518x598, dyet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3361249

thats weird, i see the two as very different.

hipsters = ironic, eclectic
tao's writing = sincere, minimalist

>> No.3361265

Yes. But he's still part of the hipster mileu

>> No.3361340


>> No.3361423
File: 19 KB, 229x397, Red-M-M-m-and-ms-2554901-229-397.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"might as well let my lips pucker
like elton john, 'cause i'm just a mean cockSUCKER"
- M & M's™

>> No.3361449
File: 97 KB, 811x554, tao lin mom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like maybe this is the 'best' thread on /lit/.

>> No.3361482

bro you are on-point, but your assumptions are confused.

I don't see anyone on here defending Tao Lin or even arguing that his works are of any merit, so essentially you are just re-affirming /lit/'s anti-Tao stance...

I mean, nobody actually takes his autistic hipster garbage seriously.... right?

>> No.3361500


this guy does, apparently

But I have this feeling there are a lot of hipsters on /lit/ as of late

>> No.3361504

Which Tao Lin works have you read?

>> No.3361522

the h8rs always fuck off when asked this

>> No.3361529

I don't have a real problem with hipsters, as that meaning enompasses any characteristic under the sun.

I just hate those few like Tao, smugly incompetent, rebellious against anything sincere, making easy mockery of anything and everything without realizing that they themselves are the joke.

Acting like they're in some special clique that's 2deep4u, 3edgy29allofu, acting like they deserve better than whatever it is the world has to offer them.

The don't deserve shit. That's what's wrong with MY generation. And people like them HATE me for saying things like this.

>> No.3361530

Did you ever hear anyone say there's little of yourself in everything you hate? Think hard about why you hate Tao Lin. Try and justify your emotions for once rather than having your emotions justify you.

>> No.3361533


I read enough of his stuff to know that I hate it.

>> No.3361541

Have you read any of his work? He is competent, sincere and not mocking at all. There's nothing ironic about his work.

>> No.3361544

So you haven't even read one book he wrote?

>> No.3361548

The first third of this thread was creative and fun and new.

And now look at it.

>> No.3361769

I call it the counter-reformation.

>> No.3361857

thought 'xanax panda' and felt genuinely worried about 'xanax panda' population for ~0.7 seconds while eyes focused intensely on iphone

>> No.3362129

Go to bed, Tao.

>> No.3363021

Yeah seriously, fuck stan.

>> No.3363035

How do you know he is sincere? How could you possibly determine that? The irony of anyone saying toelin is not ironic is so next level ironic that it's almost inceptical.
inb4 have you read any? yes I have, Haley Joe

>> No.3363039

>acting like they deserve better than whatever it is the world has to offer them.

So true. So annoying.

>> No.3363106

How do you know he isn't? Your scepticism achieves nothing.

>> No.3363112

Wrong. It achieves me more time to read better writers than TL.

>> No.3363119

That's not achieved by your scepticism, silly, but by your bad taste.

>> No.3363123

Go to bed Tao.

>> No.3363434

I referred Tao to this thread, his response was "lol".

>> No.3363467

lol tao lin is a bad writer am i cool yet?

>> No.3363515


Who do you think made the thread?

The towel in.

>> No.3363750

This is getting old.

>> No.3363756


The next night we ate whale.

>> No.3363792

That never gets old.

>> No.3364179

it aint even like that ya herd me

>> No.3364202


Why are you always such a dick then?

>> No.3364235


he's not a dick. he just embarrasses himself constantly and has to drop his trip to post replies to his own shitty posts to make it look like people here actually acknowledge him.

>> No.3364255


I laughed out loud while being unaware of my congruency to the bed beneath my body.

>> No.3364263

not answering that question

the ironing in this post.
youre in love with me you fucking dickhungry faggot and im gay for your coyish hostility (in itself the most satisfying form of acknowledgement)

>> No.3364264

I've just got into this thread, and while you're clearly a bright guy, you're a bit of a dickhead and don't contribute much to this board.

>> No.3364284


>embarrasses himself

also, being on an anonymous imageboard on the fucking internet, each time i see posts of this category i literally lel the fack out of my cheir,



>> No.3364293

>you're a bit of a dickhead and don't contribute much to this board.

This was a good creative thread until that attentionwhoring fuck came along.

Now it's just another fucking shit eating contest like every other piece of shit on this site. There's nothing on /lit/ anymore, and when someone tries it's either ignored or ruined in favour of petty arguments.