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File: 161 KB, 640x960, 1355789846480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3320510 No.3320510 [Reply] [Original]

Requesting the beginners guide to existentialism someone made on here around a month ago. Need to go buy a book, and it had suggestions if I remember correctly.

>> No.3320521

That chick goes to Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario, Canada.

>> No.3320520

>indirectly assaulting feminist theory
>needs a beginners guide to babby philosophy

Why do I still come here?

>> No.3320525

Feminist theory is shit, at least the modern feminist philosophy made it that way.

>> No.3320533

go back to /pol/

>> No.3320527


Quick: define 'modern feminist philosophy' at large.

>> No.3320536

I picked that photo in hopes you'd read my post, please, do any of you have the photo.

I have no opinion about feminism.

my eyes

>> No.3320548

I'm talking about tumblr feminism, the kind of shit that these pictures are referring to. The kind of feminism that promotes a matriarch society instead of equality.

>> No.3320555
File: 124 KB, 919x737, 1356301449792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should pick my photos better...

>> No.3320558

Third-wave feminism?

>> No.3320564


Okay. A strawman feminism, sure. That's worth attacking.

>> No.3320566

i heard the matriarchy is plotting to have big bang theory canceled

>> No.3320567

A strawwoman you sexist pig

>> No.3320568

Sorry OP, I remember the photo and saw the thread that it was posted in but I didn't save it and these idiots needed to be addressed.

>> No.3320577

Not a strawneuter? You degenerative bigot.
Just check your privilege..

>> No.3320588


Any number of theorists in the field find this kind of identity politicizing juvenile and demeaning.

>> No.3320585

What are you, some sort of transist? We need a new gender in between male, female, neuter and trans.

>> No.3320595

Moreover, they find the misrepresentation of such gender identities by western youths disturbing and harmful.

>> No.3320596

OP here.

>> No.3320603

I'm a tiger in a human's body, is there is name for my condition?

>> No.3320609


>> No.3320611

yall are opening the 2011 time capsule a little early, don't you think?

>> No.3320618


Check your privilege, you would never know how bad his condition is. That is the same attitude that people had towards trans individuals in the past.

>> No.3320625

I'm a landwhale.

Where's my entitlement?

>> No.3320627


Internet addiction.

>> No.3320631

Don't worry, soon the LGBTBBQ people will add otherkin to their list of "officially oppressed".

>> No.3320640

If the generic white male suffers oppression from other gender groups, does true equality exist?

>> No.3320644

Reality is anti-egalitarian.

>> No.3320648


Ought is is?

>> No.3320655

And you can prove this?

>> No.3320661
File: 102 KB, 307x363, 1352651859169.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People are born with different IQ levels, different looks, different sizes, the list goes on. If there is a possibility that one individual will be at all different from the next, true equality is impossible. As long as there are differences, there will be inequality.

>> No.3320683

>manifested in IQ
You're confusing human experience with principles of reality.

>> No.3320691

None of those are moral differences.

>> No.3320699

i laughed pretty hard at how the op got sidelined because of his op picture. good job.

>> No.3320701

Different cultures will always value certain traits over others, and those who have those traits will be valued as more important than those lacking.

>Egalitarian doctrines maintain that all humans are equal in fundamental worth or social status

This is a baseless statement.

>> No.3320714

>As seen in: IQ

>> No.3320723

you're honestly quite derailed if you can believe in the theory of evolution while simultaneously expecting all human beings to be equal beyond superficial variations in phenotype.

>> No.3320725

You're just being purposely dense now. Worth is subjective, and thus different cultures will decide what they define it as in the context of their society. If they value intelligence, then those of a high intelligence will be valued over those without.

>> No.3320729

Egalitarianism, which claims only to want an 'equality' in end results, hates the exceptional man who, through his own mental effort, achieves that which others cannot... In an attempt to 'dumb down' all students to the lowest common denominator, today's educators no longer promote excellence and students of superior ability... Imagine the following Academy Award ceremony. There are no awards for best picture or best actor. Instead, every picture gets a certificate and every actor receives a prize. That is not an awards ceremony, you say? So it isn't. But it is an egalitarian's dream -- and an achiever's torment. Talent and ability create inequality... To rectify this supposed injustice, we are told to sacrifice the able to the unable. Egalitarianism demands the punishment and envy of anyone who is better than someone else at anything. We must tear down the competent and the strong -- raze them to the level of the incompetent and the weak... What would happen to a Thomas Edison today? If he survived school with his mind intact, he would be shackled by government regulators. His wealth would be confiscated by the IRS. He would be accused of 'unfair competition' for inventing so many more products than his competitors.

>> No.3320737

Supposing an individualist culture acts concordantly with judgement.

>> No.3320740


>hates the exceptional

Stopped reading.

>> No.3320748

Cute attempt at refutation.

Unless you're just going to say "w-well who's exceptional depends on the culture!!!", which is not a refutation.

>> No.3320756

Question to egalitarians.

If you had a button that made every person born have a set IQ of 90, would you press it? It's not fair the some are born more intelligent than others, is it?

>> No.3320770


wow thats really insightful maybe somebody will write a short story on that theme 50 years ago

>> No.3320774

>that dodge
>that obvious cognitive dissonance when his ideas are taken to their logical conclusion

>> No.3320778

>It's not fair the some are born more intelligent than others, is it?

indeed, but it would be worse if there weren't any really intelligent people left, who's taking care of the dumb ones then?

Also an IQ means that you're good at solving IQ tests, nothing more

>> No.3320779


i'm not the person your arguing with

>> No.3320787


>> No.3320790

Worse by what standard? Not an egalitarian's standards. That one would be good at something, and another not, is completely unequal!

A world with exceptional individuals cannot ever be truly equal.


>> No.3320803

almost nobody intelligent uses that concept of equality to argue for egalitarianism tho, it's all just a massive fucking strawman you're arguing against

so good job beating the shit out of that strawman i guess

>> No.3320804
File: 131 KB, 500x333, 1349237266950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also an IQ means that you're good at solving IQ tests, nothing more

Low scoring pleb detected.

>> No.3320807
File: 44 KB, 446x400, laughing girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also an IQ means that you're good at solving IQ tests, nothing more
and the success it strongly correlates with must not mean anything

trying to discredit the scientific measurability of intelligence is a really old game. Raven's Progressive Matrices are free of cultural biases. if hypothetically it were possible to train for them specifically, no statistical difference would arise as every individual would be capable of training for them equally and more intelligent individuals would be able to do so more effectively on average.

>> No.3320813

Medium-scoring pleb with low self esteem and no other redeeming features detected.

>> No.3320814

>Egalitarian doctrines maintain that all humans are equal in fundamental worth or social status

As long as differences in intelligence exist, all humans will not have equal worth or social status within a society that values said traits. I'm sorry that you're unable to use that tiny brain of yours to take your ideas to their logical conclusions.

>> No.3320821
File: 22 KB, 491x224, laughter2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone who is better than me has low self esteem and no other redeeming features

Is that how you regulate your fragile sense of self-worth, kiddo?

>> No.3320857

No, is making wild assumptions about anyone who disagrees with you how you regulate yours?

Even if it wasn't for all your greentexting and using the word pleb I'd know you were a knobhead just from the "laughing" images. They're like trips but shitter.

>> No.3321021
File: 1.09 MB, 2048x1366, Baby's first existential crisis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what, this?