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3350863 No.3350863 [Reply] [Original]

Do you sign with your full name? Take a middle name out maybe? Perhaps you use a nickname that speaks more of you? A pen name, do you have a pseudonym? Is your name too common or too weird?

Anyway, I was thinking of creating a pen name for myself, something significant and sonorous. I'd use my first name, but my family names would go, for personal reasons.

What do you say on making a pseudonym for yourself? What is the name that you call yourself with, the one that shows you who you are? Or do you prefer names to be like masks?


>> No.3350869

my full name is four names, way too long to sign with.

i just use a short meaningless pseudonym of both letters and numbers.

>> No.3350900

>letters and numbers


>> No.3350908

not really, more like a segment from an md5 for example

like 06d24 or something of the sort. anonymous but recognizable

>> No.3350919

>my full name is four names
Hi, I'm Thomas Steinberg-Williams,
this is my wife Kelly Wilson-Davies.
And this is our son, David Steinberg-Williams-Wilson-Davies.

>> No.3350940

i always thought the anglo convention of only having two or three names very confusing. don't you guys get mixed up?

>> No.3350952

Or he could just be a lucky SOB who has 2 middle names.

>> No.3350958

I usually just make up names before I go out and don't have to use an ID or something

most of the time I just use numbers though

>> No.3350996

When I sign credit card receipts I just draw a little sail boat and a smiley face next to that. I get compliments on it a lot.

>> No.3351001

I want to start doing this now.

>> No.3351011

Great, now all the cashiers will be able to distinguish you two autists.

>> No.3351014

OP here, I'm obviously talking about signing creative work. The name that you go by as an artist.

I'm sorry if I wasn't clear. It's not about what you write in a check...

Anyway, reading you folks. Keep going.

>> No.3351029

>I want to steal your identity

>> No.3351026

I'm already a cashier, so it's all good.

>> No.3351105

>For many years I had loathed being called Alick, partly because of the unpleasant sound and sight of the word, partly because it was the name by which my mother called me. Edward did not seem to suit me and the diminutives Ted or Ned were even less appropriate. Alexander was too long and Sandy suggested tow hair and freckles. I had read in some book or other that the most favourable name for becoming famous was one consisting of a dactyl followed by a spondee, as at the end of a hexameter: like Jeremy Taylor. Aleister Crowley fulfilled these conditions and Aleister is the Gaelic form of Alexander. To adopt it would satisfy my romantic ideals.

Aleister Crowley, on his name change.

Why isn't your name a dactyl followed by a spondee yet, /lit/?

>> No.3351130

I go by Mathias Loe. Its kind of weird, I made it when i was young, but now I stand by it. Its who he is. My inner self, I mean.

>> No.3351165

My last name is associated with the slave trade, the KKK and other such filth so I often consider using my middle name in its place. The only downside is my middle name does't sound as good with my first, and I like my first.

white people problems.

>> No.3351194

What? What is your last name, Niggerlord?

>> No.3352594
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I want to change my name because I made a commentary in an arbitrary blog years ago with my full name.Something stupid on how hot Megan Fox was in Transformers, I was 18 years old. And now that appears in second place on google search.

The solution was to enter a lot of social networks with an empty account, just with the name to make them come before that search. But it still bothers me. It's like an itch, it will never go away.

>> No.3352618

This is why parents need to teach their kids never to reveal their identity online, ever.

Luckily my name is so common that I'm not even on the three pages of Google results.

>> No.3352692

I wish I had a more common name, not too common, but common enough to share with someone.

>> No.3353148

I use my actual name in personal life, sign first-initial-last, and publish under a pseudonym to keep some parts of that personal life separate from my writing. I recommend it- it's also another opportunity to tweak how readers receive your work.

Bury it by doing more. Get in the the news. Easy mode? Attend a demonstration and make sure to talk to a reporter. Just please don't say anything stupid.

>> No.3354613

Thanks for the idea.

>> No.3356201


>> No.3356206

I sign first and last name, I'm thinking of working in my middle initial though. Only problem is it's an S, which is awkward to work into a flowy signature.

>> No.3356211

I call myself The Half-Witted Heretic


>> No.3356217

I write my name backwards on my thumb and press it against whatever I'm signing.
Both for security reasons (can't fake my thumb-print) and to honor Gutenberg.

>> No.3356231


>> No.3356239


I've written some stuff online, some of it's attributed to an account that people knew was me, other stuff's under a pseudonym. I mostly write under either anonymity or a pseudonym now.

>> No.3356253

pseudonym master race here

selling books on Amazon with one. bliss.

>> No.3356257

Pseudo names are just so fake.

>> No.3356262

We have quite a lot of nicknames. I know 10 Toms or Thomases, but mostly we refer to either nickname or surname if it's not very common.

>> No.3356267

b-but mines a great act of derring do

it's incredibly intelligent

>> No.3356299

I lie about my name so often that when I have to actually sign something legally I forget how to do it.

For almost everything I write though, I use a pseudonym.

>> No.3356388


for the love of god, sage.

>> No.3356495

Three names. I wouldn't use my last name because very few people share it and if I ever were to write something it'd be based on some of my experiences and I don't want my parents to lose face or to worry about me or get angry at me. I also don't want people from my former life knowing anything about it. I'll probably keep my first name because I like it and I might use my second one as a surname. It's not going to happen though.

>> No.3358222

Why do you lie about your name? Just to have a giggle?

>> No.3358290

Use three: the beginning, middle and end; alpha, beta, omega; if the Dio exists, pick that one name in a synonym of the three.

For the ironies sake - Mann of Thomas!

Or have it tell a story by obviously not looking up the origin of the common names [I.E. names without fame] and forming a sentence without the articles.

Additionally, find some myths or fictional chairs that you'll like to sit on; a name that is famous or infamous for it's psychology that is there to be taken; the consistent temperament that is amusing to you, found within some writ.

Also for extra pleb points at trying too-hard: put a name or object in something other than your mother's tongue.

>> No.3359753

Use René McDickens

>> No.3359765

I use a pen name when farming, I always sign off as Reacher Forsythe.

>> No.3359829

Dick Hugo Maximus

>> No.3360118


This guy getting it.
To the fair maidens: Be ambitions and declare yourself as Venus Ama Ishtar.

Venus Ama Ishtar; Love and Love for Peace and War: the two lesbian Lovers need both peace and war to exist

That is as pretentious as I can be, no one can ever be as try-hard as that, ever.

>> No.3360152

Damn it, my name doesn't work like that, but if I reverse my first name with my last, it works perfectly. I'm surprised at how good it sounds now.

>> No.3360164


>saying sage
>not saging