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/lit/ - Literature

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3340524 No.3340524 [Reply] [Original]

Sup /lit/? I have been struggling with being a nihlist for for some time now. I thought it would be a good idea to read some literature pertaining to nihlism and existential crisis, so I read The Stranger. I think that this was a mistake. I am not saying that it was not a great book but, I do think it has made my situation worse. How do you guys deal with nihlism and existential crisis?

>> No.3340530
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>I have been struggling with being a nihlist for for some time now.

>> No.3340529

"For some, the meaninglessness gleaned from a scientific view of life leads to nausea, angst, and nihilistic despair. I reject this attitude on the grounds that nausea, angst, and nihilistic despair also originate in material reactions in the brain. What does despair mean to someone who interprets that emotion as a chemical reaction in the brain? The process of disillusionment can also be disillusioned and de-aestheticized."

>> No.3340534

What's the point of answering.

>> No.3340531

>a book made my life worse, help!

Go 'way, chimp.

>> No.3340533

How did you deal with life before you were born?

>> No.3340541

I wish my sages were bullets that penetrated through the skulls of OPs

>> No.3340554

OP here. I should have known better than to post this on here. I thought that if anyone would know what I was talking about it would be /lit/ that truly understood what I was saying. I guess /lit/ now is just full of 12 year olds with college reading levels. Stay edgy and hip guys.

>> No.3340556

well said

>> No.3340565

Are you implying that what you're saying is 2deep4us? We deal with threads like this every day, hombre. We've all had our own existential crises, hombre. We've all moved on to better things, hombre. The real nihilists got more nihilistey and stopped giving a fuck, the ones who couldn't deal turned to secular humanism or zen. Now go back to /mu/ or wherever you're from. *sage bullet*

>> No.3340568


More like people who get this question daily and are trolling you or dismissive of the entire question on the grounds of it being easily answerable.

Why did Camus make your situation worse, OP?

>> No.3340573

Never said it was 2deep4u hombre. Was just wanting to know how to better deal with my situation. How to keep going....

>> No.3340577

>you guys don't get me

no, we do, we really, really do. It's just that we've been asked to get you like hundreds of times since we WERE you that we're kind of bored of talking to it anymore.

>> No.3340583

>How to keep going....

Look to Sisyphus.

>> No.3340587

real depressed people don't write like you do ok. keep on reading and shit, you won't kill yourself, whatever. you're fucking fine, you're going through adolescence, listen to some angry music or something

>> No.3340588

Muersault just seemed to wander around aimlessly just as I do myself. I found that I related to this character on a deeper level and it just made things seem more hopeless than before.

>> No.3340601

Read the myth of sisyphus or/and the rebel.

>> No.3340602

>How to keep going...
Like motivation? Well surely you don't want to die, right? I'm going to assume your problem is this: you're suffering / you're depressed / etc.
Considering that you're probably not going to kill yourself you should do this: have fun, get ideas and actually go through with them, enjoy yourself, get a qt gf, whatever. Life only needs a meaning when you're unsatisfied with it. So make your life better.
As far as fear of death goes... all you will ever know is being alive. The scary part is right before you die, but if you just tell yourself that you'll face it head-on when it happens and not be scared you'll be fine. No reason to spend an entire life fretting over a short amount of time that won't be as bad as you think in the end.
Go get high on life.

>> No.3340606

Meursault, also, accepted the absurdity of it all and continued on.

Hope isn't for the absurd.

>> No.3340610

Overrated book for wannabes.
"I shot a man just because"


>> No.3340611

If you actually find your existential crises debilitating, something is wrong with you or your life, not all life and the elusive meaning thereof.
Get a job, or talk to a girl. Stop having so much free time.

>> No.3340615


This and this OP,
Coming from a Nihilist who is happy:
Read the Myth of Sisyphus also by Albert Camus

If it doesn't make you happier, read it again, rinse & repeat.

>> No.3340618

Thanks for that post. Motivation is what I need. I have been trying to motivate myself but it is just hard to do when you see no point in anything you do.
You missed the whole point of the book friend. I guess you could say it was 2deep4u

>> No.3340625

Yeah something is wrong with my life. I have a full time job. I have had plenty of girlfriends but, I always seem to run them off because I don't believe in God or I don't tell them that I love them. Also, I have clinical depression.
Thanks. I will give it a shot.

>> No.3340636

>unironically embracing 'nihilism'

Oh wow just look at the sage

>> No.3340639

every day.

>> No.3340640

you are misinterpreting the point of The Stranger. Read the myth of sisyphus and then come back to the stranger.

>> No.3340643
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The point is in taking care of yourself, hombre. If you're important at all to you, you'll get your shit together for you & nobody else. Take the advice you'd give other people. Make the film of your life as interesting as possible because you're watching it 24/7 and it sucks it sucks for you and you alone. I got a 'million of em' but you get the point and they're cheesy and I don't want to write any more of them.

Seriously though, take care of yourself

>> No.3340644

Albert Camus was deeply against Nihilism. He said everything was absurd like a Nihilist would, but claims that we can have the last laugh on life so to speak, by enjoying and embracing the absurdity. He sees Nihilism as imminent if not for this sort of life affirmation.

Earlier Existentialists (whatever that even actually means) were even more opposed to Nihilism. Nietzsche, if we are to consider him an early Existentialist, (which I don't, especially if we use Sartre as the paradigm) based much of his middle and late phases mostly to attacking Nihilism after fully realizing the fact that God is dead. In fact, Nietzsche was so opposed to religion because he claimed it was Nihilism because you deny your current life in hopes to escape into a fantasy world. Kierkegaard, Sartre, Heidegger, and whoever else were all staunchly opposed to Nihilism and would probably be rolling in their graves knowing that they are lumped into a catch all philosophical movement that is often perceived in relation to Nihilism.

>> No.3340648

This book isn't very good. People probably liked it in the 40's because it seemed edgy and weird.

>> No.3340650
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Meant to post this far more serious and penetrating ligotti.

>> No.3340655

Thanks man. I don't want my life to suck. I am working on it.

>> No.3340658

>nihilism in 2013
Did you miss the point of The Stranger entirely?

>> No.3340663


OP confirmed for illiterate

>> No.3340664

>this is what philistines actually believe

>> No.3340671

>nihilism in 2013

No, it's actually quite an old book.

>> No.3340673

No. I would like to know what you got out of the story, though...

>> No.3340674

exactly. anyone who thinks the stranger is about being a nihilist is a hopelessly poor reader

>> No.3340682

Then tell me what the point of the story is....Stop throwing out logical fallacies and explain what you mean....

>> No.3340690

>logical fallacies
My god you're hopeless. Read the goddamn Wikipedia article for the book.

>> No.3340692

you can't just use the term "logical fallacy" whenever something disagrees with you.

Camus shows that when man confronts the absurdity of life head-on, when he fully realizes all over himself that life is ultimately meaningless, but to seek comfort in it, he turns out happy. It is a relieving conclusion. Man realizes that there is nothing above him- no great plan, no absolute, no mystic observer. It is only man, man by himself, and he needs to seek out his own destiny. One must picture Meursault happy.

>> No.3340702

>Citing Wikipedia as a credible source

>> No.3340710

>Oh I'm so cultured!

>> No.3340716

>you can't just use the term "logical fallacy" whenever something disagrees with you.

Stop appealing to nature with ad hominiums.

>> No.3340733

>Anyone can edit it so it's obviously wrong!
>I trust /lit/ over a website that cites actual valid sources!

>> No.3340735

>implying that isn't the biggest post scotsman hoc ergo propter strawman I have seen in my entire life

>> No.3340739
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>> No.3340750

If you aren't looking up an article on current events, politics, or some other controversial issue, wikipedia really isn't that bad.

stop being an autist and listening to every word your teachers tell you

>> No.3340816

>this fucking thread
>some faggots flies in shouts "Stay edgy and hip guys"
>gets TOLD


>> No.3340833

>Still using emoticons.
Stay pleb, you 12 year old school girl.

>> No.3340853
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>> No.3341577

quote from whom?

>> No.3341588
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Our ancestors would be rolling.

>> No.3341612
File: 58 KB, 644x657, bruegel144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hooded misanthrope, who refuses to look at the world, is being robbed by the small figure in a glass ball, a symbol of vanity. The inscription on the painting reads: ‘because the world is perfidious, I am going into mourning’. The moral of the painting is that this belief brings only harm and first of all to its owner. It’s immoral to live in the world and abandon responsibility for it.

>> No.3341618

>In this unusual work, a hooded misanthrope, refusing to look at the world, is being robbed by the small figure in a glass ball, a symbol of vanity. The inscription on the painting reads: “because the world is perfidious, I am going into mourning.” A pastoral scene stretches behind the misanthrope, depicting a shepherd, his flock, and a windmill.

>By all this, Brueghel states that to be a misanthrope is a kind of vanity. Moreover, to be a misanthrope is to rob yourself—perhaps of the joys of the world and its simple goods, such as the ones pictured in the background.

>> No.3341619

>scientific view
>reactions in the brain
>chemical reactions

>asks for the author so he can meditate on his existential and semi-suicidal thoughts whilst jacking off over and over, thus serving as an authoritarian pseudo-axiom which now unites your like-minded faggotry, that indeed it is the chemical reactions in yo' brain!

>> No.3341620
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>because the world is perfidious

>> No.3341623

I watched the steps in the maze of the news. of statistics one cannot escape.
chimeras and mercantile gossip media invade me loneliness.
facts do not exist.
the escape is to nowhere.
I had an idea, I have an idea, let's run! I had an idea, I had a idea escape with me! I had an idea, I had an idea, let's run away! I had an idea, I had an idea, escape with me!
information is everywhere.
a thousand eyes watch us.
nobody knows who calls the shots.
but they are fulfilled.
the tv transmits to us the reality,
gives us orders.
and I fulfill them!
the only escape is to madness.
I had an idea, I have an idea, let's run! I had an idea, I had a idea escape with me! I had an idea, I had an idea, let's run away! I had an idea, I had an idea, escape with me!
Cricket speaker goofy bumbling fumbling one
knight-errant knight-errant sparrow
Sparrow crazed madman got a supermodel one
supermodel an avenger have a relentless relentless
I have a Nobel Prize Nobel Prize a mistress
insatiable insatiable've got a serial killer
I disguised as a serial killer god god in disguise
I am the biggest dealer'm the biggest dealer

>> No.3342002

The point is that it is liberating.

>> No.3342007

Nihilism =/= Existentialism =/= Absurdism

>> No.3342030
File: 92 KB, 576x747, smbc_nihilist[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>existential crisis
>hurrr durr I feel empty hurrr