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/lit/ - Literature

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3317902 No.3317902 [Reply] [Original]

So /lit/ if you were to write a novel what kind of book do you think you would like to write? What would the subject matter/themes/plot be

>> No.3317959

I have this idea I thought of I thought would be pretty interesting. It would be a fantasy series (5-7 long) and for the opening book I would introduce a character to be the main character of that book. Set him up to look like the hero but have him actually turn out to be the villain at the end of book 1 and the main antagonist for the series.

Book 2 would open with the hero so to speak but he would actually start out as somewhat a bad guy and slowly change through the course of that book.

There would be a lot of other characters too but I thought this would be a neat little twist on things.

>> No.3317991

I have it in me to be a horror writer, I think.

I creep out everyone I've ever met. I can't keep a friend. I've been told more than once that I have a serial killer vibe.

>> No.3318104

The one I plug away at every evening after work is me stealing everything that Raymond Chandler and John LeCarre wrote that isn't nailed down.

>> No.3318109


You sound like an edgy teenager.

>> No.3318134

Some piece of shit fantasy that has a main character that is basically me but amplified in both positive and negative ways. There will be a cute girl that doesn't have any personality beyond liking me. and I make friend with a character that has a back story that resembles Lucifer's.

>> No.3318149

I would write about a man who lies his way into a massive clusterfuck. He lies about his qualifications and is hired by a corporation. He gets promoted by associating with the right people, but his initial lies return to ruin his career.

>> No.3318159

why do I care about him?

>> No.3318174

I would write about the experiences of a homosexual in India. He is a very well-respected and revered authority figure but his scandalous lifestyle catches up to him, and he is disgraced. Then, I will write about his fall, and he will probably migrate to the United States. Or commit suicide.

>> No.3318183
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I've been wanting to write something about a nuclear apocalypse (as in, the actual bombing and not the after events) for fucking forever. I've gathered so much information on nuclear warfare and its effects I would consider myself somewhat of an expert on the subject, but I have yet to start any kind of a story. Feels bad man.

>> No.3318186


I feel that a lot of young people today find themselves in a Catch 22 situation: no one will hire me unless I have experience, but I can't get experience unless I get a job. A lot of youth will read my story and relate to it.

>> No.3318191

I know this isn't /tv/ but I think you'd like The Riches.

>> No.3318192

Only if you particularly capture the emotions of that situation in a really meaningful, powerful way and say something interesting about it and really get at it through art.

>> No.3318204

I will write a story about politicians acting Machiavellian and cunning, probably European politicians. For example, they justify "Peacekeeping" missions which they will use to secure land interests. A sort of halfway point between today and Orwell's 1984. Maybe the protagonist will be a government employee and an ancestor of Winston's.

>> No.3318237


I'm a 30-year-old balding man who sweats constantly and wears aviator style glasses.

>> No.3318244

You'd make an interesting protagonist from the sounds of it.

>> No.3318246

The guy is a regular small town walking stereotype: think Eric Forman. He lives in the shadow of his alcoholic and abusive father, and the only thing keeping him in the town are his girlfriend and sister. He doesn't want to leave his young sister alone with their father; he has often gotten into physical altercations with the father to protect the young sister.

>> No.3318252

is his girlfriend his sister?

>> No.3318261

He realizes he's becoming his father, so he kills him and commits suicide

>> No.3318273

I will think of some convenient way to get rid of the sister and father. Maybe a drunken rage leads to him murdering her? That can be figured out. To get away from the horrible memories, Eric leaves town without seeing Donna (his gf). He flees into the big city where he faces poverty and solitude. The streets turn him into a ruthless, conniving man who plots to become rich and successful. He associates mediocrity with his father, an unemployed and drunken layabout, so he vows to never turn out like him.

>> No.3318288


Well, thanks, I guess.

Maybe I should just do an autobiography.

>> No.3318298

He drinks to escape the sorrow that poverty and loneliness cause, never becomes successful, turns into everything he hates, and then he dies.

>> No.3318306

>is his girlfriend his sister?
No, two separate people. The girlfriend is his first, so the relationship is sort of special to him. He leaves town, and is either filled with remorse at not saying goodbye, forgets her entirely, or is too ashamed to go back. He also feels that the small town life (marrying Donna, working at the local mines, etc.) will eventually turn him like his father.

>> No.3318314

I think I'd like to do children's to young adult literature.

>> No.3318320

That is too simple. Eric turns into a socialite and manages to woo the daughter of a business tycoon.

>> No.3318334

I'd write a book that sold a lot of copies so I didn't have to work ever again

>> No.3318342

The business tycoon is obviously wary of Eric, for he might be after his daughter solely for the fortune (which he is). I'm thinking that the tycoon (Bill) will put Eric through tests to see whether he is legitimate (money offers to leave my daughter, your own mansion, etc.), but Eric will make up lies about his own lineage and ancestry. Maybe he is the son of some rich European who decided to settle in the U.S.

>> No.3318349

What do you guys think about what I've written so far? Is it something I should pursue or is it too predictable/mundane?

>> No.3318360

Eh, I like tragedy. I probably wouldn't read it as its been described so far, but that's just one person's opinion.

>> No.3318378

Eric proves to Bill that he comes from money, and Bill takes a shine to Eric. He gives him a position in his company, and lets him manage his affairs. He sees Eric as an heir to his empire, and also thinks Eric's made up "wealth" could add to his (Bill's) business interests.

>> No.3318399

Things are going swimmingly for Eric, until Donna re-appears in his life. He meets her somewhere. Old emotions well up from within, and he decides to have an affair with her. He lies to Donna about his life, not mentioning his fiancee or the source of his newfound wealth.

>> No.3318411

Bill learns of this betrayal and is livid. Eric re-assures him it was a one-time thing, and thinks of murdering Bill, marrying Jackie, usurping all of the wealth and then marrying Donna.

>> No.3318435

Eric plans to go through with the murder, until Red (the drunken father) re-appears in his life. 12 years have passed since that fateful day, and Red managed to track down Eric (maybe by tracking down Donna). Red has heard of the lies Eric has told about himself, and tries to blackmail Eric for money.

>> No.3318462

Eric and Red have an altercation like the good ol' days, and Eric manages to kill Red. The case goes to trial, and all of the nasty details come out. Bill and Jackie learn about Eric's past and want nothing to do with him anymore. Eric is found not guilty, and manages to reconcile with Donna. He has some money stashed away from his stint as Bill's protege, and I guess the story ends with Eric and Donna having a son. Eric is playing with his son and he realizes that one's economic situation don't fully determine their character. I mean, Bill was rich, but his daughter was more a caged pet than a daughter. Eric accepts his role as a common man.

>> No.3318505

I don't want Donna to forgive him

>> No.3318547

What if Eric tricks Red into killing Bill? Then, Red goes to jail forever, and Eric's plan succeeds. However, he realizes that he has become an even bigger monster than his father. He is just using people for his own satisfaction, which is essentially what Red did (take out his anger over his inadequacies at others). He then realizes that there's 2 kinds of people in the world: those who are strong and take what they want, or those who are weak and do not. So, Eric accepts his new life as a tycoon with the mindset of a sociopath. I don't want Eric to pussy out and kill himself because I established him as a ruthless character earlier on. Donna weeps and leaves. Eric turns to repeated infidelity, even in the presence of Jackie. As a woman scorned, Jackie shoots Eric. THE END.

>> No.3318814


>> No.3318835

It would be a character study mostly based in reality with some absurdist elements. The central theme would be the significance of relationships on an individual's personal growth

>> No.3318844
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My theme would be everything is evil and everyone sucks and all culture is an attempt to escape this which in fact only purveys this devil within us.

Steal my theme, go sell.

>> No.3318845

I've been forming this novel for quite a while. It's mostly critiquing (my) society's views on heroes and living. It will involve guns, riots and sex.

>> No.3318879

Los Angeles

maybe the least literary major city in the developed world

>> No.3318886

It would be a lot of masturbating and a lot of gay sex and then some murder. A psychological thriller.

>> No.3318888


u 'avin a giggle m8?

>> No.3318906


At least we have John Fante.

Want to have casual sex?


He's right.

>> No.3318911

It's infested with pop culture material, so there's almost no room for topics to be written about what /lit/ finds to be literature.

>> No.3318982

Baudrillard and Werner Herzog disagree, albeit from entirely different directions.

>> No.3319044

Would read the shit out of this book

>> No.3319248

ERIC HAS KEPT EVIDENCE of Bill trying to buy him out (to break up with Jackie). He presents this evidence to Jackie, who is then led to believe that Bill wants her to leave Eric, or if they elope, her inheritance is gone. Eric lies more, telling Jackie that Bill has threatened to have him killed or physically injured if Jackie learns about Bill’s “supposed intentions.” Eric also tells her about Red, and his old life. He begs Jackie for forgiveness about lying, and she retorts with, “I am hopelessly in love with you, blah blah sentimental bs.” They plan to murder Bill, then pin it on Red.

>> No.3319257

or maybe just kill Red off, why have a patsy that could potentially ruin your plans.

>> No.3319268


>> No.3319269


Your mom disagrees, coming from my direction.

>> No.3319271

Then Eric starts regretting and die of alcohol and heroin addiction.

>> No.3319281

Eric puts on a façade with Red and tells him he wants to reconcile and be a family again. Red is sceptical and demands money. Eric invites Red to one of his mansions, and offers Red alcohol. Red is wary, but his alcohol addiction kicks in and Eric manages to get Red drunk.

Jackie then shows up, and takes sexual advantage of the intoxicated Red.

She calls Bill to the mansion. She says that Eric broke up with her and that she is heart-broken and considering suicide. Bill has no idea what’s going on—he thought everything was fine and that Eric was his perfect heir. Bill: “Oh no, how terrible! What a dreadful loss!” Jackie conceives Bill’s sincerity as false. Bill rushes to the mansion.

>> No.3319284

Bill shows up, Eric shoots him, ties up Jackie, shoots Red, and then leaves. Jackie calls the police and says that she and Bill were at the house when this old drunkard showed up.

Her story: “The robber shot my father, then had his way at gunpoint with me. He then tied me up (for later), then started looting the place. Out of sheer luck, the robber helped himself to the liquor, and supposedly passed out. I managed to get free of my bonds, and then shot the disoriented robber with his own gun” This is in Florida, with King of the Castle/stand your own ground (I’ll figure out the legal mumbo jumbo) SO Jackie gets away with it.

>> No.3319296

I think the ending should be that Eric marries Jackie, but continues to have an affair with Donna. Jackie then learns from Bill's attorney that Eric had been made a beneficiary in Bill's will. He received a LOT of money, property, etc. Jackie realizes that she has been duped and what a monster she has married. She also realizes what a terrible thing she's done (conspired and killed her own father).

>> No.3319310

She tracks down where Eric has Donna holed up, and kills her. When Eric shows up, there is a climatic showdown, which ends with Jackie shooting Eric. She is still in love with Eric, albeit it is very twisted and maniacal. Jackie is no longer sane. Unable to live with herself anymore, she will take her own life. Maybe in some really brutal fashion to punish herself.

>> No.3321230

I love location. I would love to write a book about a town. Stephen King style, with tons of characters, and the relationships between them. But also focusing somewhat on nature, like Steinbeck's To a God Unknown and Cannery Row. Tortilla Flat as well, but without the goofy poor young men.

Working title: Township.

>> No.3321366

erotic horror

>> No.3321370

I'm pretty science fiction.

But, I'm working on the concept for a comic political thriller about an idealistic senator attempting to legalize cannabis.