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3342870 No.3342870 [Reply] [Original]

So im interested in reading some philosophy.
But there are so many philosophers and books that I dont know where to start.

I was thinking of starting with plato and Friedrich nietzsche,but what book should I start of with first.

Also please post other books I should read,preferable in order if you dont mind.

>> No.3342886

Don't start with Nietzsche, I beg you. The ancients are where you should begin and always return to; so start with the Presocratics and then slowly proceed to Plato and Aristotle. So, that's about enough for a few years.

>> No.3342896

Agreed. Begin with the classics. Plato and Aristotle will probably satiate your need for philosophy. Nietzsche is great, too, if you have no faith in anything or anyone. But understanding Plato and Aristotle will go a long way towards understanding his theories, particularly the shadow-in-a-cave paradigm.

>> No.3342900
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for a few years....
Now Im not in no rush but I would like to read up on a few different theory's sort of straight away.

What books exactly could you recommend me.

Also what philosophers have helped you live a better life

>> No.3342899

Plato is a good place to start. Read his shit beginning with Apology and Crito.

Do not start with Nietzsche; get into his stuff later when you have at least the Greeks and some later stuff like Kant and Schopenhauer under your belt.

>> No.3342901

>Nietzsche is great, too, if you have no faith in anything or anyone

This is what happens when you read Nietzsche too early, OP.

>> No.3342911


>straight away
>live a better life

You're going about this ALL wrong. Philosophy is largely about teaching you how to think for yourself. It's a process and it can often become a life-long endeavor. The more of it you read, the less happy with your life you're likely to become, unless you fall prey to the kind of lazy thinking put forth by the stoics or zen babblers.

I'd suggest picking up a solid history of philosophy and going through it. Read secondary lit and articles/summaries online before and after you tackle any given text.

>> No.3342919

>I would like to read up on a few different theory's sort of straight away
Then read the Wikipedia articles on them

>> No.3342920


Why is stoicism lazy?

>> No.3342923

Ive read about the shadow cave story and actualy seen some animation on youtube about it as well.

I have had similar ideas in the past before even reading up on this.

But then I have had similar thoughts to nietsch before even reading about his works.

Some of my thoughts have been similar to the protagonist in the book "the stanger"

Ill look that up

>> No.3342942
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>Philosophy is largely about teaching you how to think for yourself

I already do that a lot,actual far to much and then it confuses the shit out of me.

I thought reading up about other philosophers would help me make sense of all these strange ideas about the world I have.

Ive realized that most of the thoughts I have had other people have had as well.

Will do.

Are the greeks the bet philosophers to read first ? What about any of the asians ?

Also why dont I ever hear of any women philosophers from back then?

>> No.3342948


>why dont I ever hear of any women philosophers from back then

Women were largely not taken very seriously in literary and philosophic circles. Socrates was one of the first to challenge this notion.

>> No.3342965

>unless you fall prey to the kind of lazy thinking put forth by the stoics or zen babblers.

you mean philosophy's that actually work in practice? that are useful?

>> No.3342968
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>> No.3342972

What field interests you the most? Ethics, theories of state, language, metaphysics? Of course these are all intertwined but if philosophy is not your lifelong commitment, I can suggest texts which could be more relevant to your interests.

>> No.3342976
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Thought that would be the case.

Who became the first well known women philosopher then ?

>> No.3342980


>> No.3342983
File: 97 KB, 640x426, 640_wittgenstein-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3342986

fuck off aspergstein

>> No.3342988

Don't blame me when your theories of ethics, unicorns, and deities lead you into a pit of nihilism.

>> No.3342997

op here
I dont even understand....time to reverse image search.

>> No.3343000

A Philosopher called Wittgenstein. He said that metaphysics is a useless pursuit, and that the only fields worthy of study are the material or tangible ones.

He's an asshat.

>> No.3342998

Start with Wittgenstein.

>> No.3343006

>He said that metaphysics is a useless pursuit, and that the only fields worthy of study are the material or tangible ones.


>> No.3343016

Ok, that's going to be a challenging journey for you. Here are a few texts that could be to your interest - read the fragments (really short texts) by Parmenides and Heraclitus since they are the most influential Presocratics thinkers, Plato: Parmenides, Phaedo, Timaeus, The Republic - The epilogue
Aristotle: Metaphysics obviously, but it is a very tough read I warn you. Mandatory texts from the Metaphysics: book I, book V, book VII, book XII. These "books" are not so long, so don't get scared.

>> No.3343029


>has never read a single word of metaphysics

Why are you entering the conversation?

>> No.3343072

Thank you for the suggestions Ill pick some of them works up this week.

>> No.3343101
File: 19 KB, 225x300, Alan_Watts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

op here
Just curious on what you guys think of Alan Watts.

Seen a couple of things on youtube about him and what he says seems rather interesting but I haven't looked to much into him.

>> No.3343132

You are welcome. And don't give up if your first attempts leave you all stupefied.

>> No.3343152

I heard that many of aristotle's teachings were proven wrong...

>> No.3343161

Like what and do you have a source

>> No.3343172

I watched a 3minute Aristotle video on youtube

>> No.3343190

oh was that by helamensterguysvids ?

>> No.3343200

No, college binary.
I searched for helamensterguysvids but turned up no results on google?

>> No.3343207
File: 207 KB, 408x289, 6ql62u.jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was taking the piss mate

>> No.3343214

ok... is it a pun or something

>> No.3343221 [DELETED] 
File: 169 KB, 860x585, 0410C843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, that's why.

>> No.3343242



A more useful and practical philosophy than either of those is pragmatism. Equally lazy, far more effective and less reliant on bullshit.

>> No.3343244



>> No.3343266

Not his philosophical ideas. Mainly his natural philosophy, which we would today call science.