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/lit/ - Literature

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3313947 No.3313947 [Reply] [Original]

I've been meaning to read Stirner's Ego And It's Own

Briefly, what is it about? Egoism?

What should I expect? Ghosties?

Should I be familiar with any philosophers prior to him to get a clear comprehension of his ideas?

>> No.3314026

A unique brand of individualism elucidated in Hegelian fashion, defended in frank terms, and often rejected for spurious reasons. Though I am no longer an adherent myself, the book is certainly worth a read and requires little in the way of prior knowledge. As should be expected, complex compound sentences abound, but nothing like those you would encounter with Kant. If anything it takes a while to get comfortable with the style of writing he employs.

If you are unfamiliar with the Hegelian school and the basic sketch of philosophical history, you will miss out on some references, but nothing integral to understanding his points.

>> No.3314032
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Cool. Thanks a lot