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File: 25 KB, 306x475, the-game.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3314484 No.3314484[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone read this? I was looking through it the other day and now I can't put the book down. I'm about halfway through and the pure complexity that this book gives to becoming a persona that becomes better than your true self just makes me look a life and social interactions in a whole different manner. I need more books like this, /lit/, it doesn't necessarily have to be about pick up artists and all that jazz, just the illusion of creating a false self that eventually trickles into reality or becomes the reality.

more pickup books are still accepted, however.

>> No.3314527

link to epub or mobi?

I'm intredasted

>> No.3314533

I've read it but it kind of made me feel like I'm not myself. I didn't go out and do all the stuff he is talking about but there is some useful information that I've used on girls I know or girls that I meet for the first time.

>> No.3314535

I just lost the game

>> No.3314536

such as?

>> No.3314557

Slight touching on the arms and stuff like that or having good body language. I sure as hell won't go to a club wearing a feather hat or paint my nails just to fuck some girls.

>> No.3314580


Seriously, I don't know why people read this sort of bullshit. I mean, it's just terrible, terrible advice, and not just because it's sexist. I say that because it doesn't work.

I'm weird, dress weird, smell weird, have bad teeth, and no money. I'm generally unfuckable to a lot of people for perfectly legitimate reasons, but I still get fucked by strangers with little or no coaxing. Wanna know how I do it? I don't. I laugh at girl's jokes, don't try to simaltaneously fuck everyone in the room, flirt casually, and respect women as my girls.

Really, the fact that I can't fully articulate how I get laid is part of the problem with the text. Imagine if there was a similar book about how to make life long friends, or how to be a revolutionary artist, or how to be happy. Actually, I'm sure there are books like that, but everyone in this thread has no problem recognizing that those are bullshit, because those are the types of things that are fundamentally unteachable skills, because the value of learning them is in the process of learning.

Still, we can say that learning a philosophy behind any of those skills is worthwhile, but the book fails again here. It assumes that women are weaker, or only respond to cruelty or being put down. This is untrue.

>> No.3314583

Yeah, yeah, sure, whatever.
I personally didn't read it for the pickup advice. I read it because it was a good story about people's lives.

>> No.3314589

Prove its untrue.

>> No.3314590

this book isn't the kind of book you're thinking it is. It's a book about people that read the books you're thinking it is.

With that said, I agree.

>> No.3314593


With a somewhat advanced look on this genre, I can tell you that this is far and away one of the worst books out there. The idea of self-improvement is a deserving target but this book just teaches you how to club rat douche.

>> No.3314600

The sexism part is the biggest flaw, and you get the feeling that the book works as a sort of literary placebo: weak, unhappy men believe they aren't getting the female attention they think they deserve because they are missing something, so they blame the boogieman of feminism for 'making' them weak so they won't treat a woman 'how she wants/ought to be treated'. And that's the saddest thing about the book: no matter how many straight forward arguments against its promises, some men want to believe in it so bad -- and what a salvation that belief is, that lots of sex from women and respect from men is possible if you only follow a few simple rules -- that they'll fight to the death to defend it.

I've often dreamed about writing a counter guide to this, about how to get laid and not fall for bullshit (that, again, doesn't actually work), but the problem is that the idea of a 'how to get laid' book is so flawed. It is not hard to 'get laid,' ie, put your penis inside a body in that way we all find so universally agreeable. Thinking about it as a challenge, or something you have to trick women into doing, is what fucks a lot of dudes up, and keeps them acting incredibly unnaturally in the company of women they attractive and thus stopping them from intercoursing. Really, you just meet people your age, talk to them, and if it feels natural, kiss them on the mouth and take it from there.

>> No.3314604

I have a girlfriend

I got her even though I'm a faggot. I was just nice and funny, and eventually made some moves. I didn't neg, or attempt any convoluted social combat. I just talked to her and opened myself up.

>> No.3314614

Singular example, not at all relevant; don't make broad sweeping generalizations based on specific assertions. That's also hugely biased.

Hint: You can't prove it untrue.

>> No.3314616

You can't prove it true. We can only bring up examples of each.

>> No.3314617
File: 236 KB, 500x800, 7426bf99dd1f2150620ff39518226259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


OP, come back, when you have me a book about how to get a preteen sex slave with chopped off limbs and always swallowing.

Fuck you.

>> No.3314623

Lol. why is the head of the penis the part that's blur-censored?

>> No.3314625

The first claim is gonna be a bitch to argue, and I think it's more relevant to discuss the latter two, don't you agree? I say that women don't respond to cruelty or insults because in my own experience, I've never found anyone of any gender to like me more because I insult them. I suppose that I could imagine someone -- even someone with average self-confidence -- who might want to change your mind about them after you've said something shitty about them, and might even fuck you to do so. The problem I have with this is that it doesn't really line up with the macho "I fucked this bitch" sort of sex that the book is selling. Essentially, you're the one getting 'fucked': you say something you know is bullshit (eg you don't find this woman attractive), and she proves you wrong by taking your dick. Really, all you've proved is that she actually is hot

Anyway, that being said, when I fuck people, I like to fuck them because we like each other. That's important to me. I dunno, if petty mindgames work for you, I guess you should go for it, but that sort of juvenial bullshit doesn't get my dick hard

>> No.3314626

>Singular example, not at all relevant; don't make broad sweeping generalizations based on specific assertions. That's also hugely biased.
>Hint: You can't prove it untrue.
What's your point, tough guy?

>> No.3314631

the law only applies to the glans thats why they get away with small dashes too

>> No.3314634


>> No.3314636
File: 86 KB, 596x777, 126825239439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's how fucking censorship works in Japan, peadick.


>> No.3314640
File: 52 KB, 438x614, 1350358513662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is gore sometimes censored?

>> No.3314641

Feminist critique is redundant. It presupposes certain baseless conditions.

>> No.3314643

holy god that's beautiful.

>> No.3314644

that pic is pretty genuinely upsetting. mostly because of the thought of the kind of person painstakingly drawing it.

>> No.3314646

why does it only apply to the glans??

>> No.3314647

This was honestly one of the most intelligent posts I've ever seen on 4chan.

>> No.3314649
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Because fuck you, kid.

Tadaima, hadzhimemashte, idaimasu!

>> No.3314650

fucking goddamit. Stop it with this shit.

>> No.3314651

Greasy ponytailed weeabo detected. Go back to your yaoi and yuri faggot

>> No.3314653
File: 147 KB, 592x800, 1350766961913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because it's archaic bullshit and the glans was considered dirty in early japanese society. it's also why their women don't shave pubes.

>> No.3314657
File: 27 KB, 500x500, 135042524215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fucking normalfag cunt. I'm living up this feces spattered lonely ranger thread of your neckbeardness, nuggetballsack.

>> No.3314658

wait why don't jap women shave their pubes?

>> No.3314659

That's just ugly. please go back to posting high quality.

>> No.3314662
File: 198 KB, 600x600, 1347590284666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

life is ugly.

mostly an association with prostitution but also because the clitoris and glans are were considered dirty and its now part of the culture.

>> No.3314663

Seek professional help for your lame-ass insults

>> No.3314664

Thanks, man! I appreciate you saying so.

Yo, other dude: I'm really trying to figure out where you're coming from. I get the feeling that you have some strong opinions about women in general, which is a belief I don't really understand. I like people, and I like women in a romantic way, but I don't really see them as an entirely different creature. I know I sound like I'm feigning naivety, and I do appreciate that some fundamental differences exist, but I don't believe women are weak.

I'm also reluctant to get into a long, drawn out argument about the weakness of men or women. I imagine us citing studies back and forth, me claiming societal influences, you saying that I'm a liberal fuckhead and that girls are just dumb, and nobody getting anywhere.

So, in the interest of good faith, could you elaborate on your opinion and tell what your opinions on this book, women, having sex, etc, are, and what lead you to those conclusions?

>> No.3314665

Much better. Thank you. Don't post bad shit again.

>> No.3314667
File: 603 KB, 1009x1509, didsomeonesayQUALITY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You heard the faggot, more low quality.

>> No.3314669


>> No.3314673

This is good.

>> No.3314676


It's hilarious that they think the HEAD is obscene, not the gutted little girl carcass it's being stuck into

>> No.3314677


Spend the next 5 hours defining gender mentally; pick it apart over and over again, defining every term used. You'll have a ball and you'll see the problem.

>> No.3314678
File: 465 KB, 860x1214, thisisbetter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fap away, Onan.

>> No.3314680


>> No.3314682

Its not what it appears to be. If your already cute/have money/a decent sense of humor, it gives you a few good tricks to fall back on to get a conversation going in the right direction.

Essentially, what it boils down to is some cheap "psychology" and some bro-tier jokes and observations that will give you the confidence to actually talk to a girl.

So basically, its a waste of fucking money, and will not get you laid

>> No.3314683
File: 129 KB, 1024x768, 131060841664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I didn't see you there. Are you hiding in shit, maggotchumpy?

>> No.3314684

I don't fap to this. It awakens in me a ____ that no other art can hope to approach. Guro is not fappable for me, it makes me fear.

>> No.3314691

i want to see pictures of the kind of guys who enjoy this stuff

>> No.3314697
File: 284 KB, 1161x869, 1356915948316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


U geim, bro?
No pein, no keim.

>> No.3314701

Sorry are you the same dude?

Really, really not trying to get into an internet argument. Like, maybe my least favorite thing to do. I've made my point, and I'd like to hear yours. Posting tons of guro is great and all, but for the sake of my curiosity, you could explain where you're coming from, please. kthx.

>> No.3314705
File: 206 KB, 370x600, 135042504093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm cummin' in ur ass, sweetiebuns.

>> No.3314721
File: 55 KB, 740x256, argument_victory.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really sure where to take this, because I don't know if you're trolling, resistant to the idea of sharing your ideas, or not very smart.

>> No.3314727
File: 195 KB, 781x1146, 167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Go home, faggy.

Kids these days can't into bitches.

>> No.3314733


>> No.3314744
File: 179 KB, 781x1146, 175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Cry hardurr, it makes me horniurr.

>> No.3314749

I'm gonna keep having sex with lots of people, but you got your guro. That's cool, right? And you got your misogyny, too, I forgot about that.

>> No.3314750

What exactly is going on here?

>> No.3314755

that looks like some kid i seen

>> No.3314758
File: 203 KB, 781x1146, 176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>still not fucking and killing children
>are thou mad, bru?

>> No.3314759

Just a down bro doing some down bro stuff

>> No.3314769

Come on, man, I'm responding to your troll bullshit, the least you could do is actually put up a fight! I'm saying you're a sexless moron whose one consolation in his pitiful life is that he can pretend he's stronger than women. When you start getting silly -- after post after post of "I am highly logical, women are sluts" -- it's like you're backing down. Do us a favor: if you're gonna troll, at least don't half-ass it

>> No.3314771
File: 196 KB, 781x1146, 177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Never gonna give you up,
Never gonna let you go,
Gonna shake my dick now,
Fuck you.

>> No.3314772


were did u get my pictur

>> No.3314773

Tough guy, you can do better than this!

Tell us again, how women are weak. You know how you could make a great comeback in this thread? Like, with a bunch of really intelligent, well-informed opinions that are hard to deny because they're true. That'd be fucking nuts.

>> No.3314775


You sound meta, bro

>> No.3314776

Oh, and here are some great ways you could bitch out:

1 - Claim that you were meta-trolling all along, that you are being a shitty troll who got bitched out because you were trying to psych us out, and you're not a dickhead whose getting made fun of without putting up any sort of fight because you're just sort of a weak person
2 - Sob story, or tell us how you have a disadvantage because you're on drugs anyway and just don't care
3 - Keep doing the same shit forever

>> No.3314777
File: 170 KB, 781x1146, 178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>get a load of this shitsprayer.gif

>> No.3314780

just disappointed.

I saw this bullshit, didn't want to get into an internet argument, and decided to engage the dude with something close to open arms, and he keeps being a prick. I don't know why I expected anything different, faith in humanity or whatever. So, I was like, fuck it, I guess I'm fucking with this dude, but then he bitches out the second anybody says shit. He's gonna keep posting guro, because he's frozen up, like when you're losing a fight and you just keep swinging at air because it looks tough. Bummer, really.

>> No.3314781

are you under the impression I'm checking out your images?

>> No.3314791
File: 164 KB, 781x1146, 181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You seem so new here that your negroid scent is evaporating from all of your pores.

>> No.3314799

This thread is...surreal...

>> No.3314800

You seem like someone who thinks he's hard or edgy because his opinions are unpopular, which would be admirable if not for the fact that you refuse to defend them. I'm trying to imagine what you're like in real life: angry, awkward, desperate for acceptance yet paralyzed by your false sense of superiority? If I'm right, just keep posting pictures of cut up women

>> No.3314801

I keep confusing this author with the sociologist, Anselm Strauss.

A former classmate of mine from RMIT made a documentary covering two men who followed this book. They were complete sleazebags but apparently it works - just don't expect 10/10s.

Incidentally, I was at a Baby Animals concert a few years ago at some seedy venue and everyone was in real Aussie pub attire except for this one young Indian individual who was wearing a fully white leisure suit - I shit you not - and we would essentially just walk around the venue continuously throughout the night.

I never got the nerve to ask if he had gotten this idea from The Game because it's similar to what one of the men in my friend's documentary had done.

>> No.3314811

My gf pickup was surprisingly without neg but I suppose there was subtle negging. I.E. I met her in a social situation where I was mocking everyone except her, while the rest of the room was attentively listening to a speaker, and I told her to leave with me point blank during the speech I had her giggling at. Then we walked for a bit, bought some food, and exchanged numbers. I think I even pulled out Pushkin at some stage, probably intellectually insulting her, and recited some Pushkin, but I don't think that counts as a neg.

>> No.3314812
File: 149 KB, 781x1146, 182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>caring about the opinions of the opiated masses

>> No.3314814

>doesn't care about opinions of opiated masses
>posts on the internet
pick one

>> No.3314816
File: 20 KB, 330x324, 29-opium_smoker-330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>opiated masses

>> No.3314817

>inb4 pretend you didn't get called out on bullshit and keep posting guro

>> No.3314818
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>> No.3314823
File: 194 KB, 500x334, girl-mess-messy-room-pretty-red-hair-Favim.com-109257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But the book doesn't purport cruelty or insults as an effective pick up technique. Have you read it? What you're referring to is a 'neg' which is really just light teasing.

>> No.3314825

Uh, actually you fucking are. Feel free to defend yourself, but you won't, because you're a kid.

>inb4 you keep posting guro despite being called out on your bullshit

>> No.3314828

>which is really just light teasing.
That's how you rapists rationalize it, sure. But it's meant to be psychologically/emotionally harmful enough for the other person to lose enough rationality that they might agree to sleep with you.

>> No.3314831

No because if it were psychologically/emotionally harmful, your girl would turn into bitch mode or leave. Of course it isn't hurtful!

>> No.3314833

No, I haven't.

Maybe I'm being unfair, shit. Negging, the way it was explained to me, is some sort of mindgame where you tease people so they'll feel bad so they'll have sex with you. I don't like it for two reasons:
1. It assumes that they wouldn't fuck me anyway
2. It just seems disingenuous to over think it like this. Am I being unfair to people who always like to think their way out of shit? I don't know why it seems so shady, but it just seems like a shitty thing to do. Then again, I've got a contradiction here, because if works, then I've got to concede something, and if doesn't, I really have nothing to complain about other than stupid dudes buying stupid books and hurting some people's feelings in the process.

>> No.3314834

>you rapists rationalize it

>> No.3314836
File: 216 KB, 680x897, 13060152521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Drop on the floor,
Do a barrel roll,
Palms are sweaty,
Mom, make some spaghetti.

>> No.3314837

Just read it, judge for yourself. I got quite a bit out of the book. What women find attractive, what actually is romance, touching a girl to show interest, the list goes on.

And it works as just a good story.

>> No.3314839

I thought the whole idea was to take yourself, an unattractive man, and then manipulate her mindbox so that she believes she's an unattractive women who is at the right level for you? I believe it's rationalised like that in the book.

>> No.3314840
File: 159 KB, 285x329, mouselet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's a certain poetic symmetry to the fact that the kind of person who women don't want to have sex with is exactly the kind of person who overlooks how pathetic and inadequate it is to earnestly read a book on how to trick women into having sex with you and then hold up said sexual conquests as proof on his own adequacy
each axiom feeds into and merges with the other like yin-yang symbol made of piss and shit

>> No.3314841

That all seems like 'duh' sort of shit. Maybe I do everything in this book, but I call myself a feminist because I didn't read it there D:

Lemme skim it on google books or something

>> No.3314842


10/10 would publish

>> No.3314849

A PUA feverishly inputs a complex series of lever pulls and button presses into a shuddering steam-powered machine of vast complexity, muttering runic shapewords. With a final metallic howl, the machine collapses into stillness and slowly prints out a strip of tickertape: *Y O U. H A V E. W O N. 1. (O N E). S E X.*

>> No.3314856


That's a negative way to look at it.

The PUA stuff is about bettering yourself and appearing attractive to girls. Women use a wonderbra, short skirt, and giggles. Its a little harder for guys.

>> No.3314860

>each axiom feeds into and merges with the other like yin-yang symbol made of piss and shit
wanna have sex?

okay google booksin it.
Chapter 1 - Autistic man is taken into the arms of benevolent Mystery, a (mysterious?) man who was once beta as the best of them but will teach them how to have sex. This is like rehab, but for losers who don't have sex. Lots of male camaraderie and hot guys who have lots of sex (with women)

Ends with picture of sexy man's sexy eyes with knife in his mouth. He's gonna hop out of the pool and have sex with this woman.

Chapter 2 - Dude gets shit from a dude for only have sex with 7 woman, the homo (which by the way is about average, see below). Group of men looks at picture of sexy women that sexy mystery has had sex with. Mystery tells the basics of his techniques, such as FMAC, an acronym that took him "ten years to discover". Also, "Women of beauty are rarely found alone." Also, negging, which is "accidental [but actually on purpose] insults]


>> No.3314861
File: 353 KB, 700x525, 135385305697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I like to giggle, too!

>> No.3314862

>a negative way to look at "negging"
>Women use a wonderbra, short skirt, and giggles.
You're not describing the women I go for at all there.

>> No.3314865

I read it. I thought it was sorta' interesting early on, but when it got to all the Courtney Love stuff I assumed it must be mostly invented.

>> No.3314871

REMEMBER to disarm the bitch shield and leave her exposed to a photon Negpedo, the correct combo is Serious Face, Very Serious Face, Happy Face, AFC Face, A, B, Up, Select. if her eyes begin to glow you have fucked up the timing and you must IMMEDIATELY launch into a dodge roll to avoid her counter attack. Hide behind one of the ruined pillars in the corner of the club and wait for your mana to regenerate.
repetitive, overwritten, clumsy to an almost drunken extent, and tangled with nonsensical metaphors

>> No.3314873


Don't forget to use armour with high high CHAR bonus.

>> No.3314876
File: 858 KB, 1062x1500, 27320699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Respect. Real women need to be segregated from kinky sluts. Like trash: there's broken glass and then there's shit paper.

>> No.3314877

Negging is a positive thing. Girls love being teased.

Is what a women would do to attract you completely uncontrived? No, so stfu

>> No.3314878

Feminists want to cover up a lot of obvious observations about the vagina and vulva so they can continue to remain sexually ‘liberated’. I’m here to give you the facts which don’t just have science to back them up but common sense as well.

A ‘innie’ vagina refers to a vagina where the labia minora is smaller or hidden by the labia majora.

‘Outies’ are sometimes in slang called beef flaps, mud flaps, piss flaps, dangling hams, wizard’s sleeve, deflated ball sack, leather bombardier jacket, Arbys roast beef, wild west saloon doors (because of how it can get sucked into the vagina during sex). In African tribes it was called the Hottentot apron. Tablier and joyeau in French, sinus pudoris and macronympha in Latin, and in English, ‘drape of decency’ or ‘curtain of shame’ (all referring to extended inner lips of the vagina, or labia minora).

>> No.3314879

Honestly this shit is hilariously homoerotic and I hope at least one man on earth has discovered his true sexual identity while reading a book on picking up women he actually has no interest in

Chapter 3
Narrator finally goes to a club, he's scared, but Mystery is going to hold his hand and help him along. Narrator uses interactions he has as teachable moments for how to use The Game (tm) to have your penis inside other humans. Things are going well, then they aren't, then they are, then narrator shares a poem he wrote when ten entitled -- I shit you not -- "Sexual Frustration"

Oh nuts I'm skimming too hard and missed chapter 4.

Chapter 5
So I guess they go to the club again but this time they just use the lingo instead of explaining it. Then there is a chart of things you can say to a woman that actually are sort of dick things to say. I honestly can't tell if they want me to say these or not.

Chapter 7 or so
They meet some dude with a super sexy deep voice who uses 90 percent technique (Omg he's like fucking Goku!) and uses the October Man sequence.

Chapter 8
Narrator goes to his super hot deep voiced friend's house and they're going to go get some chicks but he fucks it up, but -- CLIFFHANGER -- sexy deep voice is gonna teach em how to defeat the AMOG: the ALPHA MALE OF THE GROUP.

Holy shit this is gay

>> No.3314880

negging is what tucker max once described as "I subtly disapprove of her for various reasons, so that she’ll be forced to seek my validation. By sleeping with me. You know, the classy and mature way to get women." if the fact that tucker max described it wasn't enough to clue you in, it's massively fucking manipulative and unhealthy, which is what this book's all about

>> No.3314883
File: 128 KB, 1200x1280, 28585106_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How about killing all them wimmins and starting the artificial gene pool of men master race? No cunt - no problem. As that bearded guy said.

>> No.3314884

dude why don't you just trip it's obvious you want the attention

>> No.3314885
File: 323 KB, 1600x1067, 1356359317225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tucker Max has got nothing to do with it.

There's nothing wrong with guys bettering themselves.

Maybe you should read a book before pretending to know about it and dissing it. Seems so obvious but yet again I have to say it.

>> No.3314888
File: 166 KB, 700x700, 29029127_5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thank you for giving me attention, pedro.

>> No.3314889

Okay I kept reading but this book is just terrible. I'm glad whoever suggested I actually read it got me to, because it's that fucking bad.

First of all, the story is all bullshit. None of that shit happened. Just use common sense.

Second of all, none of that shit works. Getting fucked is not Super Mario, and you can see how this shit would appeal to some people who are only good at video games, but that makes no sense.

Third of all, negging -- and pretty much everything in there -- is sexist as fuck, and rather than trying to justify being a fuckhead to try and get sex, you should just be open about it. No, saying shitty things is not like wearing makeup.

Fourth of all, this book isn't about getting laid, anyway. It's about male relationships. It's a bunch of dudes, one of who is a father figure, who live together and are friends and really care about each other, and that's what this book is really about. It didn't make any sense to me, why a book full of obvious bullshit would sell so well, until I read all the band-of-brothers shit in there. That's what fucking sells. It's fucking Top Gun

>> No.3314892

there's a difference between "bettering yourself" and "learning how to trick people into thinking you're better than you really are," which is the central premise of all self-help books. do you honestly think reading this book has deeply, materially changed you, the man? or has it just changed the particular way you're self-conscious in social situations?

>> No.3314905

I hate the above thread so much I'm bumping this one

>> No.3314906

Honestly the one thing that threw me for a while was a lot of the PUA stuff they do won't work on a girl who isn't a 9-10. If you neg a 6, she might take it personally.

But generally it was worthwhile. I don't follow it religiously, but do get laid more.

>> No.3314911

>Is what a women would do to attract you completely uncontrived?
I thought the whole premise here was that they're not doing it to attract you.

>> No.3314924

cmon fellas i made like three posts making fun of this book and got nothing for it. Nobody is gonna defend it?

>> No.3314934
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There's a consensus of it being a stinky turd. Except that one dunce preaching omega faggotry.