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/lit/ - Literature

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3319062 No.3319062 [Reply] [Original]

>my only hobbies are reading and lifting and 4chan
>CVs need an interests section, and I don't have any extracurricular clubs

Would you ever mention specific authors? Do you even mention reading in your CV? I was told me to be specific with interests. Should I mention that my favourite authors are Nabokov and Michael Chabon? I'm not applying for anything related to literature btw.

Reasons for:
>If I don't, they'll say might think I only read 50 shades etc
>Personalises it a bit more

Reasons against:
>I'm doing STEM, so if an English major interviewer asks me about the continental philosophy undertones of stuff, I'm fucked.
>People might see it as pretentious

>inb4 "hurr durr, who needs interests on a CV".

You need it if you're a uni student with no experience.

>> No.3319069

I know a guy with a publishing company in consideration of publishing Michael Chabon. Tell me more about him please friend

>> No.3319078


answer my question pls

>always writes about jews, gays, relationships and nostalgia, but you don't need to be jew or homo to like him
>his latest book, telegraph avenue, is overwritten and too long but it's his only bad one
>kavalier and clay is mostly incredible but gets a bit meh for the final 100 pages
>wonder boys is a nice book about writers

>mysteries of pittsburgh is like reading about the nostalgic memories and youth that I wish I was having right now. It gives me many many feels.

>appeals to both patricians and plebs

>> No.3319080


get over it

>> No.3319081

>patricians and plebs

Why are you doing this?

>> No.3319115
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>still thinking GRRM isn't great
>two thousand and thirteen

>> No.3319202

Guys, seriously though, what do you guys do?

>> No.3319225


I put down writing and grammar. If they ask you what authors you like you can name some in the interview (Nabokov, TS Eliot - the 'high-brow' stuff that interviewers have probably heard of but never read).

You're trying to hard if you're putting 'reading' on your hobbies list. There's still that stigma about reading for many people; they could see that fat kid (picking a sore) reading during lunchtime when they see that on a CV.

>> No.3319260

>I'm not applying for anything related to literature btw.
Nobody's going to care.

>> No.3319264

I wouldn't do it personally.

>> No.3319291

No seriously why do you need your interests on a CV? Why would anyone care about that?

>> No.3319303


>puts grammar on his cv
>You're trying to hard
>to hard

>> No.3319902

Attention! If this is for an actual job, not some college course: They care about what you can do, not what you do on a Friday night. Put that whole 'hobby' shit right at the back where it belongs, although for your own good you should branch out a little. It's just a cruel trick added by bored teachers and well meaning, but in denial, HR people.

The only way you'll ever hit gold due to hobbies is if the guy interviewing you shares a similar pastime: specific sports, or playing for a team, something like that. The odds of you hitting some shared interests are so remote it's not even worth attempting. You'd be better off thinking about a lottery ticket than relying on that. Really, do not worry about it.

>> No.3319925

Are you an American?

It is customary to put pastimes on one's CV, and also whether or not you're married and have kids. The CV is different from a résumé, you know.

>> No.3319954

It pisses me off that you don't mention The Plague under Camus' name.

Easily his best novel.

>> No.3319959

Don't put Nabokov, most plebs think he's a pederast pervert.

>> No.3319965


But why?

>> No.3319981


I just assume it's because they like doing everything wrong. Dates, measurements, temperatures, etc. Gotta be different.

>> No.3320004

I think putting your hobbies and interests is a good thing, but only if it has to do with the job you are interested in.
If you are applying for a job related to literature, writing that you like to read, do creative writing and are intersted in literary theory is a good thing. Same with applying for a job related to physics and you putting in that you are intersted in quantum physics or math.
But things that have nothing to do with the job, don't belong there, those are things, that might be touched in the actual interview.

I applyed for a job as a salesman in wholesale and the guy doing the interview asked me what my hobbies outside my field of employment are and I said, classic literature, creative writing and philosophy. But that was about it.

>> No.3320046

A CV is more than just the standard "what jobs/education have you had?" autism of the résumé. Instead, a CV is supposed to exhibit some of your personality and show what you, as a person, have accomplished (like the aforementioned married/kids thing). This is probably shocking to Americans, but most Europeans realise that a person is not just a list of jobs they've had.

>> No.3320069

I am european, but I still think, that it is to no interest, that you like hunting when you apply for a job in a bureau, selling wood carvings to people via telefone.

>> No.3320077

It is of 'no interest' if you don't plan on interacting with your co-workers or even getting to know them at all.

People who are not autistic like to learn these things about people. For example, I worked as a technical writer for a company, and during the job interview we actually spent some time talking about how I put 'weightlifting' on my CV. Does weightlifting have anything to do with technical writing? No. Did my interviewer lift? No. Did we chat about it and get to know each other? Yes.

>> No.3320100

Hm that is a good point indeed. I don't know, my interviewer was curious about my hobbies, cause he said I acted like someone who 'likes to think', cause I have the strange habbit to touch my chin when I talk or think. So he asked me and when I pointed out that I like literature and philosophy he said he had guessed something like that.

I think the main thing is, that interviewers try to talk to you to see how you interact with people. If you put in some hobbies they might want to see if you told the truth or if you are just trying to impress them.

>> No.3320109

I always laugh my ass off at "Satan Tier".

>> No.3321132

I'm surprised Ayn Rand is so low. I assumed fedoras loved her.

>> No.3321139

>implying it's a fedora tier list
if it were, GRR Martin would be in Epic Badass Ice Dragon Overlord of Westeros tier

>> No.3321140

I discussed Schopenhauer when applying for welfare. Seemed to work wonders.

>> No.3321148

>mfw from pittsburgh
gotta read that shit now

>> No.3321177

>Putting Meyer on the Pleb list.
Now that just isn't fair. The others have at least something to offer.