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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 21 KB, 329x500, Thegame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3320849 No.3320849 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone here read this?

Will I still find it an enjoyable, or at least interesting, read if I'm not a mysoginist, think PUA is silly and am not looking to become a PUA myself?

>> No.3320873

I've not read it, but I'm going to use my psychic powers to predict that you'll find it trite, condescending, sexist and very easy to read quickly.

>> No.3320881

Probably not (and rightly so)

>> No.3320906

i've read it and >>3320873 has it down pretty well

only thing he's missing is the massive insecurity of the men who practice PUA in the book and their unbearable compensation

>one guy is bald
>gets a lot of casual sex from women at a club
>i'm still a man even if i don't have hair on my head, right guys? guyss?

>> No.3320921

I found it intriguing but ultimately horrifically shallow, Strauss reads like a sodding Ben Elton character, the secrets he pedals boil down to look nice and hit on everything with legs.
I'd love to read some criticism of it as the bragging extends to the point where women are just objects being used to one up other men with the pickup stories being told in a style reminiscent of shit porn.

>> No.3321003

It is quite enjoyable. It's basicly the story of a group of sociopaths who try to compensate for their insecurities and lack of social skills by learning to brainwash women like apathetic robots. If you think PUA's are silly it's even better, because the conclusion of the novel pretty clearly damns the whole prospect of it.

>> No.3321044

I have friends who got really into this crap, and one of them lent me The Game which was not to my liking. Now they all peacock, make little noises after they do something useful or positive, and discuss aspects of "inner game" when there aren't women around. Basically, they stopped being genuine people in order to pick up average girls at bars who would probably hook up with them regardless of the little "tricks" they are employing.

>> No.3321070

There're definitely things you can do to weigh things in your favour and it works exceptionally well. But sex sort of loses it's appeal when they don't find an explicit appreciation for your actual character.

I always liked Tyrion as a character because he was really good at making his hones disposition apparent while simultaneously manipulating people and keeping on the good side of those who'd do him harm over his real thoughts.

And man. It's a little shallow to turn into some ungodly badass for the sake of bedding a girl and not aspire to be similarly exciting company for your friends.

>> No.3321640
File: 67 KB, 369x356, Zhev1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah its a good story and Neil Strauss is a pretty good writer.

>> No.3321706

I've finished a few months ago. It's a nice read. I really liked the Courtney Love bits, specially when she uses one of Kurt Cobain shirts to bring good luck. I don't know, but I found myself smiling when I read that.

Other than that, after the release of the book, the PUA community went to shit. Everyone is a guru now, and they all charge a fuck ton of cash to teach you. When I decided that it was worth a shot, I actually promised not to spent a dollar on anything. But I'll tell you that there are really interesting things out there and there is also a lot of shit. The internet basically works like that, so, yeah.

And regarding inner game, that's just self help with a different name. It might not be some Paulo Coelho shit, but it doesn't go far far away from that. There are extremes, like Rasputin (The guy goes by Hypnotica nowadays) and Steve P., those guys hypnotize the shit out of you. I was skeptic at first, but they show up on Neil Strauss annihilation method (A video series, which is kinda interesting, but fucking long) and they pull some good tricks.

pls dont peacock

>> No.3321745

>I'm not a mysoginist, think PUA is silly and am not looking to become a PUA myself
Why the fuck would you even consider it?

>> No.3321860

>Will I still find it an enjoyable, or at least interesting, read if I'm not a mysoginist, think PUA is silly and am not looking to become a PUA myself?

Yes. It's not a how-to; it's just Neil Strauss' account of getting into the whole pick up scene.

>only thing he's missing is the massive insecurity of the men who practice PUA in the book and their unbearable compensation

Their insecurities manifested themselves in other ways. While they were living in the rented mansion, for example: a lot of them started their own methods and began doing seminars, while expressing their mistrust towards the PUA's they believe were conspiring against them (among other things). Then, there was Mystery who had his own problems.

>> No.3322222

Save your life.

Go to rsdnation.com

Read the articles on the front page.

Your welcome.


>> No.3322231


The book is interesting but useless to pick up girls.

As far as literature is concerned, I'd read Mc Carthy instead.

As my old french teacher told me : "a great piece of literature is something that moves you not because of what it tells, but because of how it is told".

>> No.3322266


>> No.3322301

It seems all of the techniques boil down to taking advantage of the woman's insecurity.

>> No.3322745

Isn't it pretty much Baldwin's Speech from the Glenn Gary Ross applied to chicks?

>> No.3323097

>if I'm not a mysoginist, think PUA is silly and am not looking to become a PUA myself?
Why would you read it then? You can be honest, anon, everyone will judge you anyway.

>> No.3323132

Nice story, somewhat, but you won't learn anything from this book. The book of pook is for free and it's miles better than anything you can download, buy or pay for about this game shit

>> No.3323196

It's a really fun book, I recommend it. His books tend to be really easy fun reads. The book he wrote after that, emergency, is pretty good too. It's about his journey to learn how to live off the grid. He travels around with all these tin foil hat guys and learns all these tricks. Towards the end of the book he had to help a bunch of people who were in a train wreck.

I'll read a Neil Struass book anytime, fun writer.

The game isn't douche baggy shit, you should read it.

>> No.3323224


did we all just lose?

>> No.3323279

What's your purpose for picking it up, OP? That will tell us whether you'll like it much or not. I read it like a novel with a few insights about how to pick up women. I liked it a lot and think Neil is an absolutely positive influence upon American men (and women, thereby). People fuck more and fuck better, and what's more important, have a fuck of a lot better time getting social out "in the field" because of him and what he's doing.

If you actually want to get better at picking up women, The Game won't help you unless you are willing to trace out all the shit that he actually did: learn about NLP, make up a bunch of semi-scripted routines, and make roughly a thousand approaches learning what works and what doesn't. The quicker route would be to follow up the book with the Stylelife Challenge, a 30 day program (just buy the book "The Rules of the Game", you don't need to subscribe to a website or pay a guru or any shit like that) with an amazing amount of good material on how to become a better person and thereby have better interaction with other human beings.

>> No.3323283

Amen. The Dirt and The Long Hard Road out of Hell are also both great fun. Emergency, useful; Everybody Loves You When You're Dead, fun and insightful.

>> No.3323578
File: 51 KB, 396x385, tumblr_lq9fwpPaku1qal22f[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>neil strauss is a redditor and made a Q&A in there a few months ago
>nobody ever comes to 4chan

>> No.3323614

So Pynchon and Tao Lin don't count?

>> No.3323629

I read it for all the fuzz around it. Its funny, but also somewhat misleading

>not all girls are dumb sluts

>> No.3323669

>tao lin
talk about low standards

>> No.3323960

>king of alt lit
>not better than pickup artist

>> No.3323997

alt lit is an appropriation of internet culture by authors. i can't reconcile the branding these authors do with the anonymous aspect of the internet. it feels like alt lit is one big shitpost that someone tried to humanize.

§§posted from my Wii§§

>> No.3324020

>one big shitpost that someone tried to humanize.
Sounds like a lot of artistic movements.