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/lit/ - Literature

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3342994 No.3342994 [Reply] [Original]

>Still carrying a bag around campus.
>Not using a book belt and proudly displaying Gravity's Rainbow on top of your textbooks.
>Stay /mu/ level.


>> No.3343002

>gravity's rainbow
haha that's a funny joke op

how would one carry such a thing anyway? i think i'd rather leave my hands free than tuck that under an arm, in any case

>> No.3343009

>not getting tatoos of your favorite writers' faces on your body
>not patching your clothes and bags with the titles of your favorite books

this is how i know you're a plebeian.

>> No.3343014
File: 18 KB, 180x240, 4205391890_2ff5a5de27_m-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, my fine feathered friend, you can always sling it over your shoulder.

>> No.3343020

That looks awkward and uncomfortable. i think i will stick to bags.

>iphone complete with piece of shit earbuds

stay /b/ level.

>> No.3343021

Where would I put my weed? Not in my pocket(oh no, it's not mine, I swear!)

And how will I be able to steal stuff without a bag? Do you think books grow on trees or something?

>> No.3343024

books grow on #bookz

>> No.3343033

>fetishizing an inferior product

This was for poor people who couldn't afford bags in olden times. It's totally impractical, in terms of weight distribution, weather, and ease.

Only a pretentious loser would buy and use one of these when book bags are 10 bucks a pop. Someone post the hipster at a coffee shop with a typewriter. It's practically the same deal.

>> No.3343038

Also some practical first hand advice, want a cheap book bag? Check out your local army/navy surplus store. I could a cool, durable canvas bag for like $5.

It can be especially hard to find bags elsewhere when it's not back to school season.

>> No.3343127

Any difference between that and #ebookz?

>> No.3343134 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 408x306, 1351112270704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>going outside
>going to college
>having friends

>> No.3343217

I'm going to get one now. Before the Hipsters.. Yes, sir. I'm going to be the pinnacle of cool when everyone else starts using one and realises that I was ahead of the curve.

>> No.3343273

This is the dumbest thing I've seen all day.

>> No.3343278

It was more fun last time


>> No.3343285

>This is the dumbest thing I've seen all day.
Didn't you see my On The Road products thread?

>> No.3343318

Hey guys I just wanted to apologize for being an insufferable shithead. I just need the attention :(

>> No.3343370

awww, don't get butthurt honey. Come here and I'll give you a hug. If you're really lucky you can have a prostrate massage.

>> No.3343377

Enjoy your wet books.

>> No.3343383

I have a mini umbrella that clips on.

>> No.3344143

I have actually seen a guy using one of these.

>> No.3344145

Yet Sasha Grey is getting a giant black cock in her face here >>3343830 on a SFW board for the second time this week, and that's fine?

>> No.3344146

>Enjoy your wet books.

okay. thanks.

>> No.3344151
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Every time.

>> No.3344152

what does warned even mean

thats like giving the guy a badge of honor

>> No.3344157

>implying all my books don't get eventually wet because of how much pussy I'm constantly smashing after reciting Rimbaud in the original French.

>> No.3344162

I didn't even know you could get warned

/lit/ really needs a mod

>> No.3344163

Oh hey, janitors needlessly powertripping

>> No.3344165
File: 111 KB, 746x258, warning.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what does warned even mean
Pic related

I know. It's bizarre. The wealth of off-topic and rule-breaking threads here is incredible, yet a thread about book accessories gets warned?

>> No.3344168

It's likely not her though.


>> No.3344169

I guess /lit/ has mods after all.

>> No.3344174


What the fuck man, that's not how you use airplane belts.

>Not having an old-fashioned leather bag.

>> No.3344173

that's great i wish i didnt get banned for shitposting too

>> No.3344203

>Implying hipsters haven't already discarded these.

>> No.3344209


There's no way in hell a Mod did that. How'd you red text OP?

>> No.3344219

whatever this is it looks like it would be an immensely effective friend repellent

>> No.3344226

I got a three day ban a month or two ago for pretending to be Monsieur guy.

>> No.3344227
File: 41 KB, 338x450, yale-book-belt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unless your friend has one too.

>> No.3344254

What was the ban message?

>> No.3344260

Delete thread. and please stop using my name.

Paid Moot for specials?

>> No.3344275

That wasn't me either. I've been working
I wrap my book in a towel. Never leave home (To go hitchhiking around the galaxy) without one.

>> No.3344284

>and please stop using my name.
Your name? This is my moniker. If you have some kind of trade mark registered, then have your attorney fill out a cease and desist. Otherwise, shut the fuck up.

>> No.3344295
File: 41 KB, 500x771, 1353386571787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fine. You use the two-naked-midgets-sharing-a-milkshake. I'll be ƷӜ̵̨̄Ƹ̵̡ from now on.

Who's your favourite Byzantine emperor?

>> No.3344296

This is the stupidest invention ever, evinced by the fact you're so desperate for sales you have to advertise on /lit/.
Go to bed, hipster-belt guy

>> No.3344305

It used to be done all the time. Usually with string, as it was probably the poorer folks kids.

But yeah, back to saging.


>> No.3344328

Yeah binding a bunch of books together with a belt is not a new concept

Difference is it goes inside another bag

>> No.3344329

Spam. Kind of bullshit, but I appreciate that they did something to get rid of Monsieur guy.

>> No.3344377


I like you. Tripfags on /lit/ need to nut up and get real. Why else would you establish an identity than to accumulate reputation? I say, tripfags, relinquish your conceit. Can't you share your ideas for their own sake?

>> No.3344386


>hurr durr tripfags muh anonymous legion is ruined

>> No.3344407


go to bed, Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ.

>> No.3344418


Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ isn't even a trip you tardbucket

>> No.3344430
File: 113 KB, 448x352, Data correction.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How was that a sentiment that I would ever use?
Your sensors are damaged

>> No.3344451

It is now.

>> No.3344493

Why was the OP banned?

>> No.3344522


>> No.3344971

Mods hate Butterflies.

>> No.3345386

stupidest thread ever.

>> No.3345557

>warn this
>leave /pol/ thread be

>> No.3345572

Yeah. This is the only time I have ever seen a thread 'warned' on /lit/, and I see thousands of threads worthy of bans that stay. There are many worse threads here right now.

I suspect there is some fuckery afoot.

>> No.3345595

Complaining about the mods can also get you banned.

You better watch out, bro.

>> No.3345652

this warning was fucking stupid. the thread is at least remotely /lit/ related and I have seen much worse, not that I care much, because the board is incredibly slow anyway.

>> No.3345661

Mod hates /mu/.

>> No.3345713

No /lit/ just needs mods that less enjoy sucking the vains out of cocks. I got a ban, not a warning, for starting a thread that was about as /lit/related as this one. not that bans mean much, you just need a diff. Ip. I imagine what a typical mod here would be like, bloated with failure and semi-digested microwave burrito, matted neckbeard stiff with spit, crumbs and flecks of cum, no life, no friends, and not even the possibility of finding love in their diabetes-shortened lifespan. At least they'll be dead soon. If their massive junk food intake doesn't take them, suicide will.