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/lit/ - Literature

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3319893 No.3319893 [Reply] [Original]

This just in.

>> No.3319896


>> No.3319911

I just came to make this thread. Does this mean we'll see the Japanese insurance salesman??

Also, Paul Thomas Anderson is directing the Inherent Vice film. I am okay with this.

>> No.3319919


>> No.3319920

i'lll believe it when pynchon tweets about it himself

>> No.3319922

made my day. gonna do some mdma now.

>> No.3319924

Does Ruggles have a personal twitter?

>> No.3319926

I hate the idea of a Pynchon novel being titled 'Bleeding Edge'. I'll buy and burn fifty.

>> No.3319931

If it's another Inherent Vice I'll be disappointed. I want one last Pynchon doorstopper.

>> No.3319937

Dang, that sounds pretty dope.

>> No.3319947

Yes. Only members of the Roosevelt clan have access though.

>> No.3319976

Dang, I'll be dead by then.

>> No.3319977

Oh my god, Anon, what happened?

>> No.3319979

Maybe it's about masochism.

>> No.3319989

Please don't be an Inherent Vice sequel.

>> No.3319995

>Bleeding edge technology is a category of technologies incorporating those so new that they could have a high risk of being unreliable and lead adopters to incur greater expense in order to make use of them.

>> No.3320005

It's a phrase used ad nauseum in startup culture, no one is really that scared of it. Wikipoo.

>> No.3320010


Oh nothing, I'm just going to kill myself.

>> No.3320012

Well shit, that just gives me 9 or so months to finish V, Mason & Dixon, and Inherent Vice

which do i read first

>> No.3320015

Oh it's fine then.
But why don't you wait till it comes out?

>> No.3320016

Good luck.

I'll probably be killing myself, soon, too. How are you going to do it?

>> No.3320024

Read V., then M&D.
Why didn't you read them chronologically?

>> No.3320026


Can't. I've gotta be out of here by around April.



>> No.3320041

suicide is for wimps

prove me wrong

>> No.3320052


>> No.3320057

I disagree. I think suicide is for the strong, maybe even the practical.

All over the world there are people 65 and older, doing nothing with their lives, using up resources like electricity, gas, housing, and basically occupying space until fate comes in and finishes them off. These are the real cowards.

>> No.3320061


did nana and pop-pop forget to tuck $10 into your christmas card this year

>> No.3320067


Some say suicide is for the selfish, but it's literally for the selfless.

That's just an aside of mine, though.

>> No.3320089

Shit I gotta get to Against the Day.

>> No.3320095


Truly a man is only worthwhile if he is generating money for his Company, there is value to a life of contemplation or leisure.

>> No.3320116

>he died years ago

>they keep publishing "his" books

>> No.3320120

hype train full speed ahead

>> No.3320121

I just ordered Inherent Vice since I read that it's some sort of 'Pynchon Lite'. Is it really that shitty?

>> No.3320128

>implying Pynchon Lite = bad

>> No.3320131

>Some say suicide is for the selfish
People with dictionaries?

>> No.3320133
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New Pynchon book = yay!

Oh, and Inherent Vice is a decent book, one of his best. Relatively simple, but enjoyable and a cool setting, i.e. the late 60s. Wish it had been a bit longer though, and the ending was anti-climatic.

Hopefully this new book will be somewhere inbetween Pynchon Lite and Pynchon Classic. ATD was just right, complex and long, but not too much soon (or at least, not too complex).

>> No.3320136

It's a good detective novel. It's shitty in comparison to his other novels.
If you haven't read anything by him, V. and The Crying of Lot 49 will give you a better idea of what he's about. .

>> No.3320141

Yeah, this. Pynchon's worst book is still a thousand times better than anything by BEE or DFW.

So, like, read it.

>> No.3320142

Why can't you stop being wrong for once?

>> No.3320146

Someone need to write 50 shades of gray from the male's perspective. Bleeding edge is a perfectly suitable title.

>> No.3320173

I can't wait to use the cover art as a reaction image.

>> No.3320181

Nice one, anon.

I hope the book lives up to the title in edginess.

>> No.3320184

> 'Bleeding Edge'

Now it's settled, Pynchon is definitely a /lit/ denizen.

>> No.3320202

Thanks for reminding me that he is alive.

>> No.3320204


He seems pretty active


>> No.3320215


I'm excited

>> No.3320217

>tfw he wrote V. when he was 13, the age when you were writing Dragonball Z fanfiction.

>> No.3320226

hi wise people!

where to start with pynchon? the crying a lot 49 sounds like something for me but my friends all recommend gravity's rainbow (because that's the only one they've read)

>> No.3320230

Awful title. So was Inherent Vice.

Is he intentionally letting himself go, or is he just looking to stock up an inheritance for his family with another easy bestseller?

>> No.3320231

If you want to "start" with him, start with his first book.

>> No.3320232

Many people call Inherent Vice a lighter sort of Pynchon, so that might be a good entry point.

>> No.3320234

so edgy

>> No.3320239

Your friends are idiots.
Start with V.

>> No.3320262


>> No.3320295


Yeah, the people with dictionaries on-hand. They need to refer to them constantly while reading to have any idea of what's going on in the Harry Potter novels.

It's not hard to make sense of it, but you need to actually bother first. Unless i'm on /lit/ again--oh right. In that case:

"Some say suicide is for the selfless, but they're actually....infinitely jesting!"--David Foster Wallace

I'm going to go troll the DFW bio thread again now.

>> No.3320311

I started with GR and I was very confused the whole time, but I enjoyed it and I think I understood a decent amount of it considering I was 17 when I read it.
V or Crying is probably a better starting point.

>> No.3320333
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Ooh baby!

>> No.3320349
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> mfw hidden reference in BLEEDING EDGE confirms Pynchon's e-presence on /lit/
> mfw jap insurance salesman
> mfw blueberries

Sticky this thread, boys.

>> No.3320357

Damn, this sounds like the title of a John Grisham or a Michael Crichton novel.

A blurb should be out soon. Excited.

>> No.3320360


>that sensation when you realize Ruggs is actively engaged in /lit/ non-culture as a means of exploring the postmodern condition in realtime

>> No.3320363

>yfw film adaptation is announced
>Bill Murray plays the lead role

>> No.3320386

Holy fucking shit Ruggles is alive.
How does it feel to know that he titles his last novel as a reference to you, /lit/?

>> No.3320391

> that sensation when you remember how he leaked a blurb of Against the Day on amazon
> those butterflies in your stomach when the next logical step is to leak the blurb on /lit/

its happening!

>> No.3320422

Pinecone made this thread>>3318034

>> No.3320439


>> No.3320450
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>> No.3320461



>> No.3320464
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Inb4 the billions of future posts calling Pynchon and his readers edgy

>> No.3320468


>> No.3320530

New novels by Gass, McElroy, Vollmann and now Pynchon.

2014 is going to be the best year in recent memory.

>> No.3320532

more like bleeding GARBedge

>> No.3320540


gass has me a lil worried since it sounds so much like a rehash of the tunnel

>> No.3320543


>> No.3320570

I've never heard of a 90 y/o author releasing anything, so I'm not expecting much. But 500 pages of dat prose are always welcome.

>> No.3320598

Well lookit that. The first book release I get to be excited about since I started reading again. Weird

>> No.3320632

those are written all the time and are self published as shit added on to the kindle store. thing is, they don't get famous because 'men don't read'

>> No.3320688

Came here to post this.
I never thought my google alert for 'Thomas Pynchon New Novel' would ever come into play.

>> No.3320695


holy shit, kind of makes p-roth look like a punk for ducking out at 80

>> No.3320724

You should probably slap yourself for being such a moron.

>> No.3320773

Holy shit. Made muh day, op.

>> No.3320806


>> No.3320818


>> No.3320838

aren't you guys tired of reading edgy books

>> No.3320866


>joke's already old nine months prior to publication

>> No.3320926

I don't get it.

>> No.3320959

Ok this is really weird, but I vaguely remember someone telling me one time, "Ok, you're in. Welcome to Roosevelt Clan." But I have no idea where it was or how it happened.

What the hell guys.

>> No.3320961


>> No.3320965



>> No.3320968

You sure you're not having a dejavu?

>> No.3320976

I was the one who made that post. It's because Ruggles is married to Melanie Jackson who's the grand or great-granddaughter of Theodore Roosevelt.
This is the thread you're talking about http://fuuka.warosu.org/lit/thread/S2910891

>> No.3320979

This year is already shaping up better than 2012.

Time to reread every Pynchon book, essay, blurb, /lit/ post, Simpsons episode, etc.

>> No.3320987

Haha oh yeah.

Good times.

>> No.3320993

>inb4 Anon swears he will read every book by Pynchon prior to the release of Bleeding Edge
>inb4 the date arrives and Anon hasn't read a single page of any of his books
>inb4 Anon doesn't even read Bleeding Edge

>> No.3321008

There's a distinct lack of kids calling Pynchon an overrated hack ITT.

>> No.3321013


he killed himself because -- wait

>> No.3321089

His short story "Entropy" is pretty good as a starter. You can read it in a single sitting.

>> No.3321124

The Crying of Lot 49
Inherent Vice

Read these, if you like them, then start tackling his other novels. Be absolutely sure to read either Mason & Dixon or Gravity's Rainbow.

>> No.3321134

Should we assume this will be his last novel?

>> No.3321136

No, he's writing an awfully quick rate.

But he could die anytime.

>> No.3321146

>6 results

I guess our work here is done.

>> No.3321155

He probably has several ready just to fuck with people

>> No.3321168

> Salbass

testing, 1, 2, 3


>> No.3321200


>> No.3321209

I've only read V. and a couple parts of Gravity's Rainbow but I'm still looking forward to this

>> No.3321258

He tends to write multiple novels at once (he did GR, V, and Crying Lot at the same time), so he was probably writing Inherent Vice and Bleeding Edge at once and finished IV first.

>> No.3321270

Maybe it's the Godzilla novel he was allegedly working on in the mid 60s.

>> No.3321313


Idiots. Do it with helium.

Seriously though, why kill yourself? Hell is better than nothing - at least you can dream and masturbate.

>> No.3321328

You guys remember that thread a couple of months ago with all the anti-jokes?

That was Pynchon.

>> No.3321330


I've heard very conflicting things about the helium death. Some say painless, some say excruciatingly painful.

>Hell is better than nothing

I disagree.

>> No.3321332
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But, if they kill themselves they go to Hell, so what are you arguing??

>> No.3321334

I don't remember that thread.

>> No.3321347


Had a picture of two 60s kids. Jokes about Alabama and what have you.

>> No.3321359


I think the helium-being-painful thing is really just nonsense to stop kids doing it. A shitton of people do it with helium here and the media and government shit their pants every time it happens.

If you really want to commit suicide just travel to Afghanistan or around Central Asia or something. If you don't die just keep going - it'll happen eventually.

>> No.3321417

It's good, depending on what you want. I couldn't give two fucks about the plot, I just liked it for the whacky shit that went on, constant joint smoking, adventures, prose etc.

>> No.3321431

i liked Inherent Vice. me hap hap happy.

>> No.3321445

Isn't Pynchon 75?

I wonder if Pychon has written loads of stuff, maybe a memoir and he has planned to have to released when he dies.

We find out he's one of the Boards of Canada members and other Ruggles things.

>> No.3321740

>Boards of Canada member
Oh god that would complete my life

>> No.3321796


If he hasn't been interested in fame while alive, I doubt he would be interested in it while dead.

>> No.3321810

I never said anything about fame.

What I meant was he has held back and probably knows loads of fans would love to be told some of his mysteries. The mysteries are cool but once he's gone then why not.

>> No.3321915
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Well butter my biscuit.

>Pynchon writing a new novel
>Lynch planning a new movie
>These people will create something new before they die

>> No.3321946

If I were him I would do it just to rob all the "I knew Pynchon" vultures that will try and come out of the woodwork after he's dead of their moment.

>> No.3321948

>Lynch planning a new movie

Wait........ what??!???!??!?

>> No.3322640

Whoa holy shit!

Sounds like a Gibsonish cyberpunk title. A novel about the future as imagined by a luddite would be so cash.

Please don't be another Doc Sportello novel.

>> No.3322667

>bleed n. The edge of a map or chart on which cartographic detail is extended to the edge of the sheet. Also called BLEEDING EDGE

>> No.3322669

What we do know is that it's not going to be about a mild-mannered Japanese insurance adjuster.

>> No.3322673
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>> No.3322681

>I've never heard of a 90 y/o author releasing anything, so I'm not expecting much. But 500 pages of dat prose are always welcome.

Gene Wolfe is 81 and still writing.

>> No.3322685

Oh shit this actually came true.

>Hey /lit/,
I've learnt from a credible source that Pynchon's newest novel is to be published by Penguin Press sometime late-2013.
>There's no title yet, but it'll be a sci-fi novel set in Japan complete with tentacle rapes, cyborgs and mechas.
>I can't divulge who the source is and I'll understand if you don't believe me.

>> No.3322698

None of that is confirmed or even reported by a reliable source, is it?

>> No.3322700


And McCarthy's 79.

Who cares about these old shit authors?

>> No.3322706

No just the
>Pynchon's newest novel is to be published by Penguin Press sometime late-2013.
part. The title is also cyberpunkish, so the rest isn't that big of a stretch. Let's see.

>> No.3322722


A title about a map's edge is hardly 'cyberpunkish'

>> No.3322725

Words have multiple meanings, you know.

>> No.3322729


Yes, and you're free to read in what you want to them. But others are free to point out when your reading is baseless

>> No.3322734


Oh fuck, those things.

It's about expanse people. Enlarging the mind or exploration. I'm calling some undiscovered continent.

>> No.3322756


>> No.3322781

What is this about a Japanese insurance salesman?

>> No.3322852

We're going to start something like the Evangelion 3.0 threads on /a/ right?

>> No.3322853


They're guessing what the book will be about based on a previous thread.

>> No.3322871

He's given the world enough. Let him die fat and rich if he wants to.

>> No.3322875

Is there a place where you can read Pynchon's essays online?
I assume they're compiled somewhere. I didn't even know he wrote essays.

>> No.3322876


>> No.3322885

Would any of you plebs believe me if I were to tell you that I'm Tommy Ruggs?

>> No.3322891

No. Because you used the word "pleb".

>> No.3322892

Thanks, bro.

>> No.3322893

No, I used the word "plebs".

>> No.3322918
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my face

>> No.3322920

Didn't know there was a previous thread aside from brief mention about one where it's Pynchon's final stand at cyberpunk in some neo-Japanese setting with an amalgamated Japanese pop-cultural pastiche.

But uh. That's pretty cool I guess if I didn't get that part.

... you got a link? I'm dying here man

>> No.3322921


I wouldn't believe you, but Pynchon has probably come to 4chan at least once - maybe even to /lit/.

>> No.3322924


That was the thread bro. If it turns out to be true, you can be pretty sure Pynchon himself posted it. I don't think it's valuable enough to the masses to be leaked, and I don't think anyone here would be close enough to Pynchon.

>> No.3322987
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Pic related, the post directly beyond "Merry Christmas", don't have the original, sadly.

>> No.3322989

Goddamn, sorry, of course I meant "under"

>> No.3322996
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>tfw you know you will die soon so you do nothing but write
>tfw you patrician up the place for 50 years, but at the end of it most of your attention comes from some losers on an anime image board who are deluded enough to think you have a special appreciation for them

>> No.3323001



Get the fuck back to /mu/ you faggot.

>> No.3323176

Why Penguin?

>> No.3323177


They published Inherent Vice too. I guess the relationship was worth repeating.

>> No.3323184

Penguin is shit.

>> No.3323199


>> No.3323229


Uh, okay.

>> No.3323271


Scathing commentary. You're just what the academy needs. A bold, fresh, provocative snowflake with oodles of original thoughts and a depth of approach that rivals the Mariana. They'll remember you, cowboy, because you were the one: the solitary flagstaff beating naked against the wind. They'd never get a hold of you. Be damned if they did. The snowflake presses on - through sleet, through dew, through fire - he alone divorces farce from clarity: the rawness of the never-vacant thought. He's doused in it. Drowsed in it. A vanguard, the watershed, the cleaving of the native veil: The Thinker, yes. That's what they'll call him.

>> No.3323272
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>> No.3323281

It's about time people stop sucking his dick just because he browses /lit/.

>> No.3323295


Thomas Pynchon himself, getting butthurt.

>> No.3323330

go away pynchon

>> No.3323382

Wait, does someone sincerely believe that Thomas Pynchon posts here?

>> No.3323421

I wrote dbz fanfiction when I was 11, was I premature?

>> No.3323422
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>> No.3323458

>Wallace was a damn fine writer
Wow, that pun is positively Pynchonesque.

>> No.3323465

It's fun to imagine he does.

Think of it like a queer form of /lit/erati roleplay.

>> No.3323471

I don't get it...

>> No.3323475

>I thought Wallace was a damn fine writer
>Wallace was a damn fine writer
>a damn fine writer

>> No.3323481

Oh shit.

>> No.3323728

I still dont get it.

>> No.3323736

your dum

Wallace = dfw = damn fine writer

>> No.3323740

Oh right. Not that guy, but I thought the joke was just
>Being able to write

>> No.3323744

That's not a pun

>> No.3323753

I'm not the one who said it was.

>> No.3323767

edgy as fuck

>> No.3323775

How is that?

>> No.3323776


>> No.3323924

I think all of us should buy it on the release date and have a huge read along on /lit/.

>> No.3323975

Bleeding edge technology.

>> No.3323976

I figured that was going to happen regardless of anyone's plans.

>> No.3324417

That would be pretty fun.

>> No.3324422

You're a fucking moron.

>> No.3324449

But it's not a baseless take on it, you'll hear the term often enough in IT circles, and it's well enough a 'cyberpunkish' term. Your take on it (map's edge) is only speculation, and has as solid a base as this one (unless someone in authority has confirmed the other one, I don't think anyone has).

>> No.3324463

I wasn't even that guy, I don't give a shit about the whole map's edge thing. But to see two words, and take one of a thousand possible meanings of the word and say "OH MAN THAT'S TOTALLY WHAT IT IS I AM DEFINITELY RIGHT. THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO CHANCE I'M WRONG, EVERYONE WHO DISAGREES WITH ME IS OBJECTIVELY STUPID FOR ATTEMPTING TO DISAGREE WITH SUCH CAST-IRON EVIDENCE AND LOGIC" is just completely fucking ludicrous.

>has a solid base as this one
It's made out of fucking jelly.

Fuck off.

>> No.3324475

Are you drunk?

>> No.3324477

>I have no idea how to defend my spurious, unsubstantiated speculation, I will resort to saying "lol r u drunk? XD"

Fuck off.

>> No.3324532


I agree, it would be completely fucking ludicrous of me to say any of that.

>It's made out of fucking jelly.
'Bleeding edge' is most commonly meant in the context of 'bleeding edge technology', especially in IT circles, it would be 'cyberpunkish' enough, as it's a term that describes that which the cyberpunk genre is focused on. What's more, Thomas Pynchon is said to have codified the 'cyberpunk' genre, or at least to have heavily influenced those that made it.

Of course, this is all speculation, and I've at no point said that it's definitely what the title means, only that it's not baseless, and if it is, it's only as baseless as all other speculation about what the title means. And I don't even care that it means one thing or another right now, I was only telling him that it's no more moronic than assuming it's about maps.

Sincerely, are you drunk? Cut this reductive inflammatory shit out.

>> No.3324545

He never assumed it was about maps. He listed 'maps' as another equally unsubstantiated possible meaning of the title 'Bleeding Edge', and I'm going to say it again: Fuck off.

>> No.3324564

The quality is overall bad.

>> No.3324566

you're a total cunt.

not the guy you're arguing with btw.

>> No.3324567

nice samefag

>> No.3324569

I've at no point said that it is anything more than a possible meaning of the title, my defending that potential meaning is a reaction to >>3322722, in which someone says definitively that the title means one thing.

And I'll say it again, I've at no point said that the title means one thing definitively, only that it was a possible meaning.

>'Bleeding edge' is most commonly meant in the context of 'bleeding edge technology', especially in IT circles, it would be 'cyberpunkish' enough, as it's a term that describes that which the cyberpunk genre is focused on. What's more, Thomas Pynchon is said to have codified the 'cyberpunk' genre, or at least to have heavily influenced those that made it.

>> No.3324581

And again, it's speculation, I don't think it concretely means one thing or another, it's a possibility. Don't say that I'm saying it is certain.

>> No.3324601

Isn't there a way to check for that?

In any case, you are a cunt.

>> No.3324603

Why are you responding seriously to a guy acting so retardedly, that he can't possibly be serious, and if he is, he's clearly beyond reason?

>> No.3324612

You responded to two guys replying to each other. Which one of them were you calling retarded?

>> No.3324618


>>3324569 and >>3324581 are the same person, one post is a postscriptum to the other.

>> No.3324620

It was the same guy making his point clearer, I think.

>> No.3324625

Ah, sorry. That makes sense. My apologies.

>> No.3324634

Is it possible that this could be the Civil War novel that has been rumored for 40 years now? A kind of postmodern War and Peace.

Or maybe the Lewis and Clark novel which would make sense in the cartography context, although it was Mason & Dixon that that novel probably turned into.

>> No.3324640

>A kind of postmodern War and Peace about the Civil War written by Pinecone
Jesus Christ, you're making me wet.

>> No.3324670

I think both of those novels were Mason & Dixon.

>> No.3324791

Finally. A book that I get to be excited about.