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3312822 No.3312822[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm looking for a great adventure novel of LotR-like proportions with an operatic scope and good characters. It can be sci-fi, fantasy, whatever; I care not about the genre.

>> No.3312827

Dune's pretty fun.

>> No.3312828

Against the Day
Don Quixote
Journey to the West
Moby Dick
Mason & Dixon

>> No.3312838

Game of Thrones

>> No.3312847

A Song of Ice and Fire

>a great adventure novel
check. several even

>of LotR-like proportions
check. even greater

>with an operatic scope
check. fantasy can't get more massive that this

>good characters

>> No.3312861

Book of the New Sun

fun ride

>> No.3312877
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>operatic scope

>I can nitpick all the hell that I want and no one will ever be able to say that what I read is garbage because "it makes too much sense" and they just don't understand and there is a reason for the Eagles not to fly to Mordor and I can invent my own character avatar that could live in that world of laws which appear to me as more noble than those we have here in real life and I'll write fanfiction and do cosplay and it will all function very well because "the universe is so well constructed"

>> No.3312884


>> No.3312886



>> No.3312888


The mars trilogy by kim stanley robinson

>> No.3312899

Lord of the Rings sounds like something you would like.

>> No.3312902


is correct


Is mad he can't come out of the closet about liking fantasy

>> No.3313404
File: 37 KB, 374x421, 1341427266414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Joke is on you, I like fantasy and I don't like neckbeard faggots nitpicking on it and focusing on their "operatic scope". I get mad that no one enjoys what I enjoy which is the mythological aspect of those narratives which are then turned by these guys into a different reality that is aside of our own, taking the analogue and reading as parallel, taking the myth literaly and not enjoying the figurative beauty of these enchanting worlds that evidently exist in our ordinary life, though not in the way escapist readers expect it to be.

>> No.3313413


that's nice, dear. i hope it makes you feel special

>> No.3313423

infinite jets

>> No.3313424

The Redwall series, although it is intended for young adults.

>> No.3313425
File: 273 KB, 320x240, Bootsy Collins.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut the fuck up!

>> No.3313434

Robert Heinlein has a couple of great adventure-themed novels, check out Sixth Column.

>> No.3313435

>Moby Dick
>most disappointing book ever

>> No.3313440


Hardly. It's incredibly evocative and powerful

>> No.3313441

The Iron Tower Trilogy. It's actually just LotR.

>> No.3313445


they kill the fucking whale, nigga, what more could you want

>> No.3313447
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You do? Oh, thanks.

I don't like it though. I wish other people could see this and that I could cease to be special. I think they would have a better time with it. But oh well, can't do much about it. I just provoke it here and there, maybe one day, someone...

>> No.3313453
File: 1.17 MB, 1400x2032, Cover2 larger2.1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this guy and have read the entire first book. I don;t know if it is quite as good as LOTR but it is definitely on the same level. Three parts are up and free, and he says he will get the rest up approx one per week. Give it a try

>> No.3313458

You must have read the babby-version with a happy ending.

Although the book could have been half the length and been better...

>> No.3313461

Sorry here's the link: available in PDF or like any e-reader format


>> No.3313468

I wish it was.
I though I was going to read Ishmael's tale of a man's folly, what I got was spermwhale 101.
there's a reason so many people tried to make their personal version of moby dick

>> No.3313475


>I know this guy

and there goes your credibility. If you're going to self promote, at least be truthful.

>> No.3313484



>> No.3313503

Came here to second Dune. Herbert obviously took some inspiration from Tolkein in his creation of full-bodied languages and expansive histories for his universe, and practiced a lot of the same method of painting many leaves but one tree. Very different takes on things, different allegorical content, but both sweeping epic narratives produced by imaginations so inspirational in their expansive richness and creativity, their underratedness by "high art" lit snobs, and their seeming timelessness and even prescience even many decades later.

>> No.3313505

wheel of time series

>> No.3314730

I would agree with Dune, but don't read the ones by Herbert's deadbeat son.

>> No.3314746
File: 558 KB, 3058x1090, malazread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Malazan does all of these far better than ASoIaF, except the characters.

Pic related OP, your new reading project.

>> No.3315084

Thanks for that pic. I wasn't even aware there were other books in the same universe.

>> No.3316671

What do I need to do to enjoy Malazan?
Do I need to down a whole bottle of ritalin? Because honestly, I'm halfway through the first book and barely have any idea what the hell is going on.

>> No.3316678
File: 2.00 MB, 284x199, Angry_fan_extended.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Die in a fucking fire.

>> No.3316691
File: 245 KB, 800x435, the-never-ending-story-sphinx-guardians.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Neverending Story
pic related

>> No.3316715

I have first book of Malazan and The Silmarillion in front of me.

What would you recommend that I read?

>> No.3316724

Not him. But the first book is the WORST in the whole series. I think it was meant to be a script first and later Erikson decided to make a series of books out of it.
Things will be very confusing first. I don't even know if you will have a clue after you finished the first book, but I think in time you will know what all the stuff is.
Just don't give up now. For me book 3 was the best in the series.

>> No.3316900

I personally recommend the Drenai saga from David Gemmell.

>> No.3317077

You could try reading Garth Nix's 'Old Kingdom' trilogy as a single novel. It's pretty good.