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3352619 No.3352619[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>"Hey look at this fag reading his pussy ass poetry books."
>takes by book from me and rips it in half
>"Now you have two books!"
>that was a library book

>> No.3352627

Does this shit actually happen?
How old are you?
Where do you live?
How black was the person who did it?
Also, why didn't you beat the living shit out of him?

>> No.3352630

I hope you stood up and broke his nose.

>> No.3352641

Not OP but similar stories in my life. Primarily in middle school.

I live in the northeast US, in a super white and rich neighborhood. I took it because I was a scared kid without any friends to back me up.

I blame 1) this kids themselves obviously, they are insecure about their intelligence and take it out on others 2) the education system for producing so many idiots 3) the anti-intellectual culture in the US 4) society for making books "girly" for some reason.

related vidya

>> No.3352649

But why don't you defend yourself? I mean, people tried to bully me in school. I was short and weak. But I defended myself and got beat up. But they knew that every time they'd try that it also would hurt them. So the bullies picked on other guys.

>> No.3352671

That's what you get for being a fucking faggot. Enjoy your two books, pussy.

>> No.3352670

They didn't hit me, in that case I would've hit back.

It was mostly calling me a faggot or throwing my book down the hall/across the cafeteria. I didn't want to be insulted AND beaten. I would occasionally snap (which they found hilarious) and walk away, but it eventually became easier to just skip lunch and read in the library.

>> No.3352676

I see you have no blame in these episodes. You're not the least bit frustrated with yourself for being a bitch and rolling over?

>> No.3352680

Lel, he's good in chemistry, that guy.

>> No.3352691

You talking about The Pagemaster?

>> No.3352688

>throwing my book down the hall/across the cafeteria
>eventually became easier to just skip lunch and read in the library.
Jesus Christ. If you had just stood up to one of the faggots and headbutted him in the face after he through your shit around, you might end up getting a few punches, you give a few back, but that fucker would have picked on someone else next time.

>> No.3352696


Last time I tried to fight back one of them punched me in the stomach so hard I fell on the ground and started farting so then even more people started picking on me.

>> No.3352702

Wait, this actually happens in America?


>> No.3352714

I'm really sorry about that OP. I had a shitty school experience too. Next time, grab a fire extinguisher and hose the fuckers down. Fuck subtly, fuck trying to be nice, fuck anything else. Go head to head. You'll probably be expelled, but fuck, that'll be a story.

>> No.3352729

Perhaps, but I was young and just trying to keep my head low. There is no way I would put up with shit like that today.

Besides a couple of them ODed in high school so things worked out.

>> No.3352734

>Besides a couple of them ODed in high school so things worked out.
That's beautiful.

>> No.3352750

I just see it as a phase. I hated myself at the time, but now I think it helped make me a more compassionate adult.

>> No.3352770

>be reading in a park in england
>a group of chavs walk up to me
>"oi m8 wot u readin m8?"
>timidly gesture towards the cover of my book, dickens's great expectations
>"u a poof or summin m8? every1 knows a tale of two cities is his magum opus, prick"
>they throw a 3 litre bottle of frosty jacks at my head and one of them recites soliloquies from henry v while the others happy slap me to death

>> No.3352808

Where in the world do you live? I'm asking because this would most likely never happen in a civilized society, it's more like something out of a movie.
I read whatever I want wherever I want and I have never gotten hassled from it. Granted, I am pretty big, 95 kg and 60 cm wide shoulders, but I still can't see this happening to anyone unless you were pre-disposed to being bullied, and/or in elementary school.

>> No.3352805
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>> No.3352813

I was treated like absolute shit, and still probably the only thing people didn't harass me about was reading.

>> No.3352815

Same. I've never seen this shit happen outside of movies. Well, actually, I did once see someone smack the books out of another person's hand in a really movie bully kind of way. But a teacher saw him and he was expelled.

>> No.3352818

Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with Americlap highschools? All I ever hear is abhorrent anecdotes about getting gang-raped by niggers or having your legs sawed off in the cafeteria because you wore glasses. Your country is so severely fucked up that it would be hilarious if it wasn't so sad

>> No.3352820

>implying anyone knows who any poets are

yates, or whatever faggy shit you are reading has no meaning to the layman

>> No.3352822

I presume your from America, OP? I'm not from there myself but it seems there's an anti-intellectual thing going on over there (as >>3352641 said). It's probably hard being clever with a class of retards.

>> No.3352841

Obviously the europes are more cultured and sophisticated in their bullying.

I alsolike how they talk in text messages. People said only fools feared that, but now they see.

>> No.3352844

>legs sawed off in the cafeteria because you wore glasses.
Story of my life

>> No.3352849

>go in public
>pull out "The Brothers Karamazov"
>make the "do you even read?" face to everyone who looks at me
>sit down
>start reading
>everyone around me feels ashamed and goes home to cry

>> No.3352853

That's straight out of a movie. Once again, Yuropeens think America is a high-school movie every second of the day.

>> No.3352856

>be reading fantasy in high school
>bully comes up
>'fantasy? gay. reading a fucking classic, you weird fuck
>'but seriously, bro, I haven't seen you at the gym in like a week. make sure you go, alright?'
>agreed and stopped reading fantasy forever
Australian schools are tough, bro.

>> No.3352870

>holy shit it's bubbles and he has a kid

>> No.3352878

>Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with Americlap highschools?

In America:

school : prison :: training wheels : adult bicycle

In America, school isn't a place for learning, it's a place to get 'socialized'. (Meaning to get you ready to join some 'institution' when you reach adulthood.)

>> No.3352874

>>'but seriously, bro, I haven't seen you at the gym in like a week. make sure you go, alright?'
You guys have the nicest bullies ever spawned.

>> No.3352876

>tfw no Sheila

>> No.3352886

Amerifag here who is in high school I think its caused by a shitty culture and also teachers that seem to actively promote bullying. I never get bullied because im good at fighting and have done so before.

>> No.3352887

As someone who was a bully in school, I'll have you know that I never picked on people for reading books.

>> No.3352890

>"Hey, anon. What are you reading?"
>"H. P-pp L-Lovecraft"
>"Oh cool. I've never heard of him. I don't usually read books that big. You have a good day, anon"

So I'm sitting in English class reading my HPL and thinking about man's insignificance in the universe, and this preppy bitch comes up to me and starts babbling in her monosyllabic diction. And she doesn't even read literature! I don't understand how our society raises these uncultured buffoons. Disgusting. And she wasn't even that hot.

>> No.3352897

You are also good at writing.

>> No.3352898

surprisingly, this actually made me feel better.

>> No.3352899
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>Jump up
>Skillfully withdraw my smallsword from its perennial place at my hip
>"en garde you plebeian!"
>"lol what the fuk r u doin fagget"
>"Defending my refined tastes from your barbarism; now draw!"
>He sucker punches me in the chest
>Fall down
>Sputter in between painful heaves that he probably reads books for the plot
>Chuckle a little bit at the thought
>He kicks me in the chest again and I call out Harold Bloom's name
>Mfw I've won ANOTHER argument

>> No.3352901

He was doing him a favor. Fantasy nerds were the most despised of all when I was in school.

>> No.3352906

If you want to learn in American schools, you can learn. It's you're fault that you focused too much on the social aspects. I WISH my school prepared me for an institution when I reached adulthood. Instead I just learned all of that useless math, physics, chemistry, and poetry.

>> No.3352908

Thank ye kind sir.

>> No.3352911
File: 59 KB, 500x631, 1346380788122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jump up
>Skillfully withdraw my smallsword from its perennial place at my hip
>"en garde you plebeian!"
>"lol what the fuk r u doin fagget"
>"Defending my refined tastes from your barbarism; now draw!"
>He sucker punches me in the chest
>Fall down
>Sputter in between painful heaves that he probably reads books for the plot
>Chuckle a little bit at the thought
>He kicks me in the chest again and then walks away laughing
>Mfw I've won ANOTHER argument

>> No.3352921

One time me and my girlfriend at the time were reading in a cafe when some friends of hers from high school recognized her and approached our table.

>So what class are you guys studying for?
>It's not for a class. We're just reading.
>Like...for fun?

Still makes me lol a little bit.

>> No.3352925

>implying numeracy isn't as important as literacy in the civilised world.

>> No.3352926

>I am short and weak and spend most of my time alone reading but I was never ever bullied in school. Never even talked down to by anybody. Do some people just naturally attract bullies? Nobody ever bugged me and a few of the "gangster" type people in my school were even quite friendly. Maybe some people just have really punch-able faces?

>> No.3352927

>sitting in a busy cafe with your girlfriend, reading in silence

you're weird

>> No.3352937

>implying we weren't reading out loud

>> No.3352940

>be 8th grade
>decide to read Brave New World
>check it out from school library
>librarian flips to a random page, reads a little bit
>gets the weirdest look on her face
>lets me check it out
>I will carry that weird look with me to my grave

>> No.3352946

>Be English.
>Be on lunch break.
>Reading Shakespeare in the shade of an oak tree.
>Two boys approach.
>"I say, Sebastian," Says the first boy. "It appears this chap is reading a book, without wearing his cufflinks"
>I look at my sleeves and panic. They are flapping freely in the light English breeze.
"Oh, my," I say. "In my haste to devour this magnificent play, it appears I have forgotten them."
>Sebastian looks at me in disgust. "I shall have to report this to the Headmaster," he says.
>"Please no," I beg "He will give me a ghastly telling off."
>The first boy grimaces. "You shouldn't have been so careless, but I shall let this peccadillo slide. Go home immediately, you look like a ruffian"
>I thank them. I tell them what fine gentlemen they are and rushed back to my dorm.

>I have never felt so humiliated.

>> No.3352959

There's a whole brew of what gets a kid bullied. Looking different at all, not having many friends, social awkwardness and most of all: the stench of fear.

>> No.3352962
File: 59 KB, 746x500, courtyard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>solitary and hooded reading Meister Eckhart in a secluded corner of the courtyard of our loving and protecting Holy Mother Church in early spring
>a band of North African youths enter the courtyard
>observe yonder Moors for signs of trouble
>they approach menacingly, the scent of oriental intoxicants omnipresent
>whilst the courtyard is empty, they seat themselves right next to me, further engorging themselves with hashish
>inquire about my scroll
>engage the Moors in respectful conversation about religion and philosophy
>discuss intoxicants
>acquire address of Moorish teahouse that trades in hashish quietly and secretly in the medina near the Mosque across the stream
>thank the Moors before they leave, greet them with the bumped fist as is their custom
>further engage with the words of the old Meister, feeling content and culturally enriched

>> No.3352964

>eading in a park in england
You should have hated your parents who didn't tell you to hit back when you were younger.

>> No.3352967

>implying that makes it less weird

>> No.3352969

Brutal. I'm glad nothing like that happens in American schools.

>> No.3352971

That's not that weird depending on the cafe. If it has couches and shit it's fine.

>> No.3352982

>be reading a bit by Lord Byron behind the school
>Heron and his cronies come over, in a dreadful fuzz
>"Who do you think is the greatest poet, Stevie?"
>"Why, Lord Byron of course! Anyone else is second rate."
>"Byron? Byron is a damned romantic fool. Everyone knows Tennyson is the greatest poet."
>"Tennyson? Why, he's only a rhymester!"
>We get in a bout of fisticuffs
>The hooligans take my shilling for lunch that afternoon
>Spend the rest of the day brooding and feeling guilty over my emerging sexuality
>Are my comrades in /lit/erature familiar with this dread?

>> No.3352984

I never got bullied at my school.
Maybe has to do something with the fact that I was a friend of the two most popular guys at school.
They always thought I was smarter than them since I was the only other guy in class who could discuss about lreal literature, films etc.
I thought they were smarter

>> No.3352986

was this taken from Dubliners?

>> No.3352990

Wrong. Portrait.

>> No.3352996

>If you want to learn in American schools, you can learn.
If you want to learn in American prisons, you can learn. (And they probably do a better job at it than American schools!)

But that's not the point. The point is that American school isn't meant for learning; it was never designed with that goal in mind.

>> No.3352993

>anon is bullied
Why so victim blame, y'all?

>> No.3352994

Portrait of the Artist

>> No.3352995

Portrait, loosely.

>> No.3352998


go back to your social justice blog, you christian culture scum

>> No.3352999

Right, I remember now. Been a while since I read any Joyce.

>> No.3353000

What brings such a well adjusted fellow such as yourself to this part of the internet? Shouldn't you be on reddit or something.

>> No.3353002

I, for one, do not expect bullies to stop, and therefore never allow myself susceptibility to their behavior.

>> No.3353006

Because he needs to realize that the world is mean and tough as shit, and that no one can and will help you with your problems. Victimizing yourself will only lead you to a deeper form of depression, especially if you are expecting some kind of saviour. And as a man, you are also expected to rise and learn from your lessons, you are less likely to receive help. So kids get bullied. Tough shit. Deal with it. Because no one else will.

>> No.3353007

One time I was waiting for a train in the middle of the night, reading PG Wodehouse, and two guys sat down on the bench next to me and started smoking a joint. I thought they were typical hoodlums, but then one of them started asking me about my book and complimented me for being able to read old, thick books for fun (it was an omnibus edition, three Jeeves novels in one book).

We ended up having a laugh and they shared their joint with me.

I love living in Holland.

>> No.3353015


God damn this. Fuck all this stupid "stop bullying" stuff that's being toted.

>> No.3353023

I live in the U.S. and I've never been bullied for being intelligent or seen someone being bullied for being intelligent. Talking about my love of reading got me laid in high school. I don't live in a rich part of the country, either. But I also don't live in hickville so...

>> No.3353024

You blame everyone and everything besides yourself. This is "oh well, it would happen anyway... if only this damn school taught this rascals how to behave!".

Or in other words, you are expecting it.

It doesn't matter who is to blame. If society should change, if education should change, if the kids should have acted different... You cannot rule over those things and tell how it should be, but you can react to what is. Point is, if you punch hard in the stomach, or if you run before anything of that happends, or if you take an attitude that shows you are not to be invaded, then you were doing what you could do to erase the problem.

I'm not saying that you should regret or hate yourself or anything. It's not about that at all, the other extreme (taking it all in) is just as bad. But it's worth mentioning: it doesn't matter who is to blame.

>> No.3353026
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£10 says none of the tough guys ITT have ever even had a real fight.

>> No.3353031

I wonder what section she read

>> No.3353034

There is only one way to stop a bully.
Go to feministsagainstbullying.org and buy one of their T-shirts.
Nobody is going to fuck with a guy wearing a 'feminists against bullying' T-shirt.

>> No.3353040

If a librarian started flipping through one of the books I was checking out I would have the weirdest look on MY face.

>> No.3353044

"This is what a feminist looks like" is a good one, too. Kept my scratch-free all freshman year.

>> No.3353051

Fuck. That's such an easy tenner too, but I have no way to prove it.

>> No.3353060

Should bullies be shitheads? No. Should victims assume a defeatist attitude toward their situation? No.

Bullying isn't cool but the High School #sodeep shootings to prompt social reform against bullying or just to exact revenge are absolutely disgusting.

I think we get back exactly what they put into their culture: people faced with the least amount of adversity throw a fit because they're 'victims' and often end up hurting innocent bystanders. Nobody who isn't moping over their own social/economical/intellectual status has use for the term in conversations of justice.

>> No.3353056

I live in the north of England and this never happened to me at all. I was once addressed as "Mr. Read-a-Book" though.

>> No.3353065

I could most likely beat the shit out of you.

>> No.3353078

Sure kids need to learn how to handle their shit, but it just seems ridiculous to start hating yourself for being bullied. The hate needs to flow outwards to the aggressor.

>> No.3353090

>Hate flowing outward to the aggressor
>Not presuming the bullies are misguided, and barring their subjective opinions from affecting your mood

>> No.3353092

I have no idea how big you are, or what you're trained in. I can't respond to that. If you're some scrawny kid trying to act tough, then I can guarantee that you're wrong. If you're /fit/ and box (or some kind of martial art), then possibly.

>> No.3353111

>The hate needs to flow outwards to the aggressor

This is the sort of thinking that starts school shootings and leads to guns and violent video games being banned.

>> No.3353150

Y'all niggas gotta learn to just let shit go.

Oh wait, I'm on /lit/.

>> No.3353161

I'm just fucking around. I was literally laughing as I was typing it because it felt so ridiculous.

>> No.3353174

If you want niggas to learn to let shit go, then dont tell them to go rambo on their asses first.

>> No.3353195

What I just said that he needs to understand the value of self-defense.

>> No.3353203

protip: it's the people being bullied who commits school shootings.

>> No.3353213

This is simply not true. It was drummed up quite erroneously after Columbine, but it was found out to be almost totally false. In fact, Dylan and Eric reportedly did their fair share of bullying other students.

>> No.3353222

>People who threaten/kill other people with guns aren't bullies

>> No.3353228

Turned out to everything was caused by EVOLUTION REPLACING GOD IN SKOOL

>> No.3353236

Damn it, I was almost forgetting! Thanks for the tip, bro, I'll go check where I left my gun...

>> No.3353237

If only they taught true science like intelligent design.

>> No.3353267

When will people see the truth and turn back to geo-centricism

>> No.3353277

The universe could be described in a geocentric method, but it's far simpler to explain it otherwise.

>> No.3353305

>most Amerifatties are fucked up in the head
>those Amerifatties have kids
>the Amerifatty kids are fucked
>Amerifatty kids do fucked up shit

>> No.3353309

>implying you can beat creationists when it comes to simple mindedness

>> No.3353331

What librarian hasn't read BNW?
My dad got me that book when I was 14.

>> No.3353345

I have never been in a fight but on two seperater occasions I have punched different best friends in the face which caused them to drop to the floor. I'm a terrible person. I can't forgive myself.

>> No.3353440

I have been in several fights. Truth be told, I lost most of them but at least I stood up for myself.

>> No.3353853

In my country (turkey) you can only get bullied if you are reading something obviously political and against bullies stupid beliefs. But the good thing is usually being intellectual (specially if you are talkative too) is much more cooler than being bully and/or stupid.

Once my friend get bullied because he was reading Karl Marx. He couldn't do anything physically but then fucked bullies girlfriend and made girl tell him which was priceless.

>> No.3353868

how's that mosque in instanbul coming along?

>> No.3353987


I don't know what part of England you live in, but in London people read everywhere. Even black people.

>> No.3353995

Is London considered part of England yet?

>> No.3354001


Yeah. Just superior England.

>> No.3354006

No. London's a shithole.

>> No.3354012


It's also the only real city in the UK.

Before you ask I'm from Manchester, not London. It's just that London's shit if you have to live outside of Westminster.

>> No.3354014

Ah, brings backs memories... Wish I had brought a ____ to school to teach those niggers and chinks a lesson.

>> No.3354029

I was in my community college library reading a book and minding my own business. Some guys I knew in high school who would occasionally try to get a rise out of me (supplemented by the fact that my own group of friends were a bit of asshole rascals and were probably disliked by some) came up to me and pretended to make small talk with me, but you could tell they were like "haha we're talking to that one guy so we can laugh later." One of them says WHAT ARE YOU READING? and tries to rip the book out of my hands. I grabbed it back harder and put my other hand near his neck and sternly told him to fuck off in a voice I didn't think I was capable of using. He let go and then they walked away because the girl they were with didn't derive the same pleasure as they did in harassing old classmates.

Years later I had a talk with that guy on Facebook and found out we're both pretty fucked up in similar ways. Interesting!

>> No.3354039


Wrong. Kensington is clearly better than Westminster. Chelsea and Pimlico are cheaper, but almost as good.

Most of London looks shit, sure, but there's something about the activity that makes it OK. Greenwich is also pretty.

Stay the fuck away from the lower Docklands though (close to City Airport). I've only been to a more dreary place once in my life.

>> No.3354110

>be 14
>library self-checkout is broken
>have to get a librarian to check them out by hand
>she gives me a weird look
>I'm confused, but don't say anything
>realize I checked out A Clockwork Orange
>that must have been it

>> No.3354170
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>girl acts kind
copypaststa this to /r9k/ because those dolts believe it never happens.

>> No.3354177



>> No.3354327

What's that even supposed to mean? Istanbul is full of mosques.

>> No.3354350


This is the project I was interested in.

>> No.3354363

Oh god.
The socks,
The socks....

>> No.3354950

Same everywhere, bro.

>> No.3355225
File: 2.48 MB, 200x276, 1352012185225.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be 18 and unassuming
>finally have enough change in pocket to clear library fines
>librarian is my age
>looks at me and finally asks,
>'Did you really read all of Infinite Jest?'
>I tell her yes
>says 'oh' and nods her head
>pic related it was me

captcha: Mr. Yogygo

>> No.3355254

I have never, ever, been bullied because of books. Actually, my autism was so big that once I actually took of of those book-adventure things and played RPG with myself. One girl even asked me what it was about and read a bit of it, we talked for some time and I continued playing.

Americans, control your fucking high schools.

>> No.3355314
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>be 12
>be public schooled white minority
>sucking down some Deltora Quest
>Samoan/Korean bullys come up slap my book down and chuck me into the lockers
>spend some time angry and training martial arts (ikr)
>mfw I have a propensity to be a total asshole now to people that even slightly remind me of those types, just edging them to throw down
> realize the cycle
>go back to reading quietly by myself

>> No.3355319

No one in America is actually bullied for reading. The only people I ever saw bullied in high school were those who made a deliberate effort to be contrary and weird, for it's own sake. The kids who were just goofy or weird were left alone.

>> No.3355323

I live in America and I was never bullied for reading.

>> No.3355338


absolutely hilarious

>> No.3355398

>Reading "Poe's complete stories"
>1700 pages
>Reading black cat that is in the page 598
>only read 2 other stories before, choose randomly
>secretary see me
>"wow anon! the last week you were reading another book and now you're in the middle of this! you lost your weekend reading?"
>"nope, i went to the party the friday and came back the sunday, but I read fast"
>"mmm smart party guy, nice" and smile

I will fuck her with my lies.

>> No.3355405

I'm glad I got bullied because it forced me to stop being a pathetic beta faggot.

>> No.3355409
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>dat story
What the fuck?


I don't know about people ripping books, but I've known people who have this awful habit of tearing them up, or even smacking (my) hard covers against their foreheads as hard as they can. Ultimately I ended up kicking the living shit out of them.

>> No.3355426

says the suburban kid who has never seen a shitty urban school. they're fucking zoos man.

>> No.3355429

>they're fucking Zoos

That's what you get for letting in animals(blacks).

>> No.3355431

a little too early for your /pol/ propaganda aint it

>> No.3355444

when I was in high school I noticed that if people could rationalize that the bullied kid "brought it on their self" they were more likely to go after the for example the quiet awkward kid really got picked on but the flamboyant kid or the nerdy kid who would solve a rubix cube in class would get tons of shit

>> No.3355454

I thought this shit only existed in films

>> No.3355459

I can't wait until the day we can upload printable three-dimensional renderings of elephant feces to the internet. It's a shame to waste perfectly good ASCII characters.

>> No.3355475

Australians are more anti intellectual that americans. Bullying isn't as bad but the whole atmosphere is permeated with a plebeian attitude from the people not wanting to be there, preferring to be out partying.

I think we'd be better off without compulsory schooling, most of these people would be better off doing some vocational training once they get to 12 years old, since they're going to do menial labor anyway.

>> No.3355496

And this is why my parents sent me to private school.

>> No.3355508

>I think we'd be better off without compulsory schooling.

Yeah, that would surely help defeat anti-intellectualism. Are you fucking mad? Lets send society back to the dark ages.

>> No.3355527

Just acknowledge the fact that people aren't equal, most people are fucking dumb and will never have any desire for knowledge. The best solution is to just put people where they belong rather than try and make people who were never meant for academic study interested in it.

They do something like this is switzerland, where most people go to vocational training instead of gymnasium/high school.

>> No.3355568

Allow me to translate this comment for everyone:
>I didn't do so well at a state school, and it wasn't my fault it was the other kids' faults because they shouldn't have been there because they weren't smart enough for school, but I was even though I didn't do so well, but it wasn't my fault it was...

>They do something like this is switzerland, where most people go to vocational training instead of gymnasium/high school.
The German system is dumb as fuck. If you end up in the hauptschule, you're pretty much fucked. No decent teacher wants to teach there either because the students basically have no future whatsoever. They also have a massively disproportionate number of people from poorer backgrounds at hauptschule and realschule.

>> No.3355574
File: 102 KB, 435x619, Jacques Lacan Card.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why translate something into the same language?
It's not like he's Lacan or anything.

>> No.3355578

Same language, different language game.

>> No.3355649

>If you end up in the hauptschule, you're pretty much fucked.

This is wrong. The poster is probably a fellow inner-city kraut, where this is indeed the case. In rural areas, this is completely untrue. A friend of mine went to hauptschule and is now doing his PhD in engineering, without any irregular things like evening school or shit like that, just a normal educational progression (granted he is obviously not the statistical mean).

>> No.3355671

It sounds really inconvenient to not have been extraordinarily attractive.

>read a lot in class
>girls started reading to impress me
>boys read more to impress them

>doodled to keep myself busy while not paying attention in class
>became very good at drawing
>became friends with art kids out of convenience
>over the course of a few months, they start stop being shy and start adopting some of my habits
>end up becoming the proverbial "cool kids"
>school had to schedule three new periods of assorted arts and two new periods of music for our grade to manage the influx of interest
>local open mic nights become largest social gathering

>friend asks to borrow game boy, stick it in my bag to give to him
>get bored in class, start playing it
>everyone is talking about pokemon by the end of the period
>4-5 people bring in their gameboys the next day
>half the boys in the school are playing again by the end of the week

>all of my real friends are the shy / nerd bunch
>most of them end up shedding a lot of their reservedness by the end of high school
>some start to make other friends, girlfriends, pursue other hobbies
>my best friend is one of the only ones who didn't, remained shy and reserved
>decided to stop taking my medication late in senior year, bottomed out hard
>detox and withdrawal made me alienate everyone, didn't wear off before the year ended
>decided to take the year off to come back to my senses
>it's now three years later, still haven't talked to anyone - even my best friend
>afraid to contact him, but worried that he is still too shy to be making many friends in college

I wish you hadn't made me think about high-school to remember that last part. Feels decidedly not good.

>> No.3355674


That sounds a lot more tryhard than I thought it would.


>> No.3355675

Your life is my nightmare. Except for the alone part- that sounds nice.

>> No.3355689

That's a shitty translation, since I did well enough to get a BA and into a masters program.

>> No.3355690

I base this off of speaking to Bavarian teachers and teachers in training. Most of them weren't from urban or teaching in urban areas. I haven't been in a hauptschule, but I've been in a gymnasium and a realschule. Comparing to the UK, I think the main benefits were the completely different management styles, if anything.
>A friend of mine went to hauptschule and is now doing his PhD in engineering
I thought a lot of the system for university access had changed in Germany in the last 5-10 years or so? But, you are no doubt aware the guy's an outlier, you only have to look at typical undergrad admissions to see. I'm not entirely sold on the technischers either, but I'm also not convinced the UK went the right way changing technical colleges to Universities either. But, if I recall correctly, the degrees from the German techs aren't the same as from the others, it's something like a semester different in length? Or was that being reformed a couple of years ago?

>> No.3355695

A friend of mine got a BA and MA with two Es at A-level, so...

>> No.3355712


It was my nightmare too.

I wrote that from an external perspective.

>> No.3355765
