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3350546 No.3350546[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Didn't see this thread in a while.


>> No.3350558

violence is cool

if nothing else making me almost want to rewatch the village is pretty impressive

>> No.3350596

Fantastic analyst, fantastic social critic.

I can say nothing of him as a philosopher.

>> No.3350600

Like most philosophers today he just spouts opinionated shit filtered through ideology.

>> No.3350638

The Village is a brilliant film.

>> No.3350674

The M. Night Shamalyan?

>> No.3350747

I saw a picture of Zezik with his grubby arm around a really hot babe he was marrying. It haunts me still.

>> No.3350754

it really gives some scary power to that "if you're so smart why don't you have a girlfriend" troll thread doesn't.

>> No.3350758


What? No it wasn't.

>Brody's obviously too good of an actor to just play a besotted moron
>The whole plot becomes predictable after that realisation

Aside from the plot, the dialogue and visual elements are just

>A poor man's Sleepy Hollow

>> No.3350780

He is a moron all the way to the end. He is the odd one out, the exception that is not frightened by the creatures, that is, he does not buy the abstractions that society, much like a mad man works in ours. He was not pretending to be a mad fool, he could see through that scheme much like Ivy could see the color of other people. He becomes the creature that was before just imaginary. He is the one who that induces the change of main character from Lucius to Ivy.

The cinematography, set design, colors and all else have nothing to do with Sleepy Hollow... At all.

This was a drama and a love story disguised as a horror thriller. I think most people never got over this fact.

>> No.3351098

Maybe. I dont think it was just because he was smart though. He had to be funny, rich, and famous to land a wife so much hotter than he. Seriously, by all rights, Zizek should be a foreveralone.

>> No.3351102

if you're smart, you should be able to be funny and rich.

>> No.3351106
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>> No.3351107

I don't think Zizek is rich at all. His house is very normal.

>> No.3351112

he travels a lot and went to that dubai hotel for rich people.

he's rich.

>> No.3351123


He doesn't look very happy there

>'I'm hungry'
>'my feet hurt'
>'the music is too loud'
>'I could be at home reading Lacan'

>> No.3351269

What's the reasoning here? I mean, rich, okay, but funny? The thing is intelligence has an ugly tendency to come paired with some psychological or personality deficiencies.The truth is, smart people are often lacking something that can't be attained with their intellect alone.

>> No.3351304


>I could be at home reading Lacan

My fucking sides, and sho on, and sho on.

>> No.3351307


>intelligence has an ugly tendency to come paired with...

>citation needed
>implying you have one

>> No.3351319

he actually said in an interview he was forced to do the wedding by his wife and he was miserable the whole time

>> No.3351343

You can bullshit all you want, but you can't say that people here on /lit/ aren't smarter than the average yokel. Look at any thread where litizens talk about themselves, and the vast majority are unhappy. And it's not confined to 4chan, look at any intellectual figure and you'll find a pattern.

>> No.3351361

Ok so what is this thread about?

We talk about Zizek as though we were old maids talking about celebrities as they perceive them through the gossip mags they read?

Can we have some content up in this bitch?

>> No.3351386

Wow. Link to interview?

>> No.3351475

Ok, let's just bitch about Zizek's former relationships like mindless bimbos then I guess...

>> No.3351527

I saw that Zizek! documentary by Astra Taylor, and in it he hangs around with his son alot. It's pretty cute. He was psychoanalyzing how he played with legos and toys. He then went onto to say that the boy was with him because his mother is "a bitch".

>> No.3351543

humour is often classified as an indicator for intelligence.

>> No.3351545

Zizek looks like one of those St. Bernards who were trained to rescue people from snowy mountains and wore little whiskey casks around their neck, only he has gotten into his whiskey cask and neglected his rescue duties and he knows he has done a bad thing when he is discovered dog-drunk behind the ranger lodge but still he is too drunk to care; he just sits there and laps at his big lips and belches in shame.

>> No.3351549


>> No.3351573

would read again

>> No.3351578

>kid smiles at camera
>"now he is narcissistically amused"

Oh, Zizek.

>> No.3352296

his Less Than Nothing: Hegel and the Shadow of Dialectical Materialism was illuminating to say the least

>> No.3352304

I'm not familiar with the thinker in question, but this quotation from him is extraordinary.
I love the syntactic variation, as well as the existential subversion which defines his argument.

>> No.3352350


Think because they have understood 3/4 of myth of sisyphus, they are competant enough to judge Zizek, Derrida, Lacan (when most of them are the most difficult thinker of all philosophy).

Remind me of /mu, because they have listen to a lot of music, think they know something about it. Dat empirical knowledge.

>> No.3352363

>think because they understand philosophy well enough to have opinions that they can try and defend those opinions
Don't they realize how smart you have to be to do stuff like that? Like me, because I'm smart.

>> No.3352365


3/4 is giving them way too much credit.


>listen to a lot of music

No. They HAVE a lot of music on their computers. They don't listen to most of it.

>> No.3352402

She dumped him for a hot young guy and he is heart broken.

Every time in the last three years you ask him "how are you?" he starts talking about his divorce, about he met her with the other guy, and how he still feels bad but it's ok because he is getting over it.

>> No.3352412


Poor guy.

>> No.3352461


Mentions what you want to know

>> No.3352512


>> No.3352524

He is getting old and tired.

I'm really surprised at the difference between him now and him four years ago.

Four years ago he had an organic vision.

Now he just repeats some fragments he feels as true but he is too discouraged to keep going on.

He is like a john the baptist that never found his jesus, the man of action + theory to embody his vision.

>> No.3352654

Anyone else read The Year of Dreaming Dangerously? I finished it recently and thought it was interesting. I'm going to start Living in the End Times soon, I hope.

>> No.3352732

You mean continental philosophers. The rest of us are actually getting shit done.

>> No.3352758


The rest of you are just wasting time stating your opinions in as clear way as possible.

>> No.3352792

hahaha so true.

>> No.3352837

"I planted some jokes in my wedding. Like, the organizers asked me to select music. So when I approached wife at the ceremony, they played the second movement from Shostakovich’s 10th Symphony, which is usually known as the “portrait of Stalin.” And then when we embraced, the music that they played was Schubert’s “Death and the Maiden.” I enjoyed this in a childish way! But marriage was all a nightmare and so on and so on."

>> No.3352842
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Zizek is mah waifu

>> No.3352846
File: 89 KB, 445x567, 1356905458844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can we share?

>> No.3352850
File: 106 KB, 460x271, zizek-tan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not?

>> No.3352882

He's depressed and heartbroken. He was old four years ago.

>> No.3352917

I think you are correct.

But I dunno. I listened to his 2012 lectures at EGS and he is not that lucid anymore. A lot of times he just freezes and goes "huuum, huuum, huuum" as if his brain just blanks.

Depression, being heart broke, seeing his project unattainable might be a part of it, but his quickly declining health (heart problems, diabetes) is also part of it.

>> No.3353014


Dat trophy wife syndrome.

>> No.3353359

sisa velika